40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (2024)

The top stops along the way from Rouen to Ranelagh (with short detours) are lastminute.com London Eye, The British Museum, and Tower of London. Other popular stops include Brighton Palace Pier, Canterbury Cathedral, and Dover Castle.


Louvre-Lens Museum

40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (1)40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (2)

40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (3)40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (4)

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Art museum


Specialty Museums

The Louvre-Lens Museum is a contemporary gallery that showcases artworks from the Louvre in Paris, as well as temporary exhibits. The Galerie du Temps offers a unique and minimalistic display of art from Europe, the Near East, Egypt, and India. Unlike traditional museums, the artworks are not hung on perimeter walls but are arranged geographically and chronologically to create a three-dimensional experience for visitors.

Loved this, a capsule collection almost - showcasing world history in an accessible way, with some English interpretation boards. Free entry for all and a lovely little gift shop. Outside there are further boards explaining the history of the site as a coal mine, with a view of the famous pyramids of coal waste. Inside there is also a model of the site as it was as an industrial coal mine.

Elizabeth A — Google review

A small but very impressive collection from the Louvre located around an hour away from Calais.Impressive building design and architecture and contents spanning human development to the present day.Parking available close to the museum, recommend to allow 1-2 hours for a comprehensive visit.

Edward P — Google review

Very impressive museum with a stunning permanent collection presented in a very original way. The outside area and the building are very beautiful. We loved our visit!

Evangelia S — Google review

Wonderful exhibition Champollion, well curated and really well explained. The modern architecture of the museum is stunning as well as the lovely park surrounding it. Lens is lucky to have this gorgeous museum

Claire S — Google review

I thought this museum is a great idea to spread arts culture to a depressed city. I guess I was disappointed by its size, they should call it micro Louvre,... 2 rooms compared to the 450,000 rooms in Louvre! I was hoping for a bit more...

Barbara T — Google review

This is a wonderful place to visit. I loved it! The very open plan design of the museum was so inviting and the special exhibition of Fantastic Animals with the masked attendants in the foyer was spectacular. I would have given the visit 6 stars out of 5 were it not for the dreadful parking facilities. We drove around the nearby residential streets for way too long (the offsite recommended parking lots were small and full). If you build it, they will come. If they come, you need to provide parking.

Elizabeth N — Google review

I had always wanted to visit the Louvre-Lens and I finally went on a Sunday. The bus lines were not running, so I had to walk from the train station. It is a very long walk, longer than what they advertise on the museum's website. The museum is in a beautiful building, and the visit is relatively short. They have relatively few, but very interesting works of art spanning several centuries. The gallery is one large open space, and I noticed kids get less bored with this configuration compared to a regular museum. The indoor picnic area is quite convenient, I strongly recommend bringing your own food. Oh, and it is free. Worth a visit!

Bernardo P — Google review

The gallery of time is fascinating (from Egypt to Romanticism), highly didactic and can be accessed for free. Temporary exhibitions can be accessed for a reasonable fee. They are wonderful, with all the resources of Le Louvre behind.

Alain O — Google review

Small museum in the village of Lens in the north of France. Displays a number of items from the main Louvre in Paris. For school students and local residents a wonderful way to get ideas about who we are, where we come from, why we are who we are.

MR — Google review

Great space, welcoming, very kid friendly - a complete surprise! Really impressed and really enjoyed.

Sarah M — Google review

The museum is free but very small compared to the Louvre in Paris. There is also a temporary exhibition (not free) and a big park around the museum. The building is very modern architecture and spacious.

GentilDanseur G — Google review

One of the nicest museums we had visited so far. It’s spacious - aesthetic architecture, with a beautiful park around it.

Reeta B — Google review

Very nice and interesting museum. Not too big ,ideally if you have about 2-3 hours time. The permanent collection is free, the special temporary collection is 11 EUR but always worth it! Ability for a drink in the main hall, and a nice museum shop.

Heidi S — Google review

Amazing building to begin with, impressive architecture. Once you get in, the non-permanent exhibitions are always worth the trip, stenography at its best, and multiple experiences available on top of the main exhibition. Must go !

Stanley L — Google review

Very nice smaller museum. Super interesting building and great exhibition in rather unexpected place. Worth a visit.

Bojan P — Google review

Great collection. The grounds are lovely too. I also enjoyed the special eclair in the cafe. It was made to celebrate the mythical beasts exhibition - which annoyingly for me started the day after my visit and would have been exactly what I’m into. Despite my timing a great gallery.

Phil C — Google review

It’s hard to get a car between the train station and the museum, so factor 30 min of walking time each way. The museum is nice, not as big as i thought. If you don’t appreciate a good Sanaa building, you might be little disappointed with the exhibit alone.

Justin J — Google review

Unexpected treasure. We didn’t know it exists till we went to this area. They should do more promotion. And only one, it would be nice if there will be one pyramid infront of the museum 😃🥴😉

Chandrakanta G — Google review

What a fantastic day at the Louvre-Lens! 3000m² with over 200 works of art...so beautiful!Don't miss the gift shop - although rather expensive, it is filled with gorgeous things. We would go again!

Mia — Google review

Great place to visit. However, keep in mind that there is only cold food available if you have plans for lunch.

Alin G — Google review


(9969)40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (6)


(2073)40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (7)

99 Rue Paul Bert, 62300 Lens, France

+33 3 21 18 62 62


Cathédrale Notre-Dame d'Amiens

40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (8)40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (9)

40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (10)40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (11)

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Catholic cathedral

Sights & Landmarks

The cathedral of Notre Dame d'Amiens is a 13th-century Gothic edifice famous for its lavish decoration and carvings, with two unequal towers. It is considered one of the best examples of Gothic art, and is one of the largest medieval cathedrals in the world. With a surface area of 7,700 square meters, it could easily fit a football pitch.

One of the most beautiful cathedrals I have seen in my life due to the fact that it is quite old, with preserved orginal patterns and not very well-known! It has an amazing exterior and also an interior that you can enter for free! 😌

Karolina P — Google review

Eindrucksvoll. Schöner Vorplatz. Leider sind innen viele Schutznetze montiert, die vor herabfallendem Mauerwerk schützen sollen. Daher sind innen kaum gute Fotos von den schönen Kirchenfenstern möglich.(Translated by Google)Impressively. Nice forecourt. Unfortunately, there are many protective nets installed inside to protect against falling masonry. Therefore, it is difficult to take good photos of the beautiful church windows inside.

Werner W — Google review

Beautiful cathedral. Very good place to take photos. On some days there are guided tours for the choir stalls.

stanzebla — Google review

At last: a tourist destination that is profound. The reconstruction is ongoing, but the effect is still amazing.

Stephen M — Google review

Must see is the Chroma light and sound show telling the history around which this Gothic Beauty of a Cathedral has withstood... Simply just AWESOME.P.S remember to walk around the left side of the Cathedral after the show there are after show light shows on all the buildings in the Cathedral Gardens.P.P.S and it's on the way to the cafés, pubs and clubs by L'Petit Hommes in the river

Nikolaj K — Google review

Als größte gotische Kirche Frankreichs beeindruckt die Kathedrale durch ihre schiere Größe und die wunderschönen Details. Beim Betreten war ich sofort von den hohen Gewölben und dem lichtdurchfluteten Innenraum überwältigt. Die kunstvollen Skulpturen und die farbenprächtigen Glasfenster sind einfach atemberaubend. Ein besonderes Highlight war das Labyrinth auf dem Kirchenboden.Die Kathedrale wurde 1220 begonnen und war bis 1270 größtenteils fertiggestellt, was ihre fast acht Jahrhunderte währende Geschichte unterstreicht. Sie diente nicht nur als religiöses Zentrum, sondern auch als gesellschaftlicher Treffpunkt und ist bis heute ein wichtiger Pfeiler der Gemeinschaft in Amiens. Die Kapazität der Kathedrale ist beeindruckend, da sie etwa 10.000 Menschen Platz bieten kann, was ihre Bedeutung als Versammlungsort hervorhebt.Neben ihrer architektonischen Pracht beherbergt die Kathedrale auch zahlreiche Kunstschätze, darunter das bemerkenswerte Labyrinth, das traditionell als Pilgerpfad diente, und die Reliquie des Heiligen Johannes des Täufers, die besonders verehrt wird. Die Fassade ist reich verziert und spiegelt die Hochgotik wider, bekannt für ihre komplexe Symbolik und filigrane Steinmetzarbeit.1981 wurde die Kathedrale von Amiens von der UNESCO zum Weltkulturerbe erklärtDie Kathedrale ist für Liebhaber von Kunst, Geschichte und Architektur definitiv ein Muss.(Translated by Google)As the largest Gothic church in France, the cathedral impresses with its sheer size and beautiful details. Upon entering, I was immediately overwhelmed by the high vaults and the light-filled interior. The ornate sculptures and colorful stained glass windows are simply breathtaking. A special highlight was the labyrinth on the church floor.The cathedral was begun in 1220 and was mostly completed by 1270, highlighting its history spanning nearly eight centuries. It not only served as a religious center, but also as a social meeting place and is still an important pillar of the community in Amiens today. The cathedral's capacity is impressive as it can accommodate approximately 10,000 people, highlighting its importance as a gathering place.In addition to its architectural splendor, the cathedral is also home to numerous artistic treasures, including the remarkable labyrinth, which traditionally served as a pilgrimage route, and the relic of Saint John the Baptist, which is particularly revered. The facade is richly decorated and reflects the High Gothic style, known for its complex symbolism and delicate stone carving.In 1981, Amiens Cathedral was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCOThe cathedral is definitely a must-see for lovers of art, history and architecture.

Andre G — Google review

One of the most beautiful carhedrals in France, and the biggest although not the highest. Well preserved. A step back in history. Organ is being restored.

Sonia T — Google review

Wow!!! What a beautiful place to visit and feel humbled and amazed. Go and see it and the area of Amiens is beautiful full of history and the train ride for 10 Euros around the city is great even if your English as the tour is in Frence you still see some cool places 😎

Sarah M — Google review

If you are in town for a simple visit, this place is a must.It's astonishing how immense the cathedral is. Tons of histories of the city are displayed inside. It clearly retrace all events that occurred from centuries.Unfortunately the organ was in renovation.

Yui Y — Google review

It’s a magnificent catherderal and we’ll worth a visit at any time however, if you are lucky enough to see the light show in the summer months, it is spectacular. A quality production and a real asset to the city.

Tom S — Google review

I didn’t know that this Notre Dame Cathedral is actually twice as big as the one in Paris. It's also a magnificent example of Gothic architecture. Inside, you can see plenty of natural lights, which is a part of its brilliant design. I really liked it!

Nayeem — Google review

I went there after Christmas and goodness was it beautiful.. I was literally in awe with the spectacular light show on the cathedral.. Amazing Christmas decoration. Just beautiful!

Anna B — Google review

Definitely one of the better churches I have seen. Sadly I went close to closing time and it was really dark inside. Even so, still very impressive

T R — Google review

Die Kathedrale darf man nicht auslassen, wenn man in der Stadt ist. Ein wunderschönes Bauwerk!(Translated by Google)You can't miss the cathedral when you're in the city. A beautiful building!

Jörg G — Google review

Visited on Easter Sunday, 2023, so the Easter service was underway. I was still able to walk around this impressive cathedral both on the outside and inside. It's also free, so if you like architecture, beautiful stained glass windows and reliefs and plaques which you much see and read, you leave humbled by the amount of work and skill that went into this cathedral

Luke K — Google review

OK, I like visiting historic churches and cathedrals, so unless I find it hideously expensive or in a very poor state when it is advertised as something wonderful I'm going to give it a good review.But as Cathedrals go, it was particularly impressive. A UNESCO world heritage site it is one of the largest 'classic' Gothic churches of the 13th century.

Jo G — Google review

There was a note saying every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 3 PM, there will be a free guided tour which takes about 45 minutes.

공과장 K — Google review

Wir hatten eine fantastische deutschsprachige Führung. Beeindruckendes Gebäude mit beeindruckender Geschichte!(Translated by Google)We had a fantastic German-speaking tour. Impressive building with an impressive history!

Emmi B — Google review

Very impressive cathedral - well worth a visit. Look out for the Weeping Angel and the medieval carved friezes.

Kerry C — Google review

They show a Canadian 🇨🇦 Flag in honour of the troops who helped save France in WWI

Alan H — Google review

Amazing Roman Catholic cathedral in almost perfect condition! Very interesting interior.. I saw the portrait of Jesus in very different styles, there’s a labyrinth in the center of the ground. Baroque sculptures.The area was completely destroyed during WWI, but the church was kept untouched thanks to the peoples protection.

Haynes C — Google review

Such a special place. The people of Amiens are so kind. Take your time to savour the space. I'll definitely come back soon!

Jenica J — Google review


(14061)40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (13)


(4490)40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (14)

30 Place Notre Dame, 80000 Amiens, France

+33 3 22 80 03 41

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Rooms and guests






Rooms, guests


40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (15)


Le Touquet

40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (16)40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (17)

40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (18)40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (19)

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Outdoor Activities

Le Touquet, located on the Opal Coast, is a chic and glamorous town known for its historic motocross race and vibrant villas. The area is lined with grand Norman-style houses and pine-shaded avenues leading to the exclusive beach-resort of Le Touquet-Paris-Plage. The expansive beach boasts soft, clear sand and plenty of space to roam and bask in the sun. Visitors can also explore quaint restaurants, cafes, shops, and a market offering various goods.

Lovely place to spend time. Lovely drive and cool water. The sunset looked great and mesmerizing. Recommend to visit this beach. There is setup for kids to play around. City is super close as well.

Bhawana M — Google review

Great city... beautiful , high security level, and you can be totaly change your mind and be relax after few days stay.Beach is wonderful, you can walk for hours, sximming, or get a drink and watch beautiful sunset...So lovely...

Chakameh B — Google review

Fantastic place to visit ,Went there a few years ago ,Terrific bars and restaurants ,Great beaches ,Gets busy on bank Holidays the it seems half of Paris turns up

Steven J — Google review

Where Parisians have second homes and has it's own airport.. Lovely place to spend a few days.

Ed — Google review

Unique premise and atmosphere here. Very grand buildings on outskirts and in surrounding forests, becoming more modern towards the seafront. Beautifully manicured areas outside of impressive hotels and apartment blocks. Rue Saint Jean is main pedestrian thoroughfare to the beach area with designer shops inland, giving way to bars and boutiques towards the seafront. Different every time we come, but always fantastic. The beach is very large and clean, with sunbeds and parasols available in season, with an adventure complex and various eateries and bars.

Lee V — Google review

Nice city, great beach, but very touristy.

Kim S — Google review

The loveliest beach ever, huge so not crowded, not a place you have to worry about setting your bag down, my family absolutely loved it

Courtney R — Google review

Cool place.Went for the first time during Easter this year and will undoubtedly visit again.Only an hour’s drive from Calais too.

Robert A — Google review

Beautiful beach! Especially the side with the dunes and the park/ forest. Town center is very cute. The only downside is finding a table in a restaurant. Make sure you make a reservation before heading to town. They have very specific times for the kitchen.

Ioana I — Google review

Beautiful soft and deep sand that went on for miles and miles. Very spacious. We were there early morning and basically had the beach to ourselves. We found some free parking on the residential streets a few roads down from the pay and display streets and only walked about 10 mins from car to beach. Lovely quaint restaurant/cafes and shops. And also a market selling clothes, crystals bags and food etc. Was a lovely day trip. Would recommend.

Melissa — Google review

Lovely town, lots of good places to eat and drink. Some lovely buildings let down a little by the abandoned water park on the seafront. Still good for a sunset though ☀️

Paul O — Google review

Beautiful seaside resort amazing beaches and loads of great restaurants in town. Very busy in peak periods

Alan F — Google review

Lovely beach, nice super fine sand, lots of sunbeds and volleyball space

Amelia B — Google review


(5660)40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (21)


(1867)40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (22)



Funicular Tréport (Top)

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3 lists


The use of the Funicular is free. Parking on top and bottom payable during 2 seasons. Check the notice. There is a city train that goes round the city at the city level of the Funicular. It starts as 11.30

Karen P — Google review

Nice place and free cable car ride means the kids loved it to.

Paul B — Google review

Very cold up there this morning. Great views, and the little tram cars are free😄. Perfect for a morning walk.

Dermot — Google review

Easy way to get from the beach and port to the lovely viewpoint at the top. And it's FREE! What's not to like..

Pete D — Google review

For me, Treport's funicular is a way of transport that you must to test at less one time in your life. Day and night funicular give you an incredible panorama of Treport's beach and town. You can take funicular for free and cross cliff easily. It’s good way to avoid the big hill to join cliff’s high if you want walk on the cliff. If you come in car, it’s preferable to park you in high of cliff and after go down. If you have time go behind high funicular because you have sort of point of view with binoculars.

Léa S — Google review

The perfect way to see the town as views are breathtaking (and makes getting up hill far easier than walking!). Trip is quick and runs all day into the evening, best if all it's free!

Jon D — Google review

Beautiful views! You can't go wrong taking a trip to the top.

Roly R — Google review

Clean . Efficient and free .Lovely views . Brilliant.

Kim T — Google review

Fun way to get down from high cliffs to the beach area. Today (middle of May) the car park and the funicular rides were free, but there are charges in high season.

Elizabeth J — Google review

Lovely view from the top. Camper van parking area with lots of spaces but popular and difficult to get a space in the height of summer so have alternative. The lift takes you down to the town. Allow plenty of time as can be very busy with queues.

Mark T — Google review


(2140)40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (23)


(2126)40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (24)

Rue du Télécabine, 76470 Le Tréport, France


Nausicaa Centre National De La Mer

40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (25)40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (26)

40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (27)40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (28)

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13 lists


Nature & Parks

The Centre national de la Mer in Boulogne-sur-Mer houses a large aquarium with sharks, sea lions and penguins, as well as a tropical lagoon full of colorful coral. This is a great attraction for children who can see some of the more exotic fish species at the aquarium. The historic sites and port of Boulogne-sur-Mer are also worth a visit while in Boulogne.

A truly wonderful day out. During our 6 hour visit we saw everything there was too sea 😉 and enjoyed every minute of it. We have many highlights to share with our family and friends. The auditorium is like the biggest and best TV you will ever see - truly stunning. Could have spent all day there alone, just watching.My wife is slightly disabled, and being able (for free) to have use of a wheelchair (secured with your ID) made the day possible. And with at least 97% accessible with a wheelchair we missed nothing (other 3% you could still see, just not quite as close). Lifts (with notifications giving priority to wheelchair users) are plentiful and like everything else clean, and to a very high standard - and even some nice surprise.Food, maybe is the only negative, we had a crepe for lunch and a coffee (no problems with that), as we planned a restaurant meal that evening, but the other offerings did seem excessively expensive and not that good.In conclusion for a day out of memories, under €30 entry it is well worth a visit.

Ian S — Google review

It's a nice aquarium but a but expensive for what it was. We where done in 2 hours. Drove especially from Luxembourg for it which didn't seem to be worth it. Only nice if you are already in the area. Tickets should be maybe only 15 euro per person not 24.

Anusha M — Google review

This is a really big aquarium, with a huge central "pool" and then smaller aquariums all around. Lots of floors all having different topics about marine life. Very educational and fun, great family outing. Was quite crowded, but rightfully so. If you so fancy, the sand beach is right outside to build sand castles after (or swim in the sea).

Simon W — Google review

Fantastic experience. My view on jellyfish completely changed :) So beautiful... So much to see. Beautiful aquarium. Take it slow and pay lots of attention to what you can find in the aquarium. There is so much going on. Every fish sort had its own behavior. Unique. Never saw something like this before wrt aquariums.

Joost M — Google review

Summary - a pretty damn good aquarium with lots to see and do for kids and adults. It makes The Deep (an aquarium in Hull) seem tiny!We only went here as it was raining but we were certainly glad we did. The first point to note is that the ‘official’ car park has a height restriction so is no good for camper vans.The place itself has two main exhibitions plus a penguin exhibition. The first one has a huge tank with sharks, sting rays and lots of lots of fish. This also has a tunnel through it was is good. There are lots and lots of smaller tanks and exhibits.The second one is based on the coast and, again, has loads of small tanks and exhibitions. However the main attraction are the seals and you can only see these through a wall in their tank. This means that you can see them swim under water.The third area is the penguins and these are in a relatively small area. However we were tired by this point so didn’t stay long.There is the obligatory cafe (warning - expensive) and gift shop (reasonably priced).In all we spent 4 hours there which ain’t bad for the €70 or so it cost. Well worth it.

James C — Google review

Lots of fish, as we walked the fish tanks never stopped! Recommend the large main tank with the manta ray, very cool and curious! The seals were very cool also!Good crepes and hot chocolates

Zinc R — Google review

Nausicaa is truly an experience to take your kids once, to prepare them for the future and climate change. Even though the tariff is high, and yes some reviews do feel it is a glorified sea tank. However given the context we live in this project is remarkable and opens your eyes to the synergies between man and sea in a setting so interactive for kids and adult. Special packages can be introduced to make this accessible to all.

Ruchita S — Google review

I have always wanted to go since I was a kid and we finally managed to get there. Absolutely amazing place, if you love an aquarium trip then you will love this place! Only advice I can offer is give yourself plenty of time to get around it as it's huge!

Stevie B — Google review

A great experience, lovely staff and an overall value for money visit. The variety is great too. They have penguins, seals and a large number of sealife including sharks and stingrays. I went with a school trip that I helped organise and can only say that I will be doing this in future! Visit if you can, you won't be disappointed.

Shabazz S — Google review

It’s very big and beautiful, their seal 🦭 show was pretty nice and the visiting steps are super interesting, they’ve got many fish i’ve never heard of, and a great sea experience!!!

Joseph K — Google review

Great family day out. We spent 5 hours there with 3 kids and they were all entertained. The first part of the exhibition is very digital and tech heavy and there didn't seem to be many fish, but it greatly improved as we moved on to a different exhibition. Food options seemed limited, but the crepes were fresh and tasty.

Laura — Google review

We made a special visit to go as birthday present for our son. You can buy an additional day ticket for only €5 which is excellent value. We spent the second day seeing things we were too tired to appreciate the first day!This is the best aquarium I’ve ever been to and highly recommend it. The welfare of the animals is paramount and it is obvious how well cared for they are.The cafe is mediocre and quite expensive but functional and has the best view over the beach.Best part is the huge deep water tank based on a site off Columbia in Pacific. The giant manta ray is particularly impressive.Only downside was trying to buy an ice cream at the end and the staff member laughed with her colleagues at my poor French. I left customer feedback for that to raise training need but it meant that I left on a down note after 2 brilliant visits.Please visit and enjoy but I can’t recommend the ice creams!

Rosemary B — Google review

The aquarium we visited was absolutely worth it! Whether you speak French or not, the museum caters to everyone. It's of top-notch quality, with beautifully finished exhibits and informative displays. We were impressed by the attention to detail and the wealth of information provided. A must-visit for anyone interested in marine life or simply looking for an enjoyable and educational experience!

R. M — Google review

Very friendly personnel and also very helpful. The aquarium itself is quite big and split up in 2 main parts. It took us 4 hours and 30 to get through it all, at a slow though, which is not bad I think. The place is very clean and modern and there was not a lot of people so it was very comfortable, being a Saturday this was a little bit surprising. The big tank is amazing and is definitely a show stopper. Be sure to check out the giant manta, it's amazing. Parking is located on either side of the facility and is a Qparking. Be mindful however that the beach side parking 'la plage' didn't have Maestro working, so you were only able to pay there with cash, Visa, or Mastercard.

crazedentity — Google review

I didn't really think that this place lived up to the expectations. I would visit if I lived in the town, but wouldn't say its worth a long trip to see. The large centre aquarium is quite amazing but there were a lot of areas that just have screens and tv's. Personally, if I go to an aquarium I don't want to see screens... I want to see the real thing! Knocked off some stars for this reason, otherwise there's a wide variety of fish and cool things to see!

E M — Google review

It was an ok experience. I expected more than just one big fish tank and tiny sea lion and penguin areas. I feel bad about the animals, though, because they look very crammed. The penguins and sea lions enclosures, especially, looked so tiny! Loads of space for people to walk but not enough for the animals.There were restaurants and a smoking area. I'd advise against using the loo if you can hold it because there are some shocking things to see, apparently. My husband went and came back traumatised 🤣

Yuliya M — Google review

We spent around 2 hours here, one Sunday. It is an incredible place to visit. Definitely take your time to read all the interesting material that is on offer. The Aquarium is huge and very impressive, with a large array of fish & rare creatures. I would recommend this for all visitors in the area!

Terry C — Google review

Such a great experience to visit this aquarium! you can see different kinds of animals there in very close distance, I was so impressive. Highly recommend people to visit !

T L — Google review

Really cool and big aquarium with lots of animals to see. We spent 2h here and that was perfect! We visited on a very sunny and warm Sunday 2.5h before the closing so the aquarium was very empty and that made the experience even better! The sea lions show was stunning! And my favourite thing was the biggest aquarium. That one just leaves you speechless.The only downside is that the ticket prices are quite expensive and I definitely wouldn’t want to visit on a rainy day as there are most likely be too many screaming children around. Additionally, there isn’t much interesting information about the animals.

Eva M — Google review

Absolutely impressive. Huge aquarium/sea life center. I have visited many sea life centres in the world but this one definitely stands out. It has 3 distinct exhibitions: mankind & shores, journey on the high seas and in the eye of the climate. It’s a real deep dive into the ocean world, the aquaria are all super nice, the information is complete and the tone of the exhibition is informational, encouraging and positive. Instead of feeling depressed about the current state of the planet (which can be the case after visiting earth-related exhibitions) you walk out of this place with an informed, positive and motivated mindset, all thanks to the ‘both sides of the story’ perspective of the exhibition.Due to its recency (it was completed in 2018) it feels very up to date.The giant aquarium is super impressive (holding a 4m span manta ray), it has a great restaurant, and never felt extremely busy although we went on a holiday and there were many people inside. Throughout all 3 exhibitions nice and calm music helps set the tone, it’s very nice. We visited with 2 kids aged 10 and 12, and they absolutely loved it. Walked in at 11am, finished the tours at 4.30pm with a 1 hour lunch break. Very good value for money, highly recommended!!

Ilya C — Google review

Lovely day out for all the family. Went for a day trip from the UK. Used the eurotunnel to get from Folkestone to Calais. From there, it's a straight forward 30 minute drive to Nausicaa. Spent a good 5-6 hours there and then drove back. The aquarium itself is fantastic and the staff helpful and friendly. Would definitely do this again.

Stephanie J — Google review

A great family day out while staying in the area. The huge tank where the bulk of the sea-life live can be seen from several places, including from above. We spent around 3 hours there. Parking in the nearby Q-Park Nausicaa is discounted if you're visiting the aquarium.

Ben C — Google review

Aquarium Nausicaa offers a large collection of marine life, making it a worthwhile visit for nature enthusiasts. The exhibits are well-presented (French and English) and provide educational insights into the ocean's ecosystems and the importance of conservation efforts. However, it's worth noting that the admission fee is relatively high. Parking options are available in nearby garages, but on weekends, the area can get quite crowded, which is to be expected.Overall, Aquarium Nausicaa provides an immersive journey into the underwater world, despite some considerations regarding pricing and weekend crowds.

Nikita — Google review

Incredible aquarium. Easily the best one I've been to in France, and even rivals some I've been to in the US. The large tank which houses the stingrays and sharks and whatnot was definitely the highlight of the aquarium, I could have stayed there for hours just watching. Overall the aquarium was a great experience, lots to see and would definitely go back. Went on a Monday and there was hardly anybody there, with no wait line to get in.

Levi M — Google review

An excellent attraction with a huge array of marine life.There are lockers that accept one euro or one pound coins. But they get used up quickly so try to arrive early.The giant mantaray is the highlight but there are various outstanding examples of marine life from sharks to seals, jellyfish, and much more.Be warned, there are two main sections, so you might want to arrive early and do one side before lunch at the excellent onsite restaurant. Overall, it takes around 3 - 4hrs to get round unless you want to rush through!The aquarium is also an educational resource, and has a lot on conservation and the changing world.

Gavin W — Google review

Lovely place for a visit, you need around 4 to 5 hours to see everything, the exhibits are wonderful and well spaced out, the large tank is amazing and we spent nearly an hour just watching all of the fish there.

Kevin J — Google review

Loved it . We bought tickets in advance online and no issues to get in. Nice place, very well looked after. A lot of interesting information and visual presentation.

msmula19 — Google review

The most amazing aquarium I have ever seen. The centre care about their animals !! The place is massive and such great exhibits from different areas of the world.

Chris H — Google review

One of the best aquarium I have done. Kids were mesmerised and it was uged. We spend at least 3h in there. Lots of fun.

Elodie G — Google review


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Dover Castle

40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (38)40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (39)

40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (40)40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (41)

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Sights & Landmarks

Dover Castle is one of Englands oldest and most imposing castles, located on a hilltop above the shortest seacrossing between Britain and Europe. It has served as the countrys first line of defence for centuries, while also housing secret wartime tunnels and an underground hospital. The Battlements Walk offers views of the castle from atop its walls, while the Roman Lighthouse is one of only a few extant lighthouses in England.

As a member of English Heritage, entrance here was free. There is ample car parking space as well. Staff here were all really lovely and kind, also very knowledgeable. My four kids, aged between 6 and 12, had a really good time, so much to see including a wonderful tour of the underground tunnel system. Lots of amazing history, great views and the main tower was very well kept. If you are a member of English Heritage, I would definitely recommend this place. My youngest was also studying about castle life at school and it really helped him understand castle life and he enjoyed telling his class about his trip. Big thumbs up to all the staff for being so helpful and kind.

Asim K — Google review

An amazing place to visit and one of England's top castles for sure. The castle complex is huge with the keep offering impressive views of the whole town of Dover and to the French coastline. Easily 3+ hours of things to see. One of the most impressive I found were the Roman lighthouse and medieval church which underline the significance of the site. Also has very interesting WW2 history with a fascinating tour of the tunnels in which the Dunkirk evacuation was planned.

Henry ( — Google review

You can easily spend a whole day here - the castle grounds are massive and there’s a lot to see. The tower can be done quite quickly as there’s actually not much to see inside and the interior is very dated but worth it to climb to the top and see the great views.Definitely recommend doing the war tunnel tour - very interesting and very well put together.

Chantal J — Google review

Great place for kids. Castle itself is not wheelchair or pushchair friendly and there are lots of steps in the castle to get to rooms and top of the castle. They have got handrails. The rest of the grounds have paths. The tunnels are pushchair and wheelcahir friendly as long as your prepared to push them back up the hills. Had great story telling show for the kids in the castle. Stunning views from the tip of the castle. Staff super friendly.

Gillian S — Google review

A beautiful historic location with plenty to do and see for a whole day out. Suitable for families. Plenty of parking. Good visitor centre with information. A good restaurant with good choices of hot and cold food and drink. Very picturesque. Staff very friendly and informative. Wet particularly enjoyed the mini show with the king and his son in the main throne room.

Tom D — Google review

Really must visit this! So much to see and we only had two hours. Enthusiastic and super-friendly staff, impressive and well-kept collection. And apart from all that: the views over the harbour and the sea are absolutely stunning!

Bob L — Google review

Dive into history and the gorgeous sites here in Dover. There is ample parking and walkways that are nice if you are pushing a pram. My "big kid" really enjoyed the tunnel tour while my 9 & 16yr old enjoyed exploring the medieval castle and grounds. We spent easily 2.5hrs but could have spent longer here. If you are an English Heritage member, there is also a cottage on the castle grounds that you can rent. Prices are on the website.

Elizabeth N — Google review

This is simple one of the best Castle I've visited, vastly huge and impressive a full day is required. The war tunnels are a must the Dunkirk exhibition is truly emotional. The views from the top of the tower are spectacular. Car parking on site, has a couple of cafes / shops. The role this castle has played in our history is amazing

Steven M — Google review

One of best castle to visit in England - wonderful kept and fully of history. The tunnels are great - but I recommend making them the first things you do as the queues can get rather long. Defiantly allow yourself a whole day there to see everything - we arrived when it opened and lefts just before closing and I'm still not sure if we saw everything. Loads of parking and great for kids.

Stephanie W — Google review

I love Dover Castle, it is beyond fantasticSo many pivotal pieces of history happened here. You can spend an entire day exploring the premises, walking around and learning. Incredibly views, wonderful staff. A great day out for all ages. The price is quite steep but given the vastness, can't really complain! I believe you can get 10% off if you buy the day before online, so would recommend doing this!

Natasha G — Google review

Beautiful place perfect for a family dayout. The view from top is just spectacular. The castle, up and downhill walk around the garden is fun will keep everyone active all day.The staff are very kind and helpful. They will help you plan the route if you're not sure where to start or if it your first time. Overall, the visit was great. Children had fun all the time. The Castle is a must visit place.

J G — Google review

I recently visited Dover Castle, managed by the National Trust in England, and it was an incredible experience. The highlight for me was the immersive journey into history at the war rooms, where you could almost feel the past come to life.The breathtaking views from the castle are simply awe-inspiring. The white cliffs of Dover, the English Channel, and the serene landscape create a picture-perfect setting that's not to be missed.However, I must mention that the parking situation was a bit inconvenient. Despite parking being available, we were directed to park outside the castle, which required at least a 20-minute walk, and this was quite challenging with young kids and a buggy. The gravelly and hilly path added to the difficulty.On the positive side, the history within the castle walls is incredibly rich, and the maintenance of the site is top-notch. The tickets were reasonably priced for the value you receive, making it accessible to a wide range of visitors.Be prepared for a lot of walking as exploring the castle and its surroundings can easily take 4 to 6 hours. I would highly recommend carrying water and snacks to keep energy levels up as you delve into this historic gem. Despite the parking hiccup, Dover Castle is a must-visit for history enthusiasts and those seeking stunning views of the English coastline.

Ajay — Google review

Absolutely loved my day at Dover Castle! The tower was my favourite with some amazing views at the top. The underground hospital tour was surprisingly entertaining, really well done, I felt I went back in time. I only regret the medieval Tunnels were closed to the public.

Klaudyna K — Google review

Lovely historical place to visit. Loved the interactive tours of the underground tunnels and the hospital. Great views as well. Although be prepared for a lot of steps up and down the hills 😅

Migle — Google review

A massive place, so allow I’d say half a day of not all of it to visit. Tunnels are fab and views from the top of the tower are great. Cafe serves half decent food but overpriced as always at these places. Picnic is probably a better option if there a few of you.Negative points for me is the bad signage and the lack of information boards to tell you what things are. Also the amount of distance you have to walk just to get to a toilet! Also the rudeness of some of the staff here is a disgrace! The woman in the shop next to the war tunnels has a bad attitude and would not show my daughter where the magnets were when asked! I wasn’t allowed in the shop due to not having my mask and she couldn’t even be polite about that! Also, if you’re going to enforce mask wearing then at least tell your staff to put their masks right over their face instead of just under their noses. One rule for all not just for us!! I’m not an anti masker, I forgot it.Other then the negatives, I would visit again and allow myself more time to explore.

Caroline B — Google review

I was expecting just a castle but it actually has quite a bit more which surprised me. I found the tunnels in the cliffs more interesting than the castle as it's a bit different . We spent about three and a half hours there and missed a few things to see. The kids seemed to really enjoy it.

Stuart W — Google review

Amazing day. Kids loved it, loads to see. Would advise anyone who wants to go in the tunnels to get there early and do it straight away as wait times can build up. Summer holidays they have things for the kids to do on the green in front of the castle. Get the map in the ticket office it will help to make sure you see everything. There is a cafe and tea room but also plenty of picnic benches and grass if you take a packed lunch.

olly — Google review

Gorgeous view and super friendly staff! Little to do on Dover itself, but would definitely recommend a day trip just in the castle. With nice weather, you can even have a picnic on the castle grounds.

Fátin — Google review

What a fascinating place! I used my mobility walker and it was a bit of a challenge in some areas, but there is a courtesy disabled electric bus going constantly around the site which will pick you up and drop you off where you want to go. The staff are so friendly and helpful and very knowledgeable about the castle. The views over the Port of Dover are amazing. The Naafi Restaurant was nice although a bit pricey for a family to dine there. A meal of a small portion of macaroni cheese and a portion of garlic bread was priced about £9. I had a little bottle of juice and a bottle of spring water and it cost £5.75. I subsequently found that complimentary tap water is available. The staff were very helpful and friendly and there was an excellent disabled toilet with an adult hoist. Complimentary Mobility Scooters are also available on a first come first serve basis. If you need assistance to visit the castle, you can get a complimentary ticket with your adult ticket for your carer. We had a fantastic experience visiting and there is so much to see and do that to do it justice it would take another visit!

Rachel C — Google review

One word Stunning! I know if you heard it but never came along here you will feel the same even if you’re British or not. From the very beginning with a tiny bridge it starts your special journey. Castle, chapel, view or war tunnels it’s truly stunning. Be careful about to spare enough time because it’s big enough and tunnel tours are not self made tour. If you’re an English heritage member it’s free entrance. If you’re not become one.PS. I would expect a better museum admission because of that many things would be more original or similar as it is not look like a toy specially inside the castle if it’s not main purpose of the design.In tunnels you don’t even see the video specially at the second part.

I ( — Google review

Stunning experience! Staying in Premier Best Western Hotel on the seafront. Staff were so lovely. 5 min drive to Dover Castle. Fantastic 2 nights away!

Jane R — Google review

I was a bit taken aback by the £30 entrance fee! But there is bundles to see and do here. Spent nearly 2 hrs walking around, up the Tower and along the battlements. Fantastic views of the Channel and the port. Nice cafe onside too, if expensive. Would advise again ordering the pizza, we didn't have it but everyone that we saw order it, sent it back.

