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      • 3D background

        in General Discussion

        Posted April 24

        I have a tank with discus with a similar depth (front to back) but opted for a slim background. I would imagine 32 cm would be enough, especially since the entire background isn't going to be 18 cm. Visually, it might make the tank looked cramped but I doubt the fish will mind. How long is the tank? How deep?

        • Test strip result

          in General Discussion

          Posted April 23· Edited by tolstoy21

          On 4/23/2024 at 12:52 AM, khongor said:

          I used water conditioner from Petco. Used as directed. Coop said there is a leaf that softens water and darkens. I'm considering to use it if safer for fish.

          Water conditioner typically does not affect the hardness and/or Ph of the water. With a Kh as high as yours, I doubt there is any reasonable amount of drift wood or leaves you could use to significantly drop those numbers.

          Hard to say if tetras will do well in your water because I can't tell what your Ph/KH reading are other than they hit the maximum that the test strip can read. Neon's should be fine up to a Ph or 8. Higher than that, maybe?

          Honestly, I think all of us just starting this hobby tend to stress over water params only to find that, over time, many typical, pet store fish will acclimate to a wider range of parameters than the internet would have us believe.

          In my experience, trying to change your water's makeup can be a frustrating and usually unsuccessful effort.There are products you can use to lower the Ph/Kh of your aquarium, but these tend to make your parameters bounce. It's best to just stay the course with what you have.

          What fish appreciate the most is stable parameters over perfect parameters.

          Good luck and stay with the hobby even if you don't succeed with your first tank. (Alas, many of us don't. I know I didn't). And ask any question you want. Many knowledgable people here to help you on the journey.

          • tolstoy21's Content - Page 3 (1)4
          • Simple sump in mudskipper aquarium/paludarium

            in General Discussion

            Posted April 23

            On 4/23/2024 at 10:54 AM, Biotope Biologist said:

            Since you have a paludarium style tank you are going to want to get a glass drill and drill the bottom of the tank.

            Make sure the bottom pane is not tempered before drilling or else it will shatter into a million bits. This is easy to check with a pair of polarized sun glasses. Many tutorials online show how to do this.

            • tolstoy21's Content - Page 3 (2)2
            • Simple sump in mudskipper aquarium/paludarium

              in General Discussion

              Posted April 23

              On 4/23/2024 at 10:53 AM, madmark285 said:

              Instead of glass or acrylic, I recommend using cellular PVC listed above. So easy to cut and assemble and is reasonable priced. Glass is expensive these days.

              I use a dollar-a-gallon 29g. This was a bunch of years back, but I don't remember the 2 glass dividers being super expensive.

              But, yeah use anything that will hold water, is easy to work with and inexpensive.

              • tolstoy21's Content - Page 3 (3)1
              • Simple sump in mudskipper aquarium/paludarium

                in General Discussion

                Posted April 23

                On 4/23/2024 at 10:47 AM, madmark285 said:

                Use filter socks, I toss mine in the washing machine to clean them. For sock holders, PVC Sewer and Drain Coupling, 4 in. Hub x Hubwork perfectly with 4" socks.

                Agree 100% on the filter socks. I wished I had planned them into my sump design.

                • tolstoy21's Content - Page 3 (4)1
                • Simple sump in mudskipper aquarium/paludarium

                  in General Discussion

                  Posted April 23· Edited by tolstoy21

                  I followed the below video for as a simple design. Plumbing the sump and adjusting flow rates is a different topic not covered here and will depend on how you plan to feed water to and from the sump. You will need a install a PVC gate valve to tweak the flow rate for the return line to the sump.

                  Additionally there are a number of options on for how you can configure the overflow/return -- Herbie%2C and BeanAnimal refer,see used on an aquarium.

                  • tolstoy21's Content - Page 3 (5)1
                  • Bristle nose not eating not pooping looks full help

                    in General Discussion

                    Posted April 23· Edited by tolstoy21

                    If this fish s truly constipated, epsom salt and a little bit if smushed peas can help relieve it.


