PlayStation's Shifts, Nintendo Direct, Pokémon Day | The Game Junction Podcast #73 - The Game Junction Podcast (2024)

Speaker 1:

And we are live. Welcome back to the game juncture podcast. We're here for episode 73. How's everybody going doing?

Speaker 3:

doing pretty good. It's a good night and a good week again for gaming news.

Speaker 4:

Yeah no, it's another massive week has been heavy five weeks in a row now.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, just non-stop smash smash, smash a year after paying her Yep helps this podcast. Definitely, yeah, it does for sure.

Speaker 1:

So, Guys will have a good week.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's debatable. It's been a busy week, there's work, so it's never a good week. No, I had to go to work. This week is by default. It was negative, exactly, but I mean you can't complain with the 40 work week at the end of the day.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, okay.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, get those federal holidays off, baby yeah that looks like a dream of retirement.

Speaker 1:

We've got a little bit of voice cutting out for some reason we got we had some issues here as far as getting set up, so can't get my camera turned on. Unfortunately it's not not allowing me on either end. But we'll go ahead and get started. Lee, do you want to get and start with the notes?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, at least we can still hear you. That's the main thing, yeah, well, yeah, as we said, like this week has been absolutely massive, which we have a four page full of notes of everything of the Just past seven days, which I Don't, we guys want to start like you want to start with Nintendo Direct, or we guys want to start with about aim, or about Alder ring or how, the fact that Everything I see on tick tock is still hell dives, hell dives, hell dives, hell dives, hell dives, hell dives.

Speaker 2:

That's take your word for it.

Speaker 4:

I don't use tick tock, oh yeah, it's either memes or gameplay or disappointment in the service.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, disappointment I.

Speaker 3:

Heard really good things about it, me too.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I've heard really really good things, Other than the server problems, of course.

Speaker 2:

I mean that's yeah, like they weren't expecting the amount of people to hop it in place so that it's causing problems for him. It's like the one thing that I've heard, really only main negative anyways. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

I mean that's a good problem to have, really like if it happened to Blizzard or you know, like game launches often go pretty bad, but when you think about it, like it's such a good problem for them to have, it's a really good problem for them to have, yeah, considering they and you end, majority of those people are actually on PC. They obviously have a ton of PlayStation players, but it looks like, you know, steam has been Basically the main source of the player base, which is super cool.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, yeah, I did say tweet yesterday, all this morning. Apparently, they give me up against 700,000.

Speaker 1:

Yeah yeah, okay, I didn't hear that interesting. I mean that's good, that's good. Yeah, I'm hearing great, great. That is good, I am absolutely 100% gonna grab it, but I'm gonna wait for all the server. You know issues to be worked out and you know I think it'll drop in price as well a little bit by the time. I'm ready to grab it so.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, wait for those steam sales. You get it like 60% off. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, maybe I don't think I'd grab it on steam though.

Speaker 2:

Hashtag PC master race. What up Well?

Speaker 1:

we are going to. We got a few things to plug. So we've got Nintendo supplies, pokemon presents, a bingo card. So we've recently partnered up with Nintendo supply and the bingo cards are really, really popular. So they made them for all the Nintendo Directs recently and this one essentially lets you add in what you hope or think you might see At the Pokemon presents which we'll get into. That's part of the segment, but if you want to go over their website, they are linked in the description to check that out. Also want to give a shout out to Nixie, their wizard controller. It is essentially a Gamecube Joy-Con controller here. Now these actually separate and Become actual joy con. So it's really really cool. If you're an audio listener, they've got it in the color of the classic indigo. They've got the spice orange and I believe, a black as well. So that is also in the description and if you use code game junction, get 10% off with our affiliate link so Got those plugs, so we got One of the things this week was the Xbox cloud gaming.

Speaker 1:

Essentially they're going to, I Guess, be trying to allow you to stream the games that you own instead of just game pass. So if you own the game digitally period, that's what they're trying to do, which I think Probably should have been, you know, in there from the beginning, but I think the focus has always been getting past. So it is good because I mean I've got stuff all the way from, you know, the beginning of the Xbox 360 on there. I've got over 1700 games on my X series X, so I think it's good. I've not in the cloud gaming much. I Think I've tried it maybe twice, but uh, yeah, you know.