Emma H — Google review

Very easy, enjoyable day out. The Great Hall was the highlight, whilst the underground tours of the tunnels provided a fascinating glimpse at the second World War. We went on a Friday so it was relatively quiet but with a few school trip groups.

Tamara M — Google review

I have been to this castle many times with my children. Everytime they love it and find something else to be excited about. The war tunnel are amazing , the castle is spectacular! On a sunny day you can see France from the castle. Spectacular views and steeped in history. I have been many times as a teacher and as a parent and highly recommend due to the facilities, the history and the knowledgeable staff!

Val R — Google review

A nice place to visit with scenic views all around and a peek into the history of the castle! You can also see the artillery and anti-aircraft guns used in WW 2. Be ready to walk a lot, though! Mind that the queues to the WW 2 tunnels might be longer!

Kaushal V — Google review

Unforgettable experience!!!! Many place to visit (we spend 4 hours there) and the view are BEAUTIFUL me and my partner walk there from the city centre. Make sure u choose the sunny day and don’t forget to enjoy the view!!!

Pinn S — Google review

Visiting Dover Castle was an enriching experience! Delving into the history of England's first frontier was fascinating. The castle's historical significance is palpable, and the views are breathtaking. A must-visit for history enthusiasts and anyone curious about England's rich heritage.

Omar B — Google review

Excellent and very well preserved example of castle building. Make sure to save plenty ty of time to experience the WWII tunnels and stories. Make sure to join English Heritage prior to going and sign up for entrance to the site and centers. If short on time, visit the tunnels first, then the castle grounds.

James V — Google review

Huge site, with lots to see. As a dog owner, dogs have very limited access on the site. I'm fine with this, but it's not clear why English Heritage policy varies so much. We have visited similar sites as members and have been able to access much more. Biggest issue wasn't able to get any drinks because dogs not allowed in cafes and no outdoor vendor at all. It would be a benefit to consider a kiosk type arrangement somewhere.Lots of kids activities laid on for Easter, queues for the tunnels and hospital, but well managed and didn't wait long (dogs also not allowed into these).Would benefit from Audio guides. Lots of history but not that well explained, so some areas information overload and some with no information at all. Some new displays evident which were much better.

Gail D — Google review

Very large grounds with lots to explore. The castle itself has been kept in a way that represents how it would of been many years ago. The 2000 year old lighthouse is a fantastic piece of architecture that has really stood the test of time. Lots of modern fitments still in place including gun posts when it was protected in WW1/2. Great views from the top looking down across Dover. Plenty of parking, restaurant and lots of toilets to use, staff are very friendly and helpful. A great day out for everyone.

Karl V — Google review

A must visit. Massive place with lots of different periods of history. Medieval tunnels are shut until summer 2024. We really enjoyed the great tower and looking through all the rooms. Great views of Dover. The church was nice too. Great place for people of all ages. Can be very windy.

Isabel — Google review

What a place! If you are in Dover you absolutely need to visit this place. A ticket cost around £25.If you want to see most of it you can walk between 2-3 hours.

Dennis P — Google review

Beautiful large castle with lots of grounds to walk around, a really interesting walk around the interior with halls to visit and a route up to the roof as well as fascinating wartime tunnels with a really fantastic tour and videos. A couple of gift shops too with the usual stuff and a lovely cafe with proper cooked food too (although obviously quite expensive). Overall an excellent day out and you could easily spend a full day here so make sure you have plenty of time!

T G — Google review

Amazing castle so much to do and see. Staff were really knowledgeable and helpful. Great views and for us a fabulous day out. Would highly recommend.

K — Google review


Turner Contemporary

40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (47)40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (48)

40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (49)40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (50)

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Art gallery


The Turner Contemporary is an impressive art gallery in Kent that showcases works by renowned artists such as JMW Turner and contemporary creators. Its modern architecture provides a versatile backdrop for weddings, with breathtaking views of the sea adding to its appeal. The venue features two rooms, the Foyle Rooms and Clore Studio, which can be customized to suit individual tastes and styles for a dream wedding in Margate, Kent.

I'm not a very big gallery visitor but would highly recommend this one! A lot of the gallery explores race very uniquely and accessibly, also includes a history of video games with the chance to play all consoles, a great shop full of great souvenirs and also a contemporary section too. Free entry also!

Sagar H — Google review

The building itself is great; the exhibition's can be mixed. Seems to be focusing on social engineering at the moment: when an artist spends more time explaining his art than on making it got have got to worry.

James M — Google review

Fantastic gallery in a marvellous location looking over Margate beach. Great exhibition on when we visited. Nice shop too with postcards and art books👍No need to book as FREE entry😀

Pandora M — Google review

Beautifully designed contemporary art gallery. There is permanent collection, which we’d seen before but is worth a second visit.The shop is interesting and eclectic. The cafe is good quality, although a little pricey.The real star here though is the beautiful building overlooking the harbour. Even though it’s very different to the Georgian town it fits beautifully. We’ll worth a visit.

Peter H — Google review

It’s a nice place to visit in Margate and it’s a really interesting building. I wasn’t too impressed by what was in there though - the building itself is huge but the exhibitions are quite small. They had a selection of works by local artists which I enjoyed even though you have to search for online information/ a booklet to find any information (even the artists name)

Ella H — Google review

Unfortunately the gallery was between exhibitions so we didn't see much art but the staff were friendly and though the attached shop was small it was open plan and easy to access even in my wheelchair. Outside there is easy access with a ramp to the big entrance doors. There is an outside installation by Anthony gormley called another time but if the tide is in be aware its submerged.

Joy G — Google review

Fantastic art gallery for all age group. One of Michael Craig Martin's work is installed in the shop. Tracy Emin's print is available to buy. Definitely worth visiting.

PA J — Google review

The place to go to for art lovers, last chance to see Beatriz Milhazes exhibition which ends on the 10 of September 2023. It is a squeaky clean venue, well organised, cheerful and cultural. Make sure to have a word with the available staff, they have a wealth of information on everything arty. Only reason for the 4 not 5 stars is the limited amount of exhibits. Suggestion, give a permanent space for local artists, you won’t regret it.

Khalid A — Google review

A very pleasant visit to an exhibition “Beyond Form: lines of abstraction 1920-1970”.It’s worth a visit to see the sea though the windows. It’s nice to see sit outside the cafe when it’s nice.Love the toilet roll dispenser, so sleek!

Chiho S — Google review

A fantastic art gallery and wonderful resource for the town. It's free to enter, which makes it very accessible and allows for long or short visits, as you feel. The exhibitions are innovative and provocative. Although the exhibition space isn't as big as the galleries in London (for instance), it punches well above its weight. A must visit if you're in Margate.

Shadow C — Google review

It's a beautiful building and the cafe and shop are both fab but I'll admit I was pretty underwhelmed by the collection. I'm not sure if we visited on a bad day but the whole gallery seem to be given over to one exhibit (Brazilian contemporary artist Beatriz Milhazes). Whilst this was a good exhibition, I was left a bit disappointed there was no permanent collection of local art 😕

Lizzie C — Google review

I've been to the Turner Contemporary many times, often with my daughter. It's always been a wonderful artistic experience. The penultimate visit included a crazy animated silver alien that seemed to track you as you walked around the room with its neck and eyes.This time a brilliant show of the work of Beatriz Milhazes, a Brazilian artist. The works take over five galleries, and given space, they shine.I'm never disappointed when I visit. Free, but worth donating, or buying from the shop. Great rebooted cafe as well.

Patrick M — Google review

Interesting pieces of art! Love that the gallery faces the ocean as well—upper floor is great for taking pictures. Best of all is that it’s free.

Leung — Google review

Don't be fooled by the name. Although the gallery bears the name of the great British seascape painter, the gallery does not contain any works by turner,instead, it concentrates on showcasing some of the latest contemporary work. At present, the gallery is showing an exhibition not to dissimilar to that on show at the Hayward Gallery.

Daniel D — Google review

While the gallery is not huge, it has a well presented and accessible exhibition. I found it quite pleasant to wander around and take in the art. The internal 1st floor balcony offers a nice view onto the sea.Parking is available right next to it.

Mark P — Google review

Wonderful space! The exhibit changes every season, and the one I got to see was of 50 women artists through the last 60 decades. Some of the abstract pieces were remarkable.Personally abstract art isn't for me, so this was a miss, but if you love sculptures, installations and abstract art - this is a definite must see!Lovely cafe right at the entrance. Turner Contemporary does not have a permanent exhibit so check their website to see what's on!

Mash M — Google review

The current exhibition features an enormous breadth of work by history’s best female abstract artists. Complementing last year’s joyous Beatriz Milhazes exhibition.The galleries are spacious, the staff super friendly and it’s free. Ignore the negative reviews and immerse yourself.

Alison M — Google review

What an amazing experience! The main reason for my all too brief stop in Margate while on holiday from the US. Beautiful space to show incredibly varied art. I wish I had been able to spend more time at the Turner and Margate in general. Make it a point to visit whenever you can. Very much worth it.

Micah M — Google review

Lovely gallery and my 6 year old loved the sensory bags which each room has, kept her really engaged!

Helen M — Google review

On the positive it's a lovely location as the photos show, right in the heart of Margate's harbour area. There are now loads of bars and restaurants around the area and places to sit. Entry is free but you can make donations, the staff were clearly interested and friendly. It's a bright, clean and welcoming building so very pleased we visited. I'll be honest I didn't understand the art in the slightest, neither the artist blurbs or pieces but it was open, welcoming and with the visit. Others visiting were clearly engaged with the art so it must be good if you understand it.

Wobbly W — Google review

Excellent free gallery with interesting exhibitions, a pleasant cafe with view of the sea, and shop selling cards and gift items. I visit regularly.

Will W — Google review

As a local wedding photographer and videographer team we know that the Turner Contemporary is absolutely the BEST wedding venue in Margate.We love shooting here and we can't wait to be back!

This R — Google review


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Rendezvous, Margate, CT9 1HG, United Kingdom

+44 1843 233000


Port Lympne Safari Park

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14 lists

Wildlife and safari park

Outdoor Activities


Holiday park

The Port Lympne Reserve in Lympne near Hythe is a wildlife park home to some fantastic animals from tigers and elephants to gorillas and big cats. You can stay overnight in one of the safari-themed hotel suites, cabins or treehouses on site. The reserve is also linked to Howletts Wildlife Park through the Aspinall Foundation and offers 20% online ticket discount.

Absolutely brilliant day out. No queues anywhere, lots of well kept animals, really lovely setting and a great safari ride. The walking route was quite long which was fab. We were there for 5 1/2 hours and still didn’t quite make it around everything. Highly recommend.

Alexandra J — Google review

We weren’t sure what to expect before arriving there as it was our first time. But we had a great time there. The one hour truck ride was fun and different as no other places that we’ve been to do this. We managed to see many animals on the tour. We also walked around the park to see the animals up close and we weren’t disappointed as you can see from the photos. The park is very well kept and clean too. Staff are friendly. Highly recommended for families with young or old children or even adults.

Weemee L — Google review

We have just got home from a day at a safari. Park and grounds are beautiful and well kept. Animals seem happy and well looked after.We booked the Safari and have been on a few safari type experiences in the UK. This by far, was the most boring. We barely see any animals and when we did most were at a great distance except for the giraffes. It was a glorified taxi service around the grounds.If you are a wheelchair user or buggy user then forget it! It’s all uphill and lots of stairs to climb. I can imagine children getting very tired.The food and drinks were ok and overpriced.All in all, we had a good day. But there are far more interactive experiences with animals around the UK at a similar price. I feel even some zoo’s you get a closer look at the animals. We won’t be returning.

Ky88 — Google review

Though it has wheelchair access and parking, not all of the areas are wheelchair friendly. We had to ask for the mini bus to pick us up and take us to places. There are buggies, but they were fully booked. It was a hot day, so some animals were keeping inside to stay cool.There are a few places to eat and get ice cream or drinks. It also has a play area for children.

Sandra L — Google review

Spent a day here and had a private party with a safari and afternoon tea for a friends 60th birthday. What a fabulous day we all had. We were greeted with tea and shortbread in our private function room which was beautifully decorated. Then we moved on to our safari and we had Charlie as our ranger, who I must say was superb. His knowledge about that animals was amazing and very interesting. Our whole journey was presented with passion for the animals. Charlie made the experience wonderful. Then we went back to our private room and had a very delicious afternoon tea. The service was also fantastic for this part of our experience. Would highly recommend this place and would return in a heartbeat.

Joanne — Google review

Massive place to visit, better than other Zoos I've ever been (though not really a zoo here). So many exotic animals and really appreciate their job they are doing here.Had a nice time here on a sunny day just to walk around and see the animals as well as staying for a night if you want.Also the safari experience is worth it, but i recommend sitting on the left side and on the truck as you will have a better view not not take in the fumes! Also get there in time!

Hiroshi T — Google review

Stayed in the Pinewood pods for a night. Facilities were great, immaculately clean, and well heated. Food is not cheap, but very nice.A great zoo if you enjoy looking at big cats and gorillas. Only downfall was that some of the zoo is off-limits to pedestrians, and some enclosures can only be seen on the safari. Additionally, we could not view the leopard enclosure as it was gated off for leopard creek guests and animal encounter guests only, which was slightly disappointing.However, the zoo is clearly well maintained, and the animals well looked after. I’d definitely stay here again.

Chloe B — Google review

Stayed at Lion Lodge overnight and wow, what an experience.....The lodge was pure luxury and being able to sit next to the lions was amazing.All the staff were so helpful and friendly and made this a truly memorable time.Also booked a AAA Safari - this is highly recommended. Will, our ranger, was so knowledgeable, funny and friendly. The real highlight for me was hand feeding the black rhino and stroking the white rhino.A most enjoyable 2.5 hours roaming the reserve.

Karl D — Google review

The Safari was such an enjoyable experience for all of us, suitable for all age. Some of the animals have a spacious natural ground to explore around, I suppose similar to their natural habitat. So don’t think of this park like an ordinary zoo please.The restaurant’s interior was most fond by me, 30-40 for two adult plus a child which is acceptable. Applause for the chefs here, the beef burger and lamb kofta were absolutely amazing!Great (free) parking space, though the extended grass parking could be very muddy and splashy around the wheels after the rain.The staff were lovely and polite, attentive and happy to offer info to new visitors. A good selection of souvenirs.

Louis S — Google review

We didn't stay here as we live fairly near by. We had the most incredible day. The dinosaur forest is incredible and the best thing ever for any Dino loving life ones. The safari is great, bumpy but, very informative and it's lovely to hear about the reintroduction of animals into the wild. If you do go on the safari, try to sit on the left!

Maxine M — Google review

Amazing wildlife park, so professional and well kept, animals have vast well thought out enclosures. They breed and return animals to the wild to their natural habitat to repopulate endangered animal communities. Recommend paying extra for the close encounters. We fed the gorillas and it was magical. The park is set in beautiful countryside, with views to the sea

Josh L — Google review

Wow!!! Port Lympne Safari Park is amazing!! We had the best day here. So much to see and the safari is so good. We got very close to the giraffes and our guide was very knowledgeable. What I will say is the safari park is built on a hill so make sure you wear comfy footwear. The grounds are beautiful. With the gardens and the orangery you will have plenty of photo ops. The accommodation looks amazing and we are absolutely going back to stay!

Becky P — Google review

Wonderful day out with my fiancé here! The AAA safari was incredible with our guide Casey bringing the whole tour to life with his extensive knowledge of all things animal related.We were able to feed the Rhinos and Giraffe and could not have been happier with the overall experience. Before hand, we were able to walk the ground a little ourselves and see some of the animals who all looked in great condition and well fed! This place truly loves their animals and keeps them in great health and perfect living conditions.Can't wait to go back.

Jakeus 2 — Google review

Had a stay at Port Lympne for my husbands birthday and they have been nothing but exceptional the whole time. They allowed me to drop my husbands present down a week early with some decorations and a cake to decorated our wigwam helped advice us on the best animal experience and time to take the safari and alway on hand to answer questions on the animals. Food in the garden restaurant was amazing! Big shout out to Amy down at the gorilla for spending 30minuets with us answering questions and telling us about all the girls in the cage! Thank you to Candy for the best experience with the white rhinos! The team from start to finish went above and beyond! Will recommend to anyone who will listen! Will definitely be back!

Katiejane Q — Google review

Had an absolutely fab weekend away to celebrate some birthdays. The service is fantastic, the staff was so friendly and made us feel so welcome and special each step of the way. The accomodation is great value, we stayed at the Bear Lodge and it was lovely. The safaris were so educational and you get one for each night of your stay so we made the most out of it! I could honestly have spent a whole week here exploring and trying out the different activities! We'll definitely be back and I've recommended it to everyone!

Catarina F — Google review

This is a review of the Reserve . No one likes to see animals in captivity but at least here you know that the philosophy behind the Reserve is all good . The Aspinall Foundation does great work in conservation and getting animals back in the wild . This it was doing long before it was trendy to care about wildlife .It's great to know that the admission fee helps support the good works of the Foundation.As a destination it's a lovely place for a day out . Set in a great location with wonderful views .The ' big house ' and gardens would be a nice destination even without the associated animal reserve.There seems to be plenty of facilities to eat and drink , or picnic if you bring your own food .All in all a great day out .

Michael D — Google review

We had the most amazing experience at Port Lympne! We stayed at the hotel and in The Rex whistler room which was lovely, good size room with lovely views of the front of the hotel. We arrived earlier than check in so dropped our bag at reception and went to explore the park. At check in (3pm) we was able to pick up our buggy which is included in our stay and a lot easier to get around the park! Although you only have access to the buggy from 3pm till 11am checkout so if you have dinner booked then you only really get a few hours to use it unless you get up super early before check out. The buggy has a moving map which tells you which turns you can take aswell as following the signs.Staff when checking in were friendly and helpful. There are also a few choices for lunch from sandwiches to hot food and including a pizza restaurant although this was shut when we come.We had dinner at the bear lodge restaurant which was lovely and again staff were lovely and got a free co*cktail as we were celebrating. We had breakfast included in our package at the garden room restaurant and the restaurant itself is beautifully decorated however from the minute we walked in was met by a rude supervisor (see other review on this). So we are glad we chose the bear lodge restaurant for dinner! Food however was also lovely as were the other two members of staff who served us for breakfast.We did the safari which was also included on our second day and was incredible! We got to see lots more animals that you wouldn’t get to see if not booked into the safari! Such a brilliant experience and we would come back in a heartbeat!

H L — Google review

Just back from a lovely day out . The car park was smaller than we thought and the staff explained that in the winter months no one parks on the grass , but in the summer months many more spaces are available. This place was amazing, right at the start was greeting by a friendly boy in the gift shop who helped as with all of our questions.We had booked the safari which was very interesting and great as you got up close to most of the animals. Well worth the £6 per person for the hour on safari. So much to see and do in this reserve , will definitely be coming back again .

Julie C — Google review

Fantastic day at Port Lympne. I was amazed how knowledgeable the lady that took us on the safari was.I would 100 per cent recommend. The safari took about an hour. Driving round at about 5mph. Information on all animals and the zoo. The ride was very comfortable and the animals are clearly seen. Some animals standing around in front the truck very funny.

Rosanna — Google review

More than expected. From the start the staff were friendly and helpful. The park was muddy and a lot of walking was involved, but we don't have mobility issues so this was fine.1st class service. Beautiful park with well cared for animals. Good project to support. It was the little details that made it perfect. Would recommend to anyone that can walk well.

Anita B — Google review

Absolutely enjoyed my time here. It was a lovely experience to see the animals, especially the tour which they provide taking you closer to the giraffes. someone from our group touched the giraffe which made one of a staff a bit sentimental. she kept bringing the topic out during rest of the safari to make her point.Driving the gold cart was fun. the restaurant near the entrance was absolutely fantastic. overall, if you love animals than i would definitely recommend to go there. Best to take your kids and not at summer time. there were no air cons at the outdoor cabin which can make kids a bit hot tempered.i will visit again under pleasant circ*mstances.

Delta Y — Google review

My grandsons, 7 n 13 , me n my friend , had an amazing day at the port Lympne safari Park today! Saw lots of animals close up on the safari.such wonderful, friendly, informative staff ...relaxing atmosphere . We all said great value for money.well worth a visit. Highly recommend doing the safari , Mel was brill ! Well done staff ....perfect day out !

Jayne B — Google review

Myself and my partner went here for a day out and had the most amazing time. The safari is a must, for no extra cost, it was great to see so many different animals in such a massive amount of space. It lasted around an hour and we got to get some nice close ups of some of the animals. The zoo itself is very big and there's lots to see although it was tiring with all the hills. The gardens were also very beautiful and great to have picnics or to take a break.Sometimes it was a little confusing knowing where we could walk, as you would have the buggy only pathways and the map didn't have the full list of animals on there, which would have been nice. The location was not very tourist friendly if you're not driving in, we are from Birmingham so found it hard to get there by bus from our hotel and did have to walk quite a distance to get to the park.Overall, the zoo is definitely one to go and see and we had a wonderful day.

Kristal R — Google review

Stayed for 2 nights at the Tiger Lodge all the family were super excited to see the Tiger.We stayed here as part of a special holiday after a bereavement of a parentPort lymph contacted us the day before we left to inform us that the safari experience that we had booked would be cancelled on the Thursday due to bad weather conditions and made arrangements to move the experience to half an hour after we checked in on the day of arrival this was all super efficient and a great experienceHowever what they failed to say was that the tiger would be locked away due to the bad weather for our whole visit apart from the last 4 hours before we left!!!The staff on reception were very informative and helpful but nothing seemed to follow through with bookings we had madeThere was just a lack of ‘finishing touches’ which would have made the holidayI don’t think I would recommend

higgy — Google review

My son and I have returned from a night and two days at Port Lympne. We stayed in Leopard Creek in one of the huts (most beautiful hut I have ever seen!). We have had a fantastic time. The animals are fascinating and have so much space and care - they seem so happy and content - and the devotion to the animals from all the team is clear. And that’s what put shine on the trip - every single person working at the Park was so kind, helpful and knowledgeable. Had an amazing time.

Chloe B — Google review

Very cold wet and windy day to be visiting. Lunch at the Garden Room was one of the best roasts we have had. Highly recommend the beef followed by apple crumble. Well priced and a lovely setting. Service was good, a little slow at times but a busy Sunday lunch so to be expected. Kindly accommodated us earlier than scheduled. Thank you, will be back to explore in the warmer months. Great day out for both couples and families. The guide on our safari was very knowledgeable and friendly.

Hannah S — Google review

I visited here for as was staying nearby for my birthday and loved it. Great zoo, we did the safari truck tour and the two staff members were great so glad we did it as saw more animals. The reserve itself is massive and loads options if you wanted to stay! Great for walking lovers. Reasonably priced and could have stayed even longer. Recommend to all visiting. Thank you.

Amber W — Google review

We didn't stay at port lympne, we went on a day trip as we were staying in Rye and it's only half an hour away. It was a fantastic day, we took my 2 year old son he absolutely loved it, the enclosures are very large and the variety of animals on show is great. I'd definitely recommend doing the safari tour as well, it's a little extra when buying the ticket, it's well worth it, we had a lovely and informative host this took in total about an hour. I would say food even though it was very nice in the park, is very expensive. Also if you have a young child bring a buggy due to the sheer size of the park, if you have any mobility issues walking the park could be a problem, but you can rent a buggy for the day which id recommend. Overall a great day and for me the best zoo/safari park in the UK and we've been to many of them.

Matt D — Google review

I went to Port Lympne with my girlfriend and my parents and it was such an amazing experience. The work that goes into giving the animals a chance in the wild is remarkable and I thank everyone that is involved for fighting for this cause. Staff were so friendly and went above and beyond for my step mum who suffers from COPD. They chauffeured us to different parts of the park, which was a god send because there are a lot of steep hills, definitely one to be aware of if you need a wheelchair. The only thing I would suggest, and it's strictly constructive feedback, is that we needed a wheelchair for my step mum to get around and you have to pick this up from the shop. However, the walk ways at the entrance that lead to the shop are steep and windy, which isn't ideal for people with mobility issues. It would be good if there are wheelchair pick up times so that wheelchairs could be picked up right at the bottom of the ramps. As i said this is the only thing that was missing as everything else was truly beautiful. Thank you to all the staff and I have already started recommending that this is a must visit for everyone.

Dan — Google review

We had an absolute memory of a lifetime experience staying in lion Lodge. it was absolutely incredible the Lions were right up to our window face to face Close, remarkable. the actual Lodge accommodation was truly five star and we were treated in such an amazing way as if we were really special it's a memory that will stay with me for a lifetime. the actual Safari Park is really good it's large and the work they're doing is excellent we did the safari on the trucks sadly it was raining but we still saw lots and lots of animals. the only thing I would say is we had pizza delivered to the room which was extraordinarily expensive but that would be my only gripe. I highly recommend it if you ever get the chance to stay at Lion Lodge it really really is worth the investment.

Sandra P — Google review

i treated my husband for his birthday to the safari ride and also the gorilla encounter, both were good , the gorilla encounter was phenomenal to be as close as we could be , the staff were very friendly and knowledgeable. the park itself is very good all the staff you meet very friendly, this park is definitely worth a visit lots of walking which is very steep in some places , we visited in the week which was quiet but nice as you got to see all the animals really enjoyable experience 😀

Paula D — Google review

Truly amazing experience, Just out of this world. If I could live here I would.Staff are great, polite, friendly and happy to help,Full of information.Accommodation is breath taking along with the views of the park. All combined just makes for a beautiful trip away. This was our second time there, first in the tree tops and this one in the lion room and hope to return again. It's great for not just the children but adults as well. Thank you for bringing us the magical adventure

Chris — Google review

Absolutely fantastic day out from start to finish. We went on Safari with our Ranger (Will) who was brilliant and we saw some incredible animals, we were very lucky as there was only 2 other people in the vehicle so it really felt like a personal experience. Will's knowledge of all the animals and their personalities was second to none he gave an excellent experience and was an absolute star not to mention had a great sense of humour too. Every member of staff was extremely helpful and friendly, all the places to eat were great and the food was extremely tasty and restaurants were kept very clean and tidy even though is was very busy. Would definitely recommend! 5*

Rob — Google review

Large variety of animals. I did a Rhino Experience, which was excellent, our guide was very good, we fed and stroked the rhino. Black, White and Indian species were all visited. All the staff were very helpful and friendly. Please note: These are wild animals, some of which are more nocturnal than others, so you may not see everything, we walked round twice and had a good day.

Dave C — Google review

We had an enjoyable 2 night stay here to celebrate our 40th anniversary. We stayed in a shepherds hut which was very comfortable and cosy. We had the opportunity of a log burner inside or an outdoor chimnea, neither of which we took advantage of (but a lovely added touch).Our cabin was a fair distance from the restaurants and other places but the addition of a golf cart made it an even more enjoyable stay. The golf cart was big enough to carry all our luggage and the 2 of us (they also had larger ones for larger parties).The safari was OK but personally I enjoyed the ranger tour a lot more. The Safari allowed us to see many animals but felt very much like they had to be back in time to do the next trip. The Ranger tour was a lot more relaxed with the opportunity to ask questions and take many more photos. (It probably helped that there were only 4 of us on this tour).All in all a very enjoyable stay with the added bonus of knowing the animals, both on site and in their natural environment, are being cared for and protected for future generations.

Diana R — Google review

Spent a lovely day here at the Reserve. We started with a safari drive around an off limits part of this 600 acre park. After a sandwich and coffee at Base Camp we continued on the walking part of the park taking in a Gorilla scatter feed and talk. An excellent day out but beware there is a LOT of walking with some steep inclines.

Robin S — Google review

We went for the day and enjoyed it very much. A shame the reserve is so hilly, as this makes it quite inaccessible for those with limited mobility. That said, we were impressed with the ‘buggy service’ which ran every twenty minutes to ferry people from the furthest point back to the start/exit and there were a few benches scattered throughout the park and plenty of picnic areas. The ‘dinosaur forest’ is a fab hidden gem, especially for younger visitors.

Diddely S — Google review

Amazing. My partner and I had a great day out. The glory of the park has no comparison. Zoos don't come close to this for animal welfare, habitat and experience. Can't recommend highly enough.

Jack C — Google review

Port Lympne is amazing with beautiful grounds. The stay is great however very expensive for what you get included. You are unable to get into your accommodation until 3 then have to leave by 11 which seems so little time in the accommodation as you are exploring the park and eating dinner.You do get a golf buggy but it is not allowed around the whole park which is a shame and there is a few animals that you are unable to see unless you stay in that part of the park totally unfair for all paying guests.It's so expensive and doesn't include breakfast which is £18 per person and small portions.Overall great place however over priced for what you get.

Jessica K — Google review

We stayed here overnight in a small hut 🛖 in the pinewood area. The hut had two normal beds and a fold out futon, adequate lighting and a few sockets one of which powered a small oil filled heater. We really loved our accommodation.Some people commented that they couldn't sleep because of the loins roaring, but when the door is shut you can't really hear them.The park itself is fantastic. All of the animals came out to see us, so there was no lack of things to see. We also did a safari trip on one of the troop carriers they have and that was brilliant too.The whole site is built onto the side of a hill, so if you go around and see everything, be prepared to do a lot of climbing to get back to the top.There are two restaurants on site which you will have to book early for but the food is lovely (if not rather expensive).Overall we really enjoyed our visit and would definitely go back here again!

Matthew C — Google review

If you book a safari and are late by two minutes you miss your jeep. We had arrived about ten minutes before our slot but the queue to get in took too long. Total disappointment. Drove all the way from London. They send hundreds of marketing emails but nothing to highlight you need to be early for the safari. Waste of time and money. won't be back. The walk about part is really nothing special. Other places do that much better. Walked around in about an hour and a half. No real wow moments. No giraffes on foot trail.

Stephen L — Google review

Had such an amazing experience.Our 3 year old loved seeing the animals, experiencing the camp fire, and hearing the lions roar through the night.The pool table in the common area does need to be updated as not many people carry money anymore, but apart from that great!

Kelly M — Google review

We had a wonderful weekend glamping here. The zoo is fantastic and when you stay you can go in after it shuts which was a lovely experience.I cannot rave enough about the staff here, every single one we dealt with, guest check in, concierge, guest services, bus drivers, safari guide, restaurant staff, zoo keepers were all friendly, helpful and couldn't do enough for us.The zoo is massive and very hilly but whenever we got tired or a bit stuck we just spoke to someone and they arranged for a bus or golf buggy to come pick us up and drop us where we needed to be. We ate in 2 of the restaurants and both were delicious.Yes, the glamping is pricey but worth every penny!

Emma D — Google review


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Aldington Rd, Lympne, Hythe CT21 4LR, United Kingdom

+44 1303 264647


Canterbury Cathedral

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40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (60)40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (61)

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Sights & Landmarks

One of the oldest and most important churches in England, Canterbury Cathedral is visited by millions of people each year. With rich history dating back more than 1,400 years, the cathedral contains some beautiful historical collections and is home to the Church of England. The main attraction is the crypt which was about to hold a wedding when it was visited.

Amazing experience. So much history and experienced guides who delight in imparting this history. We took a break after an hour or so and went for refreshments. Came back and spent another couple of hours there, a good way to see the Cathedral if you have time. Ticket allows you to return again during the year of issue, excellent value.

Florence W — Google review

Sadly on this visit could not go inside the main cathedral because of a private event we could only go to the crypt and the gardens but for a mere £5 it was worth it. You still get to see the stunning architecture of the cathedral from the outside and the crypt has lots of great things to see with such a stunning herb garden. I would recommend that you always check for events before you have you heart set on seeing the cathedral just in case but this was still a lovely option!

D A — Google review

Canterbury Cathedral is an absolute marvel of architecture and history, and I cannot recommend it highly enough. From the moment you set foot on the grounds, you are transported to another time and place, surrounded by stunning Gothic architecture and steeped in the rich cultural and religious history of England.Every detail of the cathedral is breathtaking, from the intricate carvings and stained glass windows to the soaring vaulted ceilings and meticulously maintained gardens. The sense of peace and serenity that permeates the cathedral is truly awe-inspiring, and I found myself completely absorbed in the beauty and history of the place.The knowledgeable and friendly staff are a testament to the cathedral's commitment to hospitality, and their willingness to share their expertise and passion for the cathedral's history and significance only adds to the overall experience. Whether you are a history buff, a religious pilgrim, or simply a lover of architecture and beauty, Canterbury Cathedral is an absolute must-see destination. I cannot imagine a more perfect way to spend a day than exploring this magnificent cathedral and all that it has to offer.

Piotr C — Google review

Beautiful and ancient cathedral. Stunning stained glass windows.. the cathedral is easily accessible from London and a high speed train takes you to Canterbury in about an hour. The cathedral is easy walking distance from the train station and an easy day trip to cover most of the town. Right now there is a quaint little Christmas market in the city Centre that’s fun to visit.

Divya T — Google review

Really nice day out in Canterbury. The cathedral is not the most beautiful in the UK but very impressive with its Romanesque architecture. Plenty to see - took 1.5 hours without audio guide. £17 to get in and that’s an annual ticket which is good value. Kitch will worth a visit too for something for eat.

Carl A — Google review

Lucky to have visited during a concert rehearsal and viewed the Cathedral with an epic orchestra & choir backing. Such a treat! Absolutely massive Cathedral full of history even for a non religious person as myself the architecture & stained glass are particular highlights. Tickets with gift aid donations are valid for a year of return visits.

James P — Google review

Enjoyed the day roaming around Canterbury city center and Canterbury Cathedral. Although we had visited before, this time we went for our 1st boat trip around the canals. Really enjoyed the canal trip. Also enjoyed walking through the Free Libary and Art Gallery in the Oldest building. Enjoyed the Pubs and had a fab meal. Most people & staff were very friendly.

Malcolm C — Google review

I beautiful old cathedral built in the Romanesque style. It is 1000 years old and absolutely amazing. The acoustics are incredible. A choir was singing and we could hear the songs even in the crypt. The don’t build them like this any more.The cathedral has great history (even a grisly murder) and famous people buried within.You approach the castle through the town of Canterbury, which has lots of shopping and food options. The town and cathedral draw a lot of traffic, so be prepared to wait in the weekends. We rented a car and made the drive ourselves and it wasn’t bad but if the thought of driving on the wrong side of the road isn’t appealing, there are many tour groups who go to Canterbury.The trip was fun and I would recommend a visit.

Shane G — Google review

A very grand cathedral and easy access for anyone, dog friendly and you pay once and can go free for an entire year. You can buy tickets on entry. Under 18s are free to enter. There's grounds around the cathedral which are nice to have a walk around with it usually being fairly quiet. The streets around the cathedral are slightly busier but filled with cute shops and independent restaurants.

Olivia H — Google review

Canterbury Cathedral is an awe-inspiring historic masterpiece that truly takes your breath away with its remarkable architecture and profound sense of history. Stepping inside its ancient walls is an experience that transcends time, leaving you with an overwhelming sense of wonder.The cathedral's architecture is nothing short of amazing. Its soaring spires, intricate stained glass windows, and meticulously carved stone details are a testament to the skill and craftsmanship of the builders who created this sacred marvel. Every corner of the cathedral holds a piece of history, and the Gothic and Romanesque elements blend seamlessly to create a visually stunning masterpiece.Walking through the cathedral's hallowed halls and cloisters is an experience that words can hardly describe. The weight of centuries of history presses down on you, and you can't help but be moved by the sense of reverence and spirituality that permeates the air. It's a place where time seems to stand still, and you can't help but feel a profound connection to the past.I wholeheartedly recommend visiting Canterbury Cathedral to anyone who has the opportunity. It's not just a place of worship; it's a living testament to human achievement and spiritual devotion. Whether you're a history enthusiast, an architecture lover, or simply seeking a moment of reflection, Canterbury Cathedral is an absolute must-see. The feeling you experience when you walk through its old walls is truly unbelievable, and it's an experience that will stay with you long after you've left.

Ivan B — Google review

An absolutely beautiful cathedral riddled in such significant history! The staffers at the visitor center are so helpful and kind. Purchase a ticket there (you have to top up £5 for an audio guide) before you head in to the cathedral.The cathedral itself has plentiful stain glass windows and a direct link to how the England church was born.Do note that while strollers/buggies are allowed inside, there are still quite a number of stairs around which require you to carry your stroller/buggy up/down.The crypt was closed in the morning so we went for lunch nearby and came back just in time for it to be open. Photography isn’t allowed in the crypt.

Beverly - — Google review

Visited Canterbury Cathedral on a sunny day, January 16, 2024. Paid £17 for an adult ticket, opted for the full experience. Noticed ongoing restoration work, a testament to preservation efforts. The cathedral boasts extensive history; dedicated a few hours to explore, amidst the grey surroundings. The sound of someone playing the organs added a sublime touch, enhancing the overall experience.

Aleksander L — Google review

Our visit to Canterbury Cathedral was nothing short of glorious; every step within its hallowed halls felt like a blessing. As we marveled at the intricate craftsmanship of its Gothic architecture and the ethereal glow of its stained glass windows, we couldn’t help but feel a profound sense of reverence for the centuries of history and faith that permeated the space. It was a pilgrimage of the soul, filled with moments of quiet contemplation and overwhelming gratitude for the opportunity to witness such magnificence.From the tranquil cloisters to the resplendent choir, every corner of Canterbury Cathedral seemed to radiate with a divine presence, enveloping us in a sense of peace and joy that lingered long after our visit had ended. It was truly one of the best experiences of our lives, leaving us feeling both humbled and uplifted by the sheer majesty of this sacred place. Canterbury Cathedral is indeed a must-visit destination—a glorious testament to the enduring power of faith and the beauty of human creativity.As a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Canterbury Cathedral’s significance transcends national boundaries, embodying universal values of cultural and historical importance.Canterbury Cathedral holds a special place in the cultural heritage of England. It has inspired countless works of literature, including Geoffrey Chaucer’s iconic Canterbury Tales, which immortalizes the journey of pilgrims to this sacred site. Today, visitors from around the world flock to Canterbury Cathedral to marvel at its architectural splendor, explore its rich history, and experience a sense of awe and wonder in its hallowed halls. A visit to this monumental landmark is not just an encounter with the past but a journey into the very heart of England’s spiritual and cultural identity.