                    Epsom salt can also be attempted as a possible cure for dropsy --

                    • tolstoy21's Content - Page 3 (6)3
                    • Drilling into Imagitarium Metal stand

                      in General Discussion

                      Posted April 18

                      On 4/18/2024 at 12:25 PM, knee said:

                      tolstoy21's Content - Page 3 (7)

                      This is the stand. Was planning on drilling on the back part or the sides. I do prefer the sides so I can adjust the light from left to right.

                      Ah, Ok I see what you're up against now.

                      Just drill the clear parts. 😛😉🤪🤣

                      • Apisto Borelli Fry

                        in General Discussion

                        Posted April 17

                        On 4/17/2024 at 2:03 PM, NOLANANO said:

                        Thanks for the information!

                        For number 3, I was more referring to next time I see fry. If I put a coconut cave in the tank when I see a female in breeding colors, is it possible for her to raise the fry in the tank? I ask this because I am not sure whether or not I harmed the fry when sucking them up in the turkey baster and putting them in the breeder box.

                        Keeping the fry in the tank runs the risk of 2 things:

                        1) The mother killing other fish in your aquarium while protecting the fry
                        2) The fry being eaten by other fish

                        I use a turkey baster on fry all the time. If you're gentle with the fry, they'll be fine.

                        • tolstoy21's Content - Page 3 (8)2
                        • Apisto Borelli Fry

                          in General Discussion

                          Posted April 17

                          1. Feed them! Find foods small enough for them to eat. Frozen baby brine shrimp are easy to find in many pet stores.
                          2. I would move the mother back to the tank. She'll be unhappy in the breeder box and won't really be able to care for the fry in a meaningful way in the box.
                          3. I wouldn't put the fry back into the community tank if you want them all to survive.
                          4. The magic of nature! Sometimes fish will just do their thing without you knowing or doing anything. Other times, you really have to usher along the process.
                          5. The conditions were just right. But the size of 'just right' is not a tiny, hard-to-hitbullseye. A lot of times its a more forgiving range or parameters. My guess is they will breed again.
                          6. Hard to say. In regards to LFSs, I've gotten everything from 'Go Away!', to'well take em off your hands for free', to store credit or$10 a piece. In terms of cash or trade-in value, it would be roughly 1/4 what the store would sell them for. For apistos, typically you sell them in male/female pairs.

                          Good luck raising them and have fun!

                          • tolstoy21's Content - Page 3 (9)1
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                          • They grow up so fast . . . .

                            in Fish Breeding

                            Posted April 17

                            It feels like just yesterday that they were in diapers and eating paramecium.

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                            • Zebra Acara - gill filaments protruding past the operculum (gill cover) ??

                              in Diseases

                              Posted April 17· Edited by tolstoy21

                              On 4/15/2024 at 10:50 PM, Rich L. said:

                              Is this normal for Zebra Acaras?

                              Not in my experience. I haven't seen that in any of my fish. I guess it could be normal, just haven't seen it myself.

                              Attaching pics of my male and female.

                              tolstoy21's Content - Page 3 (14)

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                              • in Plants, Algae, and Fertilizers

                                Posted April 17· Edited by tolstoy21

                                On 4/16/2024 at 9:17 PM, RyanR said:

                                I’m not new to plants. I mostly have Anubias and stem plants. I have a new Amazon Sword fromACO and I’ve heard they can be root tab hogs. Currently in my 40 breeder to keep my nitrates at about 25, I use Easy Green every 3 days or so. How often do you think I should I be putting in root tabs?

                                I'd put them in like every 3 months. if it's a new plant, just bury three or four tabs in the substrate underneath it. As swords grow, they can create quite extensive root systems so you'll want to increase the number of tabs at that point, and position them all around the plant, not directly under it.

                                • Live foods

                                  in Fish Breeding

                                  Posted April 17· Edited by tolstoy21

                                  On 4/16/2024 at 8:00 AM, gardenman said:

                                  Frozen food or a good quality dry food are the easiest/safest options.

                                  And they will work fine without the hassle of harvesting from nature.

                                  • Drilling into Imagitarium Metal stand

                                    in General Discussion

                                    Posted April 17

                                    On 4/16/2024 at 5:49 PM, johnnyxxl said:

                                    You can drill into anything with the right drills for your drill driver.


                                    Make sure you have bits rated for steel, otherwise they will either burn out or break before you get through the stand. It also helps to have a drill with decent RPMs.