Speaker 3:

I think it's an awesome thing for Getting more gamers. It's a great way for people to kind of a low cost have an entry to it, because a lot of times you know especially people that are not gamers. They want to try video games. It's a really high ceiling when you think about it. Like all the other hobbies or things of that nature, it's pretty relatively cheap Until you get into those expensive rich people sports, but for the main part, like you can kind of experience every hobby pretty cheap. But gaming is one of those things where if you don't have a internet cafe it's it's nice to have cloud gaming as a Little step to see if you like it. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I agree. Yeah, it's, it's good stuff. So that's good that they're adding that. Nothing major, but I think it is a you know, a move on their part that is positive. So we want to see some positive Xbox news. We've definitely got more Xbox news as well, but we do have as well More layoffs to report, unfortunately. And build a rocket boy, which is part of rock star north, had some layoffs. So they've been working for rock star north. I think they've been a part of them for quite a while, but they do a lot of the story driven type of games that that they put out. But it looks like that they have laid off, thinking they didn't give an actual amount, but it is like an ongoing story. So, yeah, that's a no, we're just safe.

Speaker 4:

We're really safe and I feel, feel like if it's not now, it's not delays, now in, you know, in the gaming world, now it's laughs is now the second biggest word. Yeah, yeah, it's yeah.

Speaker 1:

It's become attached to gaming at this point, which is just. It's crazy because we've been reporting on it since the beginning of the year, but realistically, like I, had discussion of it early in December, so it's been going on for a while.

Speaker 3:

We're, you know, at the end of February and Still, which is hilarious when you think about it, all these games are hitting like peak players, like crazy releases lately, and all these studios are laying people off. And just blows my mind I.

Speaker 1:

Doesn't blow my mind, and the reason is because I saw it coming a million miles away with the way the gaming industry has been since, I would say, 2019, and it really, you know, changed as we discussed 2020. They took off with the games as a service because they relied on all the people that were playing games.

Speaker 3:

Now, and A lot of those people have since backed out and they've lost a lot of money, so I'm doesn't surprise me one bit, honestly, like I yeah, but when you think about it, when you think of it for example, I don't know if you guys play ARPG's, but last epoch released like two days ago, which is like I wouldn't say a triple-a game, like it's not a big studio they started on Kickstarter and they got back and they managed to make this huge, massive game and they're having server issues too, like hell divers Granted not as big they have like peak concurrent players was around 200,000, but this is great. So far been a great year for gaming. Layoffs aside, it seems like the games that you know a couple years ago would would reach I don't know 50,000 concurrent players is now reaching like 200,000. And then we saw what happened with power. Like a game that's essentially like a double a Game had two million concurrent players. It's, it's insane, they say also.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and they sold 25 million copies. Like it's bonkers, I don't know. It just doesn't go into my head like how are we reaching these highs in gaming and just all these studios laying people off? It's just.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

I know for a fact that they can't afford to keep all those people on. They just don't want to. You know, it's the classic big corporate.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, sadly and it looks like I did just double-check on that that it is an undisclosed amount and will affect the developer global, globally. So wherever they are stationed across the world, it looks like they are going to be laid off, so I assume I might the last yeah, you know, I know I thought about this the other day.

Speaker 1:

I have not mentioned this on the podcast or in any videos yet, but I am. I am working on a video about something similar and I think a lot of these layoffs to are coming on the front end of things, because AI has sort of taken, you know, the marketing end of stuff or you know, like that sort of stuff Answering emails, you know those sort of things, the tasks that aren't directly Developing the games. I think a lot of these layoffs are probably that front end stuff. Honestly, that isn't going to be reported. They're not going to say all this department, this department, this department is laid off. But I think that's to me. I think that that's probably a lot of it. We just don't know.

Speaker 2:

But to be fair, it's not like it's. It's only hitting the game, it's hitting other industries especially 100% tech.

Speaker 3:

I'm in tech and it's just, it's been horrible.

Speaker 2:

I think it's just a bigger, bigger Income of, or that's not, I don't know I'm saying income, but it's just I think it's. I agree, I think it's on the front end of a some kind of downturn that has to do with more with the economics, of Just global economics as a whole, compared to just the game industry not doing as well. Because, you know, in a bubble, the game industry seems to do, seems to be doing fine with everything else. You know the inflation and everything else going on. It's, you know, a lot of other costs. It, yeah, you know, the average gamer just doesn't see or doesn't really think about yep, 100%.