Nibu T — Google review

It was chilly but sunny weather. Beautiful cathedral, incredibly built and decorated. We had a great historical time and enjoyed. If you do gift aid when you buy the ticket, you can have 1year anytime visiting ticket. Inside out side it took around 2hours for us. It’s worth to pay and visit. Great 👍

J A — Google review

Entry fee is £14 for an adult. Absolutely stunning Cathedral. You can almost feel the history! You can have a guided tour or an audio/ media tour. The guides really know their stuff! Or you can just wander on your own. Thoroughly enjoyed our afternoon here. Would highly recommend a visit.

Emma C — Google review

Beautiful Cathedral! I was here for a ceremony so didn't get a chance to explore the building but the main sanctuary is beautiful. Quick note, there are no toilets in the Cathedral but they have a very clean washroom in separate building just 3 minutes from the entrance.

Lucy T — Google review

Such a stunning Cathedral. We spent around 3 hours inside, there is so much to see and admire. In the Crypt no photos or videos are allowed, and it's a silent prayerful space. One can take photos in the rest of the massive cathedral.There is only a small kiosk for coffee and tea on the property, but so many restaurants and Coffee shops are very close.The Cathedral is undergoing constant restoration and maintenance, parts of it outside were covered by scaffolding. There are some beautifully restored, clean walls where the workmen have already done their magic. The cathedral requires £18,000 per DAY to run, so donations are welcome.

Liesel T — Google review

The cathedral is nice looking and the grounds are well maintained. Inside the cathedral the guides are not proactive and don't share information on the site unless prompted (a lot). The day of our visit we saw students graduating, surrounded by their very proud parents. The atmosphere was a little chaotic and but I am sure that this is not usually the case. Whilst viewing an exhibit, there was a fire alarm, I asked the guide if we should leave and where the muster point was. She didn't have an answer. I made the call to evacuate. The fire alarm stopped sounding, so we went back to touring the cathedral. About five minutes later, the alarm sounded again. At this point another of the cathedral's guides came running in and shouting "get out, get out!". The tourists began running. My children were very scared. We CALMLY walked out and when we (again) asked where the muster point was, was told to follow the crowd (!) Unbelievable. We waited until the alarm went off and then when the crowds started piling back in, we asked a guide if we could return. She looked around and said: "I guess so". Upon entering the cathedral, we saw the guide who incited the panic and reminded him that panic causes more accidents. He informed us that the way he behaved this was company protocol!The rest of the visit was spent viewing the cathedral and using Google as my guide. Definitely not worth the money. Particularly, as the staff are not trained in what to do and how to behave in emergencies.

Carissa T — Google review

Canterbury is a place where history and modern life coexist harmoniously. It’s a journey through time and a delightful destination for anyone seeking a taste of old-world charm in the UK.Beyond the cathedral, the city’s cobbled streets and medieval buildings create an enchanting atmosphere. The Canterbury Tales attraction brings Chaucer’s tales to life, and you can explore the medieval architecture of Westgate Towers.Finally, Canterbury’s friendly and welcoming atmosphere makes it an ideal destination for travelers seeking both history and contemporary experiences. Whether you’re wandering its ancient streets or enjoying a meal in one of its charming restaurants, Canterbury invites you to savor the best of the past and present.Punting tours in Canterbury often take you past several iconic landmarks, including the stunning Canterbury Cathedral, historic buildings, and beautiful gardens.Highly recommended place to visit!

Pooja P — Google review

Unmissable experience for first time visitors, it's no coincidence that this has been a site of pilgrimage for over a millennium.The cathedral with it's iconic mixture of centuries of building styles is worth the price of admission on its own, and the daily services, performances and special events make return trips well worth it.Note that an admission ticket is good for a full year.

Martin H — Google review

Amazing Cathedral; spare minimum 2 hours to enjoy . It’s the second time We visited; both times We were accompanied by our dog. Yes; this is a Dog Friendly attraction just for that 5 Stars . We wanted to take the tours they have available but unfortunately they don’t allow dogs on the guided tours . We payed for the audio tour and it was really good and easy to navigate ; they have it available in few languages ( No Spanish ) .All in all very happy with the service and be able to visit an architectural wonder; while visiting Canterbury.

HL J — Google review

So much to see!The precincts and gardens should not be missed either.So much history to catch up with around the cathedral.Pride of place the story of Thomas Beckett. Also a must see is the Anthony Gormley in the crypt.

Melvyn E — Google review

We were a bit unsure about buying tickets to enter, but trust me, it's totally worth it! 😊 It's not just the church you get to see; it's the entire surrounding area, including beautiful gardens. Inside, you'll find unique pieces of history displayed in the crypt and picturesque ruins of the former monastery. It took us about an hour and a half to explore everything fully. Plus, it's a UNESCO World Heritage site! 🌟🏛️

María A — Google review

Amazing Cathedral; spare minimum 2 hours to enjoy and see the entire cathedralEngland’s first Cathedral and one of the most visited historic sites.Paid £17 for an adult ticket. Beautiful and ancient cathedralYou must see when you coming in Canterbury

Catalinka — Google review

An amazing piece of history and well worth a visit. It costs £17 to get in but this is valid for a whole year. I paid £5 to go on a guided tour which was 1.5 hours. Worth every penny. Our guide was Kirsten, a very knowledgeable and good humoured lady. I felt very engaged and learned a great deal.The cathedral is enormous and I could easily of spent the whole day there as there is so much to see.Thomas Becket,The Black Prince and the influence of William of Normandy and many others give this cathedral a long and very rich history.It is a working cathedral and its open for various services and also for private reflection and prayers.

W H — Google review

Canterbury Cathedral is not just a building; it's a living testament to over 1,400 years of history, faith, and artistry. Stepping through its grand entrance is akin to stepping into a time machine, transporting you from the modern world to a realm steeped in medieval grandeur and spiritual significance.The sheer scale and intricate details of the cathedral are awe-inspiring. From the soaring Gothic arches and stained glass windows that shimmer with vibrant colors to the Romanesque crypt with its echoing silence, every corner whispers stories of the past. Wandering through the cloisters, with their tranquil gardens and peaceful atmosphere, provides a moment of respite and reflection.Canterbury Cathedral is a must-visit for anyone interested in history, architecture, or simply seeking a unique and uplifting experience. It's a place that resonates with the soul, leaving you with a sense of awe and wonder long after you leave its hallowed halls.

Kwok L — Google review

Beautiful cathedral. It’s undergoing a lot of renovation work currently and there are some interesting updates on this around the building. It’s not a very serene space as there are lots of tourists around and about but it is still a vast and impressive space. Be warned lots of steps, it’s quite cold even in the summer and it is very expensive to get in

Jo S — Google review

Historical cathedral with some good activities inside. Once you get inside you can see the herb garden, dark room, tombs of ancient people and so on. You also have a prayer room inside. You can spend some time peacefully.

Ajay A — Google review

If you have the opportunity to go - do not miss it!If you stay in the Cathedral Lodge you get free entry. We stayed there, but paid an additional £5pp for the tour - and it was absolutely worth it!Our tour guide - Michael Cross - was top notch! Highly recommend!The cathedral is so big and grand, there just aren't the right words to do it justice.Beautiful place - be sure to go!

Hayley T — Google review

Fabulous historic cathedral (see Thomas Becket) plus plenty of interesting memorials to curious people. Monument to Becket is striking. Stained glass and cloisters beautiful. Tea shop was closed by 4pm (so no comment and no comment-err? Such a British tradition to close doors to cafés when visitors are in greatest need) but the visitors’ shop was open and had good stuff.

Catherine R — Google review

England’s first Cathedral and one of the most visited historic sites.The entry ticket is valid for over many months, so you can revisit if you keep the entry ticket.Read the daily schedule before visiting, because some of the areas are only open at certain times of the day, there are also some events happening on certain days to be aware of.You can easily spend a couple of hours here. The souvenir store is good, and there are shops and restaurants nearby in the city Centre.

Ben A — Google review

I think the entrance fee can be off-putting to a few people. However, you can go back as many times as you like for a year, so it evens out. We live near Canterbury, so now have the year's pass.How many times do you want to visit the same place? I thought that, but each time we go, you see something different. Also, there are a number of very knowledgeable guides there. One of these, Michael, gave us a real insight of a specific time/part of the Cathedral. Very interesting.

Michael R — Google review

Canterbury Cathedral is a magnificent example of medieval architecture and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Visitors are consistently impressed by its grandeur, intricate details, and spiritual ambiance. The cathedral's historical significance as the seat of the Archbishop of Canterbury and its connection to the Canterbury Tales add depth to the visitor experience. Whether you're interested in religious history, architecture, or simply appreciating awe-inspiring beauty, Canterbury Cathedral is a must-visit destination.

Annu S — Google review


(11955)40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (65)


(7366)40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (66)

Cathedral House, 11 The Precincts, Canterbury CT1 2EH, United Kingdom

+44 1227 762862


Clacton Pier

40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (67)40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (68)

40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (69)40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (70)

Mentioned on

13 lists

Water & Amusem*nt Parks

Amusem*nt center

Clacton Pier is a restored Victorian pier that offers a wide range of attractions and entertainment options. It features a funfair, amusem*nt arcade, eateries, aquarium, and tenpin bowling center. The 350-meter pier also boasts a 50-meter Helter Skelter tower with views of the Offshore Wind Farm. Visitors can enjoy arcade games, rollercoasters, fairground rides, and special Circus Fantasia shows during the summer.

Great day out, lots to do and lots of money spent but the kids had a great day. About the only my thing which spoiled the day was a stabbing over the way from the pier. I can’t exactly blame anyone in particular so will still be awarding 5 starts regardless. Will most definitely be going again as we go every other month.

Tom M — Google review

A really good family day out. Just the rollercoaster last only a few seconds. Also my fish wasn't cooked properly, but my husband 's burger and the children meals were good and the portions were big. Almost forgot, they have a small aquarium very interesting.

Ana ? — Google review

Nice beach area near the pier, shops near by as well as children's amusem*nts parking near by the pier if you are lucky enough to find a spot or be prepared for bit of a walk, parking is free from 6pm so only pay up untill and not for the full day as can be costly. Like most beaches does not have running water to clean your self down and the public toilets were quite dirty. Otherwise the beach area is fine.

Vikram K — Google review

Amazing venue. So clean and well run, lovely to see it evolve over the years. Never fails to disappoint. It's the perfect family day out. All you can want under one roof, well and outside :) live music gives a great vibe too.

Steve C — Google review

There was definitely a lot to do and the family were kept occupied but it's not the most picturesque pier and I prefer the more traditional looking piers and not the arcades as being the entrance. We definitely had fun though. A selection of rides, golf, arcades, places to eat. Really a bit of everything.

Lucy D — Google review

Surrounded by beaches that stretch as far as the eye can see, this traditional seaside town is full of character. Beautiful displays of flowers on the upper area with rose gardens, garden of remembrance and Mediterranean gardens. Its ideal for a long stroll, healthy jog or gently cycle.The pier is just going from strength to strength year on year, with updated rides and amusem*nts. Renovations have upgraded nearly every space with new attractions with games, dinosaurs and lots lots more. Free fireworks displays during the summer, live music and even a little train that will bring you to the far end of the beach. There's a water sports hire area also. Its all aimed at a family fun with Essex charm. When the sun is out there is no better place.

Den C — Google review

We love Clacton -on -sea. Not too keen on the pier as it's a bit noisy for oldies like us but if you walk to the end of the pier there's nice benches you can sit on and look out at the Sea. Very nice indeed

Moomin — Google review

I love piers and this is as good as they get. Low season so not many people around. Still feel the magic they bring to people. Especially the little people. Felt like a kid myself with all the lights flashing. Have to return to feel the magic in summer.

Glen K — Google review

Lovely pier, plenty of entertainment for all of the family. Definitely a few hours worth anyway. We didn't go on the rides but you can purchase saver tickets, golf and go karts are inside too. Busy when we visited in the summer but wasn't unbearable. Definitely a nice little day out.

Lizzie P — Google review

Really nice day out. Rides are great. Arcades are great. Beach was beautiful and very clean. Parking just up the road was easy (we got there before 11am) and not too expensive. Highly recommend old school English seaside town

Robert H — Google review

Lots to do on the pier. We plated both mini golf and both were fun and reasonably priced. The pier amusem*nts and restaurant was spotlessly clean which was great considering how many families about. We went in the 4d dinosaur experience which was fun and nit very expensive £5. Lots to eat around the pier and nice gardens.

Becky J — Google review

Comparing Brighton, Cromer and Clacton, Clacton ranks #3, and run down. Though the pier fun fair is OK for undetstandbly good fun.

Simon F — Google review

I've been here a few times on holiday now, and this pier is packed with stuff to do. The mini golf course is large over two floors, and the arcade is huge. The wristband deal is good, and we love the bumper cars and go karts. The water rings are good fun, especially spraying the water guns and people watching. Will definitely be back again soon.

Daniel J — Google review

Very impressed with all the updates to the pier. We bought a card with 75 tokens on and it was plenty for the family. The dinosaur show was really fun, the kids loved it. I will definitely be returning

Kirsty P — Google review

Good pier. Needs finishing but lots to do on a rainy day. Worth a walk to the end of the pier. Really wanted a go on the cars but closed due to the weather. Enjoyed the walk and the golf course and stuff all looked good. Has had a grant to do it up and it will be great when completed.

M R — Google review

The establishment is well-suited for children and offers excellent value for the services provided. The fish and chip shop located within the attraction is particularly noteworthy, and I intend to return in the near future, even if solely for the purpose of enjoying their fish and chips.

James J — Google review

The pier is quite wide with a large arcade building and some outside fairground attractions. Beyond the fairground, you can see the old disused lifeboat station (there is a modern replacement along the coast), and at the far end, there is a fishing area.It also appears to be open throughout the year and not just during the summer season.

Karen B — Google review

Clacton-On-Sea beach is a delightful coastal destination that offers a perfect blend of traditional seaside charm and modern amenities. The beach boasts clean, golden sands and clear waters, making it ideal for families, couples, and solo visitors alike.One of the standout features is the long promenade, perfect for a leisurely stroll with stunning views of the sea. There are plenty of cafes, restaurants, and ice cream parlors along the way, ensuring visitors have ample options for refreshments. The famous Clacton Pier is a major attraction, offering a range of entertainment options, including rides, arcades, and mini-golf, which are particularly popular with children.For those looking to relax, there are numerous spots to sit and enjoy the serene environment. The beach is also well-maintained, with regular cleaning and facilities such as toilets and changing rooms readily available.Overall, Clacton-On-Sea beach is a fantastic spot for a day out or a weekend getaway, combining the best of the British seaside experience with all the necessary conveniences.

Harsh S — Google review

Not so sandy but still it's a bit better than most beaches. They power and the beach - not as busy as Southend on sea. Been there for the first time and loved it. The pier is good for a walk or to indulge in done arcade games. Worth a visit!

Jay B — Google review

A lot has changed on the pier since last time.New Pier cards, as shops and rides do not take cash, so you put money on a Clacton Pier FUN CARD, and use this to pay for rides, food, and 2p's.The more you put on, the more additional free credits you get BUT NOTD NO REFUNDS, the crefits do not expire, you you dont have to use all at once.Tonight (31 March 24) the Easter Bunny was here and Fireworks at night too.Car parking is PAY even with a Blue badge, Enforcement patrols are in force so pay or face a fine.

Michael W — Google review

Really great. I think the height restrictions are a tad strict. Toddler missed all the baby rides by half a cm but really like the ride cards. Great you can spend in soft play and sweet shop too.

Róisín F — Google review

Amazing how much this pier has changed since 2016. A whole lot better now than it was and it's constantly improving. Awesome arcade, perfect coffee shops, bars and amusem*nts.

Damon G — Google review


(12319)40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (71)


(1880)40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (72)

No.1, North Sea, Clacton-on-Sea CO15 1QX, United Kingdom

+44 1255 421115

I'll never travel to Ranelagh without this trip planner again

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40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (73)

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40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (77)

40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (78)

I will never travel to Ranelagh without this app againAvailable on the App Store


Jimmy's Farm & Wildlife Park

Mentioned on

15 lists

Wildlife park

Sights & Landmarks

Family restaurant


Jimmy's Farm & Wildlife Park is a small wildlife park with tapirs and a reptile house, as well as casual eateries and a shop selling farm produce. The staff are all really nice and the animals are all happy looking. It is a great few hours out with the kids, but bring snacks and drinks if you plan on staying for more than an afternoon.

Great offer - kids go free in November (with the app). It was great. Lots of animals - some really uncommon.Play areas, hot drinks. We brought our own food. Lots of picnic tables. Would recommend.

Justyna K — Google review

A few exotic animals along with farm animals , picnic areas and play areas for the kids , restaurant and gift/toy shop , woodland walk with den building.Great place for children , you might want to wear Wellington boots if its been raining as the pathways can get quite muddy.At the entrance you can buy a bag of food for £1so you can feed the farm animals , I would recommend this as its good fun feeding the animals , especially for young children , there are plenty of hand washing stations along the way so its totally safe⭐⭐⭐⭐Review for restaurant,The food was great quality, I had Lamb stew , very tasty and filling , the service was not so good , we ordered 4 drinks and 4 meals , the meals took at least 30 minutes to come out to us (its a small menu and should be a quick turn around) I had to remind the waitress we had ordered drinks , they arrived half way through eating our meal , we were asked if we wanted a dessert , the menu was given to us , after waiting 20 minutes (the restaurant was NOT busy at this time) we decided to give the dessert a miss !!when paying we wanted to split the bill between 2 couples , my friend paid on her card , I paid cash , I was short changed buy £5 , I told the cashier my change was not correct , she stared at the till and gave me £2 , I told her again it was not correct , she again stared at the till and I explained what money I had given her and what my correct change should of been , she eventually gave me the correct change . overall not a great experience ⭐⭐⭐

JASON B — Google review

Lovely day out with lots to do and see. We went with our 1yr old son (in buggy) and dog. The gravels paths are easy to navigate with buggy despite what a few people have written. We will definitely be back in a year or so so my son can take advantage of the park area which looked great fun for kids.

Alan C — Google review

We had a wonderful day at Jimmys Farm today. We haven’t been for a few years and it has a much wider variety of animals than I remember, including zebras and camels. The animals all have large and much more natural habitats than some other places and you can tell they are well cared for. We saw baby goats minutes after they were born and we were also very lucky to have the amazing experience of feeding the capybaras. The piglets in the rare animals section were adorable and so funny to watch. The food was also really good and freshly made. A special thank you to Keeper Tom for all your insight and helping us have a fabulous family day out.

Emma C — Google review

A good way to spend a few hours or so with a range of animals, they also sell animal feed for £1 per pack and have multiple hand wash stations throughout the farm. They had Marshfield Farm ice cream, which is one of my favourites do it had to be done... There are also several food outlets but we brought lunch with us.

Gary S — Google review

This is a wonderful day out for all the family. It is really clean. You can see that the animals are cared for and well looked after with plenty of room. There is also a lovely restaurant, gift shop and clothing outlet, so lots to see and do. Staff are really friendly and helpful. I would definitely recommend this as a visit.

Martin — Google review

We went on one of their 'experiences' and started the day off with a lovely breakfast. It was a bit of a cold, wet and windy day, but we still had a look round at all the animals. There was a good range of animals, from butterflies to camels! The enclosures are all well kept and there are some lovely spaces for walks and picnics. There were a number of activities for families too. The facilities there were good and some reasonably priced good food options available ( including vegetarian/vegan) . Thoroughly enjoyed the experience we selected, which was to meet and feed Basil the anteater. He was great, the guide was lovely and very knowledgeable.Definitely would recommend a trip.

Heather R — Google review

Not a zoological marvel, however the staff are all really really nice, animals are all happy looking and seem cared for. You can see the investment here, and I am sure this place will grow. Great few hours out with the kids. If you bring snacks and drinks, it is a cheap day out just down the road.

Adrian H — Google review

Lovely farm, had lots to see and do and interesting animals such as armadillos and ant eaters that you'd not expect to see at a farm! The animals looked well cared for and happy. The staff were very friendly and informative, particularly the man handling the dinosaurs today- very good with children! The butterfly house was really nice.

Sophie — Google review

I attended the Wellness Day, which included Pilates in the Woods. The whole day was perfect, including the healthy breakfast and lunch. I didn't get all round the park, so missed out on many of the animals, but just makes we want to go back.

Sue C — Google review

My Son & I visited Jimmy’s Farm in July 2023. We were both amazed!We’ve never seen animals so relaxed and so well looked after. We did the Capybara experience & VIP, would definitely recommend. The girls who ran our experiences were a real credit to farm. You could see that they loved their jobs & all the animals :)

Sophie M — Google review

Brilliant! Went thinking it was your typical "farm" style place was great to see so much! My kids had a fantastic time on the blow up pillows, Super friendly staff spoke to us for ages about animals behaviour! Had a late breakfast which was really good, loads of different things to see with what looks like an expansion of the site so 100% co*king back!!!

GAD T — Google review

Jimmys farm is wonderful, with plenty of animals to see, and they were all awake, well and lively, the polar bear is obviously the main attraction for most, but all of the animals shine in their own right.The park is fun for children and adults alike,and even though I went during winter, you can look around the place and see it's 10 times better during summer, genuinely a good day out, just be sure to bring wellies.

Bloodclart B — Google review

Always over sold without the facilities to accommodate the amount of visitors.I visited today in half term with my family. It's very expensive to attend and the car park was very full. The bouncy cushion was unattended and with about 50 kids flying around crashing into each other, throwing sand etc - it wasn't the safest.There aren't enough toilets, people queuing. The same with anywhere to eat, there were massive lines, and not enough benches to sit on. It being February it was very muddy so you couldn't sit on the grass and lots of people resorted to perching on tge edge of flower pots etc.There wasn't any soap at the hand wash station, and no hand sanitiser as you left, or in the gift shop which you are made to exit through to leave, which is a bug bear of mine as I have an autistic child who is clumsy and grabby around glass jars of things and other expensive items around.The walk in the forest was very muddy, and was impossible to walk on the actual trail, as no one had thought to put wood chips down, or even a sign that it was boggy ahead. My 75 year old dad struggled off the path with roots and other obstacles to navigate. My step sister actually fell in the mud at one point.I will say that all the animals looked well cared for and happy. They all had nice enclosures with plenty to keep them entertained and had food and water available.But I wouldn't visit again, at least not in peak times, as it seems they are more concerned with getting lots of people in and making money out of them than they are making it an enjoyable experience.

Sinead C — Google review

We was all very excited to go to Jimmy's farm but in all honesty wasn't was I was expecting. I totally take my hat off to this guy for giving these animals the best life and the space is I'd say the most I've seen for the animals which is the main thing in my opinion. Very clean site and can see they are all very well taken care of. There wasn't as much as we had thought to see and the viewing was quite far from some animals which was disappointing but was lovely to see them nevertheless.. I do think the tickets are overpriced in my opinion especially when your a family and wanting to eat also, burger and chips for £25 is extortionate I think. With the tickets, the drive down and something to eat for us would have ended up £200 which I really don't think was worth it.Again we all loved seeing the animals we did and well run, well kept and spacious for these types of animals.

Bryan H — Google review

What a lovely day we had, its more like a mini zoo than a farm ! So many different animals to see !Just listing a few here, goats, rabbits, sheep/lambs, pigs, meerkat, butterflies, crocodile, lizards, geese, chickens, anteater, zebras, armadillo....and so on !The farm itself felt very well spaced out, the animals had plenty of area to explore, it felt very clean, no litter or mess anywhere, it's easily a full day out.There where at least 3 different play areas for the children to play in, everything seamed brand new, there's an ice cream shop, coffee shop plus a restaurant and gift shop. The woodland den building area was a great idea ! My daughter would happily stay there all day !.We will definitely be going back again in a few months, there was a sign saying that 20 new animals will be added soon. We felt the entry price was fair considering what was there!The restaurant was really nice, looked stunning aswell as its set inside an old barn! The food was really really nice, we will happily eat there again, you are allowed to take your own food and have a picnic on the grass if you wish but we ate in the restaurant and I think we would again as the food was super yummy !!If your hoping to see farm machinery such as tractors, this isn't the farm for you as I said earlier, it's more like a zoo. This wasn't a problem for us, we loved it !

Aaron M — Google review

When as a Father's day present , never been before and had a lovely day. Lots of animals for the little ones to feed. Nicely set out. When in the restaurant for lunch and the food was very good. The sausage rolls are brilliant. One thing we did comment on was toilets. Could do with a couple more on site. It's a bit of a walk from were the raccoons are to the toilets. But apart from that very good. Large car park.

David M — Google review

Great time at Jimmys Farm.Easy to find. One road in and a separate road out. Large car park.Reasonable entry price and animal feed.Great to see all the animals at the farm.Toilets at the entrance.Large park for the children.Would recommend. I will visit again when the weather is better.

Kristel G — Google review

Great place for a day out for all ages. My wife and I spent a lovely 4 hours there today. Loads of different animals to see with some you can feed.Just don't stand too close to the goats with your box of food, as my wife found out, or they'll pinch it😂😂

Graham H — Google review

We love going there. Watching animals, feeding them, learning about them.Food, coffee and ice creams are great! Bouncy pillows and play areas. This is perfect place for children and adults.

Ania N — Google review

The experience was nice.On the top half of the park there isn’t a proper footpath, therefore could be dangerous/slippery as it is uneven and quite muddy in parts.The animals look well looked after, the polar bear and artic wolves didn’t seem to have much shade and looked quite sad in the sun, feel more could be invested into making their habitats a more enjoyable and comfortable environment. Enjoyed seeing the animals as a one off experience but can’t say I’ll be coming back regularly.

Alexandra C — Google review

I am a carer and was looking for somewhere to take a young adult in a wheel chair, the website stated it was wheelchair friendly so we gave it a go, it is not wheelchair or pushchair friendly. Really steep pathways which has stones as pathways, small pebble and larger rocks. as I was pushing the wheelchair up hills the stones were making me slip and nearly myself and young lad fell backwards. I met other people with buggies struggling as well, some bits I just wasn't able to assess with a wheelchair. Where it had been raining made muddy, stoney paths uneven too. Definitely a let down. Wasn't there long as safety, then to get out there is another quite steep hill, with slippery stones on had to do it in stages, workers were walking pass. Jimmy's only saving grace was the animals looked very well looked after. Love the wolves and polar bear but couldn't see them very well as too far away. With a nearly blind lad he wanted to see them. But couldn't get close enough although could hear them howling.

June K — Google review

Fantastic day out. Lots to see and lots to do. Really loved the fact that hand washing units all had hot water wherever we were going. We loved to watch polar bears and wolves and search for a brown bear Diego. Also, the sausage rolls in a farm shop were super tasty.

Valentina O — Google review

Great family day with plenty to see and do. Had breakfast in the restaurant. Defo need to book, food was delicious, staff warming and attentive our needs. Animals looked well loved and cared for. It was great to see the polar bears having fun, not seen one of those in years (only on a USA trip). Play area was great for smallies, but the giant pillow was a winner for our toddler terrorist 😅 Bluebells in the woods were on point. Not too busy and quick to get in with prepaid tickets or membership. Weather for a bank holiday weekend to top it all off. Chickens so friendly nearly stole a couple cause they liked our son so much. Managed to avoid the shop covering the kids eyes but some really lovely gifts as usual and the deli is lush.

Justine G — Google review

What a brilliant park. We had such a good day. The animals seem really well cared for and the enclosures are large. Obviously the highlight was Ewa the polar bear but we enjoyed spending the whole day here. Animal feed can be purchased at the gate and it's great fun feeding the animals. Playparks are good fun too. We also ate in "The Barn" and I highly recommend a burger 🍔 😋 X

Hayley E — Google review

This was even better than expected. The polar bear talk was very interesting, and the whole day went far too quickly. Will definitely go back. The only gripe is that we had pre-booked a mobility scooter for use around the park, which was confirmed by customer services, but when we arrived it had been loaned to someone else. Fortunately we had a wheelchair with us, but we couldn't get to see some of the park, including the brown bear.

Jacqui H — Google review

Outstanding wildlife part. So impressed with how much space there is for the animals. You can pay £1 for animal feed which is a lot of fun. There are multiple play areas for children. During the winter, wear boots as it gets very muddy. Ewa the polar bear is beautiful and so active. Highly recommend passing by her.

Lauren G — Google review

They have certainly been busy adding the Polar and brown bear enclosures which gives the animals lots of space. Pathways are stone clippings whi can make it a bit hard going, but otherwise it’s a good day out with plenty to see and do for young and old alike.Could do with some more food outlets as the park expands but the barn restaurant is nice food good quality and nicely cooked. Fortunately we did book a table in advance as it was a bank holiday and very bust.

Tony J — Google review

Jimmy's is a wonderful place. The enclosures are big and well laid out. The staff, although we didn't see many, are friendly and helpful.We didn't have food onsite as we had our own food but a family from our group did get food and it was delicious, although slightly expensive.Seeing Eva the polar bear was a highlight for everyone and we all stood watching her for a long time. Behind her are the Arctic wolves who were very loud the day we visited. But we loved hearing the howls.

Jane M — Google review

Visited with my son to see the Capybara’s. What a great place. Would recommend the farm opening more kiosks for entry and food outlets in school holidays. Love the story of rescuing the animals from Sweden, well done Jimmy and the team. Will visit again in the summer.

Matt H — Google review

Simply the best. All the staff are great and friendly and knowledge. Food is excellent and the little polar bear is very well looked after by (Ranger) James and Co!!! My good friends' children - the 7 and 9 year old boys loved the whole experience.I am partially sighted and disabled and whilst some areas were tricky to navigate there were always spots to rest - such as benches etc - and toilets and the staff jumped up to help me at all times, when I did or did not ask.The restaurant had good disabled facilities and a disabled access door.The disabled parking was great.I did take some time to climb back up the steeper parts of the park but then I do recognise that a wild animal park must have some bits that may be difficult to manage for people such as myself as they cannot tarmac a polar bear enclosure or even the path to it for very practical reasons.I know that the plans in development will improve the facilities further and I cannot wait to go back and see more!

Kieran B — Google review

Such an amazing day. The restaurant was fantastic, we had a full English breakfast to start off our day. And then spent the whole day in the park. All the animals were viewable. Such an amazing place to see how well the animals are cared for and how much space they have. Family and dog friendly. We went as 2 adults and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. We will be back!

Kirsty — Google review


(3873)40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (80)


(1108)40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (81)

Pannington Hall Ln, Wherstead, Ipswich IP9 2AP, United Kingdom

+44 1473 604206


Hastings Old Town

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19 lists


Nestled between two cliffs and accessible via funicular railways, Hastings Old Town is a delightful blend of traditional seaside charm and Tudor architecture. Visitors can explore the vibrant arts scene, browse quaint shops on George Street, and enjoy lively pubs on High Street. A shingle beach dotted with wooden fishermen's huts offers a picturesque backdrop for tourists who come to admire the Bluereef Aquarium or take in the sights at the Hastings Fishermen's Museum.


(2755)40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (82)

Hastings, TN34 3AR, UK


Leeds Castle

40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (83)40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (84)

40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (85)40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (86)

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Sights & Landmarks

Leeds Castle is a beautiful Norman stronghold situated on an island in the River Len. It has been home to six medieval queens and features influences from Medieval and Tudor times, as well as an exhibition of original artefacts, illustrations and film. The grounds include multiple things to do, including golfing and zip slides.

We visited Leeds castle during the week, in February, Wednesday to Friday and stayed at the Stable Courtyard Bed& Breakfast. Perfect time as there weren't many people around and we could explore everywhere - the gardens, the castle, the Falconry, The Dog Collar collection.There are plenty places to have a meal around as well - coffee shop near the mini golf course, the Castle view restaurant, bar/coffee shop next to it and a lunch place that is also next to the restaurant.There are two playgrounds for small and older kids and a mini golf.I recommend to visit the Falconry - the guys there are amazing and they can tell you all about the birds of prey. They take some of them out around 11ish so you can have a closer look 🦅🦉The castle itself was very nice to explore too. Part of it was under renovation that should be finished by April 2022. So we could not see the library. It is a beautiful place with a rich history and it is amazing that some of the rooms are used even today.I recommend to everyone to visit. We are def going back Spring/Summer time when it is greener ❤️☀️🏰

Miroslava T — Google review

The grounds are stunning, loved walking around the gardens and ponds. Don't take the train up or you'll miss it! The castle itself is a sight to behold. It's probably one of the better castles to visit in England. The property is huge, plan to spend a few hours. There's the grounds, the gardens, the lakes, the castle, the courtyard, the maze, the boat ride ... Etc. Should definitely be on your bucket list.

Miki N — Google review

Leeds Castle is a captivating destination that offers a perfect day out for families. As annual pass holders, we have come to adore this picturesque gem, where each visit feels like a new adventure. Here's why Leeds Castle has become our go-to place for an unforgettable experience.The grounds are stunning, providing a breathtaking backdrop for picnics. The presence of ducks, geese, and swans adds to the charm. The playground is a paradise for kids, with a variety of engaging activities. The mini-golf course offers friendly competition for all skill levels.The falconry displays are awe-inspiring, showcasing the incredible skills of these magnificent birds. The maze adds adventure and excitement to the visit, while the castle itself is a splendid example of historic architecture.Leeds Castle also prioritizes accessibility, with pathways and facilities designed to accommodate varying mobility needs. The staff is friendly and attentive, providing assistance when needed.Food options are delightful, including a wide variety of ice cream flavors. Additional attractions such as the ferry and land train add a touch of whimsy.With numerous events throughout the year, Leeds Castle ensures there's always something exciting happening. Whether it's a jousting tournament or other special occasions, visitors are in for a treat.Leeds Castle offers an exceptional day out for families, with its beautiful grounds, engaging activities, accessibility, and exciting events. It's a place where memories are made, and annual passes are truly worth it.

Emily S — Google review

Well worth the ticket cost. The house tour is surprisingly interactive with seats, games and displays. Grounds full of flowers and things to see. Easy to spend a whole day there, and standard tickets allow for free re-entry for the year.

Shan S — Google review

We visited for the Christmas lights festival. We usually go to Bedgebury, but this was closer to us and more convenient.We all felt it was easily on par with the latter, and we had a great time walking around the grounds exploring all the sites.Movement throughout the grounds was smooth and painless. Staff worked well to ensure this was successful. Parking was also very easy and quick.We'd definitely visit again next year.

Sean M — Google review

Leeds Castle offers an exceptional day out for families and history enthusiasts alike. With its rich historical significance, it provides a captivating educational experience for visitors of all ages. The expansive grounds offer a plethora of activities for kids, including a fantastic play area and a mesmerizing maze that guarantees hours of fun.The castle itself, set against the backdrop of the serene lake, is a picturesque sight, evoking a sense of wonder and awe. You'll find numerous coffee and snack bars scattered throughout the estate, ensuring that you stay energized during your exploration.One of the most notable aspects is the incredibly friendly and helpful staff. Their enthusiasm and knowledge enhance the overall experience, making you feel welcome and valued.And let's not overlook the captivating birds of prey demonstrations. These majestic creatures add a unique touch to your visit, leaving you with lasting memories.In summary, Leeds Castle is a treasure trove of history, adventure, and natural beauty. It's the perfect destination for a family outing, offering a harmonious blend of education and recreation in a breathtaking setting.

Alexander H — Google review

Absolutely beautiful and breathtaking castle. Entrance tickets are expensive, but this place is worth every penny. The castle, gardens, the lake , the maze, and a massive playground for kids. Most of the views are scenic. There is a wonderful restaurant with a big terrace. The view of the castle is stunning.

Joanna L — Google review

Lovely day at Leeds Castle today it is beautiful. Went arround the Castle and outside, watched a bird of prey display. The grounds are vast with beautiful lakes there is crazy golf a large play area for children and a large maze.Didn't get to go in the maze as time ran out so much to do for the whole family. Will definitely visit again and again as now I paid entry the ticket last for a yr. Well worth the ticket price.A lovely start to the new year

Carol L — Google review

I've been here many times. Every time I went the castle looks different.Handicap services are excellent. A bus will bring you up to the castle if you're not able to walk long distances. Unfortunately my mum couldn't get to the top floor in the castle due to her handicap. They offer a video about the castle as an alternative. My mum was very pleased with that.There are so many things to do. Well worth the money.Make sure you register you're ticket when you buy it. It will give you a chance to come back for free for a whole year.

Anneke A — Google review

Superb castle & beautiful gardens situated in a majestic location- surrounded by a scenic moat. But...Outrageous entry fee (£35) at times of economic crises ! Visitors showed their approval...with their feet- not many there- in July- peak times ! TIP: if you travel by train- look online for '2for1' entry. Sooo glad we did...& didn't get our pockets burned...

David L — Google review

Beautiful castle to visit! Get your walking shoes on because it’s quite a walk from the parking area to the castle. It’s a lovely walk though through the gardens. Just beautiful. They do have a mobility bus for those that need it. There is a well laid out, self guided tour. Enjoy!

Jason T — Google review

What a lovely picturesque castle. Great stories from the past and staff are very friendly. The massive garden is amazing and you can explore for a whole day. It’s great if you have kids as they will run endlessly in the garden.We were told that it’s not a dog friendly and only guild dog allowed as we were thinking of bringing our dog. But when you get inside the grounds you will see a lot of people have their dogs in. Don’t understand.