                                    • Live foods

                                      in Fish Breeding

                                      Posted April 15· Edited by tolstoy21

                                      Try conditioning them without live foods and see if that works. Mine spawn a few times a week just eating things like Hikari Vibra Bites, black worm pellets, freeze dried tubifex worms, Northfin Bug Pro, etc. I make a mix in out of this and feed it 2x a day.

                                      I think the key is quality foods, not necessarily live. But yeah, you can't go wring with live foods.

                                      I feed the fry BBS and, as they get a little bigger, grindal worms, eventually switching them to flake. So, no real recommendations on what is good that can be harvested from nature. But a good, quality flake food, crushed up, will work as well.

                                      • tolstoy21's Content - Page 3 (18)1
                                      • Peat In filter to maintain pH

                                        in General Discussion

                                        Posted April 12

                                        On 4/12/2024 at 2:52 PM, Tropicalfishkeeping201 said:

                                        Results after testing my tap water ( Tested on 8/14/22)

                                        • Ph: 7.6
                                        • High range ph: 8.4 or 8.8 (It was hard todifferentiatethe colors but it looked more like itwas 8.8)
                                        • Kh: 125.3 ppm
                                        • GH: 161.1 ppm

                                        Off-gassing test 24 Hr result (Tested on 8/15/22 (Mon after letting my tap water sit for 24 hrs with an air stone):

                                        • pH: It was either 7.6 or 7.2 but looked more like it was 7.6
                                        • High range: 8.0
                                        • KH: 143.2 ppm
                                        • GH: 179 ppm

                                        Ignore the high-range Ph test. It's only applicable if your Ph is above the level that's readable by the regular Ph test. The high-range test is more applicable to African cichlid or reef/saltwater aquariums. On your water it's just giving bogus readings cause your Ph is not super alkaline.

                                        Looking at your readings, I'd take an educated guess that your Ph drops over time as a result of buffers being eaten up by botanicals, or whatever you have in there that acidifies the water (fish waste itself can have this effect too).

                                        Try the fluval pellets and see if they can help lessen the impact of your water changes. Let us know how it goes.

                                        If you stage your water in a bucket, you can mix in some Seachem acid buffer to eat up some of the available Kh and reduce the overall Ph before adding it to the tank. (A few drops of muriatic also works, but you'd have to do a little bit of testing and tweaking to get the dosage right).

                                        • tolstoy21's Content - Page 3 (19)1
                                        • Peat In filter to maintain pH

                                          in General Discussion

                                          Posted April 12

                                          On 4/12/2024 at 2:41 PM, Tropicalfishkeeping201 said:

                                          Thank you so much for sharing. Last time I did a water change, pH went from a 6.6 to a 7.4 and from there I decided I wanted to try this to see if the Ph can stay more stable in the 6 range.

                                          Is this the peat that you use from Fluval?

                                          tolstoy21's Content - Page 3 (20)

                                          Yup that's the stuff.

                                          • tolstoy21's Content - Page 3 (21)1
                                          • Finally got some Cherry Tetras in a decent number

                                            in Fish Breeding

                                            Posted April 11

                                            On 4/10/2024 at 2:54 PM, aquatica87 said:

                                            I’ve had mine for about a year now and haven’t had luck either. The eggs I find are never fertilized. What are your breeding parameters?

                                            Hmmm. Not sure. I honestly don't put a lot of thought into it. My well water runs at a Gh of 9 and a Kh of 0. I will typically cut this with some RO water, but I've never measured how much. Maybe I do a 50-75% WC with straight RO to drop the Gh. But I've never proven to myself that this is even necessary.

                                            I do separate the males and females a week and fatten them up, before adding them to the breeding tank. I'll leave them in the breeding tank maybe 3 -4 days and then pull them.

                                            • tolstoy21's Content - Page 3 (22)2
                                            • Bypass

                                              in General Discussion

                                              Posted April 11· Edited by tolstoy21

                                              On 4/11/2024 at 3:59 AM, Cjbear087 said:

                                              Just found the bypass valve for my water softener and got 2 questions:

                                              1. Will the valve bypass my hot water aswell or just my cold water?

                                              2. How long should the run the water after bypassing to get rid of all the softener water in the pipes?

                                              1. Depends on where your softener is plumbed into your system. Typically there are the first item in any chain so bypassing it will bypass anything upstream of it, like a hot water heater. Having the hot water heater before the softener seems antithetical to its purpose.