Speaker 1:

I agree with that. So Unfortunate, you know, people losing their jobs, but See, seeing this a mile away with all these developers, honestly, there's very few where I think they're doing it right and not spending. It's triple a anyway. So pretty, pretty crazy stuff. What, what do we got next?

Speaker 2:

something, something quadruple gaming.

Speaker 1:

Oh, thanks, everybody's got.

Speaker 3:

So I know it's funny.

Speaker 1:

Go ahead. One of brothers.

Speaker 3:

Well, when you said quadruple gaming, it's Scullin bones is struggling so bad and it's hilarious.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think there, we didn't even like a million. We didn't get that added in there, did we the stuff that went out?

Speaker 3:

No, but I just, I just read it like an hour before we started, but it's just hilarious, like I knew it, as soon as he released that statement, you're doomed your game. You literally like, even if the game stayed in this thing in the same state that it that it was, and If he didn't release that statement, the game might have done okay ish, but just Releasing a statement like that and that going through like public public relations department, because you know they have a huge one, I Was such a dumb move like I'm sorry it's so I found out a few things that you guys might not know, or at least that we haven't talked about on the podcast to let the audience know.

Speaker 1:

But they were forced to complete this game when they were in agreement with the Singapore government and that is a whole reason they apparently Ubisoft said they were going to cancel this a long time ago. So it's had four four heads of directors for this game, all with different visions for the game. That's the problem. So I don't understand quite the attachment of Ubisoft Singapore, but they they were in agreement with the government that they were released the game Ubisoft Singapore.

Speaker 2:

Yeah so that sounds like they had a contract with the government. That says pretty much that they had to make a game, put it out, or else because I government didn't want to take this big loss, or it had to deal with. You know, they had a big investment, that's men's. Yeah, like there was an agreement made, this has happened before.

Speaker 1:

I came kingdom is kingdoms of Alomar, I think it's called.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Amalor, that was. That was a. It was developed by the state of I forget what state, but I think like Maine or something, but it was a state. I'd have to look it up, but I, the state, funded it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, remember playing that game and loving it. I don't know if you guys ever played it, but it was love it it definitely didn't feel. Yeah, it didn't feel like triple a, but I really had.

Speaker 3:

I remember playing it like two years after release and I f*cking loved it you and I do actually, and I actually got the Re-reckoning or whatever the remastered version of it is, and and I'm playing, I was, I was thinking of streaming it actually, because I remember having such a fun time with that game, that's. That's a funny, fun little fact about it, aren't you?

Speaker 1:

yeah. So I just to pull up to verify myself it wasn't Maine, but HQ revised the franchise that almost bankrupt, erupted the entire state of Rhode Island. So Rhode Island was the one that's it in this game. Yeah Well it has a what if you go on YouTube and watch the videos there. While it's just a wild story, the ride with that game and that's game turned out good. But I don't know if you remember the launch of the game. It was not good the launch yeah, I remember.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I remember, in the beginning people didn't really like it Um. Yeah, but I know I feel like it's one it I it already is one of those like cult classics, that kind pretty much everybody's gonna remember yeah so let me ask you, though you bought the remaster.

Speaker 1:

You don't like remaster, sir I?

Speaker 3:

Didn't buy it. Jokes on you. You thought you had me there, huh.

Speaker 1:

Hmm, I got it for free, I got up for free. I got it for a master. Yeah well, the remaster.

Speaker 3:

I got just as far as the original.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

I heard mixed things about the remaster actually plays kind of the same.

Speaker 2:

I didn't notice a difference.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's, there's not a big difference. I think that's the issue I played on switch the remaster and interesting. It was good. I mean it ran fine, like it was fine on switch, I had no problems with it, but like it definitely didn't feel like a remaster. That's all I say.

Speaker 2:

I what you want to feel like the original game on a console that you can't play the original on.

Speaker 1:

That's a port.

Speaker 3:

Roasting each other tonight. I love it. I think it's a lot of sh*t. Let's do this every day.

Speaker 1:

All right, all right. Well, we did talk about hell divers, but I didn't want to say Lee, you brought up about some of the stuff you saw. It's got viral on tiktok with all the issues. So one of the things with hell divers through that people are doing is leaving Themselves in the server so they don't lose their spot, and that's one of the problems. Yep, yep.