Emmanuel S — Google review

Fabulous! Very well thought through and kids friendly. In fact kids centred. Dog bone hunt in the castle. Amazing play area. Oh, and the castle and grounds are beautiful, chocolate box ++. Definitely worth the entry fee.

Gareth — Google review

A wonderful attraction for all ages. There are acres of wonderfully manicured lawns. Get the children, or adults, to feed the ducks on the way to the castle. It has interactive exhibits & free audio tours. Then, walk to see the Falconry area, play on the artificial beach. Loose yourself in the maze, then grab a bite to eat.Your ticket gives you year-long access, so you can go again to see the bits you couldn't see the first time! Good value.

Andrew B — Google review

OK, firstly I thought the tickets were expensive at £35 for an adult. However, if you buy them online, it's £31.50 AND it's an annual ticket ( go as often as you like!)Staff are friendly and helpful.LOTS of parking (free of charge)Not just a castle, there's tons for all ages. Playgrounds, mini golf, segways, boat on lake, little train rides, sand "beach" play area, beautiful gardens, a maze, birds of prey, falconry show (2pm today, it was brilliant!), there was children's entertainment and an Easter trail today, and of course the castle.Get the audio guide (multiple language options) it's free.Cafe, restaurant, ice cream parlour... or bring a picnic to have next to the lake (it did cost £4 for a box of fries, although they were delicious and a decent size portion!)Lots of seating. Multiple toilets that were really clean.Quite a lot of walking, so wear comfy shoes!Wheelchair accessible.Would highly recommend.

Rebecca L — Google review

Absolutely beautiful grounds with lots of birds and water to see. The castle is magnificent and a must see. Your ticket, once purchased, is valid for a year. You can return as often as you like within that year.

Steven W — Google review

One of my favourite places to visit. Great that one ticket gets you a year round visit.Stunning views and great weather we had. Love the gardens and the views fr afar of the castle. Pick a sunny day and you won't be disappointed.Great to see that the castle has switched it up a little and is moving with the times. They have a wonderful feature of all the women that have reigned at the castle and it was fantastic to see and read about it all.If you're looking for something to do for firework night too. I would highly recommend here as it's spectacular and this would be our 5th visit for fireworks. It doesn't get old.

L M — Google review

Really nice place to visit and such a variety of things to do and see. The reason I dropped it stars is we live a fair distance away and whilst if you can visit a few times in a year it offers value for money £95 for two adults and a child is a bit much. Loved the house/castle, maze and birds of prey displays. Well worth a visit if you can make it there a few times in a year.

Nick G — Google review

Beautiful and well-preserved castle. Stunning interior. Alarms everywhere. It's definitely worth a visit. The premises are gorgeous too. Beautiful and well maintained gardens. After closing hours, when staying at the courtyard, you're allowed to wander around. Great. No people cluttering your photos. The best spot for sunset pictures is the golf court. But golfers will not be pleased if you wander there.

Jorita S — Google review

We came by coach and were looking forward to coffee and cake but they had run out of milk and cakes. Had a lovely day looking at Narnia Christmas in the castle. We thought we would look at the maze and have a game of crazy golf, unfortunately these finished at 2.30 and 3pm so we were told to go back and had to stand in the cold till the light trail started at 4.30. Although we had a lovely day, the castle could do with better time and supplies management. Perhaps a cafe at the entrance where you could wait in the warm and dry.

Karen P — Google review

Visited the house for the Narnia experience. Castle and grounds stunning. Lots of water fowl and landscaped gardens. Castle was great - if a bit crowded due to the kids holidays. We stayed at the castle for our Wedding anniversary and got entry free - but a great venue.

Jeremy G — Google review

I’ve been to Leeds Castle a few times, incredible history behind this castle!Fireworks is fantastic event, however it’s usually sells out fast.Christmas lights event is lovely, especially on a dry evening. The walk around the grounds is pleasant, well kept and maintained.Hopeful to stay in the castle itself one day, as heard this is a great experience.

Daniel R — Google review

Beautiful 12th century castle and gardens. Lots of history and places to visit for the kids. It deserves a 5 star rating for the wow factor but sadly it’s let down by the prices, lack of attention to detail for customer service and general poor quality food and refreshments plus the almost negligent attitude towards making the venue accessible and inclusive for people with limited mobility or disabilities. A visit is recommended but I wouldn’t rush back as the venue is very expensive (£100 entry for a family of 4), poor signage, no discounts for senior citizens and no help for people who have limited mobility.

Matt W — Google review

Amazing day out, would thoroughly recommend to anyone, especially families. The gardens are beautiful, you can feed the ducks, the audio as you're going round the castle is engaging even for kids, good restaurant, ferry, land train, maze and grotto, fantastic adventure playground, falconry, giant sandpit, kids' obstacle course, adventure golf... we all had an absolutely brilliant time! I wish we lived nearer so we could return sooner! I'd recommend going for 4-5 hours, for all ages.

Lucy O — Google review

Good value. Now that the tickets are valid for a whole year. The grounds are vast and gardens are pretty. The maze is challenging and the audio tour for the castle is also interesting.

Malcolm L — Google review

A must visit Castle, perfect for the whole family! When we went, it was overcast and windy, and it had rained the night before, so some outdoor areas were muddy in parts, but despite this, we had such fun. The only thing that was hugely disappointing was the food in the Castle Restaurant, terrible food at expensive prices, avoid and bring your own packed lunch. So much to see and do, castle grounds are beautiful, a really fun hedge maze with a very cool grotto in the centre, historic castle, playgrounds, boat trip, little train ride, a mini beach, birds of prey, Easter trail activity and mini golf. In the summer it would be perfect and as our tickets last a year, we will definitely be back.

Moushumi B — Google review

Had an overnight stay with dinner & breakfast for my birthday treat. Fell in love with the place and it trumps my previous favourite Royal retreat Hampton Court. We uograded to stay in the Maiden's Tower and were given the bridal suite. The room and views were gorgeous!! Dinner was great as was breakfast the next morning. The staff were warm and welcoming and made us feel really special during our stay. Will definitely be going back (fancy staying at one of the lodges overlooking one of the lakes) and would highly recommend staying here for a memorable experience!

Karen K — Google review

We went on an overcast Wednesday, it was lovely to have a good walk around with not too many people around. The castle is well set out. We had fun trying to find the centre of the maze.We then went to look at the various owls, eagles and hawks, which are all named after cars.Then off for a quick game of mini golf at £3.50 per adult, it was very reasonable and fun.All In all an excellent day.

Tracey L — Google review

Leeds Castle is a great place to visit. Especially for families. It has something for everyone. History and education for the adults and a phenomenal playground and activities for the kids. Just a beautiful place all around. The restaurant is really good as well.

Melinda F — Google review

Leeds Castle is a stunning historical landmark with picturesque gardens and a rich history. Visitors often praise its well-preserved architecture, beautiful grounds, and engaging exhibitions. Whether you're interested in history, architecture, or simply enjoying a peaceful day out, Leeds Castle offers something for everyone.

Annu S — Google review

Leeds Castle stands as a testament to history, beauty, and tranquility, offering visitors a truly remarkable experience. Surrounded by breathtaking landscapes, this enchanting castle exudes charm from every corner. The meticulously landscaped gardens, adorned with vibrant flowers and lush greenery, provide a perfect backdrop for leisurely strolls or peaceful picnics. The shimmering lake adds to the picturesque setting, inviting visitors to immerse themselves in the serenity of nature.Stepping inside the castle is like stepping back in time. Each room tells a story, showcasing centuries of history through exquisite furnishings, intricate decor, and fascinating artifacts. From the opulent state rooms to the cozy chambers, every corner of the castle exudes elegance and grandeur.But Leeds Castle is more than just a historic monument—it's a place of exploration and discovery. Visitors can delve into the castle's past through engaging exhibits and informative displays, learning about its royal inhabitants and illustrious history. Additionally, the castle hosts a variety of events and activities throughout the year, from outdoor concerts to themed exhibitions, ensuring there's always something new to experience.Whether you're a history buff, a nature enthusiast, or simply seeking a peaceful retreat, Leeds Castle offers something for everyone. With its captivating beauty, rich history, and tranquil ambiance, it's no wonder that Leeds Castle continues to enchant visitors from around the world.

Ivaylo K — Google review

I love visiting Leeds Castle and its stunning grounds. A beautiful Old English Castle and the tress are truly epic.Buying one ticket and having access all year is also a huge bonus, with the groundskeepers always up for a laugh.Would recommend to anyone who enjoys nature and the outdoors.

Tim ( — Google review

We love visiting this place. Great for a walk in the grounds and a picnic. A lovely castle and the play areas in the grounds are fantastic for kids.If mobility is an issue you can use the little train to get you to the castle.

Val R — Google review


(11585)40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (89)


(5424)40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (90)

Broomfield, Maidstone, ME17 1PL, United Kingdom

+44 1622 765400


Adventure Island

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41 lists

Theme park

Water & Amusem*nt Parks

Amusem*nt park

Adventure Island is a free-admission fun park with more than 40 rides and attractions from rollercoasters to ghost trains. It’s centrally located in the Southend experience for families and adults who are young at heart, with 32 rides in all. Blue rides include Big Adventure rides, Junior Rides are green rides and Mini Ride are red rides.

We had such a brilliant day here today. So much fun we ended up upgrading to an annual pass! Kids loved it. Such a great variety of rides for all ages, sizes and fears! The staff were all really energetic and helpful and the park was spotlessly clean. Can't wait to come back.

Kerry S — Google review

I came twice. First I bought the tickets and it is one per ride any ride so no complications. Second I got a band as it means all twice completely paid for. The staff were enthusiastic the whole time and had good banter for the day and kept the joy of the day going with not one going to a phone each keeping engaged with what's going on.Would recommend for the day as it is a mix of big rides and children's thst adults can still go on so great for a family

Ali R — Google review

We had a great day out at Adventure Island. Entry is free. However, it is recommended to buy the day wristband if possible online as it's much cheaper (yesterday it was 28 in the ticket office but 20 online). Single ticket rides are £3.5. Lots of rides to go on, kids get measured in the entrance and if they are over 120cm they can ride on their own. Under 120cm they will need an adult but the adult will go in the rides for free. Lots of food places inside too.

Isabel E — Google review

Kids loved it every moment, they had an incredible time at Adventure Island! From thrilling rides to delicious food, it exceeded my expectations. The staff were friendly and helpful, and the park was clean and well-maintained, with no more than 10 minutes waiting time for the rides.I can't wait to visit again! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Mehul M — Google review

Had a wonderful time with our little one there. we went there over the weekend so the place was a bit crowded, however that was to be expected when the weather was nice and sunny. Some rides had a bit of a queue ( around 10-20 minutes wait), but it was worth it for our little one.Plenty of food to grab and i would say more than ok seating areas to sit and relax over a cup of coffee/tea.No parking available there, so you would need to find either road parking or look for pay and display parking spots around.It was great to see that they also have an indoor play area (soft play) and some arcade games in case the weather is not playing nice.Overall great day out and we had loads of fun.

Roxana P — Google review

I took my young baby there to the soft play play stack area and she loved it. She enjoyed going through the obstacles, the slides and really loved the ball pit that she didn't want to leave!!!There's a cafe, arcade stuff for the adults which all the adults enjoyed doing whilst i was inside with my baby.Definitely a must for any parentsWe went at new years so there was lots of Christmas decorations which were all beautiful and my baby enjoyed looking at them!!

Aisha A — Google review

Was a great day out that we all loved and would love to do again. Atmosphere was great and lots of different rides for adults and kids, even some calmer rides for smaller kids. Some nice places to get food & drink also. Not too long waiting in queues apart from a couple of popular rides.A thoroughly great day

Mike S — Google review

It's nice to enter and walk around without having to pay an entry fee. We walked around on a Thursday and it wasn't too busy but got there too late to purchase tickets to get our money's worth. However on the Friday , a public holiday, we decided we will do the half price from 5pm and we had til 10 pm closing time. The park was very busy throughout the day with queues. By the time we got our tickets, the rides were getting less busy which was great. We got to ride each roller coaster at least twice. Rage is the most adult one and though I don't like a full drop, I went on it twice, cause why not. The queues were short. By 9pm we were cold and had enough. But it was time well spent and so much fun.

L J — Google review

Not necessarily a place for adults, but children go crazy when here. I took my students on a school trip to Adventure Island, and they had a blast. They ran, they rode, they sang, and they enjoyed every second of the trip.The place has some fast-food options to eat and many sweets available.A big shout out to the call centre team that made the booking system very easy, and they supported me all the way. Thank you!I think AI is a great place for any school trip.

Cristi C — Google review

Great small park that appeals to both older thrill seekers and younger families. Could definitely do with a few more thrilling attractions. I would love to see a new rollercoaster but it's great as it is.Be aware some rides advertised on the website are removed or not open (including their biggest ride time machine), plus it's unclear on how to buy tickets online.

TCE — Google review

Wish I could give six stars to bring their rating up. Let's start with the good the park is well set out with loads to do for the kids and grown ups alike. Paid for wristbands in advance to save a few quid but even at the gate price they are fantastic value. All the food outlets we tried were great well priced and well staffed. The park was clean and tidy. Now let's move onto the bad.... There was non just even better I have always said the right staff can make a good place great and the excellent staff here make this already great place absolutely fantastic. Every member of staff where working a stall, food outlet, ride or even just walking around all had a smile on their faces on both of our visits. Interacting with the kids when on rides often dancing at the side honestly if you have any bad staff they were hidden on both these days. My at the end of the 1st visit my son came to me and said "we are definitely going here again the staff are lovely" now on our 2nd visit my mam has just said "the staff on this site are unbelievable so happy and helpful". Keep doing what you are doing.

M B — Google review

Visited on 5th May, expecting it to be very busy as it was a beautiful day. And it was!! However queue times were fantastic! Don’t think we waited more than 10 minutes, kids went on multiple rides, really got our moneys worth! I purchased tickets online beforehand so they were £20 each for the whole day, however will be buying the annual pass as it will be well worth it for summer!

Michelle G — Google review

Oooh Wow it was a beautiful experience, an amusem*nt park with lots of amazing rides, scary and mild ones, we had so much fun and a lot to eat to, and just by sea, you can have picnics at the sea shore, as at evening the tide had gone down and the water at the banks had gone back to the sea, we could even walk on the sea beds and pick shells. I will sure visit again in the future, it was fun with the children and adults alike.

Egy D — Google review

We weren't too sure what to expect from here (picture thoughts of typical seaside amusem*nt parks) but we were pleasantly surprised.The entry was quite expensive (£22.50) but the super saver wrist band worked out good value if you try enough of the rides. Take your child's Blue Peter badge if they have one for 2-4-1 entry.Unlike normal theme parks, it's very easy to come and go as you please so easy to pop out for food (plenty of options within 2 minute's walk). The facilities inside the park didn't get great reviews.We visited on Halloween weekend and the staff were really getting into the spirit!Plenty of places to park nearby, but the Royal's shopping centre seemed particularly good value.Rides are good for all ages. Lots of amusem*nts, facilities and also a mini golf course (though this costs extra).All in all, a good fun day out.

Adam S — Google review

I have really enjoyed my time over there . It's a small heaven for kids .. all the fun games and rides seem really enjoyable..I had a fun time just watching all those kids enjoying themselves. It felt like it was reducing my by with their joyfulness. And the nearby Pier gave me a peaceful walking experience. I will definitely go there in Summer In sha Allah .

Abul B — Google review

Great local fun park. A few good teen/young adult rides. More aimed at primary school age. I observed that security and other staff were friendly & professional. Lots of fun to be had, especially with a day wristband pass. The bonus was the good weather. 22°C.I'd advise taking a packed lunch. Hour long queue for food. The queue was chaos. It started out as three single orderly lines to each order point but slowly became a morrass of bodies pushing in, that melded into a formless crowd clamouring for overpriced hotdogs, burgers (3 mm thick), chicken nuggets or vegetable wedges. The servers were working so hard but the quality of what they're working with is IMHO substandard. The price doesn't bear any relation to what you receive. I had two bites of the hotdog with onion, mild mustard & ketchup but could eat no more. I reminded me of the 1970s. The kids were disappointed too. They're not snobs but can detect a rip off very well. If you have a severe food allergy, have coeliac disease or are a vegan, be very cautious. Call them up when planning to visit.Having said all that, I still recommend the park for a few hours. Queues for rides varied between a few minutes to a ½ an hour, so not too bad.The park is split in two by the pier. A passage takes you under the pier, past an amusem*nt arcade and into the part with the more adventurous rides.Have fun!

The W — Google review

Great place to take the kids. Adults go on free with any kids under 110cm which meant it was a cheap day out with a wristbandKids had a particularly great time as we timed our visit to a superhero day and the staff engaged our children with genuine enthusiasm.Only let down was the food situation, tasteless but at a reasonable price compared to many places along the seafront.Buy tickets in advance (save £8 per daily wristband if bought online in advance... )

Jonathon L — Google review

Went on public holiday, the wrist band is worth it as you can go on all the rides and depending on how busy it gets you can go on some rides more then once. You can purchase online and save or you can purchase wrist band on the day. If the adventure land is open until 10:30 you can get the wrist band half price after 5pm. You can purchase individual tickets which works out £3.50 for a ride if you know your little on or your self is just going on one or two rides. It’s a great idea to measure your little one hight so you know exactly how much rides they can go on.They have wheelchair friendly rides.Staff are amazing and full of energy which is always a great bonus.They have drinks and snack which you can purchase.Toilet are available, you may need to wait in a queue depending on how busy it gets.They have arcade play, you do need to pay separate for that.Car parking available near the resort how ever it can get really busy, after 6pm parking is free.This is over all a good place for family and children to enjoy.In holidays it can get busy but I think they manage it well. The wait time for rides wasn’t bad at all, the longest I had to wait for a ride was 20 min. Which is reasonable considering it was packed.

Nazma P — Google review

1. Good value for children and families2. Can spend the whole day3. Indoor ride is good for younger children and have soft play4. Annual pass is a must

Tracy B — Google review

Wonderful fun for all ages and weather. A day pass is £28 (or £14 after 5pm), but if you book online it's only £20! 😃 A year's pass is great value at £56 if you'll visit more than twice. Lots of fun rides to keep the kids amused, plenty of places to sit, eat and drink, and toilets around the area

Sarah L — Google review

Superb way to spend a whole day with a little one. Plenty of rides and stuff to do throughout the park for an entire day out. Plenty of places to buy food from and somewhat ok seating areas. The place does get quite crowded during busy times and some ride queues have waits of upwards of 10-20 minutes for only like 3 minutes rides. Superb atmosphere and i like that the place also has an "indoor" area where there's soft play and some arcade games in case the weather is not suitable. Parking is a different story as they don't have dedicated parking places so you will have to either find a car park or street parking. Nearby theres loads of them but during busy times it gets quite crowded.

Adrian I — Google review

If you’re going for the whole day, get tickets online. It’s cheaper. However if going after 5 get on the till. Entry is free. But u need either wrist bands or individual ride tickets to go in the rides. The opening and closing hours are updated daily so make sure to check the website. The website is quite informative and easy to navigate. We had a lot of fun in all the rides and there are some good spots to eat in and around the adventure island.

Izza — Google review

Great fun for all the family. Lots of rides for big and little kids. Big wheel, roller coaster etc. Lots of staff/security around too if you need them. Plenty of food options. A good place to visit even on a grey day.

Louise — Google review

This place offers fantastic fun for both kids and adults. Normally, I tend to avoid such places due to long queues, but when we arrived around 11:30 on a Sunday morning, there were no queues at all. The staff is exceptionally helpful and friendly, and there's a wide variety of enjoyable rides to keep you entertained all day.What's even more impressive is that it's very budget-friendly.

Ahsan J — Google review

Great fun, £3.50 for 1 token, 1 token for any ride. No entry fees.

H B — Google review

Good selection of rides and activities, lots of fun for all the family.

Sol N — Google review

Variety of rides available with comparatively low waiting period. Totally worth it with full day pass. Park staff is also nice, they interact with kids on ride and keep them engaged.

Yogesh P — Google review

went down there on 5th may again and vertigo was open hope this vids help I love this place.....went down there a couple weeks ago Extremely good place suitable for any age and for rainy weather there is an Indoor place with a play area a swinging boat and more you can get an annual pass for 60 pounds and all you have to do is show them and you go in for free there are a lot of places to get food and drink And a day pass is 20 pounds hope this helps

Layla A — Google review


(16167)40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (91)


(4453)40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (92)

Western Esplanade, Southend-on-Sea, SS1 1EE, United Kingdom

+44 1702 443400


Colchester Zoo

40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (93)40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (94)

40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (95)40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (96)

Mentioned on

+61 other lists


Outdoor Activities

Colchester Zoo is a large zoo, with 200 different species of animals and many interactive features. There are also special themed zones, such as the Orangutan Forest and Edge of Africa.

A fantastic day out for the whole family. This is a nice big zoo with a huge range of animals. You can easily spend all day here and not see everything. We have a zoo pass and go most weekends. There are loads of places for food and drink. The hot chocolate is amazing!The jungle tumble soft play is a really fun part for younger kids to enjoy. They run in 45 minute slots (you must book!), so a good chunk of time to wear the children out a little.They are constantly revamping areas, so it is cool to see the changes as they happen.Overall there is a wide range of interactive areas and activities. Near the eelphants they have an area where you can hold stick insects or African land snails, etc.The train takes you from the tigers to the lemurs and back again (return trip is up to you).I feel that I could waffle on for ages about this place, but I would definitely recommend it. If visiting from afar, definitely come along for a trip, or if local, I would strongly recommend getting a pass. I had one before having a child and loved the after work walks to the tigers and back!

Tarot N — Google review

What a brilliant day out for the whole family!We spent 7 hours here! There really is so much to do, so many animals to see.A few lovely little parks also.Plenty of toilets around.A few different places to stop for food or drinks.

Tracey B — Google review

A great day, we all preferred the second half of the zoo where the bigger animals were kept as it was a lot more open, less cramped and less slopes. Overall there was a great selection of animals to see and things to do for all ages. Took us all day to soak it all up without really stopping to eat. Feeding the giraffes was definitely the highlight for me and the Komodo dragons talk was the highlight for my daughter

Lucy D — Google review

Even though it's 3+ hours drive, it's a lovely zoo to visit.Few new things since we last visited.Great exhibits, and they're all built with the animals' welfare as first thought.Not good for people who are motility impaired due to the hilly nature, but most of it's still accessible.Definitely worth visiting.

Steve W — Google review

4* stars better than London zoo, Colchester Zoo is a really lovely day out. We went the weekend before late may bank holiday, and it wasn't overcrowded, no real lineups even for the train, and could walk around with relative ease. Saw a lot of animals that are usually hiding, but where have the African Hunting Dogs gone? Enclosures like those for the Andean Condor looked significantly undersized (one of them looked like he/she wanted to take off, but definitely one of the better zoos I have been to recently.

MattyGMo — Google review

An absolutely wonderful zoo. We visited on a cold March day, yet the welcome was very warm. Lovely the way you wander round. The animals have plenty of privacy but you also get great views. The tiger enclosure seemed so natural. The edge of Africa was so well laid out. Highly recommended

Ian M — Google review

An enormous zoo just 40 min outside of London! A great place to spend a day! It’s kid-friendly. Buy tickets in advance. We also tried one of the experiences available - feeding the elephants. It was definitely worth it. You should try one too! There are plenty of restaurants and cafes. The gift shop is big and full of interesting things to buy as a souvenir. The parking lot is enormous and it’s part of your ticket so no worry. There are also free tours available in different section throughout the day - look at the map at the beginning of your journey. Dive in the interactive activities that are free of charge!

Radi G — Google review

My daughter bought me a Zookeeper for the Day experience. We came yesterday. Loved every minute of it. Keeper's are so friendly and knowledgeable and great to see how proud and caring they are for their animals.Would recommend this for anyone who loves animals, and wants to work with animals. Thank you all so much for a very memorable day.

Heather S — Google review

This zoo provides a great family fun day out! We all enjoyed our experience. There are various different types of animals and so much to see. You definitely need the whole day to explore. There are also lots of fun play areas for little ones which is fantastic! The zoo itself is huge and takes a while to get around. They also have a free train service incorporated within the zoo that allows anyone to get on and go on a short tour with the guide. The toilets are well maintained and clean. The feeding facilities for babies are also amazing. There are plenty of shops around and lots of sitting areas, perfect to bring your own food and enjoy too!

Sana M — Google review

Tickets for 2 adults and 1 child about £80 so if you can use your Tesco points. The big zoo , can see a lot of different animals. The place has cafes , a playing area, an activity area for kids or you can bring your own food, gift shops , ice- cream cafe, toilets). Better to start exploring from the left side ( less people so you can enjoy a nice walk+ not long to wait for the train, usually later there will be a long queue). Kids can feed goats -goat food costs £1 but it's really fun.Usually it takes all day to walk around the zoo so make sure you have comfy shoes.

Irina . — Google review

I visited for the newly added Pygmy Hippo experience and this was a great experience. As well as being informative, I was able to get really close to Venus, feed her fruit and help prepare her enclosure. My keeper was great, deeply cared about all the animals on his section (Giraffe) and spoke about how Venus will be enriched by this new experience as she has recently lost her partner, Freddy.The zoo is fantastic, so much for adults and children to do. I went during the week, which was really quiet, but would I really loved is that all the animal talks proceeded even though I was the only one there. Each staff member waited at the meeting point and happily invited questions.Ate in the food outlets and prices were very reasonable. Breakfast roll was under £4 and cooked freshly for you. Great range of vegan treats and loads for the children to do. Will definitely be returning!

GJX W — Google review

Had a great day out at the zoo. Plenty to keep all ages entertained for hours. Special mention for Paul who was one of the guides on the train. How he can keep telling the guests about all the animals and telling jokes whilst having to hurd us off on and off the train and through the enclosure without having a melt down is amazing. Keep up the good work.Overall I can't fault anything about my visit. Highly recommend and I will be visiting with the kids again soon.

Paul M — Google review

Even with a wet and rainy day the Zoo was still very good. The staff are all nice and polite. A gold pass holder has a lot of good benefits. Kids love the soft play area which is free but need to book a place in advance as it gets fully booked quickly.

David D — Google review

Went there on a Friday! Loved it so much, it was relaxing and very interesting!! Great zoo to go to with family and friends, the gift shop had a wide range of products and some items were unreasonably expensive but other prices were great! My favourite area was the one with the Koi fish, they were so gorgeous!!

Ivana Y — Google review

Fantastic day out, even my 16yo & 18 yo daughters enjoyed it. Booked tickets online which was easy . We also booked the giraffe 🦒 & elephant 🐘 feeding experiences, which was definitely money well spent. We went 19/04/22 . Spacious zoo, one of the best that I’ve ever visited. Arrived 9:45 stayed until 5pm . All the animals seemed happy in their environment which was kept clean. Download the App onto your phone as a map etc . Can’t fault this place, even the toilets 🚽 were clean. The staff were helpful that worked there

Gary R — Google review

We had a lovely day out. We got there early and did need the full day (10:30-17:45) We had two children under four and a baby, the toddlers loved it! They are both good happy walkers, so if your child doesn't like walking too much you will need a push chair. Lots of hills, but lots of benches everywhere.All the animals were easy to see and all looked happy and healthy.The train ride was fantastic, a queue to get on however they had two trains running. Well worth it as you then walk through the lemur enclosure.Indoor play area was fantastic, they had timed slots, so book ahead. As it's at the start of the park, either do it first thing or last. If you go in the middle of the day you'll be going backwards and forwards.We didn't know the birds that you can feed stop being fed at 16:00. So make sure you do that before then. Also we found there weren't many toilets, there was a wait each time.All in all a very good day.

Sarah L — Google review

Excellent zoo with lots to see, Not the cheapest and often deals on tickets via Groupon/Kids pass (saved over £5 with this one), etc. Includes some farm animals, goats, pigs.Worth checking the times for various talks/feeding times as well. We were lucky enough to see the Otter feeding.

Mark F — Google review

We absolutely love, Colchester Zoo. Lots of talks and interaction.The parakeet feeding part, was new to us and we thoroughly enjoyed it 🙂.It is a shame though, as years ago, you could queue and feed the Giraffes and Elephants. But you now have to pay extra for that. But I appreciate that it can't be cheap to keep a zoo going, especially in this economy and they do a lot to help support wild animals, so it's all worth it 😊.

Nicola S — Google review

A brilliant day out with the family on my return visit after quite a few years.Very busy bankholiday Monday, which added to the atmosphere.Plenty of parking with entry being managed very well and efficiently without queues.Place was very clean, well designed, and easy to get around.Plenty of cafes, food outlets and ice cream Stores to keep family happy.Most importantly the big 5 were out and not hiding🦁🐯🦒🐘🦏

Motin K — Google review

The best zoo I have been too. Lots of animals, lots of play parks scattered around the zoo, a train ride around some of the park into an up close visit into the ring-tailed lemur exhibit. Food seems a little pricey but that's no different to any other place.

James D — Google review

We have the yearly pass great value for money.Great Zoo all animals look like they are kept very well.Had the chicken pieces and chips great value for money large portions and free sauces as much as you want.Land train is great fun close up and personal with the ring tailed lemas.A must visit well done to all involved.Great day out.

Martin H — Google review

We visited Colchester zoo today(15/01/24) for the extraordinary experience full day for my son’s Christmas present and it went far beyond expectation. From start to finish you are met with a wealth of knowledge of the animals and zoos history while having special encounters with the animals. You are well catered for the day during your experience making the day care free. Our host Amanda was so knowledgeable and went above and beyond to make the day amazing as was all the keepers we met through out the day. The care and passion the team have here for the animals is very evident. Experience was true value for money while the memories you keep from it especially for my son!

Harry K — Google review

The staff are always so happy and friendly.The Billy-Joe walk is very emotional. This is a zoo that truly loves their animals and you can feel the love for their animals - especially the ones they’ve had to say goodbye to. The enclosures are always clean, happy animals, very social! We love going here and will continue to support the zoo due to their caring nature. The orangutan was my favourite. She was swinging around, playing with cardboard, coming up and inspecting people.Thank you for always being fantastic and putting animals first!

Dino — Google review

I absolutely loved this place... one suggestion for anyone visiting for the first time is to book tickets in advance and secondly is to visit the zoo as soon as it opens. Trust me, even a whole long day is not enough to properly witness all the beautiful animals.

Sohaib A — Google review

This is a fantastic zoo. The animals and enclosure are really well kept. Safe are friendly and helpful. Talks are good although unless you are interested in animal knowledge then you should give them a miss. It is a big place and takes a good full day to get round everything properly. The play parks and great and plentiful and the food and drinks are actually reasonably priced but there is plenty indoor and outdoor picnic areas if you want to take your own. Really enjoyed the day out and for anyone with kids it's a must!

Hannah W — Google review

Lovely family day out. Plenty of toilet facilities. Zoo well maintained and staff friendly. Please note the Zoo has lots of steep inclines but is wheelchair friendly. I would recommend advanced booking a mobility scooter as it is worth the money to make your day as enjoyable as possible

Lauren D — Google review

The best zoo in the UK, book your tickets now if your not sure, you'll not be disappointed. Loads of free parking, free soft play (45mins sessions) amazing range of animals in enormous enclosures, so nice to see happy animals

Rob B — Google review

Absolutely brilliant, staff answer your question. Food to feed the goats, and birds (for one pound). Lovely animals there there's one (maybe two) train there but you have to wait an hour for it (well we did). And at the end of the zoo there are Lego dinosaurs! Will definitely be coming again.

JJ C — Google review

Wonderful zoo with an amazing collection of animals, some of which we've not seen anywhere else. Slightly convoluted layout so it is easy to miss exhibits if you're not following a map, but there are lots of friendly staff around to help. The train was an excellent idea too. Food and drinks are readily available, varied and reasonably priced and there were many great talks throughout the day too. All in all, a fab day out, and we will definitely be going back.

Kim S — Google review

There are a lot of animals here and some really wonderful exhibits. I'd give it 5 stars but the layout of the zoo is a bit odd and we got turned around a few times. That being said, it is certainly worth a visit! Easy parking as well.

Lauren S — Google review

My wife and I visited here for the fourth time and our experiences have only got better. We were welcomed by the staff attending the entrance, and easily located maps of the park. We visited at half nine and therefore weren't surprised when we couldn't see a lot of the external animals. We had a nice stroll through the park looking at the animals we could see and we had intentions on going round the park again. We got some awesome photos and we were extremely lucky with some of them. We had an amazing day and loved seeing how far the park has come from the first time we visited it 7 years ago. While there were refurbishments currently in progress it only makes our next visit even more exciting. I would recommend everyone to see this place at least once and I would also recommend you book online, although you save some money I would also urge you to make a donation while in the park as well. Colchester Zoo always delivers!!!! (Haven't included all the photos but just a few favorites)

Luke C — Google review

I liked this zoo when I came the 1st time ten years ago, it was even better this time round with my kids. The things we liked; The lion roaring at the visitors. Sleeping all day crocodile. The hungry otter sisters. Sensible soft play. Bargain new year tickets. Underwater Anaconda. All the little bush dogs by the train station. Plenty of play parks for a sit down.

Max D — Google review

Very well designed and organised. Animals have large enclosures and sometimes that makes it difficult to spot them. But if you are patient you will see them sooner or later. Plenty of children around, especially in strollers - probably for that reason there is like a dozen of cafes where they all eat some snacks. Overall, visit to this zoo is amazing experience and it is probably the best zoo in Europe

Nazar — Google review


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The Beachy Head

40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (108)40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (109)

40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (110)40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (111)

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Beachy Head is a stunning natural attraction located in Eastbourne, East Sussex, England. It is known for being the tallest chalk sea cliff in the United Kingdom and offers breathtaking views of the ocean and surrounding countryside. Visitors can explore hiking trails, visit the Countryside Centre to learn more about the area's history, or enjoy a drink at the Victorian-style Beachy Head Pub. The site also features a quaint lighthouse with an interesting past.

The Beachy Head, West of Eastbourne, is a pub or restaurant very close to the coast and a Memorial on World War 2. It has a very nice atmosphere to have a drink or a meal inside or outside. Oppositie of the road, you can start walking along the coast all the way to National Trust's 'The seven sisters' . On dry weather, moreover with some sunshine, it is a great walk with marvellous views on the clean, The coaster area and the country side.

Ruud U — Google review

It’s a good place to rest after walking / hiking across the coast, it has a nice vibe to it. I enjoyed the interior, provided nice escape from the sun in the summer. I would recommend to get a drinks only as they are reasonably priced, but food is not great. I’ve had fish & chips and it was one of the worst I’ve had. My partner’s vege burger was bang average as well.

Mateusz P — Google review

Very warm welcome, amazing staff, great tasting food and to top it off.. dog friendly!. Location and views are amazing.. don't put off visiting, you won't be disappointed... Thankyou and see you again soon !

Kelly C — Google review

Popped in for a swift drink& crisps. Fantastic views. Very comfortable atmosphere. Great place to sit and relax after having a walk along the cliffs.

Victor H — Google review

We came all the way from London to check out the magnificent Seven Sisters Cliffs on a Sunday afternoon & were “welcomed” with a “Hey! You won’t get any food today”. The waiter(?) further said that he has many booking and 16 more people to come.I personally understand, that the time past covid is tricky for everyone, but being polite isn’t. He could have literally said something down the line like “we are fully booked for this evening, but I can ask the kitchen staff if they have more capacity right now and get right back to you”. The outcome (no food) would have been the same, but our experience would have been so much better.Location & the view (see picture) is amazing, can’t tell you about the food as we didn’t get any & the personal made us feel not welcome and a burden.

Liv H — Google review

Such a great place to eat.We did a hike from Seaford to Eastbourne and found this pub when we got super hungry. We ordered food and drinks and everything for really good.The location of this pub is great. You could go down for a small walk overlooking the sea. We saw many small aircraft’s practising around this area. It was a nice view.

Nivedita N — Google review

Beautiful views, very cozy and comfortable inside, truly special place! And, when all of this accompanied with great looking and tasting food, five stars won’t be enough to justify! Impressive!

Oleksii K — Google review

Came here on Friday for my Birthday lunch seems to be traditional coming here 5th birthday lunch here in my 30s. Lovely location and can never beat the surrounding views. Food amazing as always and well presented. Always a warm and friendly environment as a family we have found ourselves here more often over last year. Also a fantastic place just to grab a drink and enjoy the sunset 🌇

Clive G — Google review

Had a wonderful late lunch/early dinner. The weather was horrid and the view was nonexistent but as soon as we walked in they had a fire going and the staff were welcoming and we had the loveliest meal. Definitely will come back next time, hopefully with the view as a cherry on top.

Kathryn S — Google review

Such a great restaurant/pub , the views across the downs and Beachy head are breath taking, the staff are very friendly and good food and drinks menu.Beware it is often very windy up there!I highly recommend 👌🏼🍾

Steve W — Google review

The place is super cozy and a great way to escape the wind coming from the cliffs. The staff was attentive and the food delicious (especially the pudding). I'd highly recommend it.

Sara V — Google review

This place is super cosy and beautiful. Great location with very nice view. Staff is really lovely, we were served by Lilly and one other lady who helped me with my allergies 😊 unfortunately we don’t know her name, food is amazing. We had Sunday roast absolutely loved the pork belly 😋 worth to visit.

Veronika S — Google review

Holidaying on the south coast it was a treat to find the 'The Beachy Head!'Glorious views across the downs and 7 sisters. It's huge but manages to be cozy. We liked the place, the beer and food enough, to come back the next day! Food was on the whole great 👍 and the bonoffee pie is a treat!Pizza, Burger and chips and a beer and Cider and pudding to share about 45.The staff are helpful and friendly, down to earth with good local knowledge.A chain pub this big can do better beer prices. £6 is taking the ....