                                              2. What are you looking to avoid that's in the softened water? I would imagine you'd clear the existing water from the pipes in a minute or two, tops.

                                              On 4/11/2024 at 9:16 AM, Cjbear087 said:

                                              So that means the hot water SHOULD come out hard with the bypass?


                                              If all you are looking to do is boost GH, then add some Seachem equilibrium.

                                              Softened water itself won't harm fish.

                                              • Peat In filter to maintain pH

                                                in General Discussion

                                                Posted April 11· Edited by tolstoy21

                                                On 4/11/2024 at 6:13 PM, Tropicalfishkeeping201 said:

                                                I was reading a post of someone stating that they use peat in their filter to maintain the pH in their blackwater tanks. What are your experiences with using peat in filters? I've heard of peat but I've never used it. Does it really keep the pH stable?

                                                I've used both regular peat from a garden store and Fluval's peat pellets. I prefer the Fluval pellets over regular peat because they take zero preparation and don't stain the water. I'm not against the 'blackwater' look at all, but when I used regular peat, the water turned so dark I could not see the fish in it. I guess I needed to soak and rinse the peat more or something, which is why I went back to Fluval's product, because they have done all the hard work for you. In the instances where I have used it, I was using it in straight RO water with no Kh present.

                                                In your case, I'm curious if peat will react fast enough against the addition of buffers to counteract the sudden presence of Kh. In my experience, water will react to the presence of Kh much faster (driving Ph up) than it does to presence of botanicals (which gradually drives Ph down).

                                                Do you know how much does a water change swing your Ph? It might not be enough to be of any concern at all.

                                                • tolstoy21's Content - Page 3 (23)1
                                                • How to get my apistos to spawn where I can see it?

                                                  in Fish Breeding

                                                  Posted April 8

                                                  On 4/4/2024 at 12:22 PM, jwcarlson said:

                                                  To be honest, I'm not sure that I ever took pH readings when I was using straight RO in the tanks

                                                  I'd not bother taking a Ph reading of RO water, as it the result will have no real meaning if the TDS is the resulting water is truly zero. Any buffers or acidifiers will have a pretty fast effect on RODI water.

                                                  I don't have any experience with Hongsoi, but most of the apistos I've bred have been in a TDS of between 30 - 150. The only apoistogramma I have bred in close to zero TDS is Abacaxis, with require a Ph around 4.5 to spawn.

                                                  I typically focus more on the Ph than TDS when I breed. However, some species do appreciate mineral-poor water when breeding, but that's more a factor of Gh than Kh (I think; I could be wrong). For these fish I'll make RODI water and mix in some of the Seachem American Cichlid Salt to get an approximate TSD (usually between 30 - 100 for most species I keep). I don't have a target TDS in mind, just something substantially lower than my well water (TDS 300). The moment I see fry in the aquarium, I turn my water change system back on for that aquarium, and raise them the fry in my well water, not RODI water.

                                                  I had the same problem you are currently having with Zebra Acara, but never got down to the root cause of the issue. I was going to run a UV steralizer in their aquarium, as I've seen people suggest for that species, but my female passed away before I got a chance to try.

                                                  Wished I could be more helpful.

                                                  • tolstoy21's Content - Page 3 (24)1
                                                  • Breeding neocaridina, GH/KH question

                                                    in Fish Breeding

                                                    Posted April 8· Edited by tolstoy21

                                                    On 4/7/2024 at 3:51 PM, Martin said:

                                                    Welp. pH is 8.8 on my test kit, but that's the maximum range so it could be higher. I had read up on the possibility of high TDS (which I didn't really know much about), so I just got a TDS meter that arrived about 30 minutes ago. The meter reads a TDS of 490-500 and additionally, it has a pH meter on it as well that is reading 9.7😯

                                                    I don't keep a lot of neocaridina shrimp, and have naturally acidic water, but that Ph sounds pretty high for neos.