Speaker 3:

You're. You know like they just released a patch to deal with afk people though.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm about to say, like in there, a way to kick afk, because I just, you know, somebody else wants to play the game. You're not doing anything, right? Yeah, yeah, they just released an update.

Speaker 1:

Okay, cool.

Speaker 3:

That's fun, it's funny to see, though. Well, it's funny because that used to be a thing for For mmorpgs. Like I remember going to school and I would like log into world of warcraft so I can pop into the server queue. I never, I mean, I played a little bit of runescape, but I'm sure yeah, I'm sure it's the same deal like you would leave it and then you know, by the time you get back home From school, from work, whatever, you would be logged in and you can hop in and play.

Speaker 2:

But that does remind me of some old Pre dial years ago when I post dial up, sorry because you can't know.

Speaker 2:

I, but that reminded me of like a few years ago, when I just played Minecraft on some servers that always seemed to be full. There was, like you try to find like an afk trick, so like I just need my body to move. How can I like manipulate myself so I don't kick, but I don't want to have to wait another four hours to get back into this you know and you know what that reminds me of.

Speaker 3:

That reminds me of, like the, the beginning of pandemic, when everybody was working from home, so everybody had that mouse clicker and sh*t to appear that they're all working.

Speaker 2:

That was everybody, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, Fun times but it just tells you how good their success is and I'm so happy for them. I'm so happy that they they, because they they took a risk too, like I don't know if you guys saw hell divers one, but it's. It's a completely different game completely the concept's the same, but you know it is. It is isometric top-down shooter, like Just completely different approach, and it's such a Bold move to do when it just it paid off for them.

Speaker 1:

It's funny, um, have you guys ever played the risk of rain series? Oh, yeah. So it's something similar. Risk of rain is like a 2d side scroller where it's like very minimized, but the sequel is a third-person shooter and is really good. It's become like a cult classic and Uh, it reminds me of the same deal where it's like a completely different style game, and I love that.

Speaker 1:

I love that they, they branched out and did something different. So good for them. They they weren't expecting this, um, but you know that that's a good problem to have, yeah it's a good problem to have, and it's one I'm definitely gonna check out. I will tell you what. Everybody was sleeping on this game, though, because people were just not hyped for it All there was no discourse.

Speaker 1:

Everybody's like it's gonna be garbage. I want to say we even said on the podcast that none of us cared about it, we weren't gonna play it, we weren't interested in it, we didn't care, we did without, I remember.

Speaker 3:

But that just it just goes to show like how far the the soul like good gameplay loop goes, like we got so many crappy games in the last Three, four years, like so many games that we were hyped for like triple, triple a games or quadruple a games. And then they come out and you're like this sh*t is boring, like what. But then you jump into that and it's like, oh my god, this is amazing. And you know, I was telling you guys before we started recording or before we went live. But I've been playing um, deprogalactic survivor and it's this small game that I mean I could probably play this for another 1000 hours easily, because it's the gameplay loop is just so good and I don't think I'm gonna be bored of it. And and I feel like that's what a lot of people felt with hell divers. You're just, it's just a fun game and you don't get that a lot nowadays, which sucks. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

So I'm I'm pretty stoked Um to check it out for sure. So what else?

Speaker 4:

I was also gonna say just before, when you were talking about we were talking about Skeleton bones, is that? Uh see, a thieves did their announcement trailer for Then going to playstation and all the comments I saw was like Uh, skeleton bones are dead, skeleton bones is dead, skeleton bones are dead.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, because fundamentally it's, it's it's already a better game, right, like. And then you know there were reviews and comments. It's like they basically took Assassin's Creed 4 or black flag whatever, and they took the main part of it and made it into a game, but it took all the other fun stuff out. That's why would you play it Like there's no, there's no reason to play it. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's unfortunate because, like that game I mean the concept of making a game like that, you know, with black flag, like sounds awesome because black flag was great. But I mean, when you have four heads of developers that all had different visions for the game, what do you expect? Just one shift of a vision and you've got a Metroid Prime four problem there. I mean, they obviously didn't like the way that that game was going and, and you know, got re-holed and that game got re-holed Four times.