Gegs T — Google review

Food very well, environment terrific, always feel good in the midway of no where and found a warm place with good food!The best part is, mobile signal is full as there is a signal tower beyond the restaurant!

1988 A — Google review

The Beachy, head restaurant and hotel was a prime location within the south coast a good looking establishment with good parking, and decent reviews as seemed.However, when we arrived, we had to wait 5 minutes till we were serve it seemed like they were understaffed hence the wait. with a glance over the menu options, there was a decent selection of pub Classics and other unique dishes.The chicken buttermilk burger and arrangements of sides and small plates were ordered. A very well-made and delicate plates were very good crispiness for the chicken. There was great flavour and I highly enjoyed the Chipotle Chili jam with the burger.One thing I would say was the glasses were very dirty and had dishwasher and limescale stains. It definitely seemed like someone did not polish the glasses well enough.

Kieron T — Google review

I always come to this place no doubt (this is my fourth time is one of the best. Is in such a good location where you can see the views out of the window. Is also such a lovely cosy homely place and the food is absolutely delicious!! Service is always good but particularly Jan was such a lovely woman and she provided us with such a good service.

Manuela N — Google review

What a lovely lunch we’ve had at Beachy Head today! Food was excellent, garlic bread was particularly impressive! Service was very efficient. A special thank you to Jan for making our lunch extra special

Marina G — Google review

We were up for a coffee and cake both were great 👍👍👍👍👍. The views are amazing. Really nice staff and the food has always been good.

Nick A — Google review

What a stop! Wow. The service was amazing, Due to a rush the kitchen had shut for an hour. We asked to wait and a table was given while we waited. Had a drink and relaxed and the the food cam out! Wow what a beautiful meal with a view that was stunning. The staff where great and so polite. The manager was a great guy and actually seemed to treat the staff well, calm atmosphere, food amazing, we enjoyed the meal and will be back again to eat and relax. Amazing views over the road as well! Thank you all for a beautiful time.

John W — Google review

Table booking was easy to make online and was confirmed the day before by email. When we arrived, we were met with a friendly greeting and taken straight to our requested table, which as much appreciated. Our server was very friendly and efficient in taking our orders. The food was generally good, but when I discovered that my roast was not very warm, this was quickly corrected - so all good :)

Warwick A — Google review

Called into The Beachy Head last Monday for some lunch. Straight off Dan made us feel so welcome, offering us a nice table with a lovely view. He waa attentive and kind, and nothing was too much trouble. We had a relaxing drink while we chose from the menu.The menu choice was excellent, our food arrived in good time and it was delicious. Our daughter is vegetarian, and loved the burger. The atmosphere really was so welcoming, and while all the staff were very pleasant, attentive and courteous, I must mention Dan who was excellent throughout. We'll definitely visit again when we're down on the East Sussex coast.

Seamus L — Google review

Lovely welcoming staff 🙂But clearly the place is under staffed as the wait time on a Monday around 2pm was 40 minutes for food, this is after a 15 minute wait for the order to be taken.Drinks also took around 10-15 minutes to arrive (not great when your second drink comes after you've already eaten your dinner)The food is standard, I would avoid the grilled chicken as it was like cardboard! Just so so dry I had this in my curry and my partner had it in a burger.It's a lovely pub and great that dogs are welcome!

Laura H — Google review


Abbey Gardens

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Nature & Parks


The Abbey Gardens are a beautiful and peaceful place to visit, with formal gardens, ruins, sports facilities, an aviary and light refreshments.

Stunning grounds steeped in history. What a lovely place to have a walk and appreciate the amazing architecture and beauty. Walled gardens as well as the Abbey and picturesque local properties that showcase a blend of the ages. Great options within the City to shop and eat.

Mark P — Google review

This place is gorgeous and full of history! I loved it here. The only had two issues.1. I ended up picking up trash as I was walking. People can be hogs!!! There are refuse containers everywhere so there is zero excuses.2. People letting their kids climb on the ruins like it is a jungle gym. I actually saw a kid knocking stones off one of the monuments. That was awful.Other than that it’s worth the trip… you can spend a full day here.

Heather A — Google review

My friend and I had a lovely trip here with our dogs. Dogs are allowed on leads in the gardens but there is a fairly long circular walk too, where we did let them off, not in the gardens. There are plenty of seats for relaxing and chatting in the gardens and we did some of that despite the fact that it rained nearly all the time! We had lunch and coffee and cake at the kiosk cafe. Only outside seating but there was a lucky break in the rain! Lovely sausage rolls and soup, cappuccino and brownies. Also got some dog biscuits. Pleasant friendly staff too. There are very clean loos in the park with an attendant which was nice. We parked all day nearby at Rams Meadow Car park for only £3. What a bargain! It would have cost 3 times that in Norwich! Would recommend.

Bridget G — Google review

Partner loves a good cloister I tell ya. View of the cathedral is amazing and the gardens are very well kept. The ruins are a joy to walk around if you’re into history and architecture at all. Squirrels aplenty as well and are very comfortable around people (if you have grapes). Free public restrooms as well, to include a small cafe (haven’t had anything from there but looks rather nice). Benches in case you want to bring a takeaway there. It’s great and I suggest a stop at the gardens for anyone who passes through. There’s parking 🅿️ right outside the gardens (paid of course) but worth it.

Elijah W — Google review

The Abbey Gardens are lovely and well worth a trip into Bury (which is a nice town with lots of interesting independent shops). In the summer there’s lots of flower beds and greenery. A lot of care goes into maintaining the gardens and I’m grateful for it.The ruins are mostly open to explore and they’re absolutely fascinating - a glimpse into another time. My eldest child’s fascinated with them and imagining what they would have been.I have so many lovely memories of the Abbey Gardens from my childhood, especially looking at the birds kept there (they still have them now). It’s really nice to be able to visit the gardens when I’m back visiting family in Suffolk to make more memories there with my children.

Victoria S — Google review

Beautiful place with lots to explore! The abbey ruins, St Edmundsbury Cathedral, the aviaries, plant shop, flower gardens, playground, cafe...there's lots to see and do. If you're visiting BSE, park in the Ram Meadows Car Park - it's just round the corner and only around £3 per day.

Emily H — Google review

Lovely, peaceful gardens between the cathedral & old Abbey ruins of King cnu*t of Anglo-Saxon times. Only the ruins of the Benedictine Abbey remain but these are extensive with interpretive boards showing the layout of St Edmund's great Abbey. The gardens, laid between large mature trees, are exquisitely kept, a perfect place of tranquility & rest.

Gill C — Google review

A pleasantly set out and well maintained public park in the grounds of a former abbey. A kids play area is on site as well as refreshments in the form of a cafe. The birds on public display are cute, the ruins interesting but the most enjoyable and entertaining thing by far are the many squirrels that will come and say hello for ford.

Jamie T — Google review

Absolutely love it here! Beautiful walking trails, lovely flowers that are very well taken care of and the ruins are breathtaking. Lovely little playground for children and very dog friendly.

Linzy G — Google review

Gardens are well maintained. There's toilets near the entrance. Cafe and shop. The priory ruins are amazing!It is wheelchair friendly, although there are some steep areas and uneven terrain! There are plenty of benches to sit down.Dog friendly!

S S — Google review

What a fantastic place. It was our first trip to Bury St Edmunds as a family, and we took the kids through the gardens, into the park and around the ruins. They all loved it. Ages 10, 8 and (almost) 2. Despite being in a busy city center, there was an unedniable air of the idylic to gardens.The playground offers something for kids of all ages, while the gardens themselves are an area of pure beauty. There was a wedding photography session in place when we arrived, and I can understand why. The picturesque setting offers an array of stunning backdrops.One thing to keep in mind is that you only get a max of 2 hours parking outside the gardens. So you're best to look at the long stay car parks and walk down. You can easily spend a day in this park without even looking at the rest of Bury.We can't wait to go back for more.

Alex L — Google review

Beautiful and peaceful gardens with several areas to show off different kinds of flowers and plants (roses, herbs, wildflower, formal, etc). There are also many restaurants, bars, and shopping within walking distance.

Caitlin R — Google review

A really interesting historic place, free to roam with pets, amazing ruins left to see and information to read up on, a must visit.....

Gary W — Google review

Always a place we drive by..sugar beet factory is the landmark...but we pulled off A14 on sunny BH Monday...what a lovely place..so full of history. A picturesque square with a unique illuminated traffic signpost ( like a lighthouse) leads to a portcullis through to the most amazing parkland which used to be the largest Abbey in Europe (?)..now in ruins with just the walls inner flint rubble core remaining..the limestone walls being repurposed after the destruction in the 16th Century...Memorial rose garden to the USAAF at Rougham Airfield 1939-1945.

Julian C — Google review

Lovely grounds to meander. Meticulously kept year round. The ruins of the ancient abby are honored and explained beautifully.

Laura H — Google review

Lovely green area with gardens, ruins, cathedral, lots of seating areas, good for picnic or just for a nice relaxed walk. Very peaceful and beautiful when all the flowers bloom.

Indy R — Google review

Came here in the winter just before closing. Was so lovely with some amazing views of the Chapel. The gardens are well maintained and are a lovely place to chill out. The closing times depend on which gate you go out of.

Hannah W — Google review

Beautiful gardens, well maintained, lovely flowers and space for families to walk and enjoy looking around the place or chill on the grass without feeling like everyone is close to you. Toilets and an icecream/coffee window and a play area for kids. Am looking forward to going plenty more times as parking nearby is good value and you feel so relaxed there

Hannah B — Google review

Absolutely beautiful! Well worth a wander, beautiful beds and lawns set amongst The abbey ruins.

Carole L — Google review


(3582)40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (115)


(1838)40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (116)

22 Mustow St, Bury Saint Edmunds, IP33 1XL, United Kingdom


Hever Castle & Gardens

40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (117)40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (118)

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Hever Castle is a 13th century castle and childhood home of Anne Boleyn, located in Hever, Kent. The castle is an incredible place to get married with its lavish furnishings and stunning gardens. There are two rooms that can accommodate 64 guests each and the views from the castle grounds are breath-taking.

A great day out with a lot to offer. If you like Tudor history you can see plenty in the Castle, but for me, the gardens were the highlight. Huge and mature, the main gardens are impressive. The Italian Gardens were spectacular and worth the trip to me. Columns, water, statues, tulips. Dramatic and beautiful.We did not see everything and shall probably return to see more.

MBK P — Google review

Honestly, nothing can do it justice. The castle is wonderful, especially at Christmas. The grounds are exquisite. The staff and volunteers are helpful and knowledgeable.The bed and breakfast is absolutely better than anything you can imagine. The rooms ate incredible, the service wonderful and the breakfast ( and dinner if you are able to dine there) excellent.Honestly, just cannot enthuse enough about this place. It has become our favourite.

Adele J — Google review

What a lovely day out. We'd been before twice, but not been for a good few years. The sun was out and the flowers in bloom. There was a little cold wind but we found a sheltered spot for our picnic. There was a little queue for the castle but definitely worth the wait. There is an audio tour while in the castle, very informative. Both the water and hedge mazes are great fun. The gardens are amazing and must take ages to tend. The lake was lovely but the cold wind blew in from there. There were plenty of food vans around and a couple of restaurants but we did not buy coffee in the pavilion as there was over a 30min wait to get coffee, they need to sort this out as that is not acceptable. Overall excellent day out that I would recommend

Simon F — Google review

Lovely day out with plenty to do. Good parking within walking distance. Entry process smooth. Beautiful gardens, roses, lake. Historic tour of House recommended and the audio guide added to the experience. Food outlets are good. Small museum to the Kent soldiers. Children's play area. Boating Lake.Recommended as a lovely day out with something for everyone.

Valerie D — Google review

Probably has become my no 1 favourite castle to visit.Beautiful castle and surroundings, loved every minute of it. Highly recommend to do the lake walk, takes an hour but worth it!Fun day out here, so much to see and do, lots of ducks!

Kimberley A — Google review

We enjoyed a lovely afternoon at Hever Castle yesterday. The history of the house is very interesting. The gardens are really beautiful. There's a lot for kids to do. The water maze,in particular, was a big hit with the youngsters.Well worth a visit, go there if you can.

Mark G — Google review

A beautiful place , gardens are lovely with something new to see round every corner. The water maze was fun , and happily we solved the yew maze too! The moat cafe had enough food options including vegan ones to satisfy all of us. Close to Halloween when we were there and we chatted to a vampire, spotted a ghost and saw lots of crashed witches. Well worth a visit for adults and children alike.

Suzanne S — Google review

Beautiful castle with great exhibitions and lots of great informative staff. It also has lovely gardens and a very nice walk around the lake on the grounds. Definitely worth multiple visits for the many different events held throughout the year

Glenn M — Google review

Beautiful gardens. Phenomenal castle.There’s even a great playground for the kids.The behind the scenes tour was was well worth it at 3 pounds.The remodel will add a lot to the history and make it more like Anne Boleyn’s lifetime.You’ll learn about the Astor family too who helped renovate the castle.We came before peak season so only the main cafe was open. It would be nice to see all the shops bustling. Peak season starts in June so it’ll be lively soon.Discounted tickets if you buy online even the day of. Saves about 2 pounds each.Very cool experience.

Brittany L — Google review

Beautiful place. We stayed in the castle B&B and was able to wander around the garden before it was open to the public. Great place to spend the day with kids. The kids audio guide in the castle is great fun. It kept us entertained for nearly 2 hours.

Maria G — Google review

Visited a couple of weeks ago, so worth the visit of the garden and castle. Well kept and interesting audio guide, plus kiddies playground was superb. Archery was fun, payable separately in cash. A couple of places to eat and have coffee. Shop was well stock too. Seen a wedding held there and bride photos taken in front of the castle

Diana M — Google review

Such a beautiful place. Visiting the castle felt like time travel, but we loved the huge park even more. The rose garden is amazing. Everything is looked after so well and there is so much to discover :)) Perfect destination for a wonderful day trip

Claire J — Google review

Great day out. Been here before but not during the jousting competitions. Great experience and they involve the kids so it's fairly family friendly. Would recommend a walk around the gardens and the castle (even though the castle itself is quite small). A lot more food options than last time I went, and the gift shop is pretty decent. Very tidy overall and very helpful staff.

Craig H — Google review

Great place!!! Castle is amazing. It is not big, which is good and when you walk through all the rooms you are not feeling tired. You enjoy everything. The gardens and the lake (especially Italian gardens) blow your mind. Thoroughly recommended!!!

Natalia P — Google review

A friend had toured the castle and grounds and mentioned that there was a B and B. We were only in the UK 6 nights and only had one night to spend here--and I'm glad that we did.The Falstaff and Bremly rooms were wonderful and the staff was even better. We took their recommendations for places to eat and all were top notch.And then there is the castle--what a treat.

Brian H — Google review

An absolute gem of a place. Beautifully maintained with plenty to see and do. We got to see plenty of the castle interior and I’m sure it will be even better following the offing renovations. An amazing slice of British history. The cafe was also good with decent coffee and cake.

Drew B — Google review

One of the most amazing places for kids in the UK. Large adventure playground, the castle, gardens, water play. You can easily spend an entire day there. Never busy. If you come more than three times best to buy an annual membership. Food available, but also people with picnics. Easy parking. We have been there 10x in two years and kids asking when we go again.

Thomas M — Google review

What an amazing day we had!! Steeped in local history! We got the family ticket which allowed us in to the gardens and around the castle which a has an excellent audio tour to accompany it! Parking is free! You can take a picnic or buy from the many food stalls available! Dogs are allowed on leads and there is a huge adventure playground for the kids! We drove from West London which took around 60 mins on a bank holiday. I would highly recommend!

Nils F — Google review

We had no idea how much time we would need to see and experience all. Which means, we have to come back for sure.This place is amazing. And so many activities going on. We did only book the gardens, but with watching the jousting, the weaponry demonstration, the battle of the knights and visiting the Italian garden and lake, time was running away from us.Great day out. Most people bring there own picnic as there is ample space to rest on the various lawns throughout the park.Definitely a place for a family. Kids will be entertained, as there is so much going on for kids of all ages.We loved it. Next time we will be visiting, we will come much earlier and leave time for a visit of the castle as well.There is lots of parking space available for free and wheelchair accessible as well.

Sabine E — Google review

We loved it. What a wonderful place to visit. The history of the Boleyn family and its relationship with Henry VIII is prominent on display.The grounds are spectacular and the craftsmanship in the castle is amazing.The staff were extremely helpful and friendly.I would definitely recommend the trip.

Shane G — Google review

Really great park to visit! Especially for kids, but we went as a family and a dog! Dogs are allowed around the garden but not inside the castle.There are loads of activities for everyone, interesting architecture.We went on the boats which was about 19£ for 30 minutes and definitely worth it!There are people dressed up in costumes and interesting stands to see from back in the old times.For families I would recommend, even for a walk as a couple. There are entrance fees but no fees of parking.

STASKA S — Google review

Lovely place buzzing of joy and wondercolours of autumn as we visited on an October Sunday. Everything for everyone- military museum at entrance, history castle with lots of information, great Halloween decor, fair selection of snack and cold or warm drinks to buy, nice souvenir and gardening shop, amazing gardens and maze. Highly recommended either for family, friends, romantic or just for a day out !!! Hope you will enjoy it as much as we did.

S. A — Google review

A great place to visit if you enjoy both history and gardens. If you like to know more about the Tudor era, you must visit Hever castle. It's a beautiful house, and it has great gardens filled with pretty flowers and different types of maze. It's a pleasant place to visit with family and friends.

Fatemeh G — Google review

The tiniest castle I have ever seen! So interesting history and the most versatile cool garden with fun mazes. I enjoyed the walk so much despite the weather wasn’t the best.Why 4*? I found it a bit cheeky to charge full price when most of the rooms in the castle were under refurb. Also, the cafe girls have no manners or customer service skills. There was chaos and dirty tables in the cafeteria. Dog friendly castle and garden was a plus 🐕

Nusynasy S — Google review

Excellent day out. Lovely gardens, interesting house. Almost too much for a single day trip. Can be a longish walk back to the car park. Very helpful staff. Water maze on a hot day good for kids. Food a tad expensive but to be expected.

Neil G — Google review

Great castle to visit. Packed with stuff and interesting stories of the history. It set in massive grounds with gardens and a lovely lake. Very picturesque. Look out for the animal topiary. The snowdrops are lovely at the moment in February with some daffodils as well. The tour for £3 is very worthwhile with extra stories and more rooms to visit.

Denis P — Google review

Wonderful family-friendly experience.The gardens are absolutely amazing, regardless of the time of the year you go, there's something special going on.The playground is insane, a real add-on to the visit ! Beautiful walk around the lake to finish, lovely food selection and plants/gifts to buy.

Marie A — Google review

Beautiful garden and palace! A bit pricey but well worth it. Ticket with palace entrance include audio guide for all—-kids version as well and very entertaining! Lovely garden and amazing shop, don’t forget to visit the miniature Tudor models tucked at the back of the shop! A gem!

Estef V — Google review

A lovely visit to Hever Castle.I went with my 85 year old Father and he loved it too We had been many years ago,so we were overdue a return visit.Highly recommend it for a relaxing day out and the history of the castle itself if fascinating. The Maypole dancing was really fun to watch and the Sheriff of Nottingham and his crew were brilliant too.

Penny A — Google review

Visited the gardens and craft fair on at the time. The gardens are well kept and colourful. Larger than expected, and a beautiful walk by the lakeside is available. The gardens were in full bloom in May. The craft fair was also good, with lots of skilled craftsmen making items at their stalls.I would recommend taking your own food and beverages as these are grossly overpriced at all of the outlets in Hever.

Gazza H — Google review

A really enjoyable day out. Huge gardens and lots of walks to see, lakes, waterfalls, colourful and aromatic plants. The Castle is beautiful, crammed full of history, ranging from hundreds of years ago to (fairly) recent. Staff are very friendly and welcome. Our guide, Susan, was very interesting on the behind the scenes tour which was well worth the £3 each. Would go again and at different times of the year to get full experience of the gardens.

Samantha H — Google review

Fabulous castle with fascinating history. We had a behind the scenes tour with an excellent guide who was so knowledgeable and kept our small group very interested. We visited in the spring and saw lots of daffodils and other spring flowers. The gardens are immaculate and absolutely amazing. Would love to visit in the summer to see the summer flowers. Definitely worth a visit. Highly recommend.

Melanie K — Google review

It is time to breath history here. The gardens are amazing. I recommend you to dish out the additional fee to enter the building. We even paid an extra to have the behind the scenes on the unfinished section of the internal renovation, the lady guide was very informative and we had a lovely tour

Yalcin T — Google review

The most special place with gorgeous gardens. No end of people spend so much time here making it pristine and beautiful, all I can say is thank you and hats off to your talent! Fabulous acer trees to be admired here amongst other things!

H J — Google review

The castle is filled with some very interesting history which is relayed through a free audio guide. Unfortunately a number of the rooms are currently closed to the public.There are ample grounds to explore, a maze to get trapped in and well manicured gardens.

NSLondon — Google review

A delightful.plsce to visit for a wander amongst beautiful gardens, lake & explore the history of the castle. Clean and well maintained. We look a picnic as food/drink.prices are typically high in such places & they were here too. A nice day out.

Jane S — Google review

I stayed at Hever Castle for the night, hoping to get my head down to study. This didn't happen because there is far too much to see and it is absolutely beautiful! Friendly helpful staff. Lovely room with everything you need. Stunning surroundings. You can wonder the grounds after all the visitors leave, and you're also given entry into the castle. I would highly recommend

Corene H — Google review


(11332)40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (122)


(3898)40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (123)

Hever Rd, Hever, Edenbridge TN8 7NG, United Kingdom

+44 1732 865224


Brighton Palace Pier

40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (124)40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (125)

40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (126)40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (127)

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Amusem*nt park

Water & Amusem*nt Parks

Brighton's Palace Pier is a longstanding amusem*nt park with fairground rides, restaurants and deckchairs that offer stunning views of the sea. The pier is wheelchair accessible from its car park and all its public areas are on the same level, making it easy for all visitors to enjoy the attractions. The pier boasts two bars, a restaurant with braille menus and permission for guide dogs, as well as games such as quoits and egg throwing.

A day well spent is a everlasting memory in our busy life. The best day outing for a family, couples, friends, singles. This is the place for those who likes the crowd. Pebbles here resembles like necklace of the shore. The sight of flying seagulls, the warmth of direct sun and the chillness of the soaring waves feels like a paradise on earth. Brighton Palace Pier a great amusem*nt park for kids and adults, interestingly this heavy rides were setup inside the sea.

Srikanth M — Google review

“Brighton Beach and Palace Pier offer an amazing seaside experience filled with endless fun and adventure. The iconic pier boasts a variety of thrilling rides and attractions that cater to all ages, guaranteeing an exhilarating time for everyone.From classic carousel rides to adrenaline-pumping roller coasters, there’s something for every thrill-seeker at Palace Pier. The breathtaking views of the coastline from the top of the rides only add to the excitement.When it comes to dining, Brighton Beach doesn’t disappoint. Indulge in the quintessential British experience of enjoying delicious fish and chips, perfectly cooked and served with a sea breeze backdrop. There are numerous options available, ensuring that your taste buds are satisfied while you soak up the seaside atmosphere.Aside from the thrilling rides and tasty treats, the beach itself is a picturesque setting with its expansive shoreline and glistening waters. Take a leisurely stroll along the beach, feel the sand between your toes, or simply relax and soak up the sun.Whether you’re seeking thrilling adventures, delectable food, or simply a day of relaxation by the sea, Brighton Beach and Palace Pier have it all. Prepare to be amazed and create lasting memories in this vibrant seaside destination.”

Rohit B — Google review

A fun place to take the family. Free to walk through the arcade and around the amusem*nts, and playing the coin machines are extremely cheap, which is a plus.The free walk around will give you a chance to get a sense for what’s on offer, which is mostly something for younger kids, but worth checking out if you’re a tourist in Brighton.

Simon H — Google review

Brighton is an awesome city by the sea in England. It's a place you've got to see! If you're into fun, you'll love Brighton Pier. It's like a giant playground with games and rides.Take a walk along the beach, and you'll find cool stuff happening, like street performers and cosy cafes where you can grab a snack.One of the coolest things about Brighton is its history. There's this fancy old building called the Royal Pavilion.It's super fancy and shows that Brighton has some royal roots.If you're into art, Brighton's got you covered. There are lots of galleries where you can check out cool paintings and sculptures. You might even find something awesome to take home as a souvenir.But wait, there's more! At night, Brighton comes alive with its buzzing nightlife.There are tons of bars and clubs where you can dance the night away or just chill with friends.Overall, Brighton is a must-visit spot if you're looking for a fun and exciting time by the sea. Whether you're into games, history, art, or partying, there's something for everyone in this lively city.So pack your bags and get ready for an unforgettable adventure in Brighton!Gaming stations, and we can spend a lot of time with the beaches and near by areas

Anakha _ — Google review

First time to Brighton and it didn't disappoint. Loved the pebble beach and the Pier. Having 2 kids it kept them busy and they enjoyed themselves. Good food options by the beach and also as it is near to the city centre you have loads of food options there. The Pier has great little stands for food, great views and options of rides and arcades (very addictive).Had a fab day out here with the family !!!

Suki S — Google review

Lovely experience especially when it's getting dark. The lights look fabulous as you can see both left and right all the way along the seaside. I loved Brighton and would highly recommend that it's well worth a visit. If you have kids they will love it as there is a fairground at the end of the pier and many other things to do and see. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Nicola E — Google review

What a thriller! This place was unbelievable. They have built an amusem*nt park into the sea! And the rides were too good. The view itself was spectacular. Some rides turned you upside down so it was the sea up and sky down. Crazy fun!

Haritha R — Google review

Had a wonderful day with kids. The pier is very long and full of fun. Kids enjoyed the rides. The choice for pay per rides or pay for the day band is amazing. It's very charming to sit and look into the sea and sky as a cool breeze won't let me think anything else.It was busy over there, but it didn't take long in queue for the rides might be different for very busy days.

Ahsan S — Google review

Exploring the Brighton Palace Pier was an absolute blast! The combination of classic amusem*nts, breathtaking views, and the lively ambiance is a recipe for a fantastic day out. The mix of traditional rides, scrumptious food options, and the refreshing sea breeze offers an ideal setting for a fun-filled day, leaving visitors with a memorable experience by the beautiful seaside

Fayiz M — Google review

Visited April 16, 2019: I hadn't been to many piers, but this was my first one, and it was just an enjoyable time! Again, the rainy day made the atmosphere a bit glum, but the pier certainly kept its high energy and spirits. Fun all around, but also a nice place for a walk, keeping the entertainment close at hand if you ever need a reason to play to your heart's content; there's one for kids and grown-ups alike. And as with any pier, the view looking back towards the city and the shore is always wonderful.

David M — Google review

Just beautiful ...even if you don't go to any games or attractions...it offers a beautiful sea view and you can use sea chairs left for the public to sit and enjoy some sunshine too.Many spots offered to seat and eat food you can buy to the food and drinks stalls.

Daniela M — Google review

Brighton Palace Pier is an absolute gem on the southern coast of England, and it offers an incredible array of activities, dining options, and thrilling rides for visitors of all ages. During my recent visit, I was captivated by the sheer variety of experiences it had to offer.One of the most striking aspects of Brighton Palace Pier is the abundance of activities available. It truly caters to everyone's tastes and preferences. From the youngest members of the family to adults seeking excitement, the pier has it all. For the little ones, there were delightful rides perfectly suited for their age group, ensuring endless giggles and wide smiles. The range of choices for toddlers was impressive, allowing them to create unforgettable memories.But the excitement doesn't stop there. Brighton Palace Pier also caters to the adventurous souls among us. The selection of daring rides left me breathless and exhilarated. Whether you're a thrill-seeker or simply looking for an adrenaline rush, the pier provides an assortment of options that will leave you craving for more. From classic roller coasters to spinning attractions that challenge gravity itself, there's something for every adventurous spirit.Aside from the rides, the pier boasts a fantastic selection of dining options. The vibrant atmosphere is complemented by a diverse array of eateries, offering delicious treats and meals to satisfy any craving. Whether you're in the mood for traditional fish and chips or prefer international flavors, you'll find it all here. I highly recommend indulging in the fresh seafood delicacies available, as they truly capture the essence of this coastal paradise.Moreover, the pier is also home to engaging arcades that provide endless entertainment. Immerse yourself in a world of flashing lights and exciting games, where you can try your hand at a variety of amusem*nts. The arcades add an extra layer of nostalgic fun, offering a perfect balance between modern attractions and traditional pier charm.Throughout my visit to Brighton Palace Pier, I was thoroughly impressed by the friendly and helpful staff. They ensured that all guests had a safe and enjoyable experience, and their warm hospitality added an extra touch of delight to my visit.In conclusion, Brighton Palace Pier is an absolute delight for anyone seeking a day of endless fun and excitement. With a wide range of activities, delectable dining options, thrilling rides for all ages, and engaging arcades, this pier truly has it all. Whether you're a family looking for a memorable day out or an individual seeking thrilling adventures, Brighton Palace Pier will exceed your expectations. Don't miss out on this vibrant haven of joy on the stunning southern coast.

Dipesh N — Google review

A nice arcade and small refreshments stop with plenty of rides near the end of the pier. I would be careful with your phone here, could slip through some of the wood flooring into the sea if not careful. Great views of Brighton seafront

M ( — Google review

We were there just 2 days ago on an amazing sunny day. Wonderful entertainment place for children and a bit for adults. The place is filled with virtual and physically playing games and lotteries. It's more than a normal gaming arcade. I would suggest leaving your kids there with 10 pounds each and relaxing and enjoying your drinks just outside with a beach view. 🥂🍻. But this is a non-smoking area.Enjoy the last sunny week of this year.

Ramji K — Google review

So much fun! Love the 2p machines, took me back to my childhood. Great atmosphere. We also went on the ghost train because- why not! Always a great time.

Natasha G — Google review

Brighton Pier is an absolute blast, and the arcade is the cherry on top of an already delightful experience. From the moment you step onto the pier, you're greeted by a kaleidoscope of sights, sounds, and smells that evoke a sense of nostalgic fun and excitement.The arcade is a treasure trove of entertainment, with rows upon rows of classic and modern games that cater to players of all ages and skill levels. Whether you're a pinball wizard, a racing game aficionado, or a fan of classic arcade games like Pac-Man and Space Invaders, there's something here to tickle your fancy.What makes the arcade at Brighton Pier stand out is its lively atmosphere and sense of camaraderie. As you navigate through the rows of flashing lights and ringing bells, you'll find yourself surrounded by fellow gamers who share your passion for fun and competition. Whether you're playing solo or challenging friends and family to a friendly game, the arcade is a place where memories are made and laughter is abundant.But the fun doesn't stop at the arcade – Brighton Pier offers a plethora of other attractions and activities to enjoy, from thrilling rides and amusem*nt park games to delicious food and stunning ocean views. Whether you're taking a leisurely stroll along the boardwalk, indulging in some tasty fish and chips, or braving the heights on the pier's iconic rides, there's something for everyone to enjoy.Overall, Brighton Pier is a must-visit destination for anyone looking to have a good time and create lasting memories. With its lively atmosphere, diverse range of attractions, and of course, the fantastic arcade, it's the perfect place to let loose, have fun, and embrace your inner child.

Oliver K — Google review

Nice and spacious seaside pier. Entry is free and they have various areas selling food at the front and some snacks further in.There are arcades and a small funfair if you go further in. Saw a pretty restaurant right near to the end as well. Suitable for all ages and recommended. It was a bit rainy and overcast on the day so did not see any sunset but was still lovely.

Iris S — Google review

Wonderful place for weekend and summer lots of activities indoor& outdoor activities water rides definitely will add some memories form this place

Veera R — Google review

Entrance fee introduced..The pier has introduced a £1 charge for visitors from outside Brighton. visitors that live in a Brighton postcode, and can prove it, will be allowed to enter free. Everyone else has to pay.Revised my review down to 1 star as I don't have a Brighton postcode, and I was a regular visitor to the pier, and played a lot of pinball, ate donuts and went to the bar. I'm not pleased to be charged, so won't be returning. Though, I will say that the pier is worth a visit, especially for kids and eating good traditional dounutsFor adults, the bar is excellent.The pier has a few sets of opening times.School holidays, the pier is open from 10am to 8pm, but will close earlier, potentially at 6pm, depending on the weather.October to May, Monday to Friday, it opens 11am to 5pm. Saturday and Sunday 10am to 8pm, but can close earlier depending on the weather.May to October, Monday to Friday, the pier opens 10am to 8pmIn the 2nd week of February, we saw the most epic sunset and the biggest and most epic starling mermeration from the pier.The pier was free to enter, now it's a charge of £1 of your not a Brighton resident.There are many types of amusem*nts and food and beverage options.

Joseph K — Google review

Brighton has to be the city with the most beautiful promenade I've been to so far. But this pier is just the cherry on top. It offers a casino, a amusem*nt park and a really beautiful sight on the sea and the city. A must to visit when you want the full experience of it.

Tim K — Google review

The pier is iconic. Full of arcade games, souvenir shops and fast food places, it's fun to just wander through. We went in the winter but it was still fun to check it out. Has great views of the city also.

Paul H — Google review

Loved it one of the best piers we've been on! Even though the weather was being very British, it made it even more fun and memorable. We love Brighton. Something for everyone. The arcades were great fun and really well maintained.

Sarah M — Google review

My first visit to a pier was during a class trip to Brighton Pier. Walking along the pier with classmates provided a neutral but pleasant experience. Exploring the area, trying the traditional food, and observing the surroundings offered a glimpse into the typical pier setting. Overall, it was an ordinary yet noteworthy introduction to the seaside pier environment

Maki — Google review


(35085)40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (130)


(8824)40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (131)

Madeira Dr, Brighton, BN2 1TW, United Kingdom

+44 1273 609361


Royal Pavilion

40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (132)40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (133)

40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (134)40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (135)

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Sights & Landmarks

The Royal Pavilion is an iconic building in Brighton and is famous for its chinoiserie architecture. It is a must-see attraction for tourists visiting Brighton, and provides a glimpse into the lives of royalty in the 18th and 19th centuries.

Great to explore if you're into history or architecture. Walking tour was great n staff r on hand in most rooms. Worth to see how King George VI and after that Queen Victoria lived there. U can get an audio guide tour for more detailed information of each room.A unique experience, this Royal Palace is on it's own. U really have to visit to take it in.The settings in the rooms are very well done, the restoration of the Saloon is magnificent. The atmosphere with chandeliers just amazing.A must for visitors and Brighton and Hove residents.

Win T — Google review

One of the most unique and gorgeous palaces I’ve visited. I’ve been to dozens of palaces around the globe, but I was still pleasantly surprised by the interior and exterior design of the building. The artistic style choice of combining Chinese and Indian concepts was equally refreshing and astonishing. Loved the fusion of different cultures as well as the rich history behind it. The free audio guide certainly helped me understand more about the place and Brighton as a city. Loved every aspect of the Royal Pavilion and I cannot recommended it enough to do it justice. I normally don’t comment or post reviews on Google maps, but the experience has impressed me so much that I urge you pay the site a visit whenever you’re in Brighton. Cheers!

Oy L — Google review

My friend recommended that I visit the pavilion as I was in the area for the weekend.I was not disappointed, it was so worth the visit. The attendants were so informative and were obviously so proud of the building and it's history. What stood out for me, was the chandeliers - utterly magnificent.Once you buy the entrance ticket, you can go back for free throughout the year.The decor is very Chinese and Indian orientated - absolutely beautiful.

Maureen G — Google review

I definitely recommend to anyone interested in history. It's a beautifully reconstructed place that will show you how the world used to look, how the nobility lived. There are plenty of magnificent paintings, a perfect interior, and a beautiful atmosphere, for example, in the music hall.

Zuzana P — Google review

This is my favorite place in whole trip. Staffs are so helpful. And I like the introduction audio . It help me a lot to know more history stories . No need to rent the audio machine . You can use your phone to scan QR. but if you are willing to donate 2 ponds to support them is also not a bad thing .I strongly suggest to pay ticket to get in.If you have train ticket , they give you special ticket rate buy 1 and get 1 free. And it’s a one year pass. Even as a foreigner I might only visit this time, but I still think it’s a good money to spend .

Wu M — Google review

Really one of the best palaces with period furniture I've ever seen. Definitely the best sight to see in Brighton. I bought tickets online in advance so we walked right in. Self guided tour, we spent about 1 hour wandering through. It's just the right size to not get bored. At Christmas it's nicely decorated with some fun humor. Gift shop at the end. Definitely recommend visiting.

Paul H — Google review

Very beautiful building in Brighton. The inside is very amazing definitely go in if you have the time. There is so much to look at in a lot of rooms. The decorations are really insane in a good way. You can download the app and use that as a audio guide recommend using a headset makes it easier to listen

Ron G — Google review

The Royal Pavilion is beautiful both outside and inside. Every room you go through has vibrant colours, all kinds of beautiful decorations and lots of history behind. There is a QR code you can scan so you can have an online guide on your phone while you walk through the Pavilion. Very good idea and helpful. The staff are also there ready to answer any questions and are very helpful! Amazing experience

Ant — Google review

Amazing place to visit! Unusual architecture and furniture! If you have a toddler or baby, plan your visit during NAP time. It’s quiet place and most of rooms are available with stroller. So your little one will not be bored and you will spend a great time here, learning some history 😉

Tatyana K — Google review

Well worth a visit. Very impressive building both outside and inside. Good audio guide provided. £20 per adult. No major queue when I was there, and while it was busy going through each room, it wasn't too crowded. Very enjoyable experience overall.