                                                    I don't trust Ph meters unless they are from a known good company and can be calibrated by the user. But given the closeness of the Ph shown on your TDS pen, compared to your other testing methods, it's probably somewhat in-the-ball-park accurate.

                                                    I would google around and see if you can find any advice for keeping shrimp in a high Ph.

                                                    • tolstoy21's Content - Page 3 (25)1
                                                    • Breeding neocaridina, GH/KH question

                                                      in Fish Breeding

                                                      Posted April 7· Edited by tolstoy21

                                                      It's possible that the population has come to a size where it has stabilized itself, meaning there too may adults for babies to survive.

                                                      I have a bunch of caridina tanks, and the one that has a few hundred shrimp in it did the same, the adults stopped producing fry. I see berried females every now and again, but never any fry. I still maintain that tank, and if I move juvenile shrimp into it that had previously bred, they too stop breeding.

                                                      The smaller aquariums that I maintain for selective breeding have a much more reasonable number number of shrimp and produce babies all the time. Even the grow outs I move their shrimplets into eventually start producing babies if I don't relocate the inhabitants to the 'sterile' tank soon enough.

                                                      All of these shrimp are from the same line, which I've maintained for about 7 years now, so there is a lot of inbreeding, which is typical when selectively breeding caridina shrimp.

                                                      The only time I've seen massive die off is when I've had a build up of organics and a plummet in Ph one of my aquariums. In this aquarium, I had a matten filter hit critical mass.

                                                      On 4/6/2024 at 4:35 PM, Martin said:

                                                      o be sure, I went ahead and got a test kit, which is reading a GH of roughly 100ppm/5.6 dGH and a KH of around 220ppm/12.3 dKH. From what I understand, the GH appears to be decent, but the KH is rather high.

                                                      The Gh appears at an optimal level, but what Ph do you read as a result of your KH levels?

                                                      • How to get my apistos to spawn where I can see it?

                                                        in Fish Breeding

                                                        Posted April 4

                                                        On 4/4/2024 at 9:57 AM, jwcarlson said:

                                                        I do not screw around with pH, but the RO mixes usually are in the 7.4 range.

                                                        You might want to try keeping your Kh near or at zero to get the Ph below 7. When I mix water for apisto spawning (those that wont spawn in my tapwater), I use Seachem's American Cichlid Salt.

                                                        Straight RO water theoretically has no Ph, so when measured it will appear to have a Ph of 7 (exactly neutral) until acted upon by something that moves the dial towards acidic or alkaline. An easy way to get the Ph lower somewhat naturally is to remineralize the RO water with something that adds no Kh or buffer. This can be supplemented with the introduction of tannins form leaves or blackwater extract.

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                                                      What was Leo Tolstoy's famous quote? ›

                                                      Leo Tolstoy Quotes. Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself. All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. If you look for perfection, you'll never be content.

                                                      What is the easiest Tolstoy to read? ›

                                                      If you want an easier beginning point for reading the best books by Leo Tolstoy, start with The Death of Ivan Ilyich. If the thought of starting with War and Peace makes you nervous and interested in reading Tolstoy's other works, The Death of Ivan Ilyich is the perfect place to begin.

                                                      What does Tolstoy mean by three deaths? ›

                                                      “Tri smerti” (1859; “Three Deaths”) describes the deaths of a noblewoman who cannot face the fact that she is dying, of a peasant who accepts death simply, and, at last, of a tree, whose utterly natural end contrasts with human artifice. Only the author's transcendent consciousness unites these…

                                                      Was Tolstoy a drinker? ›

                                                      Tolstoy soon took a teetotal pledge and enlisted local peasants into a sobriety society—the Union Against Drunkenness—on his Yasnaya Polyana estate.

                                                      What were the last words of Leo Tolstoy? ›

                                                      His dying words, said to have been spoken at the home of a station master where he had been taken, were: “But the peasants, how do peasants die?”

                                                      What caused Leo Tolstoy's death? ›

                                                      Leo Tolstoy died from pneumonia, aged eighty-two, at the railway station of Astapovo, a remote Russian village, on November 7, 1910. He had left his family home on October 28, in the middle of the night, walking out on his wife of forty-eight years—the long-suffering and increasingly paranoid Sonya.