Speaker 1:

So it's just crazy man, it's crazy stuff, so just bad management, but that's the thing like how does it?

Speaker 3:

how does it? You know some big studio like that do stuff like that. It's just crazy yeah.

Speaker 1:

Well, it's not surprising, because it is Ubisoft and we we know the All the stuff with Ubisoft here. The the past what? Eight years? At this point, I don't even know what I gotta, I gotta, I gotta say something, though.

Speaker 3:

Speaking of Ubisoft, I just remember if you guys I don't know if you watch TV shows, but there's a show called mythic west and.

Speaker 3:

And and it's on Apple TV, but it's basically it follows a gaming development studio. It's like a comedy, drama, comedy and it's basically was backed by Ubisoft and they represent a bunch of their games Very lightly, like Assassin's Creed and stuff, and if you guys never watched it, like I definitely Recommend it. Um, that's one good thing out of Ubisoft. It's a TV show, not even a f*cking video. Sorry, I'm done. What's it called?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

It's called mythic quest mythic quest.

Speaker 1:

All right, it's, it's yeah.

Speaker 3:

It was the. Basically. The creators are charlie day and rob mckelhaney I. I can never pronounce his last name, right, but the, the guy from. It's always sunny in philadelphia. Yeah um show and really funny, really good like story pacing is just. It was just a pleasant surprise and I just want to tell you guys to check it out.

Speaker 1:

So it's it's backed by Ubisoft or it's their like studio.

Speaker 3:

It's one of it's one of their Projects. They were behind it. There were people behind it, um, but the the creators of the story. I guess they were investors, I don't know. I mean, but I know they're behind the project Because I see it every time the show starts. It shows like something productions and ubisoft and like companies. Why are they associated to this? It's such a good show.

Speaker 4:

Had lost in three seasons.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's the four seasons coming out. Um, I think next month, um, but really I I'm telling you like I was really surprised and, working in software, software development myself, I see so many funny situations that basically happened to me at work and it's just like it's just such a great, great, great show.

Speaker 3:

Oh, yeah, sounds good, I just wrote it in my notes to check out, so Um yeah, I think anybody that likes video games or software development is is gonna enjoy it. Speaking of tv shows, um, did you guys see the? The trailer for the borderlands movie?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, yeah it looked terrible.

Speaker 2:

I don't know who said it, but somebody Uh xed something. I don't know how to tweet anymore. I think like, why is everybody so old?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so dr Tannis, jamie Lee Curry and.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, well, the other actor, actress too.

Speaker 3:

Yeah well, the actress for lily is also like terrible. I mean not terrible, it's just, she's just too too old for that role, it's just top to bottom, like they got in like all the casting while. Gavin Hart was the worst.

Speaker 2:

Yeah that was the worst pick because, while the game is funny at times, like the characters in universe, like this is a serious thing. It's more the the, the villain Uh, that's that's funny and there's funny aspects, aspects to it. But like the actual characters, this is like a serious thing going on. It's like yeah, I mean they have a comedic note, but yeah, to some degree, but the actual main story is kind of fairly serious.

Speaker 3:

Yes, I did.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, I mean, like here's what I wanted them to do. I thought it would be good to take in some. Now, whether you like the game or not, or the the game gameplay style, but the tales of the borderlands, like they did the cinematic sort of thing, right. I mean, like I said, whether you like that gameplay, the story wise, like they could have did something like that, or you're pulled, you know, I just it's just disappointing. Borderlands is such a beloved franchise, it's such an iconic franchise.

Speaker 1:

Um the kevin Hart one they, they lost me at that. I mean I'm gonna check that absolutely terrible yeah.

Speaker 3:

What all review it do we do, we do.

Speaker 4:

We agree with that, though. What is?

Speaker 3:

the what jack black is club trap no I think, I think he's, I think he's too jack black.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, like I get it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I think it's cool, but it could have been better.

Speaker 2:

I would say the same thing, because even when you watch the mario movie, when you hear bowser's like that's bowser, but I see in here jack black, he just can't. He's not a voice actor, true, I don't know.

Speaker 3:

I did it well, I some yeah, yeah, I was gonna say oh for sure, I mean that's. Yeah he's such a iconic.

Speaker 1:

You know what lee europe, but he did do a good job. Such a peach.

Speaker 3:

He just speeches speeches, speeches, speeches.