C R — Google review

Such a beautiful and mesmerising place, it was so warm and cozy inside and it just caught my breath away. We got an audio guide for 3 pounds and it was so worth it. Explained every room in detail. I would definitely recommend and the tickets are worth their price

Anastasija M — Google review

A hidden gem... Great feature you can scan a code and get an audio tour for free... Very informative!! Beautiful and fabulous decor... The staff are very knowledgeable. Buy a full price ticket and visit all year for one price. If youre an English Heritage member you get a discount. 10 out of 10 for this attraction

Carole M — Google review

Stunning example of old school royalty. Influences from India and Asia as well as traditional British styles.Very crowded as some tours were going on which made it very tight inside.The ticket price was a little high, but overall it was worth the entry fee.

K — Google review

A beautiful palace built for George IV that combines Regency and Indian architectural styles, with an oriental inspired interior.There was plenty to see, the palace itself was very impressive and beautifully looked after. There was also a coronation exhibition and informative video room explaining some of the history of the place.Signposting to the entrance could have been clearer as it's to the side and not immediately obvious.Definitely worth a visit!

Natalie — Google review

The heady mix of emotions stirred by a visit to one place is a bit of a shock. I am still digesting how a line of possibly mad family members had access to spend beyond their means, enjoy pleasures beyond their means and yet enjoy support of the masses. Such a knowledgeable and informative team work here it is easy to touch the past. Skills I stand in awe to admire took three hours observing. Listening to commentary on my device, taking in answers to questions and musing at the many levels of conflicting energies that eventually gave us a wonderful insight into frivolous times not that long ago. Truly a moving experience up there with the best movie. Is it Schindler's list or dare I suggest others that raise a similar number of questions of our fellow man? Fantastic place. Made even better by the staff.

Neville C — Google review

Amazing place! A fantastic fusion of different cultures! Really enjoy the cultural elements and diversity here, it’s a much go. Adult for £18 but it’s totally worth it!

Dolly천유 — Google review

The palace is so unashamedly opulent and almost kitsch in its Western interpretation of Asia, you gotta just LOVE it cos it is truly one of its kind! Every room has been painstakingly restored, as recent as 2018. And while it costs £18 to enter, it's valid for multiple visits within 1 year. Make sure you bring your own earphones and download the audio guide for only £1, otherwise you can rent the audio set for £3.

Emi Y — Google review

Why should you visit Brighton Pavilion? I tell you.When you arrive there you believe that you are in India, in some Aladin Palace, because the exterior architecture is inspired by Indian culture, but when you go in you step in Chinese Imperial Palace and SURPRISE, it's the Price George de Wales Palace. Amazing!

Didona F — Google review


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Tower of London

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Sights & Landmarks

The Tower of London is a famous landmark in London that houses Crown Jewels and iconic Beefeaters. It is home to centuries of bloody history, including scenes of prisoners being hanged, drawn and quartered.

Certainly a must see if you are traveling to London! The history of the Tower is hard to comprehend when you consider that the place is older than the United States. Lots of history to take in from the jail cells, torture machines, to the tower, the ravens, and all of the armament, weapons and cannons to see. The Tower also has the Crown Jewels on display. I would plan to arrive early if you do not wish to stand in line for extended periods to see the Crown Jewels. They are worth seeing though…especially if you want to see diamonds, emeralds and sapphires the size of golf balls. Unfortunately, photos of the jewels are not allowed or I would post some.As others have mentioned, there are a lot of stairs, narrow spiraling staircases and some narrow corridors to walk through. That said, it was certainly one of the many highlights on our London trip. I’ve seen people give estimates of time for this visit. I would say 3-4 hours is probably a good estimate (not including a long waiting time in line for jewels). We read some of the signage on displays and then just passed by others. If you are the type who reads it all, maybe longer.

S. ( — Google review

Great day out, lots of history and beautiful views of the castle and Tower Bridge and a nice cafe inside. You can follow a guided tour or purchase an audio guide, though neither is particularly needed as there is plenty of information displayed in all parts of the castle. Not really suitable for buggies or wheelchairs as there is lots of stair climbing involved.

Melissa M — Google review

Admission was a little steep but totally worth it. We paid under £30 per person, but it varies by date and what website you purchase through. We bought tickets in person and not in advance.As soon as we walked in there was a beefeater starting a complimentary tour. He was very funny and informative, and explain the history of the castle and the surrounding areas with a lot of detail given to the history of executions here.There is also an audio tour available at an additional cost.We left his tour to go explore by ourselves and we saw the king's Chambers which were fascinating and included a marker in the chapel where King Henry VI was assassinated. Awesome. There were active guards marching around who still live inside the castle.Actors were doing a play in the courtyard by the White Tower. There were plenty of bathrooms and a couple of cool gift shops.You could easily spend three or more hours here.As with most attractions in the city, parking could be a problem but we did not have a car.

Oliver W — Google review

Amazing! The Beefeater was just brilliant. Everything about this place was perfect. Amazing day out with tons of history and stories. All ages will enjoy this place.I was on a company excursion, so I can’t tell you about waiting times etc.

Andy H — Google review

It was a wonderful experience and a great place to visit. The history of the place is amazing. It is advisable to take the guided tour as the guide really knows his stuff and gives you some great insights into the history of the place and also gives good advice on what to visit next as the place is a really big place. You really need at least 4 to 5 hours to see the place properly and to learn about the history of the place and to take some lovely pictures. Well worth a visit.

Paul E — Google review

A great place to come and and explore some of the history of London. Came here on a flying visit so didn't get a lot of time for a detailed visit although I would highly recommend. There's lots of interesting facts as you work your way around the map given to you as well you order yours tickets at the office. The crown jewels is another area definitely worth a visit although no photos are allowed to be taken here. Will definitely come back again for a more detailed visit.

Andrea M — Google review

Fascinating history, guided tours are amazing and definitely worth while so you can learn more about what you are looking at. Lots of information around the tower though. Make sure you look at the map so you don't miss any sections as it can get quite confusing as to where you've been. The gift shop is full of lovely souvenirs.

Jessica R — Google review

Absolutely worth a visit make sure you’ve got the legs for it there’s a lot of walking to do. We did the 45 minute tour guide well worth it. Saw the guards and importantly visited the white tower and the Crown Jewels. Unfortunately we got there later than expected and then found out the tower closed at 16:30. If you haven’t been go visit it is a must see my 9 year immensely enjoyed it.

Paul K — Google review

This excursion was fantastic! The Expedia tickets were effortlessly accessible on my mobile phone. The tour provided both entertainment and historical information. There's an abundance of sights to explore, making it worth spending a few hours. The queues moved swiftly, and the attractions were clearly signposted. Ample restrooms and stroller parking. It's an incredible activity and an absolute must-do.

Jen S — Google review

We spent six hours here and easily could have spent six more. So much to see and do. Even the cafe was good, with an excellent array of food choices. The cakes were fantastic. The white tower was amazing with the armor and weapons collections. The Crown Jewels are simply breathtaking. I advise to get your entry tickets for first thing in the morning. Once past security make your way directly to the Crown Jewel display. If you wait until later in the day you will be in long lines that can take hours and…. Once inside it can be packed. However you do it…. It is worth it. The only drawback is that photos are not allowed in the Crown Jewel area.

buyushay — Google review

A very interesting place to visit. the place is steeped in history. We all read about it in textbooks and saw it in movies. Incredible feeling. The treasure chest is simply amazing. Crown of the Queen! Cool! Very cool staff. And these crows)))) I recommend without hesitation! Use the audio guide.

???????? ? — Google review

A must see for any London travelers interested in its rich history. Enjoy this amazing castle and all of its nooks of deep history. There are a lot of steps so keep this in mind. It's easy to get tickets and although there are a lot of people, it's easy to navigate throughout. Tons of amazing photo opportunities. Have fun!

Jason W — Google review

This is a beautiful site to see. This is where the Crown Jewels are held and was a big fortress!! I mostly came here just to see the Crown Jewels, even though some of them were out due to the Coronation of Charles III, but this place was an amazing place to visit. But this use to be, and still is, a military fortress. A little fun fact, during WWI, the Tower of London did military training, even though it was still open to the public visiting the place. I just find that extremely interesting.The Tower of London is one staple of London history, British history, and Royal history. The The Royal Family has their Crowned Jewels here where you can see them on display. Dating back to 1066, but made famous by William I (William the Conqueror) when he moved here in 1078. Kings William I (William the Conqueror), King Henry III, and King Richard I were living here at one point all adding to the historical site. The Tower of London has been a fortress for the majority of its time, but I found interesting is that it was used as a prison until WWII, with soldiers training here with the prisoners on a different side of the site. You can go see the Crowned Jewels here, which were amazing to see (there's no photography while seeing the Crowned Jewels). I truly enjoy walking the grounds here and seeing some of the Crowned Jewels the British Royal Family has to offer.

Traveling P — Google review

One of the main tourist attractions. We were here on a weekday in September. Although it was quite busy, there were no queues and it didn’t feel crowded. Extensive collection of weapons and armor, and interesting history of the place. The animal statues made of wire are awesome!

Jan V — Google review

Amazing tourist attraction of this wonderful place,it is one of the most visited places nowadays since the Royal Jewels are guarded here. The Royal jewels are amazingly displayed, and the history of them is well explained all along the place. Big queue for the Crown Jewels once you got inside the Tower, but well worth the wait. I suggest everything try to come early in the morning around the 8:30 slot. It will not be crowded at that time. There are lots of things to see inside the tower. The Cafe inside is a great place to take relief. The exit is beside the Thames with awesome views of Tower Bridge.We thought it will take 2-3 hours but we spend almost 5 hrs. The fortress is maintained properly. The audio guide helps you a lot when you are in. The Ammunition department is amazing.I will definitely come back to visit them again whenever possible.

Rohit P — Google review

Fantastic history. Beef eaters were brilliant at informing us of the history of the place. He made it so entertaining. Made us laugh.There are many stairs to climb.Looking at the beautiful crowns and museums to walk around were educational.Worth visiting.

Maria M — Google review

A wonderful place to visit when you are in London. It covers a little bit of the history of the city, military, history, and a unique look at the growth of the monarchy throughout history, including viewings, and tours of the royal jewels. There is a lot of information about the architecture of the building, and the views are amazing. I would highly recommend it to people and families.

Sean K — Google review

Breathtaking scenery, amazing architecture. Get there early on the weekend because it gets very busy, especially if the weather is favorable. We were very fortunate with the sun being out! Apparently you're not supposed to take pictures of the crown jewels, but they didn't make me delete them thankfully!!

Bob M — Google review

Definitely a must see! Our guide Simon was fantastic and brought so much energy! I loved learning about the history of the towers and getting to walk inside them. The line for the Crown Jewels was insanely long, so we skipped seeing them. We were there around lunch time on a week day in the summer.

Morgan L — Google review

Amazing place to visit! We had recently come from Ireland and to hear the different pieces of British and Irish history intertwine was really neat! I highly recommend paying the extra bit for the audio tour once you get inside. It helps give you a little bit extra that you can’t get from just reading all the signs. I also recommend getting there before noon so you have enough time to see everything!

Joshua C — Google review

It is a very cool experience. You get to step back in time, seeing things from a long time ago. There is a lot of history and information to read and take in, so many cool things.I would recommend buying tickets in advance for 9am. I was dropped off at about 8:05 and was able to get some good pictures of the exterior of the Tower of London and the Tower Bridge. There are a few coffee shops around, so you can grab some coffee before the line opens. I got in line at about 8:30 and was towards the front.I would recommend going to the Crown Jewels first as you will have a bit of space before the crowds decend on the attraction and there is a long wait. Even if you have a voucher for a guide book, I would get it after.If you have a voucher for a guide book, the place is on the right hand side of the building, the audio guides are on the left. So, if there is a huge line on the left, don't worry, you can slip in and get the book. The books are in several languages, and there is a option for the kids book.

Benjamin F — Google review

Hadn't been in around 20 years, was pleasantly surprised that there were many activities for both children and adults. The crown jewels exhibition is better than I remembered. Would recommend spending around 4h here in total.

Adam D — Google review

If you visit London, you cannot say that you have been there if you have not visited the Tower of London. This is a wonderful fortress close of the Thames River, very well conserved, and has beautiful inner views. It is highly recommended to buy the tickets online because there are long lines of people waiting to buy tickets. I loved the place and highly recommend it.

Carlos L — Google review

A great day out. Its worth getting there for opening and going straight to see the Crown jewels. That way there will be minimal queues and you may get to spend longer in the crowns room than you would later on.The rest of the Tower is great and an amazing deep dive in the English history. You really should go at least once in your life.If you do everything it’s easily a whole day.

Kenneth G — Google review

The Beefeater was an amazing host and we learned so much about this site. The Crown Jewels were fascinating and the structures themselves were absolutely stunning. Get the tour. Completely worth the fee. The views of the city skyline from this site alone are worth the price of admission.

No U — Google review

My wife and I enjoyed this a lot. 10/10. They have concessions, and you are able to see the Crown Jewels, but you can't take pictures in those rooms. You can take pictures everywhere else. You can walk to the Tower Bridge to enjoy that also.

Amman N — Google review

Very enjoyable day out with lots of interesting facts and history about the people who lived - and died - there. Well worth the ticket price. Downside: no restaurant or cafe, only food and drink kiosks with outside seating

Margaret T — Google review

I came for my second visit in a little under 50 years! I was in awe of the architecture of the building and at how deceivingly big it was inside. I came along with a local community group and we took a tour with Wayne, a resident Beefeater. He was incredibly knowledgeable and had a great sense of humour! After eating our packed lunch, we decided to take a look at the crown jewels. The queue was quite long but it moved pretty fast. As we were waiting, we were greeted with the amazing views around the tower grounds. It was a tad cold and windy but I'm sure it's beautiful in the summer.Going in to see the crown jewels, I was a little disappointed at the way it was displayed. It was quite dark and sparse inside. The crowns themselves were amazing, such beautiful jewels.I would have liked to take a bit more of a trip around the other areas but on a quieter day. That's the only thing I don't enjoy, too many people around.

Tracey-Anne — Google review

Fantastic place with lots of interesting history to absorb. You can easily spend 3-4 hours. Well presented and organised. We arrived early to avoid the queues which was well worth it. Same again once we were in to see the Crown Jewels …which are amazing!!!! One of our top things to visit when in London.

Judith S — Google review

Very very busy and beefeater guide was excellent even though there were hundreds in his tour. Learned such a lot from him. Queue long to see Crown Jewels but moves fast. Worth a visit as they are spectacular. My grown up daughter is fascinated by the ravens and she was introduced to the keeper of the ravens who kindly allowed her onto the forbidden green and take a raven for a walk!!!!! Made her day . Its strange what makes a sensible grown up woman's day!!!!!! My American visitors were just in awe about the age of everything and they thoroughly enjoyed their day too.

Susan W — Google review

Cool experience.Love the history and architecture.Make sure to get skip the line tics for the Crown Jewels or else expect a loooong wait time.You may want a private tour guide as the tour guides used within the Tower of London have many followers and did not speak loud enough for everyone to hear.

Denise J — Google review

Really enjoyed visiting the Tower of London. I visited with my daughters year as a school trip, so unfortunately our look around was a lot more rushed than I would have liked, but loved what I saw.Seeing the armor for the kings & horses, the weaponry & where torturing happened was great. Walking around the site where Anne Boleyn, Catherine Howard, Jane Boleyn, Lady Jane Grey & others were executed & seeing the Traitors Gate where people would have come into the grounds & the towers where they would have been kept was brilliant. Seeing the Crown Jewels was amazing. They were so beautiful. The craftsmanship of the clothing, armour, jewelry, flags & tapestries was breathtaking. Seeing the guards on patrol was awesome & there are lots of people around who you can talk to and ask about the Tower to get more of a historical experience. There's an interactive room where you can get involved with things in there which was great and the chapel was beautiful.There are some steep stairs and spiral staircases in places which some might find difficult, but all-in-all I really had a great time. Seeing as our visit was hugely restricted due to it being a school trip, I'd love to give back with my family for a whole day.

Donna R — Google review

This is a great place to visit on a first London trip. The history is amazing and everything is very well presented and maintained. It was designed to be an important royal fortress, palace, and prison. It has also been home to the Royal Armouries

Hina R — Google review

Wow, the Tower of London was even more incredible than I imagined! From the moment I walked through the gates, I felt transported back in time. The Yeoman Warders were fantastic storytellers, bringing the castle's rich history to life with humor and enthusiasm.The Crown Jewels were, of course, a highlight – it's hard to believe they're real! But I also loved exploring the White Tower, wandering the medieval walls, and even spotting a few ravens (those cheeky birds!).Whether you're a history buff or just looking for a unique London experience, the Tower of London is a must-see. Just be prepared to be amazed!Tips for your visit:* Get your tickets online beforehand to skip the queues, especially during peak season.* Take advantage of the free Yeoman Warder tours – they're the best way to learn about the castle's secrets.* Allow plenty of time to explore – there's so much to see and do.* Wear comfortable shoes – you'll be doing a lot of walking.I hope this helps! Have a fantastic time at the Tower of London!

Fernando M — Google review

Buy tickets online and get a better price and the time you want. Spots sell out early. Would highly recommend going to the tower if in London. Great piece of history and architecture. Tour is really well done and lines move along fairly quickly.

Greg M — Google review

Enjoyed my visit to the Tower of London. We did not have a long wait to see the Crown Jewels. Even though I have limited mobility I still enjoyed walking around the grounds; seeing the Crown Jewels and walking around the ground floor of some of the towers and generally just absorbing the hundreds of years of history at the Tower.

Janet P — Google review

Good one to visit castle and London Bridge. Lot of restaurants outside the castle. Can spend more than a hour. You need to get ticket to go inside castle & bridge.But outside view of castle and bridge also very nice and surrounded with lots of restaurants, no ticket required for outside viewing.

Ramesh — Google review


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Ferris wheel

Sights & Landmarks

One of London's most popular tourist attractions, the London Eye offers panoramic views of the city from its 443-foot wheel. The Eye is busiest during holiday periods, but can be visited at any time of year and provides an excellent opportunity to see the capital from above.

Fantastic staff and attraction. Very convenient location and easy access. This is a very busy area, but it is well signed and easy to navigate. There are many services on site and you can enjoy the surroundings before and after the ride. The ride itself is fantastic and offers wonderful views of London - especially if you are a picture taker. The pricing is reasonable and you can also bundle with other attractions. We did find this a bit confusing, until we were helped by a friendly staff member. You do have to watch times as they gave us a tight connection to the next attraction - no worries though as there was a wait time there. Well worth the time and cost

Ken S — Google review

Another must do in London. Panoramic views from the sky. The booking and other arrangements can be done via the website and it's quite smooth overall. The views from up top are stunning! Thames river, London bridge, tower bridge and Many of the legendary buildings can be seen. The design of the eye itself is pretty cool :) I'd strongly recommend this :)

Ajit B — Google review

I had an absolutely fantastic experience on the London Eye during my husband's birthday weekend! We decided to purchase tickets in advance using discount vouchers we found online, which turned out to be a great idea.Even though it was a busy day, our early arrival—30 minutes before our scheduled slot—ensured that we didn't face any waiting time. Staff was very friendly and cooperative. The entire family had an amazing time, and we got the chance to experience not just one, but two incredible performances, one was magic show and the other one was music show. The restroom was clean, though it's worth mentioning that there is a fee for using them. The weather was perfect, allowing us to spend a delightful 4 to 5 hours enjoying the stunning views and vibrant atmosphere. For those planning to visit with kids, I recommend bringing along some snacks and water to keep everyone energized. All in all, it was an unforgettable day.

Yusra A — Google review

The London Eye is an iconic modern marvel that offers a unique perspective of the city's skyline. Situated on the banks of the River Thames, this giant observation wheel is a must-visit attraction for anyone exploring London.The experience of riding the London Eye is nothing short of breathtaking. As you ascend slowly in one of the spacious glass capsules, you're treated to panoramic views of London's most famous landmarks, including Big Ben, the Shard, and St. Paul's Cathedral. The slow rotation ensures you have ample time to take in the sights, and the bird's-eye view of the bustling city below is both mesmerizing and tranquil.The staff is friendly and knowledgeable, providing interesting insights into the history and geography of London throughout the journey. Whether you visit during the day to enjoy the city bathed in sunlight or at night when it's illuminated by thousands of lights, the view is equally enchanting.While the ticket prices may seem a bit steep, the London Eye delivers an unforgettable experience that's well worth the cost. It's an excellent way to gain a new perspective on London and create lasting memories. Whether you're a tourist or a local, a ride on the London Eye is an essential part of your London adventure.

Shiva C — Google review

This was such a cool experience! The line up wasn't long at all so we were able to buy our tickets within 5 minutes at the self purchase kiosk and get on the Eye very quickly. The ride was steady and not shaky at all. Amazing views of Big Ben and London lit up at night. I would recommend going at night because it was so beautiful. The total time to go around was 30 minutes which was the perfect amount of time to enjoy the view and take a lot of pictures. I would love to go again someday!

Stacy L — Google review

Fantastic staff and attraction. Very convenient location and easy access. This is a very busy area, but it is well signed and easy to navigate. There are many services on site and you can enjoy the surroundings before and after the ride. The ride itself is fantastic and offers wonderful views of London - especially if you are a picture taker. The pricing is reasonable and you can also bundle with other attractions. We did find this a bit confusing, until we were helped by a friendly staff member. Well worth the time and cost. Amazing views of London especially the views from the top! Completely enjoyed the flight

Akshay K — Google review

It's London's must do tourist attraction. You can see for miles around and have a great view onto the Thames and houses of Parliament. It's always busy, so it always has a queue of tourists waiting to get on, but the queue is well managed and keeps moving all the time, as the eye doesn't actually stop turning, you are skillfully managed on and off the cabin as it moves slowly along the ground section. You can take bags on, which are checked by security, and take as many photos as you like. On a clear day, you can see as far as Scotland 😉.

Paul G — Google review

Repeat visit after ~6 years. This time we bought advance tickets using some discount vouchers. Experience this time was much better as I think the overall crowd was smaller (not sure why). It was still plenty busy but the staff were quite good at guiding the people and sticking to the promised time slots which made the queue go quicker.The ride itself was as wonderful as last time. Thankfully the little rain earlier had cleared off and it was pretty clear for the duration. Excellent views as expected.Overall I think its a bit steeply priced (for repeat visits) but using discount vouchers made it reasonable. Definitely a must-do for first visit and in decent weather conditions!

Kartik P — Google review

Great tourist attraction. I'm pleased that pods are not overloaded with people. You have space to move about and take in the different 360-degree views of the capital. We've been lucky on the occasions we've ridden the eye and gad sunny and clear days. I think nighttime would also be an amazing experience.The mechanism is slow and smooth. You hardly feel the motion as this rotates, and the inside was clean and smelt fresh.It is surprising how high you feel when you reach the top, so if you struggle with heights, there's seating in the centre of the pod if needed.This attraction is permanently busy, and rightly so. A great attraction to visit and experience in London.

Sean M — Google review

Super cool experience. Got to see so much of London from this height!Recommend going with a friend, especially if you have any fear of heights.The line was long but moved fast. And there's even a chance to get a photo of you via green screen during the wait.Highly recommend you get tickets prior. Just makes it easier.

Joshua H — Google review

A must do/see! London eye was such a cool experience! Book in advance and choose the flex pass for a few more pounds. We rode the London Eye at night and the view was amazing! I’m sure you can see more during the daytime , but the lit up London view was pretty magical! Heads up - you’re probably going to want to buy everything at the London Eye gift shop. But if you walk just across the way to the other gift shop (literally, right across) you will save some money and have more souvenir options.

Kristelle C — Google review

The line's quite long but it's worth the wait. I really recommend to buy the tickets online.Amazing view. You can see the landmarks of London clearly inside the capsule and there's also seats inside if you ever get tired of standing.

Evita C — Google review

Had an amazing experience at London eye, one of the Top most tourist attraction. The whole view from the top is just amazing and beautiful top view of the city London. Best to visit with family and friends not alone for sure. Tickets are quite expensive but affordable and worth a visit.

Imran M — Google review

First time going on the London Eye, I wouldn't say it's worth the price for the ticket but it was an enjoyable experience. You get to see a lot of London from a great view. And the queue moved quite quickly for standard entry.

Jessica P — Google review

The London Eye is the Most amazing experience. It is accessible within walking distance of the Tube stations and the view is absolutely INCREDIBLE!I have had the privilege of doing this outing on the London Eye a few times and each time is more amazing than the next.Don't miss out on a few hours to enjoy. The tickets are available on line and make sure to book the fast track pass. Much quicker and easier than the queue.

Carolyn B — Google review

The view is nice, but the windows are not very clean and the reflection of the light limits the quality of the photos that can be taken. The tickets have an entry time, but the queue control is not the best and you could spend two hours in the line. If you want to queue less (20 minutes) you have to buy the ticket that costs 15 pounds more. The ride takes approximately 25 minutes.

Carlos R — Google review

It was an amazing experience looking the whole London city on the top of Eye 🎡 👀. You can see Big Ben, House of Parliament, Buckingham Palace, The Shard, Tower Bridge and many more.The only thing that was concerning, waiting queue was too long on the weekend especially during this summer time. I was tired standing for an hour and affected my experience to fully enjoy. Also, the position of sun 🌞 during that time ⏲️ , just between afternoon and evening facing towards me and sun rays blocking the other side to see freely. This is why I would recommend a time of early morning and the time during sunset 🌇 is even better (of course not during long summer days because of early closing time).In the end, I would love to see evening view hopefully during the next visit.

Sameer G — Google review

Just look at these photos; it's worth the money you pay to ride the wheel. It's breathtaking. My advice is to buy the ticket in advance and opt for fast pass. We were there last Christmas, and it took us less than 5 minutes to get on. It costs a bit more, but it's worth every euro you spend. It's essential to go on it if you're in London.

Haridian C — Google review

Leisure walk by the riverbank. A great place for photos taking. Along the river walk there are many make shift stalls that sells food, snacks, desserts and souvenirs. The day we went were cloudy hence many photos taken does not turn out to our expectations. Very crowded too hence photos taking are a bit challenging. London Eye, Big Ben and Tower Bridge are within walking from one another.

SN P — Google review

I can't describe how the view from the London eye appealed to me. Although it is quite an expensive experience, it is well worth it.Beautiful view and wonderful photos. Short waiting time and one round takes about 30 minutes. You can see the river Thames, the British Parliament and Big Ben. I recommend it!

Кристофер — Google review

A must do in London. You can enjoy a 360-degree view of the city. It's better to book in advance. If you buy cruise tickets as well, then there is a substantial discount. Parking is not there so it is better to approach on public transport.

Muhammad B — Google review

Amazing been there already 4times.Recently discovered that there’s afternoon discount which is great. Highly recommended to visit and to buy tickets in advance. Unfortunately there is nothing you can do in terms of the weather so you might be lucky and have sunshine.£25 pack for photos? Fairly good.

Michał W — Google review

Twas a very busy day but the queue moved quickly. Great experience, hardly felt like the wheel was moving hence I was relaxed the whole considering that I'm afraid of heights. Take note you have to be quick swift when getting on and off the ride as it doesn't stop, I saw very old people get on with fair amount of ease. We used our phones to take pictures but there's an option to take one before and as the ride ends and this is charged separately.

Charmaine M — Google review

I think it is worth it, but just for one time. It takes around 30m. I can see outside with broad sight. It is a good space for taking a photo like Big Ben and city. I recommend you should try at night time.

이재훈 — Google review

Wanted to do this since it was built! Managed to do it and check it off my to do list!! Didn't pay for the speedy boarding & didn't have to wait long anyway, it was early morning though 10:30. Staff were friendly & informative with a smile too! Great views on the way to the top & back!! We were lucky that the wheel stopped a few times while we were near & at the top giving us an extra few minutes of viewing!

Ben H — Google review

Enjoy 360° panoramic views of London. Plan ahead and pay for the Fast Pass, it is 100% worth it to skip the long lines. Once inside, the ride around is about 30-40 minutes. There’s a bench in the middle to sit and enjoy or you can stand around to get a closer look. Fun experience for both adults and children.

Alan Y — Google review

It's great place to see all of London and just chill and enjoy a slow ride. I would say a good one time experience. It's not that crowded and they manage it well. It's quite expensive so I would book in advance to get any discount possible. Book early from the site.

Shijo R — Google review

The queue moved fast. The breathtaking views made it worth the wait. Took the students on a school trip, and they were captivated by the expansive scenery, couldn't stop gazing at it.

Sandra I — Google review

The experience was incredible. Views amazing. The only reason I am giving the London eye 3 stars is the price and the booking For the London pass. There were plenty of times available; however, no more time slots for pass holders so we had to pay full price after already paying for the London pass. It’s incredibly frustrating when there are actually slots right at the time when you show up and you are told you still can’t use your pass and you have to book ahead. The price is way too much for this.

Laura W — Google review

The London Eye, a giant Ferris wheel on the South Bank of the River Thames, offers unparalleled views of the city's skyline. This iconic attraction provides a 30-minute rotation, allowing visitors to take in panoramic vistas of landmarks like Big Ben, the Houses of Parliament, and St. Paul's Cathedral. The spacious capsules are comfortable and equipped with interactive guides to enhance the experience. Especially stunning at sunset or night, the London Eye is a must-visit for both tourists and locals seeking a unique perspective of London. Its central location and memorable views make it a highlight of any trip.

Shivali S — Google review

The line was long but moved very quickly so it didn’t feel long at all. The eye moves at a slower pace so it is not scary getting on or off while it is moving. They do stop for people that need extra time to move. There is a small, very limited seating area in the middle of the pod, so if you are the last to enter you might not get a seat. The entire pod is clear so you can get a full clear view from every angle. There is a photo at the end and the side of the photo is labeled in the pod. It is a nice tourist experience.

P R — Google review

It was second time to visit London eye.. and as always a stunning sight! A must visit.. one time visit is fine. Recommend booking the tickets online, you get good deals too.. Try choosing a good slot and do check the weather before booking so that you can enjoy a good view from the top.

Siddhiie K — Google review


(174203)40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (164)


(89926)40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (165)

Riverside Building, County Hall, London SE1 7PB, United Kingdom

+44 20 7967 8021


The National Gallery

40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (166)40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (167)

40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (168)40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (169)

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+111 other lists

Art museum


Art gallery

The National Gallery in London is a museum that features the works of some of historys most celebrated European painters, from the medieval period to the early 20th century.

I love the way the National Gallery have made visits easier by proposing three different routes - the A, B or C. This makes a visit there more manageable. In the past, I have been somewhat overwhelmed by the vastness of the collections.The artworks were beautifully displayed but noisy schoolchildren fooling around and amateur artists plonked right in front of some paintings blocking your frontal view tended to mar slightly the wonderful experience. On the whole, though, it was a wonderful experience.

Liz B — Google review

It always takes my breath away. I love to go in and find my favourite paintings even if I have only got 45 minutes! The joy that this treasured building is free to enter makes it possible to do this - and makes me so proud. I used to go straight for the museums…. Till the first time I went in! I was stunned by the depth of Turner’s paintings and the sheer size of some….. and the way they glow. Pictures cannot do it justice. Always try and make time for the gift shop. Look up at the ceilings…. Look down at the floors. Magnificent.

Fran B — Google review

So huge, and wonderfully designed. The most famous pieces are scattered around which I think works well for the museum, as in places like the Louvre there isn't much done to prevent bottlenecking, whilst here I was able to see well known paintings easily without overcrowding, so I was able to enjoy them too! The spaces are very light and open. The exhibition on St Francis was very interesting, too. Like many museums in the UK the admission is free, and it would certainly be worth a visit even if it wasn't!

Honor D — Google review

Wonderful museum. It was a school holiday, so there were lots of children there as well. Incredibly well presented. Room after room of beautiful masterpieces. We could have spent two full days there.

Bill T — Google review

I mean, you kind of know what you're getting into when it comes to London's great collection of art. You'll find art from each period over the last 500 years, names you'll recognize both big and small.Plan to spend at least an hour, and try to avoid a busy time if you can as it does get crowded. If you are going during a busy period, then definitely buy tickets in advance.

Jason W — Google review

Can easily walk through it in a day without problems and they have a decent amount of paintings. No statues so do know that but the paintings are well selected. They also have a nice cafe with a good menu as well. For a free museum it’s a delightful experience to visit.

Delphine T — Google review

One of the best art museums located in the heart of London at the famous Trafalgar square.You have to book tickets in advance online, however, entry is totally free and in case of non rush hours they do not even check your tickets which mean you don't have to stand in queue as well.In addition to the portraits and the paintings the architecture of the gallery from the inside is really wonderful.Recommended for a long visit for art lovers but even if you are not an art lover - still recommended for a quick visit if you're in Trafalgar Square.

Abdul S — Google review

This art museum is beautiful, the building and the paintings are great. The gallery is free to visit! They could easily charge £1 or £2 per person entrance fee for maintaining this property and it’s collections. Anyway, thanks to the British government for being so generous! I would surly recommend this place for any art lovers.

Tabitha M — Google review

The National Gallery in London is huge, has extraordinary priceless paintings, ample seating, lovely architecture and admission is free to everyone. Of course, it merits 5 stars.Bathrooms close around 20 minutes to closing, so time wisely.I had taken a bus to Leicester Square, but it is easier to go to Trafalgar Square to locate the museum.

Kelly C — Google review

Lovely experience for me and my teenage Son. Really nice setting and amazing paintings. Always wanted to see these legendary exhibitions.I would 100% recommend to pre book your place/tickets as the queues were insane!

Andy K — Google review

A vast collection of paintings by most renowned artists from Europe is on display here. Arts enthusiasts and professionals would enjoy going through these paintings. Please note, If you’re carrying a backpack, the security team would ask you to wear it on your front door.

Suresh G — Google review

It's a lovely location with many priceless works of art. The best part is that it's free. It is well worth your time to reserve a shift, or little more than four hours, so that you may take advantage of everything the National Gallery has to offer. Yes, the structure itself is a work of art; take your time and appreciate each picture, each tale, each room.

Bonifacio R — Google review

Lovely museum with free admission, though do prebook a ticket so you can skip the long line waiting to buy tickets. Well laid out, so fairly easy to follow rooms in sequence and not miss anything. Raphael is still the best in my opinion, and he didn’t disappoint here. One of the best art collections in the world - do not miss.

Travel R — Google review

Incredible experience at national gallery!! Great paintings, really well maintained galleries, very clean and a lot of benches to rest and enjoy the paintings further. The gallery is vast and there's always so much to learn about the portraits themselves and even the little shop has a choice selection of good stuff often at decent prices.

Akshay K — Google review

A great place to visit especially for those who is into art.The national gallery is such a beautiful building and can be visited for free. It is completely accessible with lifts for anyone who needs it, including prams.Some exhibits can cost money to visit and you should check before you go in case you would like to pay to see something extra.

Abdulaziz — Google review

We were at the Gallery on a weekday (Monday). We couldn't buy a ticket in advance as there were no free slots. We stood in a queue, but it took no more than 10 minutes.The expositions in the gallery are divided into sectors, very convenient navigation. I recommend a visit.Also, I recommend visiting the room with the work of Leonardo Davinci. The hall opens after 11:00 as the painting is very sensitive to light. Photo attached)

Julia K — Google review

i love it!one of the best displays i’ve ever seen.mainly because the description given are not just pure facts with painter name, but a clear outline of the paint work + storyline to explain the painting. it gives life to the work done.also, some of the paintings are quite thought provoking!

Yess M — Google review

What's not to like? A superb collection of some of the finest paintings in the world. I used to wander to the gallery when I was younger and ga\e in awe at the incredible skill and artistry of the painters. I hadn't been back for so many years that I had forgotten just how great this gallery is. I cannot recommend it enough.

Joe S — Google review

Another iconic place to visit in London. There are two sections here, one is paid, tickets available online. The other area is open to all visitors for no entree fees. We get to see different form of art from across the world. It's beautiful , well preserved and a good source of learning and inspiration for all the art enthusiasts and others.

Amit S — Google review

I had a great time exploring the National Gallery in London. The variety of artists and their works on display is truly impressive. Each artwork has its own story, and I found myself getting completely absorbed, feeling inspired by the creativity and history around me.I easily spent an hour just wandering, looking at the paintings, and reading about them. There's so much to see that I could have spent even longer there. Whether you're an art enthusiast or just looking for a culturally enriching experience, the National Gallery is definitely worth a visit.The atmosphere is great for anyone who wants to immerse themselves in art and get a glimpse of different eras and styles. Highly recommended for a fulfilling and inspiring visit!

Story M — Google review

Super place for a family outing! The large number of exhibits combined with their diversity will provide hours of sightseeing. We spent more than 3h and had to move quickly. The opportunity to see the greatest works of painting up close makes this a must-see place while in London.

P K — Google review

If you are a connoisseur of art then this place is a must visit for you. They have a beautiful collection. Many great artists' works are on display here and it's completely free (expect some special displays which are tickted). I spent a wonderful day here and would recommend this place to anyone who has an eye for art.

Nabamita R — Google review

Free and worth your time. There are works of the masters you will recognize- Van Gogh , Monet, and Rembrandt. It’s also incredibly curated with incredibly kind staff that will answer any question. A London must do. (I didn’t have a ticket, there is a no ticket free line I only waited 10 minutes)

Laura W — Google review

Amazing collection and immense. It's FREE, so why would anyone miss a visit while you're in London?Even if you only have time for the highlights, they have an amazing website highlighting the must see works. Whether you're a novice or art lover, it's worthy of your time, short or long,to visit the National Gallery.