                                                      Did Tolstoy ever win a Nobel Prize? ›

                                                      Virginia Woolf called Tolstoy "the greatest of all novelists", and Gary Saul Morson referred to War and Peace as the greatest of all novels. Tolstoy never having won a Nobel Prize was a major Nobel Prize controversy, and remains one.

                                                      What is the most iconic novel written by Leo Tolstoy? ›

                                                      Tolstoy is best known for his two longest works, War and Peace (1865–69) and Anna Karenina (1875–77), which are commonly regarded as among the finest novels ever written. War and Peace in particular seems virtually to define this form for many readers and critics.

                                                      Why Tolstoy is so good? ›

                                                      What is extraordinary about Tolstoy is the way in which his imagination was never daunted. His world is large, and his characters have their own life, and are not his puppets – even the ones he set out to disapprove of, such as Anna Karenina.

                                                      What is Tolstoy's problem? ›

                                                      Tolstoy has an arrest of life in his 50's. He says my life is a mean trick played on me. He thinks this is so because everything will end. The enjoyment and happiness of life will end when each of us dies.

                                                      Why was Tolstoy exiled? ›

                                                      After Anna Karenina, Tolstoy concentrated on Christian themes, and his later novels such as The Death of Ivan Ilyich (1886) and What Is to Be Done? develop a radical anarcho-pacifist Christian philosophy which led to his excommunication from the Russian Orthodox Church in 1901.

                                                      What is the theology of Tolstoy? ›

                                                      He defended the moralizing mission of Christianity, while also maintaining the innocence of nature. Instead of blaming our 'fallen' nature for our sins, Tolstoy put the blame squarely on social institutions, such as the State and Church.

                                                      Does Tolstoy believe in God? ›

                                                      He struggled to finish Anna Karenina and then devoted the next several years to religious life. He returned to the fold of the Russian Orthodox Church, but soon doubted the Church's doctrines, rituals, and practices. Tolstoy found faith on his own terms. Love of God and neighbour and non-violence were at the core.

                                                      What religion did Tolstoy convert to? ›

                                                      Conversion to Christianity

                                                      In the 1950s, he gradually established himself as a respected novel writer. His two most famous works, War and Peace and Anna Karenina, were written between 1863 and 1869 and between 1873 and 1877 respectively.

                                                      What did Lenin think of Tolstoy? ›

                                                      In “Leo Tolstoy as the Mirror of the Russian Revolution”, Lenin wrote that “the contradictions in Tolstoy's views and doctrines are not accidental; they express the contradictory conditions of Russian life in the last third of the 19th century”.

                                                      What did Tolstoy say about life? ›

                                                      True life is lived when tiny changes occur. The greater the state, the more wrong and cruel its patriotism, and the greater is the sum of suffering upon which its power is founded.

                                                      What is Leo Tolstoy most famous for? ›

                                                      Leo Tolstoy is known primarily for having written the masterpieces War and Peace (1865–69) and Anna Karenina (1875–77), which are commonly regarded as among the finest novels ever written.

                                                      What is the famous opening line of Leo Tolstoy's novel Anna Karenina? ›

                                                      The first sentence of Tolstoy's novel Anna Karenina is: “Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way” (Tolstoy, 1875-1877/2001, p. 1).

                                                      What was Tolstoy's philosophy in life? ›

                                                      Leo Tolstoy's philosophy of life emphasized the importance of seeking spiritual awakening and inner transformation. He believed that true fulfillment and purpose could be found through a deep connection with one's inner self and the universe.

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                                                      Author: Allyn Kozey

                                                      Last Updated:

                                                      Views: 6181

                                                      Rating: 4.2 / 5 (43 voted)

                                                      Reviews: 90% of readers found this page helpful

                                                      Author information

                                                      Name: Allyn Kozey

                                                      Birthday: 1993-12-21

                                                      Address: Suite 454 40343 Larson Union, Port Melia, TX 16164

                                                      Phone: +2456904400762

                                                      Job: Investor Administrator

                                                      Hobby: Sketching, Puzzles, Pet, Mountaineering, Skydiving, Dowsing, Sports

                                                      Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.