Tim R — Google review

I’m not a museum-goer, so this review is from the point of view of someone who got outvoted on what to do. Turns out, this place was actually pretty cool. Seeing some of these 10 million dollar-plus paintings in person was incredible.

Michael D — Google review

The National Gallery of London offers an incredible array of artworks, showcasing the talents of masters like Monet, Rousseau, and Van Gogh. The fact that admission is free is truly remarkable, allowing anyone to appreciate these masterpieces without financial barriers. While tickets aren't required, the option to make a donation supports the gallery's ongoing efforts. Overall, it provides a great experience for art enthusiasts and visitors alike.

Konstantina L — Google review

What a treat!! A wonderful collection.This was a great opportunity to see amazing works for free. I love this concept. We're students and often skip museums because of the cost. There was a reasonable amount of people and we didn't experience long lines.

Olivia M — Google review

Absolutely worth it! The building itself is amazing with a stunning interior design. If you are an art enthusiast, then the art work here is a must! Great collection of paintings from the best art pieces throughout the centuries. Highly recommended.As for always British museums, this one is also free.

Elena — Google review

My wife was taking part in a sketching class outside whilst I wandered around inside! Who's who of painters covering 500+ years from the incredible fine detail of Canaletto's paintings of Venice to the broad brush strokes of Van Gogh. Free entry, just took a few minutes to get through the bag check. Also a bit of a queue for a free special exhibition - The Last Caravaggio.

Melvyn R — Google review

I love it!Amazing gallery to learn more about British history, full with beautiful paintings and portraits.The architecture is wonderful too and it’s free 😄You only pay for some special exhibitions and you can have guided tours for free

Sarra A — Google review

It's must see for all art lover and not only. Free admission but I recommend online pre registration, so you won't have wait in a long line.Many famous paintings, including Van Gogh, Rubens and many many more. Reserve at least 2-3 hours, but I recommend even more.Highly recommend 👌

Marcin S — Google review

It is a beautiful place full of precious pieces of art. And best of all, it’s free. It is very worthwhile for you to book a shift, or just over 4 hours to be able to enjoy everything that the National Gallery has to offer. Don’t pass quickly, but admire each painting, every story and every room, because yes, the building is a masterpiece apart.

Jeferson C — Google review


(49211)40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (173)


(40692)40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (174)

Trafalgar Square, London, WC2N 5DN, United Kingdom

+44 20 7747 2885


London Underground Limited

40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (175)40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (176)

40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (177)40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (178)

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1 list

Department of Transportation


Mass Transportation Systems

London Underground Limited, often simply called the London Underground, is a popular transportation system that offers an efficient way to navigate through the city. It is known for its ease of use and regular train schedules, making it convenient for both locals and visitors to travel around London. The system provides access to major attractions such as museums and iconic landmarks, catering to a diverse range of commuters from working-class individuals to executives.

Great service throughout the city.

Russell H — Google review

The building, first listed as Grade II in 1970, was upgraded to Grade I in 2011.In 2013, it was announced that 55 Broadway would be converted into luxury apartments, once London Underground moved operations from the building in 2015 to their new headquarters in theOlympic Park,Stratford, London.In May 2014, it was announced that the architects, TateHindle, would lead the redevelopment and, in June 2015, planning permission and listed building consent was granted: however, this was not implemented and the planning permission expired in June 2018.In September 2019, a long-term lease of the property was sold by Transport for London for £120 million toIntegrity International Group, founded by Tony Matharu.In May 2020, it was announced that Blue Orchid Hotels, a subsidiary of Integrity International, would convert the structure into a luxury hotel. (Wiki)Let's hope they don't change much of its beauty..

Eduardas R — Google review

At first I was worried I wouldn’t be able to follow the system or get myself lost. Which I did, end up going the wrong way. But it’s actually so easy to follow, it’s good to make a few errors as then you will be conscious of ensuring you’re on the right tube. London Underground is amazing and it is really easy to get around and see places. I would walk around central London. Use the underground when going further afield.The trains are very regular, you will find they can get very busy, packed. Don’t feel you need to squeeze in, just wait for the next train as it will add to your experience and enjoy it better.As you would anywhere just be vigilant of your surroundings. I felt very safe, as a solo traveler I was very surprised.

Neeta J — Google review

As a visitor, you can’t ask for a better system to get about to major museums, etc. You get to ride with both the working class and executives alike.Iconic London !Takes a little getting used to, if you need to travel in the City, it’s the way to go.As a visitor, we purchased a Visitor Oyster Card online, it’s a fantastic deal.Recommended.

W P — Google review

This is a good way to get around London. The new trains and updated stations are good. It is easy to get a ticket and to get around. However, the ventilation is poor, horrible, hot, and sweaty. It makes for an unbearable and uncomfortable ride. However, some of the trains and train stations have proper ventilation and air but most do not. I only take one train with no transfers, which is all that I can bear, and walk just to be outside where I can breath easy. I caution you to only ride when necessary and recommend you walk outside if able.

Melissa W — Google review

Coming from Manchester we need this in the city....Yes its a bit dim, dark and dirty....But what a brilliant, cheap and quick way to get around....

Savage 8 — Google review

These shops are all closed for good. I could rattle on about the good old days, (people actually pay to hear about it) and a book would be better; it would take a book, pdf, file, whatever to explain how much it has changed. Point?Many but the main one is: Thanks to Bid Rigging the same people keep getting rich fulfilling contracts that do nothing but cosmetic change. I'd rather see the old retailers (driven out by sky high rent, business taxes, business rates that the the big corporate retailers. Btw/ if you come to London be prepared to lug your suitcase up and down many flights of stairs. Of course the bureaucracy will point to "no step access" (only lawsuits by disabled brought that in) and there are more lifts (elevators), yes this is better than nothing - - lucky find one lift 20 years ago. The old, dirty, extremely noisy rolling stock in Central London is the same. Recently you could still find "MetroCamell" 1973. John Lennon probably on one.Sure, they Spent £16 Billion over budget and late) on a new Elizabeth Line. It's a nice reflection on what we have - - tourists are in central London for the sights, not off to Abby Wood (the other one) and to have them riding the cl*ttering, clanking, clattering collection of caligenous junk - - (think Wizard of Oz to the Tin Man) is a disgrace.

Cliff T — Google review

Cheap fast efficient travel for our sightseeing trips. Easy to use gates and pricing simple capped and taken from our banks.

Helen C — Google review

Crowded, stuffy place, too many people in London, but its easy to use, it gets you to your destination on time

Shelaya S — Google review


(20)40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (179)


(45301)40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (180)

London, SW1H 0SA, United Kingdom


IWM Duxford

40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (181)40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (182)

40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (183)40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (184)

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+2 other lists

War museum


IWM Duxford is the largest aviation museum in Europe, featuring 200 vintage aircrafts and a vast airfield showcasing military and civilian vehicles. The exhibits cover both World War I and II, with a particular focus on American civil and military aircraft outside of the USA. The museum provides an all-day experience for families, with informative displays in each area. Conservation efforts are visible throughout the museum, which offers reasonably priced cafes as well as outdoor picnic areas for visitors to enjoy.

Fantastic day out. First time using our membership. No queues. Took picnic and there were plenty of benches near children's play area. Cafe gave good service for hot drinks. Area very clean and well kept. Wonderful exhibitions. Highly recommended. Loved watching some planes landing and taking off.

Lucy H — Google review

Probably the best war museum in the UK! Have visited many times throughout my life, with friends and family, for displays events and just days out and it never disappoints. So a wide range of vehicles and aircraft for every enthusiast to enjoy. Stepped in history and So much to see and do, definitely worth the visit. I highly recommend the classic wings fights as it was an amazing experience to go up in a 1930s aircraft and see the stunning aerial views of the region. Will definitely be back in the future!

Samuel H — Google review

I consider myself incredibly fortunate to have had the opportunity to fly into Duxford, as it provided me with a unique experience. Upon landing, I walked straight off the runway and into the museum, which immediately immersed me in the atmosphere.Accompanying me on this visit was a disabled passenger, and I was pleasantly surprised to discover that the museum offers complimentary onsite wheelchairs. This thoughtful provision made the entire experience more accessible and convenient for my companion.We spent a significant amount of time exploring the various hangars, each filled with captivating exhibits and historical artifacts. The sheer magnitude of the collection was awe-inspiring, allowing us to delve deep into aviation history.After our museum tour, we decided to take a break and enjoy a delightful homemade meal. We found a comfortable spot on one of the many benches or tables conveniently located outside, which offered a picturesque view of the active runway. As we dined, we had the privilege of witnessing numerous visiting aircraft and even witnessed some impressive aerobatic displays above the runway. However, the highlight of the day was undeniably the exhilarating sight of a Spitfire soaring past in a breathtakingly fast flyby.Although our visit was thoroughly enjoyable, there was one minor inconvenience we encountered. The distance between the various hangars proved to be quite significant, especially considering our limited time and the presence of a disabled passenger. Unfortunately, the shuttle bus service that would have facilitated our movement between the starting and ending points was out of service during our visit. It would have been immensely helpful to have this service available.Despite this small setback, our overall trip to Duxford left a lasting impression, and we are already making plans to return. I wholeheartedly recommend this museum to everyone, whether you're interested in exploring the exhibits or even considering the unique opportunity to fly into the airfield itself. The experience is truly remarkable and is sure to leave you with cherished memories and a deeper appreciation for aviation history.

Ali J — Google review

We are absolutely blown away by how fantastic the museum is. There is so much to see. We will definitely be having another visit. The facilities are excellent with plenty of picnic seating and the cafe has lovely food. All the staff were extremely helpful and friendly. I can't praise them enough. Well done to IWM Duxford.

Tricia B — Google review

It doesn't matter how many times you come here it still an interesting place. The plane collection is always worth a visit. You can fly on various planes if that takes your fancy for that special occasion. The American hangar is well worth a visit. The B52 Bomber is massive taking up half of the hanger. The Black Bird spy plane is also here.

Paul A — Google review

What a fabulous place, we had our Christmas party here. It was awesome . Friendly knowledgeable staff, great atmosphere, good food but most importantly amazing planes. What's not to love?! Also if you are a visitor in the day time the sunset is stunning

Evil E — Google review

Just visited Imperial War Museum Duxford. What an amazing place. We got here at 10am and stayed right until it closed at 6pm. So much incredible history filled with so much genuine original planes & items relating to conflicts around the world. We also got to see a lot of vintage aircraft taking off and landing which was a bonus! It was also nice to see the hangers that the aircraft’s were being worked on so each time you come you can see the progress they make and eventually see it flying! There are planes you can book to be a passenger and fly over the airfield which is great and a once in a lifetime opportunity. They have plenty of toilets which are very clean, they also have a restaurant, gift shop and free parking. The staff are really friendly and will help with any questions. If you’re into history it’s definitely well worth a visit! We never got to finish it all, so we plan to come for a few days next time. Our favourite was the wreckage of the BF110 flown by Rudolf Hess In hanger 1

Jonny G — Google review

Definitely all day experience. So much to do and great place for families. Good amount of information in each area. Great to see conservation in action. Cafes reasonably priced and good food. Do recommend taking a picnic as not much space to sit in cafes but plenty of outdoor space. Would come back again

Liz J — Google review

Absolutely stunning experience. You can see all types of war vehicles, from aircraft (my favourite was the SR-71, beautiful one), through mortars and artillery to tanks from WW1, WW2 and modern ones. Also, boarding Concorde and seeing it in real life was amazing. When you are walking from one building to another, you will have an opportunity to see beautiful airplanes perform breathtaking acrobatic stunts. Although the t-shirt I picked in the souvenir shop was already sold out, they have a nice collection of items that are worth buying. 10/10, not visiting it would be a massive mistake.

Andrej P — Google review

Really enjoyed it. Not too crowded and lots to see. I was lucky on the day, as weather was great and there were a lot of planes flying around so we got to see some Hurricane aerobatics and some other WWII planes flying about. Would recommend.

David W — Google review

Brilliant museum but be prepared for lots of walking. Wonderful displays and plenty to see. Obviously the theme is on war machines but there are some civil planes. It would be fantastic if the museum could have a dedicated section for this. Well worth a visit.

T C — Google review

If you love planes, tanks or history this is an amazing day out, great displays with good write ups that interest all ages. The workshop hangers are incredible to watch a spitfire or hurricane being restored or given inspections. The workshops also smell amazing.It's a lot of walking and lots to see, we got distracted by everything and went for lunch late, by which time the food choices were limited. Go, enjoy, read and by the end of the day you will be able to recognize which is a hurricane or spitfire, P51 or thunderbolt

Daniel G — Google review

We visited yesterday and had the most incredible day out. I had not been since I was a child, and now I was taking my son to experience the museums.The selection of planes in the various hangers is mind-blowing. The exhibitions are very well thought out, and it all flows impeccably.We recommend going to the very last exhibition first, then working back to the start. We walked for about 5 hours, but there are options for shuttle buses to areas for those who might need this.We spent the entire day there and feel like we barely scratched the surface. It's definitely worth a few visits to allow yourself to soak everything in.The obvious stars of the show are the Blackbird, B-52, Tornado, Harrier, Lancaster, Spitfire...there's a huge list. I was impressed with many of the obscure and lesser known planes and vehicles such as the one man German sub.A very well thought out and maintained museum that must be one of the best in the world for this subject matter.

Sean M — Google review

Warning, allow a full day for your visit! We visited especially to see the Spitfire display and were not disappointed, however each and every hanger and display holds marvels of air travel whether it be commercial airlines, first world war aircraft, spitfires or more modern machinery of warfare. It's an absorbing place with stacks of history which make it the ideal setting for an aircraft museum. Sometimes the information provided is a little scant but use Google to supplement the knowledge provided, a great way to spend a day, if you're lucky you might catch some vintage machinery airborne. Well worth the entry fee.

Mark B — Google review

First of all, I would just like to start this review by saying wow. If you are planning a visit, please allocate at least a whole day here. There is so much to do and see you can easily make a day or two of it. I visited with a friend, and the moment we walked in, we were greeted by the very friendly staff who were happy to help us with any questions or queries. There truly is a bit of everything here, from WW2 era fighters like the spitfire and hurricane to current models like the typhoon. Maybe that's not your thing? No problem! There's a vast range of civilian aircraft, too, many of which are open to go inside. These range from a prototype Concorde to a full VC10. This is without mentioning the amazing American section where you can truly appreciate the size of a B52, get up close with an SR71, and many other aircraft! Maybe the aircraft in general is not your interest? Again, you are covered as there is a massive collection of land vehicles in their own dedicated building. Highly recommended for everyone to do.

Alex M — Google review

This is the best museum ever to my humble opinion in combination with my interests, which are not a plane or a history nutter ones, but still liking the subject.If you care at least a little bit about your children, do them and yourself a big favour and buy those tickets asap. I would recommend a bit of a research in advance to know what is there, why and what is interesting about it. There are wonderful signs and everything, but still.My Number One ever, the reason I've visited there first time for and will always keep me going back, is SR-71. This is the best aeronautical achievement of humankind of all times (again - my humble opinion).I try to go at least once a year (no kids), but will one day I will buy that membership and even the birds there will roll their eyes when they see me for 437 375 294 636th time 😂Distance is the only reason I cannot afford to volunteer, otherwise I would put my TV in the bin and probably spend more time volunteering than at my actual workplace.Are you still reading? Come on then, see you there!

Yosif A — Google review

Duxford is a truly wonderful place to visit with a huge range of aircraft that are both static and flying, and a fantastic land museum with a range of tanks and vehicles from multiple eras. There is so much to learn and you can spend a long day here so I'd highly recommend getting there early, say to start the day 10am to 10.30am, as this gives lots of time to look around in a relaxed and leisurely way. There's often planes flying around too so you can often see a mini air show on days that are not official airshows. Really amazing and very special place that played a crucial role during the Second World War. Highly recommended and a great place for kids and families to visit.

Danny H — Google review

very good time spent here and lots to see, helpful stuff to answer any questions even depending when you go they have some good shows and events on. but in general see few odd planes take flight.unfortunately only down side is, where its so big its spread out to far and inbetween, it can be a struggle for elderly people to walk it all. rented mobility scooters would be ideal for the elderly just because purely on the size of the place just a suggestion.

Mark H — Google review

Battle of Britain Day. What an amazing place Duxford is. It's a brilliant day out on any day of the week but today took this to another level.We arrived early to take in the hangars and stands. The American Hangar is my favourite. The flying started at 1pm and there was a tremendous array of WW2 aircraft to enjoy.The Red Arrows put on a great show towards the end but the icing on the cake was the Lancaster and Sally B flying together for the first time in decades. The cherry on top was the 16 Spitfires and Hurricanes that made up the big wing who performed two passes.Having flown in a Spitfire, the next item on the aviation bucket list was to go inside a B17. As luck would have it and for 20 very happily spent pounds I was given a very thorough tour inside and out by a super enthusiastic crew member. It was quite a humbling experience to actually stand in the place that countless brave airmen risked their lives whilst under fire. A similar feeling to when I flew in the Spitfire, the B17 is a truly wonderful aircraft.The only slight gripe was being forced to turn left out of the carpark added a rather large detour to our journey, not that it mattered. An awesome day and I will be back again... and again... and probably again!

Tom R — Google review

Really good educational day out for solo or group visits. So much to look at here in the different hangers and displays. They are constantly being updated and refurbished to upkeep the exhibits. Lovely gift shop at the end to pick up merchandise and small gifts. Entry is reasonably priced too.

Charlie B — Google review

My partner and I became members last year. Great value for money as you get access to lots of other museums such as the Churchill War Rooms, Imperial War Museum London etc. Always very friendly staff and pleasant experience. You can tell the other visitors appreciate history and engineering. The cafe caters for gluten free with jacket potatoes and chips. Could do with some gluten free cakes perhaps. The toilets are very clean. There is simply too much to see in one day hence we have been 3 times in the last 12 months. My sister has now also joined and thoroughly loved it. They provide a taxi for elderly guests as there is a fair bit of walking between hangers. The best hanger is where the engineers are actively working on planes. People often miss this one. If you visit during the week they will be there. During the summer there are constant flights, you can book a short pleasure flight. I plan to do this next time in the warmer months. The shop as well has something to cater for every budget. It seems as though the item profits also go back to the charity as they are all Imperial War Museum branded. I like to see this.

U. C — Google review

Omg, what an amazing day!And you don't even need to be passionate about aviation to enjoy it.There's a Lot to see, we spent 5 hours there and only managed half of what was there. And the photo opportunities were plentiful.So definitely make a day of it. ❤️One of the best parts is that a lot of the staff and volunteers are Veterans who love to tell their stories... and they've got some good ones!😎

Cecilia E — Google review

Duxford is such a well run, curated and interesting museum. They've done an impressive job of bringing the exhibits together so that they tie in nicely. All the staff and volunteers are exceptionally friendly, professional, enthusiastic and knowledgeable. I can't recommend the annual membership highly enough so you can return and learn more each time.

Giles O — Google review

In The co*ckpit ~ Spitfire N3200 Experience.For Christmas I gifted my son this wonderful opportunity to be able to sit in the co*ckpit of a beautiful, historic Spitfire.Mick, the expert IWM guide, kindly let me sit in whilst he gave us a thoroughly informative talk about the Spitfire’s history.Then my son was able to sit in the co*ckpit whilst Mick explained the controls and what the conditions would have been like.The whole experience was incredible, I cannot recommend it enough. Plus the proceeds go towards the N3200 and keeping her airworthy. A very memorable day!

Susannah — Google review

Brilliant museum, lots to see and do for adults and children. Staff were very happy to help and were very knowledgeable. Everytime we come here we learn something new. Disabled access was great and you can get up close to all the aircraft. The highlight of our visit was seeing the spitfire take off and land several times during the day. Will definitely be back soon.

Louise C — Google review

This museum is massive and 100% worth the trip/money! This is a full day out it took us (2 adults and 2children) 4/5 hours to complete all the buildings. There are cafes and toilets throughout the whole facility and a really nice gift shop.

Rachel K — Google review

Love places like this. Amazing to see some of the flying machines of the past that have shaped the world we live in.Really informative place to visit, with a new play park for kids being built, a cafe and shop and loads of airfield action with the hurricane and spitfire going up.Not to mention you can get on a concorde too!Will attend their airshow in June!

Russell D — Google review

So many planes and so little time! A great day out with so much to see that you do really need most of the day to get round everything. A lot of walking but it's mostly flat. They also run a regular mini bus service between hangers.

Claire D — Google review

Brilliant places to see such wonders of the skies! Took all the hours available to see all the hangers and still did not have enough time, so prepare well and your time. Staff excellent, and the volunteers went above and beyond to help. Definitely be back.

Paul M — Google review

This place is absolutely amazing. A must for anyone you just can't believe how these planes look in real life. Advice your looking at at least 4hrs to get round it all. The volunteer staff honestly are what make this place what it is they are a credit to the place, also try the chilly dog from the cafe near the entrance. Overall very happy and worth the money awsum experience

Gary W — Google review

I was lucky enough to be able to fly in a Spitfire as a 60th birthday present from my daughters. It was an incredible experience and brought me pure joy. The staff were fantastic and very friendly which just added to the whole day.Each of the buildings holds history within its walls and it's worth taking your time to absorb everything.

Julie G — Google review

Came here yesterday really good day out highly recommend! Clean well organised modern museum. Cost £67 for 2 adults 1 child with no donation which I thought was a little excessive. Food and drink are expensive aswell so bring your own!

Tony H — Google review

Outstanding aviation museum, so much to see across a massive site.Spitfire, Lancaster, concord, plus a massive collection of American 🇺🇸 planes including the gigantic b52.You can pay on the day which isn’t really cheap, however you can become a member for £15 per month, 2 adults and 6 kids, go unlimited times, free entrance to mini air shows, 10% off the major ones (not near enough in my opinion) you can visit other iwm sites for free.Visit and join today.

Jim H — Google review


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The British Museum

40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (195)40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (196)

40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (197)40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (198)

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Art Museums

The British Museum, established in 1753 with collections from Sir Hans Sloane, houses over eight million items from around the world. It offers themed departments such as Ancient Egypt and Sudan, Greece and Rome, the Middle East, Asia, Africa, Oceania and the Americas. Despite its renowned antiquities like the Elgin Marbles, it's also toddler-friendly with a Families Desk in the Great Court for guidance and Museum Explorer Trails for kids.

Superb few hours here with our first visit. Allow loads of time as there is so much to see and explore. There is something for everyone and would recommend going to each level. Although it's free entry it's worth doing a donation as well. My grandchildren are also fascinated with the museum. Plenty of facilities to make the visit more enjoyable.

John A — Google review

Excellent experience. Beautiful place outside and inside. Many interesting collections. Enough to do here for a whole day.. Download the app and you have your personal audio guide for all the exhibits throughout the museum. Food and drink is sold on site, and a nice gift shop to get yourself a memoir.

Yahya V — Google review

Some of the most precious objects in the world gathered in one place for the pleasure of the public. An incredible archive of human history, a life affirming glimpse into the past and an outstanding reminder of the depth of man's ingenuity.Don't miss it. If your time is limited, plan ahead. Identify the objects or exhibits you want to see. A week wouldn't be long enough, to take the time, to appreciate every incredible treasure there is to see.

Rigby S — Google review

Fantastic experience! The staff were very helpful and the displays and exhibits were marvellous. Everything was laid out logically and spaciously.The only negative point is there isn’t a lot of seating and it can be quite tiresome. More benches and seats are definitely needed.

Lee H — Google review

Can't describe it, one of the best place to visit, a very long queue even if you book tickets in advance, but I recommend to book tickets in advance otherwise you might not get the chance to get in if it is a busy day. there is a shop in front where you can lock your luggage or your bag in there, the museum won't let you in if you carry heavy bags or sharp objects. It needs at least 5h for just walking and quickly seeing different sections.

Mehdi S — Google review

Amazing experience and all for free! The history of the museum and its additions is a story within itself. The Egyptian section really tapped into imagining what life was like for them. The original museum building being staged how it was originally designed to be used was an insight into society and their interpretation of other cultures at that time. Absolutely fantastic and a Covid safe place to visit. It's hard to describe all the magnificent collections, you'll need to visit yourself 🙂

Milin P — Google review

A wonderful experience on a very wet London day. We arrived mid morning and we were expecting to queue but we went in easily despite the security inspection. There is no cost so no awful queue like the Louvre. We were able to leave coats, bags and umbrellas at the cloakroom for a very reasonable price. This freed us up to enjoy the museum. It is huge! We got a free map then decided to buy the guidebook and study it before setting out. We went to the 3rd floor first and booked for lunch at the restaurant. We then did the 3rd floor which is vast before an EXCELLENT, late lunch. Then down to the ground floor galleries. Unfortunately, the Parthenon galleries were closed but there was so much to see that it really did not matter. Keep some energy: The gift shops and book shops were amazing but since we are travelling light, we had to resist.We made a donation because this fantastic museum is still free. Enjoy!

Alice N — Google review

As a big history buff, the British Museum certainly didn't disappoint me. I was at the museum with my family, and it was an experience I will never forget.Even though there were a lot of people and the museum seemed a bit cluttered, once you got to the areas where there weren't so many people, it was a dream come true for me. Beautiful and containing descriptions, I spent several hours in the museum. I liked the passage of ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia and Japan the best. But the most interesting exhibit was undoubtedly Rosetta Stone. Although I understand that for someone who is not so interested in history, the museum may seem boring. For me, it was an experience ! won't soon forget and if l'm ever in London again, I'll definitely go again.

Кристофер — Google review

It’s a giant museum. There are many floors and many sessions. There are many samples from different continents and regions of the world (I wonder how they all ended up there?). You need almost a whole day to be able to see everything very calmly and absorb all the information. However it is a unique opportunity and you must do it, even more so that admission is free.

Jeferson C — Google review

What a fantastic experience!So much to see and learn!We visited The British Museum on a busy Monday, full of guided tours and school trips.It's free to enter and there are some paid expositions using a reserved space (free for members).Definitely worth the visit.

Eduardo C — Google review

I have always wanted to visit the British Museum and glad I did. It was everything I expected and despite the crowds it did not feel too crowded. It makes sense to get there early even if you have tickets as I did. Security ran pretty smooth and we didn't have to wait too long to get through. The exhibits are as mind blowing and interesting as I had hoped. Well worth a visit and even putting it on your bucket list.

Patrick S — Google review

I keep coming back here as it is such a wonderful museum. There is so much to see and you could spend an entire day exploring. It's an absolute labyrinth so a map is advisable. It was a hot day and the museum was quite warm so dress accordingly. There are some temperature controlled areas and seating throughout, should you need a rest or cool off

Robert B — Google review

Our third museum visit on the same day. This was always our go to museum on past visits to London.There is so much to learn and rediscover here, and we love the Assyrian and Egyptian exhibits.Also, the huge covered roof creates such a wonderful place, with the two cafe dining areas bookending the souvenir store.The reading room upstairs is also a must visit.Entrance is free but you need to book your date and time online in advance.

Steven L — Google review

The British Museum houses an extensive and diverse collection of history, culture, and art around the world. The exhibits are well-organized and provide insightful context.We spent about 4h walking around and absorbing history. You can definitely spend more time because it's huge and requires a lot of walking.Entry to the museum is free!Would recommend doing homework on what you'd like to see the most and plan your route before your visit.We took a map and clearly indicated "must see" which made it easier to navigate.Overall, it's a must-visit destination.Highly recommended!

Mubashira K — Google review

Holy Moly! I've wanted to visit the museum for some time but living in Manchester I have struggled to justify the journey. I visited specifically to see the current Legion: Life in the Roman army exhibition and it was incredible. The amount of things to see and read was a bit overwhelming and I honestly think it would take a couple of days to see everything. The building is incredible and has every amenity anyone could need. Plenty of resting areas, toilets, cafes and gift shops, and although I didn't use it myself the disabled access seemed very good.My only recommendation would be to go in with a plan and an expectation that you won't see everything. Plan the eras or sections you want to see and then come back another time to complete the rest.It does get very busy and crowded due to large tours so patience is required but it is definitely worth a visit.The only negative thing I can say is that it was hard to navigate at times as the maps are hard to read in my opinion.

Alex B — Google review

Probably one of the most interesting places in the world. Exhibitions from all over the world, different continents, countries, and cultures. The museum is free(!) but we donated £5 per adult. The museum suitable for kids as well and they will find something to be interested about. I'd say once in a lifetime must see place.

Kari L — Google review

A remarkable journey through the annals of world history and civilization. With its awe-inspiring architecture, grand statues, and captivating exhibits, it’s truly a sight to behold. From ancient mummies to priceless artifacts, there’s an abundance of treasures to discover within its walls.The cleanliness and maintenance of a place can significantly enhance the overall experience. The well-maintained toilet facilities further contribute to the positive impression, ensuring that guests can freshen up comfortably.

Dhibin S — Google review

I've wanted to come here for quote sometime. Some fantastic artifacts on display here spanning different cultures and time periods. I really recommend but be prepared if go during school holiday a huge queue outside as you have to queue to have your bag checked before entering. So much to see you could spend absolutely hours here. I can't comment on the cafe as I didn't visit there but a stall outside a had an amazing late from.

Corinne D — Google review

It was an okay experience. The collection was good. It could be better planned in terms of layout.The place was fairly crowded. We got free tickets, but you may check the entry fee.There are eateries, toilets inside. The place is accessible to someone on wheel chair.

Rajesh C — Google review

The British Museum houses a vast collection of historical and cultural artefacts from various ancient civilizations around the world. Notable highlights include the Egyptian collection featuring mummies and the renowned Rosetta Stone, as well as Greek and Roman sculptures, Asian art, and Islamic art. With complimentary admission, it presents an exceptional opportunity for enthusiasts of history and art to explore and appreciate these remarkable collections.Please note that it is advisable to purchase a ticket in advance and allocate sufficient time for your visit, with a recommended duration of at least half a day. Additionally, it is prudent to avoid visiting during holiday periods, as the museum experiences significant crowds during these times.

N. N — Google review

We thought this would be, somehow, a boring museum. But for us was a surprise. Very fresh items that we haven't seen elsewhere (especially Cleopatra's mummy :))), a lot of objects gathered from occupied territories, the Easter Island statue, the African art...they all impressed us. Take your time to visit this museum, it will last a while - around 4 hours (and we almost skipped the greek and romans since we saw these in Rome and Athens). Worth visiting.

Raluca B — Google review

A vast amount of historical heritage in one place. Many civilizations, an immense museum. Be prepared to spend over 6 hours to visit the museum; it's commendable that there are places to buy food and drinks within the museum.Book your tickets before the visit to enter more quickly, and also, do not carry a backpack as it will expedite your entry; you won't have to go through a check.

Nesovic V — Google review

The British museum has the details and data about the historical data of various regions. There are 5 levels and each level has multiple regionsWill require 2 hours to complete. Entrance is free, but I will recommend buying a ticket in advance as the queue for ticketed entry is smaller

K M — Google review

Good collection of quite historical items from around the world. Well organized and good information available around to find your way and read some minimal information about the items.The long line for just entering the building while you have already booked a ticket was surprising and disappointing.

Ali A — Google review

Have been many times before but went to see the temporary “Legion, Life in the Roman Army” exhibit. Totally spaced it and didn’t preorder the free timed entry and had to kill some time at the Starbucks across the street. Once in I explored some of the favorites - Egypt, Mesopotamia, Greece, Japan, and China.The Legion exhibit was interesting. There were some wonderful looking artifacts and the displays were well arranged. I liked the idea of following along in the foot steps of a single person. My one complaint is with the patrons, not the museum - when the place is full and there are others looking at the same display, don’t be thoughtless and constant in front of the thing like it’s your own little party. Be aware and be considerate.

Michael B — Google review

Fantastic museum and easily one of the world's best. You will not be able to see the whole museum in one go. There is an audio app for not much that provides details on many pieces. It's worth getting ahead of time. Still good to listen to after you leave the museum, too. One of my favorite pieces I only appreciated after the audio. Famous items will be hard to see due to all the people that want to take a selfie in front of it, instead of actually looking at it. There is a cloak room to put bags and coats so you don't have to lug everything around. Also, the west (left) wing has a quiet pizza place if you need to get away from the crowd.

Jim C — Google review

Absolutely divine place! Everyone must visit The British Museum at least ones in a lifetime. But to be honest one whole day will be not enough to explore all rooms and exhibitions. We will return!This is an outstanding experience with super comfortable amenities, delicious food, great rest zones, a lot of entertainment for kids. Can’t describe my love to The British Museum enough!

Hanna V — Google review


(151152)40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (202)


(74133)40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (203)

Great Russell St, London, WC1B 3DG, United Kingdom

+44 20 7323 8299


Ely Cathedral

40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (204)40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (205)

40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (206)40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (207)

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Sights & Landmarks

Ely Cathedral, an impressive Gothic-style structure, is easily recognizable from afar due to its dominating silhouette that earned it the nickname "Ship of the Fens." The nave features simple yet elegant lines which create a spacious and bright interior. Notable highlights include a mesmerizing ceiling, a masterful 14th-century Octagon, and towering structures adorned with iridescent colors.

Excellent cathedral to visit, and highly recommend the Octagon Tower tour and Stained Glass museum as well.The church is nearing 700 years old, though painted ceiling is newer. It’s interesting to walk through (as most English cathedrals are), but the standout point is the octagon centre. The tour gives a lot more history, including the architectural and engineering cleverness, and allows you to go up to the top and see the almost 1,000 year old oak timbers holding it up and look down into the cathedral from behind the Angel panels.

Becky T — Google review

We visited this magnificent cathedral on Sunday. Although the stained glass museum is not open, the experience is quite impressive. Especially the colors on the walls that are drawn by sunlight and the stained glasses are magical. Those colors combined with exquisite carvings and the tranquil sound from the organ, let us forget the time and be soothed. Also recommend the trails suggested by the Ely Country Park, the views of River Great Ouse are beautiful.

River Z — Google review

Ely Cathedral, a magnificent architectural masterpiece nestled in the heart of the charming city of Ely, is a place that transports you to a realm of awe-inspiring beauty and spiritual contemplation. During my recent visit, I was left utterly captivated by the cathedral's grandeur, rich history, and serene atmosphere.From the moment I set foot inside, the sheer scale and intricacy of the cathedral's design took my breath away. The soaring ceilings, ornate stained glass windows, and meticulously carved stone details are a testament to the skill and artistry of the craftsmen who dedicated themselves to its creation. Each step along the nave, transepts, and chapels reveals new wonders to behold, with architectural surprises at every turn.One of the highlights of my visit was the chance to witness the cathedral's renowned Octagon Tower, an architectural marvel that rises majestically above the crossing. The intricate tracery and delicate stonework of the tower left me in awe of the vision and engineering prowess of those who conceived and constructed it. I was fortunate enough to ascend to the tower's summit, where I was rewarded with panoramic views of the surrounding countryside, offering a breathtaking perspective of Ely and its picturesque surroundings.

Swati P — Google review

Full of history, full of life despite being one of the oldest in the country. Ely cathedral is a place to take a good slow walk through hundreds years of colourful history. It's a great trip for even non-religious visitors.

Nguyễn H — Google review

Wow! This is the most incredible cathedral. Somehow more beautiful than the others due to its remarkable medieval, timber framed octagon, making it unique.As you walk in, you are also met by a stunning painted ceiling running the whole length of the first part of the building.It has so many amazing bits of history in and around it, so worthy of a visit.There is a audio guide available giving you the best of information and helping you to navigate.They have recently added new lighting, which is an ongoing project, so the ceilings are just stunning, the angels leaning forward from on high, beautiful.It is a wonder in every sense and a cathedral not to be missed.

Debra R — Google review

A most pleasant few hours. Good walk down to the river with made paths. There are paved routes down to the river where you can enjoy a drink overlooking the river.The city centre is ok but watch out for the vagrants. On the plus side lots of old buildings and 1950s shop fronts.Excellent parking.

Michael W — Google review

Loved visiting Ely Cathedral. It is definitely worth a visit if you are in the area. Such a beautiful piece of architecture. We didn't do the tours but understand there are other closed off areas where you can pay extra for tours. We also visited the stain glass museum which was equally beautiful. Highly recommend a visit to see born parts.

Lissa A — Google review

Magnificent and breath-taking. This is a true wonder. Visited on a cool Saturday afternoon with a couple of colleagues at school and had a good time.The experience in this massive cathedral with its rich history was like reading a thriller novel. The choir was amazing, and we just sat the in the utter transfiguration. Student ID admits you into the cathedral for free.You must checkout the gift shop when you visit or market across the road for great souvenirs.

Nelson D — Google review

Beautiful experience! And very affordable tickets. I reccomend adding one of the tours to the visit, if you are into history and architecture. they're about an hour or so. General Tickets will also give you full day access so you can look around before and after a tour if you schedule one. I bought my tickets ahead of time on their website

Tassie F — Google review

Amazingly beautiful cathedral. It's very attractive from the outside and even more attractive inside. I would definitely recommend visiting here. Very well looked after. Very large with beautiful areas inside.

Abdullah Y — Google review

Absolutely magnificent.They have tours inside, which are well worth it to feel the full experience of immersing yourself in the cathedral. The grounds are well maintained, and their information points are interesting. Although there is currently maintenance work being undertaken, it does not affect the sheer magnificence of this cathedral.A must-see in Ely!

Charlene K — Google review

Beautiful cathedral in the city of Ely, with beautiful surroundings and market square. The Alcove garden is also a little hidden gem. The new sculptures are incredible! I was convinced the two of the man and woman, were a young couple having an argument from a distance. Was weird when I noticed they weren't real, very convincing! 😄

Mark B — Google review

I love cathedrals and Ely cathedral is no exception (but it is an exceptional building!) - there's something awe inspiring and moving about old religious buildings like Ely cathedral, it's impossible to not be impressed at the architecture. The staff are lovely and friendly and always on hand to answer any questions you may have. There's a nice little gift shop and sometimes there are exhibitions. There are also toilets if you get caught short. Well worth a visit because of how breathtakingly beautiful the place is. It's a tad pricey at £8 a visit when you can get in other cathedrals for free (Peterborough and Norwich for example), but still worth a visit at least once.

Katy ( — Google review

Great day for £10 and £5 for the stain glass museum. I used the free all-day parking. And had a nice lunch at the Almonry restaurant and tea room.

Ben — Google review

A beautiful cathedral, The Ship of the Fens.I popped into the shop to get my Pilgrims Passport stamped.I've been here on many occasions, school visits as a governor, remembrance day, the wonderful Toppings book launches, and with friends for coffee and scones at the café.There are lovely grounds to explore as well.Accessible facilities and access, good toilet facilities, a shop, and knowledgeable volunteers and guides on hand to answer your questions. You can pay to tour the Cathedral, the octagon is a spectacular sight, especially when the poppy petals are falling.It hosts many events, festivals, and markets throughout the year. Parking is a way out of the city centre and a lot of it will be uphill to the Cathedral. It's 15 minutes or more from the train station and uphill all the way there.

Willow T — Google review

Amazing architecture which worth to visit even the fee is £14, online cheaper but worth every penny. Anglican Cathedral whose present building dates back to 1089 AD. It was originally built in a monumental Roman style, some parts redesigned in the Gothic style.Plenty to see here such as the Lady Chapel and the Octagon Tower in the centre of the church. Impressive marble monuments and painted windows. You can take a tour of the massive West Tower too.Ely Cathedral is one of the most detailed art and architectural churches in England.

Win T — Google review

Not only is the cathedral immense but it is impressive on so many fronts. Take the tour up the huge West Tower, the guide was very knowledgeable and passionate about his subject. Yes it’s 250+ steps but as you climb you learn much of the history and the views on this April day were huge.I had the great fortune to visit the day before the opening of exhibition by sculptor Sean Henry - “Am I My Brother’s Keeper” The artist’s figures so cleverly placed on vacant plinths and spaces. This together with meeting the Sculptor made the visit really special. Thanks.

Alick — Google review

An absolutely stunning cathedral both inside and out!! It’s definitely worth a visit inside and if their available book to climb the towers!!!! Both tower tours fantastic! The whole cathedral is beautiful and full of history.The staff have always been very friendly and informative when I’ve been and I’ve visited the cafe on a few occasions and have no complaints. There is a small gift shop too which is nice.

Gemma R — Google review

Fabulous place. If you have less than an hour in Ely within Cathedral opening hours as we did, recommend attending a service as then entry is free. Otherwise it is £14 and to make the most of that would recommend having an hour or so to see the place properly. A tour of the wooden octagon (?) on roof exists and looks fascinating. Ely itself is delightful. The Lamb hotel is right alongside the Cathedral.

Drusilla G — Google review

Ely Cathedral, located in the picturesque city of Ely, UK, is an architectural marvel and a testament to centuries of craftsmanship. This stunning cathedral, with its intricate Gothic design, soaring arches, and captivating stained glass windows, is a true masterpiece. The breathtaking beauty of its interior and the serene ambiance within its hallowed walls make it a must-visit destination for history enthusiasts and architecture aficionados. The cathedral's rich history and awe-inspiring architecture create an unforgettable experience, leaving visitors in awe of its grandeur.

Andy K — Google review

Ely cathedral is a beautiful building set in stunning surroundings and well worth visiting. I have shared a video of the cathedral on my YouTube channel: urbantiger6540, take a look.The cathedral costs £14, the stained glass museum costs £6 and the tower costs £11. I think it was a little expensive considering other cathedrals throughout the country are free entry and donations, but this was still a very impressive building. There are a few free car parks around Ely.

Matthew T — Google review

Impressive cathedral worth visiting. Whilst £14 may sound expensive, this astonishing building and the included audio guide are definitely worth it.Also fully recommend paying the extra £11 to visit the Octagon tower: the views are worth it and the guide was superb, very knowledgeable.

Jorge J — Google review

Thank you Ely Cathedral for the most exciting & creative fundraising event. Silent Disco.At 74 y.o i felt so privileged. It's a wonderful venue. It was 3 hours of non stop dancing.. choice of 3 music channels....great mix of ages At all times you were are of this magnificent Cathedral was a place of worship. The Sacredness was preserved..it's generosity of allowing pure Joy in such surroundings contributed to a sense of great Gratitude ...

Jean B — Google review

Amazing cathedral both inside and out!! It’s definitely worth a visitThe stain glass museum couldn’t have found a better locationThe whole cathedral is beautiful and full of history.The staff is extremely friendly and informative There is a small gift shop too which is nice.

Nitin M — Google review

What a magnificent piece of history! The details are mesmerizing. They were debuting new audio tours and it added an amazing depth to the experience. Being able to click on the area you were stepping into and hear a history and details about the space was awesome.

Laura H — Google review

Such a loverly and peaceful Cathedral. Most excellent stained glass exhibition.Hubby and I loved visiting Ely Cathedral and would like to thank all the people there for making it an interesting visit.

Jenifer H — Google review


(5575)40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (209)


(2979)40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (210)

Chapter House, The College, Ely CB7 4DL, United Kingdom

+44 1353 667735


Hertfordshire Zoo (Formerly Paradise Wildlife Park)

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40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (213)40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (214)

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12 lists


Nature & Parks

The Paradise Wildlife Park is a Hertfordshire zoo that features an enormous collection of 800+ animals from all over the world. You're allowed to feed and touch the animals, making it a great day out for kids. The park is well maintained and staffed by knowledgeable and helpful zookeepers.

This place surprised me of its beautiful decor, cute fauna variety and an amazing dinosaur section added to it. We were lucky to see all the animals relaxing in the sun & the interactive dinosaurs roaring with realistic bodily movements. Whether you love The Lion King or Jurassic Park, this place is a must!

Ruby W — Google review

We visited the Paradise wildlife park to do a Tickle a Tapir experience. It's a lovely park. Lots of food places. Good exhibits and viewpoints for the enclosures.The experience was amazing. The keeper Joe was so friendly and very informative. It was lovely to meet Tim and Tamara the Tapirs. They were very content to be fussed over.The Tigers were active and one was even taking a dip in the pool which apparently is relatively rare.We didn't do the dinosaur walk but it looked really good. A great place to take children as there are lots of play parks etc.All staff we encountered were really friendly and welcoming.Highly recommend a visit if you're in the area.

Myfanw J — Google review

We visited this place for the 3rd time in 3 years. Kids still love it. Dinosaur walk was good fun with educational facts written next to each one. Great place to take photos. Zoo was also amazing, everything close by so don’t need to walk a lot to get from one place to another. Good variety of animals and managed to see most with good views. Dinosaur meet and greet, jungle dance shows, and the children’s soft play area were a great addition. They even have a dedicated multi faith prayer room which was very convenient.

Suleman A — Google review

Absolutely fantastic. Extremely underrated zoo! There is a wide range of animals to see and you can also pay for special interactions, (tickle a tapir) which are great add ons! You can easily navigate around the park and get up close to some of them which is great!The dinosaur world is a great perk and makes the zoo unique. Was very impressing. An excellent choice for kids! Great value for money

Despina K — Google review

Really enjoyable visit. Came for the day without kids and had a nice time. It wasn’t too busy or crowded at any point. Plenty of toilets dotted throughout the park. The food options seemed good and varied, and there were plenty of picnic tables and benches to sit on with your own food as well.Some of the habitats are great - we particular loved the sun bears. They were so fun to watch! Others seemed a bit small and lacking and made us uncomfortable. I do hope they continue to update throughout and improve this.I also had the red panda feeding experience which was delightful. The keeper who accompanied me was really lovely to talk to and I enjoyed asking her questions. I wish the experience could have been longer but I suppose with only one panda at the moment who isn’t bothered by bamboo, it was bound to be a bit short.Overall a lovely visit.

Erin J — Google review

Brilliant. We went on the summer evening night event. The zoo, entertainment and staff were so nice. Our toddler went free as he is under 2 and for the both of us it cost £32.40 (we had a discount code so got £3.60 off). It's small and not huge. No queues or rush. We got to relax and enjoy it. Highly recommend it.

Razia A — Google review

Yes yes yes!!! I haven’t been to the park in 7 years and today went with my 8 year old and 1 year old. I often find it hard to find things to do that will suit both my children due to their age gap. However this was perfect!! I love the size of the park not too big not too small. The animals enclosures were massive and clean. The eating facilities had a great view of the enclosures. Felt like the tiger who came to tea moment. My son was worried about a snake as she was submerged in water, and her head seemed to be stuck between the rocks. We found a keeper who acted very quickly walking with my son and talking about his favourite animal on the park. She said the snake looked okay but would get someone from the reptile department to take a look. 5 minutes later she was back with another keeper! These animals are clearly well looked after.The Dino park is a great addition and is so well done and blew me away. Both my children were a little scared so showed you how realistic it was!They do have works being completed but this had no effect on our day out and no disruption. The work spaces are covered with the plans and this is a great way of communicating the change from the normal blank canvas.However not having prams in one of the eating facilities wasn’t great. It wouldn’t have been a problem if the pram park was next to or directly outside the eating facilities but it was not, or you had a spare pair of hands. I sat my children down and managed to make sure my pram was tucked in as much as possible. A staff member asked me to remove it however I said this was impractical as a parent on my own. She said say she could look after my children while I moved it, but this wasn't okay for me. In the end she did offer to take it out for me. I spoke to a women while waiting for the changing facilities and she said that’s why she won’t eat in there. Also I hope with the new big plans for this zoo they do invest in more changing facilities. I had to wait 15+ minutes to change my daughter. This is why I have had to take a star away.Lastly this zoo has amazing customer service, was second to none even with the pram saga. From the staff on the gates to the cafes and zoo keepers. We will definitely be back time and time again. Your staff are a credit to the zoo and I do hope you share this review with them!P.s please can you add the Capybara to the adoption list or on the junior zoo keeper ☺️Well done 👌🏻

Nisha T — Google review

Fantastic Family Day Out at Hertfordshire Zoo!My family and I visited Hertfordshire Zoo on a sunny warm day and had an incredible experience from start to finish. Arriving around 11am, parking was a breeze with friendly staff guiding us to overflow when necessary. We were pleasantly surprised to find no long queues at the gates.The zoo itself is well-kept and maintained, offering something for everyone. With my 16-month-old daughter, 12-year-old son, my partner's 9-year-old daughter, and her parents, it truly catered to the entire family. Informational spots were plentiful, allowing us to learn while having fun.The highlight for our children was undoubtedly the Dinosaur park, which provided a magical and unique experience. The staff were not only friendly but incredibly informative. When my daughter inquired about the constant plant watering, a staff member took the time to explain its importance and even offered to involve her in the process.We made full use of the on-site facilities, from restaurants to little shacks, and especially enjoyed the well-maintained splash park. Overall, Hertfordshire Zoo provided us with a memorable day out filled with fun, learning, and friendly faces. Highly recommended for families looking for a fantastic day of adventure!

Nirmal P — Google review

Great day out with friends.Visited the park because of a wedding celebration which took place in the event marquee.Had a chance to explore the park and it was definitely worth it. Would come back here again.Great selection of different animals which all appear well looked after and treated well.On your feet for the entire time so wear comfortable shoes.

Chris L — Google review

Visited with a lovely friend, 101 years of age, for a birthday treat with her daughter. What a fabulous day we had. She had a feed the big cats experience and fed a tiger. A lovely extremely kind and knowledgeable keeper guided her through the experience beautifully. I cannot rate this experience high enough. All the staff polite and friendly. We spent all day enjoying the animals and a nice lunch. The dinosaurs were amazing too. Definitely will be back.

Andi's T — Google review

Lovely wildlife park. We went during a dinner festival on a Friday evening the kids absolutely loved the music, dancing and the animals of course. It's very friendly and compact. My only criticism would be the quality of food available- not the best particularly for the prices you pay. Overall though, great fun!!

Rohit A — Google review

The Zoo is divided into 2 sections. A dinosaur park and a more traditional zoo. The dinosaur park is good fun but more for small children while the Zoo is top class! Some great enclosures, with amazing views of the animals.

James B — Google review

First time visit and very impressed. Scary dinosaur park was impressive, wonderful collection of stunning animals, kiddies enjoyed the play parks and splash area. Plenty of loo's. Easy to walk around and with a buggy. Foody places plentiful and two placed with views of the bears and tiger! Staff happy and helpful.

Colin W — Google review

We were fortunate enough to visit our of school holiday time -the local schools had gone back after Easter.My family (children 4 and 6) had a lovely time. The dinosaurs were excellent and are based on the Jurassic World ones which include some of the hybrids - which my son absolutely loved!It wasn't busy for us, but I imagine it can get quite busy as the place is rather compact. I wouldn't have enjoyed it had we had to queue up for everything. There is a lot of see and do and it's easy to get round in the day.There is a splash area so if warm, children can get into their swimwear and have fun splash time.The soft play is good too.Take snacks and drinks because there aren't that many places to get these things from.

Born S — Google review

This is one of the best Zoos around, simple as that!For young children it’s brilliant, so clean and well maintained - plenty of things to see and do, plus the soft play and multiple play areas help to keep them entertained. The park is laid out in a way it always feels like an adventure. You turn a corner and suddenly there’s a massive monkey enclosure, or a big bird display area.The dinosaur adventure is fantastic too, combined with the train ride entertained the little ones for ages.My only criticism is the lion enclosure feels a little small .. we had an amazing view of 3 beautiful white lions but perhaps their enclosure could be bigger.I didn’t try the food, there’s plenty of places for picnics and I always find it easier bringing our own stuff.Will definitely coming back when the beat enclosure opens

Beetyd — Google review

Second time visiting. It was such an amazing experience. Spent a whole day there. Visited the animals and managed to have quality time with my family playing golf as it was all private. Kids loved the play area, which had big slides, large trucks, swings, etc. Kids also loved the dinasour train journey. Was able to sit and enjoy eating in the cafe. I would definitely go again.

Shamima B — Google review

I’ve not been to Paradise Park for probably around 25 years and the memories I have from back then absolutely do not match up to what I experienced this weekend!There is tons for the family to do. We arrived around half 10 and didn’t see our first animal until nearly 1, but that’s not a bad thing. The kids were in love with all the splash pool, play areas, the World of Dinosaurs, mini golf, more play areas and more. When we finally made our way to the animals we again wasn’t disappointed. We’ve been to a number of wildlife parks now and outside of the big ones (like London/Chester Zoo) here was easily the best so far. The park isn’t absolutely sprawling so you’re walking for miles but every area has a really good amount of space. The animals that we did see all looked very happy and comfortable, but unfortunately for us a lot of them were a bit too shy to come out and play. There is absolutely tons of interactive elements to most of the animals enclosures so the kids were never short of something to do between animals.Food and drinks wasn’t too badly priced either.I guess you could argue that the Paradise Park of today is a bit like the ship of theseus… So much has changed, is it even the same place it once was? The literal only thing I could spot that hadn’t been changed or removed was the red Dennis firetruck in the play area.

David N — Google review

I’ve visited twice within the past few months. The first was a day visit at the end of summer/beginning of autumn whilst it was still warm. My toddler had the best time ;we all did) from seeing the animals from different levels to the indoor unlimited soft play to the outdoor splash park and other play areas. I can see why families buy the membership packages. We revisited more recently to see the dinosaurs at night. My toddler is obsessed with dinosaurs and this was a night to remember with the lighting, dinosaur shows and meet and greets and silent disco. Would definitely visit again.

Tanesha B — Google review

Brilliant. I last went around 25 years ago so it's claimed a lot. The gift shop was brilliant, the food was surprisingly nice and the animals looked well looked after. The enclosures looked really good and spacious considering it's a smaller place and we ran out of time for my 2 year old to go on the slides etc but she would've loved it. There's so much space so even when it's busy, you're not having to push past people. We spoke to a zoo keeper in the car park who had just finished their shift and he had great things to say about the place. He also said the staff know so much and love it when visitors ask them questions although people usually don't ask them as they think they're too busy. He said "please ask us questions. We've always got time to answer questions about the animals". Highly recommended and we'll definitely be coming back in the warmer months and with more of the family!We visited on a Monday during half term in October for my daughter's 2nd birthday.

C P — Google review

Had a great day out at Paradise Wildlife Park. It was much bigger than I thought it would be. The zoo was very clean and kept well and the layout and enclosures made animals easy to see while still giving them plenty of room. No giant animals but still so many animals to see and a few I've not seen in other zoos. We had lunch there which was reasonable and the burgers were really tasty. We played crazy golf which was fun and super cheap! We popped into the speedway museum which was fantastic as we both love motorbikes and the gentlemen gave us so much information we learnt loads. Great day out.

Becky J — Google review

We are longtime members of the zoo (back from when it was Paradise Wildlife Park) and it's hands down one of our favourite places to still go, even though our kids are tween/teenagers now.There is so much to do, for all ages, whatever the weather, and all for one price as the entry covers the zoo itself, all the animals talks, playground, paddling pool, car museum, indoor soft play & cafe, playgrounds and the amazing Dinosaur walk.The variety of animals feels just right and they are constantly making improvements and adding new or improved habitats/enclosures, all beautifully planned and finished. My personal favourites are the otters and the red pandas.There is a good restaurant on site plus plenty of covered picnic areas, plus snack/coffee kiosks and ice cream!Lots of events throughout the years plus late openings in the summer. A huge choice of animal encounters and experiences offer, plus so much great conservation and charity work both here and abroad.Ample free parking, plenty of toilets, baby change and extremely accessible for buggies, wheelchairs and mobility scooters as so much is ramped. This means everyone can get a great view of the animals.A great place that we will continue to visit and support 🙂

Rachel E — Google review

Great Zoo for the smaller child, you can see the animals so close and my boy loved the world of dinosaurs so much.The food is also reasonably priced and great park and soft play facilities.Great day out for small children and no need for a pram as there’s little amount of walking between animals.

Joe I — Google review

Took the children up to see Hertfordshire Zoo (the one from One Zoo Three!) and we had a wonderful time. We met Cameron and Aaron too!The animals were great, the staff were super friendly and it just felt like a really nice place to work and be a part of. We saw a few talks and also the bird display (excellent).The dinosaur park there was also AMAZING. Well worth doing. Use the timings on the leaflet you get on the way in to plan your day and you'll have a great time.So yeah, we're absolutely going to be coming back again soon:)

James W — Google review

Oh how wonderful it was to finally visit this beautiful place 🥰 after watching it on telly for so long with the kids, we all had a wonderful day ❤️ so much to see and so much information provided about the animals! All the staff are happy to provide more information and happy to when asked questions by the children and you can tell they love their jobs 🥰 we were even more privileged when we met Cam and Taylor, who took the time with my children who spotted them and were very excited to met them. The children treated them like old friends and Taylor and Cam were wonderful, thank you so much 🥰

Sam C — Google review

Thoroughly enjoyed my time there with my children. I have been here when it was paradise wildlife park many moons ago however returning back now with five children all under 10 was brilliant. The children had an amazing time and the new Jurassic park feature was brilliant 2. Free face painting for adults and children was also a nice touch.

Shahnuaz M — Google review

We had a look at this place a few days ago and wanted to check this out for the new year and something to kick off the new 2024 year.Arrived there with no traffic getting in and a great go and stop signal system before you enter the carpark.Very quick service getting in and being the time of the year half the stalls were closed.The park area was wicked for my daughter she loved it.Seeing the animals as well was a wicked treat to see and what we paid as well. And we will definitely go back.The cafe was good priced and good food.

Josh L — Google review

Had a lovely day here, was very clean, they have just been doing up the Zoo and looks really nice.Took two of us around 2 hours 30 to walk around everything and watch abit of the bird show (due to the rain they couldn't show all the birds as some do not fly in the rain like owls)Was really short walks between all of the areas.Was a great day out.

Bradley P — Google review

Really nice zoo ,went in half term and wasn't to busy,zoo was clean and tidy staff was very friendly and polite .We saw an array of animals from lions to snakes to the cute family of otters my daughter liked the baby otters the best .The dinosaur walk was good ,the dinosaurs move and roar (not all but most) which made it that much better as an experience for the kids .We did the zoo plus stop for lunch etc in a couple of hours,probably need 3-4 hours depending on your family ,but it's nice as it's not too big great for younger children, in my opinion, as younger children can tire easily and get bored .There are talks in the day at certain times about the animals if you want to listen watch .And in school holidays there are live shows on stage ie singing and dancing and you can meet rex the dinosaur 🦕.There a couple of play areas ,one outdoor ,one under a canopy type and another indoor soft play so plenty to keep children happy .There is food available but we took lunch as with all places can be expensiveOverall really nice day and we would definitely go again 😁

Jojo X — Google review

All in all it is okay. Disagree with how small the enclosures are for majority of the animals. Im sure these cages can be made bigger given the prices they charge for entering and food/drink, it is really quite devastating to see animals in enclosures this size. I would recommend you going if you don’t care about the tiny enclosures these animals are in.

Carmen — Google review

Absolutely brilliant day, we met up with my son, daughter in law & 2 grandsons. They loved it, so much to do & see, they loved the dinosaurs. The weather was perfect too, what more could you ask for. Thank you for a fantastic day out, it's definitely worth a visit 😊 🦕🦖🦁🐒🐫

Sandra J — Google review

Lots to see and do, dinosaur really, train ride, kiddies play areas, animals etc. Good food and drink options or areas for picnics. Loved it so much we applied for annual passes at the end of the day and they deducted our entry fee we'd paid from the annual amount. All round fab time.

Shannon O — Google review


(8649)40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (215)


(2588)40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (216)

White Stubbs Ln, Broxbourne, EN10 7QA, United Kingdom

+44 1992 470490


The Fitzwilliam Museum

40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (217)40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (218)

40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (219)40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (220)

Mentioned on

+79 other lists


Art Museums

This museum is home to a vast collection of artifacts from different cultures, including art from Ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome. It's one of the most popular museums in Cambridge, and its galleries are filled with famous paintings by such artists as Hogarth, Gainsborough, and Turner. The museum also has a wide range of historical artefacts from medieval manuscripts to ancient Egyptian and Roman antiquities.

Absolutely excellent museum.Came on the bank Holiday to see the Hockney exhibition. It has been spaced out throughout the museum so you get to see more.Really great exhibits on offer and extremely well presented.Free entry, very nice gift shop.Toilets in basem*nt.

Chad G — Google review

Excellent Cambridge museum. The current exhibition: Islanders The Making of the Mediterranean - which runs until 4 June - is spellbinding. It spans thousands of years, from neolithic Crete to Roman period Sardinia and includes an object that is 9,000 years old. The exhibition is free is free to enter but a ticket is required.The museum's permanent collection is also amazing; I particularly like the ceramic pieces that are on display.

John J — Google review

Worth to visit this beautiful museum which is holding historical stuff from all over the world. It’s free and in centre location of Cambridge city. Building itself is a beautiful architecture.Not big as London Museum but still offering a lot from all over the world specially Egyptian, Greek, Roman etc which is spreading different time period.

Win T — Google review

First, free of charge.Second, it doesn't take a whole day to visit the collection. It's just the right amount of time.The collection is interesting. There are some sections that are for mature audiences only but it makes you think about the lives of other people. Beautiful currency and sword collection.Outside, they have a little patio for snacks and chairs to lounge in the sun.

LB C — Google review

We visited the Fitzwilliam on a Thursday morning, having pre-booked free entry. I've visited many museums but I think this might be one of the most fascinating smaller collections I've seen. In May 2022, they cleverly juxtaposed David Hockney's exhibition pieces alongside permanent and older work that resembled them, it was very well done. Highly recommend when in Cambridge.

Eva S — Google review

Loved this museum. From medieval armors and weapons to ancient Roman Empire or even Egypt. The collection is superb and worths your time to pay it a visit. When you want to take a break there is a coffee/tea shop near the souvenirs.I really enjoyed my time here and definitely I'll return as I didn't had enough time to explore it properly.

Raul G — Google review

The museum is definitely worth a visit!A great place with an impressive number of paintings and antiques from Europe, Asia and the Middle East.Unique collections of famous artists, interesting artifacts, sculptures, porcelain, armour. Everyone will find something for themselves! Admission to the Museum is free!

Sergiusz P — Google review

An enormous range of artworks, some especially famous ones such as Monet's. Great selection of flower still lifes, along with religious artworks. Art is sorted by country of origin. There is a gigantic collection of ceramics, varying in age. The gift shop is large and quite good, there is also a café.

William N — Google review

Lovely well maintained museum. Plenty to see. Cafe was average price but delicious cakes and coffee. Toilets on site were clean. Well done Fitzwilliam museum. If in Cambridge, you must take time to visit, and it's free entry.

Antonia M — Google review

One of the must visit places in Cambridge!It is like a small version of the British Museum but less crowded, so you can feel free to explore around and admire all the exhibitions here.Better expected spending 1-2hrs to visit here

Ling L — Google review

One of the best museums in Cambridge.The entrance architecture is stunning as it is inspired by ancient Greek temples.Lots of paintings, historical weapons, statues, and objects.The entrance is free of charge and you get to see a lot of things, a must-stop when visiting Cambridge.

Francesco M — Google review

The Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge left an indelible impression on me as one of the best museums I've ever visited. My husband who is not a fan of art and museums he remained impressed. Its stunning architecture, diverse collections spanning from Egyptian antiquities to European paintings, and exquisite decorative arts left me in awe. The museum's rich history and engaging exhibitions make it a must-visit for anyone with a love for art and culture.

Lucy C — Google review

Fantastic morning went to side entrance told you can book a slot but let us in because numbers were low i think due to covid will only let a certain amount of people in at any time .plenty of volunteers to guide you round or answer any questions nice cafe for drinks and snacks great museum shop aswell great experience

Jonathan G — Google review

Nice Museum to visit, my son wanted to see the Egyptian items. You could spend a couple of hours walking around looking at the interesting artifacts. You have to book your tickets online before you go. Its free to visit or you can make a donation if you like.

Tina E — Google review

Beautiful museum, which is definitely worth a visit! It's free and there are also a gift shop and a cafe. There is a lot to see, so you would need a few hours to see all the galleries. You can see art from all over the world and you can see artefacts from different time periods. There are sections dedicated to Egyptian, Greek and Roman history, just to name a few.

Rosi P — Google review

Great museum, really fascinating array of things on display, there's really something for everyone. The building's architecture is also gorgeous and there's a lot to see just by looking up.

Sarah D — Google review

Beautiful place to explore the art and antiquities. Plenty of rooms to explore and learn more about art and world history. Have lovely cafe place too and if you would love to get souvenirs they have shop for that too. Easy access to toilets. Definitely a must see place when visiting Cambridge.

Indy R — Google review

Amazing place!Full of interesting history (from Romans to Egypt, Japanese etc etc.).Very nice displays with detailed describtions. The art and pictures gallery upstairs was exceptional too, full of nice pictures.The museum is situated in the heart of Cambridge (good location).And all this wonderful experience was Free of charge!

Andrejus S — Google review

Excellent museum. Free entry to permanent exhibitions. Or did I walk in unnoticed? Grand building. Parking nearby not cheap but worth a visit or several. Lots of pottery and trinkets but some great art. Handy cafe. Affable varied staff appear everywhere. Blake exhibition to pay to see at this time. But had to pick up someone at Cambridge North.

Mark C — Google review

One of the best museums in Cambridge if you are on a quick day trip (as ours were unexpected). We entered without a ticket,as it's only until January I guess.The paintings were fascinating. Much to see about Egyptian culture and sculptures. Not sure about the European potteries, didn't feel authentic.PS: do not fell for the shop and cafe, overpriced, you can get most of them around Cambridge City for less

Jabin F — Google review

Most impressive entrance hall. Vast collection of very cool items. Love the Egyptian rooms and the Armour section. Very good cafe and gift shop. Bus stops right outside.

Benomaly ( — Google review

It was such a beautiful experience at the Fitzwilliam Museum. Although most of the art works are appreciated by just viewing and not touching, they’re still worth viewing. The entire museum is really big and the facilities are also good. It’s a very picturesque place, has a disability entrance as well. There’s also a table with supplies to draw and paint. Helpful assistants as well. We appreciated the moment.

Jewel I — Google review

The Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge is a special place full of interesting things to see and do. Here's a simple guide to help you plan your visit:Getting Tickets:Getting tickets is easy. The admission is free for all. Just show up and enter. However, you need to do prior booking for exhibitions.Parking:There's no parking at the museum, but you can find limited parking nearby on the streets or in parking garages. It might be a short walk, but the museum is in a convenient location.Accessibility:The museum wants everyone to be able to visit. They have ramps and elevators for people who use wheelchairs. They also have accessible bathrooms to make sure everyone feels comfortable.What to See:Inside the museum, you'll find all sorts of interesting things. There are old artifacts and modern artworks to explore. It is divided region wise. The museum is easy to walk around, so you can take your time looking at everything. Moreover, they allow you to take pictures without the flash.Guided Tours:If you want to learn even more about the exhibits, you can join a guided tour. Knowledgeable guides will tell you interesting facts about the things you see. It's a great way to learn new things!Café and Gift Shop:After you've seen everything, you can relax in the museum café. They have drinks and snacks to enjoy. Don't forget to visit the gift shop too, where you can buy souvenirs to remember your visit.

Syed R — Google review

Had a good time 😁👍 love the Egyptian stuff! They have toilets. Nice and clean! One of them is for all genders! Have a café and a gift shop. Dad and I. Have been many times before.

Ethan M — Google review

The most beautiful museum and feels a bit like British museum from the outside. Highly recommended to visit once in a lifetime. Entry is free so check out this place. I love visiting museums 😇

Muhammed W — Google review


(7062)40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (224)


(3678)40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (225)

Trumpington St, Cambridge, CB2 1RB, United Kingdom

+44 1223 332900



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25 lists

Shopping mall


Meadowhall Shopping Centre is a large shopping mall in Sheffield, England. It features hundreds of high street and luxury stores, as well as a food court and cinema. Meadowhall is easily accessible by both train and car, making it one of the area's most popular attractions.

Conveniently located next to M1 junction.Really big shopping mall with lots of premium brands shops. Be prepared that you will easily spend there at least half a day browsing in shops.Also there is a decent choice of food outlets for all tastes.It has a good tram link connection to the city center. Also buses are available.

Tomek I — Google review

Free parking!!!The free parking was exciting for me because it seems that in the UK, paid parking is the norm. Meadowhall is a great shopping mall and entertainment venue. My daughter had a great time shopping here. The mall layout and store options were thorough and well considered. Bright, clean mall. It was also clear that the mall was designed to allow for less mobile persons to have an inviting and accessible experience there. Lots of family and kid friendly options and facilities as well.

Megan E — Google review

A shopping center which offers every shop experience. From Poundland to Rolex. Also as a bonus there the shopping area called the Lane.There there is the shop under the stairs.Any Harry Potter fan it's a must .Photo opportunity pushing a trolley into a platform wall. . A prison wanted poster.Then there's the food court.I hate walking around shopping centers usually however kind of enjoyed this shopping center.

Alan P — Google review

You have all shops you ask for. Massive Shopping centre and big choice of food from Food hall. If you have family and kids you have to get parking permit for family parking. If not you'll get ticket. So don't forget to get one from customer service on entrance. Then stick it on your dash. Thanks me later 👍😅

Ejdy D — Google review

Got something for most people. Clean and dry and some decent shops. Can get busy at a weekend but a mid week visit is just right if you like it a bit quieter.

Patrick L — Google review

What a gem of a shopping centre, we came here for a bite to eat. before heading elsewhere and were nicely surprised as to how lovely Meadowhall was. A large mall conveniently located next to M1 junction with lots of parking. Loads of premium branded and hughstreet stores and a great choice of food outlets for all tastes.

Blue P — Google review

4/5 Lots of (somewhat expensive! 😅) shops to indulge in. Loved the free parking, always useful! A little tricky getting up & down a floor with a pram + non-lift goer since the stairs & lift are not next to each other. Quite specific to our situation, I am aware, but still had to keep playing where's Wanda with my fianceé.P.S. Prepare for it to be BUSY if going @ a weekend.

Henry T — Google review

Every unit was full unlike the Metro Centre at Newcastle. The staff in all the shops,restaurants and Prosecco bar had friendly and cheerful outlooks. A great mix of designer and everyday run of the mill stores. Excellent.

Margaret B — Google review

I recently had the pleasure of visiting Meadowhall in Sheffield with my family, and I must say, the experience was nothing short of extraordinary. Often compared to the likes of Bluewater, Meadowhall certainly holds its ground as one of the largest shopping centres in England, if not outshining it by size and offering.From the moment we arrived, kids and wife loved, the sheer scale of Meadowhall was evident. The centre boasts over 290 stores, catering to every imaginable need and desire. Whether ww was browsing the latest fashion trends in stores like Zara and H&M, exploring high-end brands such as Hugo Boss and AllSaints, or simply searching for the perfect gift in one of the many unique, independent shops, Meadowhall had it all.In my opinion, what truly sets Meadowhall apart, though, is not just its vast array of retail options but also its dining and entertainment facilities. Based on my kids' opinion, the Oasis Dining Quarter offers an impressive selection of eateries, ranging from fast food favourites to sit-down restaurants, ensuring that there's something to satisfy every palate. After a delicious meal, the Vue Cinema provided the perfect escape with its latest screenings, rounding off a day of shopping with a touch of relaxation and entertainment.There are no issues regarding the accessibility and convenience, which is also where Meadowhall shines. Located just off the M1, it's incredibly easy to get to, and with ample parking, the usual stresses of shopping were noticeably absent. Public transport options were plentiful, making my journey smooth and hassle-free.In a nutshell, my day with family at Meadowhall was a delightful experience from start to finish. It's not just the scale of the shopping centre that impresses but the quality of its stores, the diversity of its food offerings, and the overall atmosphere that make it a must-visit destination. It easily rivals, if not surpasses, other shopping centres like Bluewater in many aspects. Meadowhall is more than just a place to shop; it's a place to explore, dine, and enjoy. I can't wait for my next visit!

Andy S — Google review

A great shopping place with varied collection of stores ranging from affordable to premium brands. Hence, you can find everything that you need under one roof and you will not have to worry about parking as free parking is available.

Fadel A — Google review

Love it for shopping, nowhere compares as has shops you don't see in other places so go specifically for these. Good parking, clear signs inside, generally clean, some decent restaurants (pity more and more are becoming just big chains you can get anywhere though but there's still some that you don't see elsewhere but would be good to see them do more to support small businesses like an affordable rent section for street food vendors).Best thing is the opening hours so being able to go when it's not as busy.

Anna B — Google review

Amazing experience huge shopping 🛍 centre all big brands available..cinema screens food court..very beautiful sitting Area..

SEEMA A — Google review

Had a lovely day here,not been for many years. Everywhere was clean, tidy & the shops were varied. Had a great lunch at TGIF's too!

Kim A — Google review

Love meadowhall plenty of excellent shops and great places to eat or just people watch with a lovely coffee ☕️ can easily spend a day there I just popped into joe browns but go often excellent free parking lots of it too it seems huge when you first visit but not when you go often and now oh my a couple of excellent chocolate shops Shopping is so easy all in one place fab they do have a cinema but it's not as nice as it used to be but it's there if you want to go excellent eating centre oasis every taste catered for love meadowhall good place to spend a winters day

Veda H — Google review

Excellent food and clothes at good prices. Including having Primark huge advantage. Free parking. Easy to find.

Yuval G — Google review

Travelled 2 hours from Durham to visit just for a look out.Bored with the hustle and bustle of our local MetroCentre as some of the shops we love have closed but still have stores within Meadowhall.Really enjoyed the experience seemed far better and relaxed than the MetrocentreEasy drive in and easy access back out on the motorway

Mondo D — Google review

The centre itself is lovely, great shops. However. We stopped here as the website advertised baby feeding facilities, we did eventually find the mums feeding room and my partner said it was so hot in the room. We have to top up her feeding and there wasn’t anywhere inside that room to heat milk. So I had to go looking.My biggest concern was getting into the center. Someone got a bit happy putting in posts. Random thing to moan about but we parked in a empty car park at the back of what looked like Debenhams. And walked but there were posts everywhere blocking our route with the buggy. We walked past a disabled drop off area and I don’t know if someone in a wheel chair could of got to the centre via this route. See the photos.So not really buggy friendly.

Michael C — Google review

You could spend the day there browsing around all the top shops. There are plenty of places to eat. I had sausage and chips with peas it was a very good Adult portion and only £7.80. The taste was brilliant just like the chip shop at home. So keep an eye out for the Tasty Plaice.Ps The Car Parking is free.

Thomas L — Google review

An amazing place with so much festive vibe around Christmas. In general as well, a very clean n tidy place, a lot of stores (from brands), wonderful food court with options for everyone and the food options are reasonably priced. Ample parking that is clearly marked. Would highly recommend this place for shopping and leisure with family.

Gaurav C — Google review

Has Boots and Super drug which is good as you compare prices easily.Meadowhall is good when it's not overcrowded. It has good parking compared to city centre. They need to increase child parking spaces though.You also not worried about 'rough sleepers' like you are at City Centre.Its a refined place to shop and meets expectations.A good place to visit during winter especially.

Normadic N — Google review

Great for every day shopping you have literally everything. Plenty of car parking space

romanidzeee — Google review


(33149)40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (226)


(2129)40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (227)

Suite 1, Meadowhall Centre The Management, The Oasis, Meadowhall, Sheffield S9 1EP, United Kingdom

+44 333 313 2000

40 Best Stops Between Rouen and Ranelagh (2024)
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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

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Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.