Speaker 2:

Let me clap the peaches.

Speaker 4:

All right. With that said, I was gonna say and all that cast Tiny tina, the aria green, black, she, she's, she's. I don't know how old she is, but she's ranking such a Filmography so far.

Speaker 3:

She's like she is in, she's an industry plant.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, she was infinity wall. She was in the barbie movie. She also plays a soka in the tv show and she's doing this you're right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I don't. What is it? Because there's some actresses like that, like the girl from Stranger Things started popping up and everything, like Godzilla, and I think it's just. Uh, maybe she is an industry player, I don't know.

Speaker 3:

Ariana feel like it's just they. They get lucky with their agents. That's all it is. I mean yeah yeah, knowing people.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, so that's, that's interesting, um, but I think that's it's just terrible. The whole lineup, top to bottom man, it's just so bad.

Speaker 2:

None of them fit the role. No, I mean you need like a 20 to 30 year old would be like the ideal range.

Speaker 3:

Well, they're the character. So dr Tannis and lilyth are in their 20s. Roland, I think, is the one that's in his 30s, but he's rolling is this Big rugged, rough yeah, man because he's an ex soldier.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, and it's that that feel about him. Yeah, and as soon as I saw Kevin Hart and it's not. And one thing about Kevin Hart is like he was funny for the first, like three, four years now I always he's the same as the rock dwayne, the rock johnson, like he's playing himself In every single role that I've seen him.

Speaker 1:

It literally just doesn't look at. He plays crazy that johnny graphics and he said why the kevin hart hate. And that that's what I said.

Speaker 2:

He just he just doesn't fit the role. He's a, he's a comedian. It's Roland's not a comedic role. And then I just look at it and I'm because I I love especially the first two borderlands games. I have mixed feelings with borderlands three, personally.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, I do too. Yeah, but honestly was.

Speaker 2:

I think it wanted this this would have been better if you just get lower lesser known actors and we not every movie has to be these triple a actors. What do you think End up in age?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, but do you think that they had to do it this way to get no attention to the movie?

Speaker 2:

It's such a well-known franchise. Your core audience Once yeah, but you can't well.

Speaker 3:

But I feel like in their minds they can't rely just on gamers to see the movie they want to be able to present it to the masses right advertising.

Speaker 2:

We'll get it out there, but it's just. I think it's just a bigger issue with Hollywood. It's just they're not creative, they just get into a rut. It has to be these same 20 actors it feels like in every role, and it's just like there's got to be someone new and fresh. Because just because a movie has unknown names and it doesn't mean it can't get traction and get views and people. That's what I prefer.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I prefer that because then it's like sort of a mystery on how they're how they're going to be. You know what I mean. Like you don't know there their abilities, and sometimes that hits with, like Last of us, what most people like, the tv show. You know the sort of casting for that, um, and then there's a lot of stuff. I mean there's a lot of stuff where, like the casting was a nobody and it just it was perfect because they were a nobody.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, or at the very least just one well-known actor to kind of sell. The rest can be unknown.

Speaker 1:

Yes, somebody to sell the movie, I was gonna say as well.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, like last of us, she had really one well-known and obviously really not unknown at all. They could have done this with Boyle Lanzi. I'm not saying to keep Kevin Hart or keep Cape Lansh*tt, but at least maybe half of the cast, I would keep any of them, but yeah, I don't know, it's hard, it's like half the cast, be younger, more unknown, at the forefront and have the more Experienced actors at the back.

Speaker 3:

Well, somebody, somebody that, um, Um, somebody commented I don't know I didn't fact check this or anything, so take this with a grain of salt but somebody said it's the same casting director, or whatever, that picked the cast for madame web.

Speaker 1:

So but I didn't, I didn't check this, madame, madame.

Speaker 3:

I don't know, madame alone. English is not my native language. I don't want to hear before the podcast.

Speaker 1:

I was getting the crap, these guys over here. Let me tell you.

Speaker 3:

Oh, we'll roast, you, don't worry.

Speaker 4:

And the movie. We also went through reshoots too.

Speaker 3:

Wait. But but didn't them Movie do like I've heard? Actually I know we've got terrible scores, but people are saying that they actually liked it. Actually Did you guys watch it?

Speaker 2:

I think it's gonna bomb. I just I think the casting alone is gonna ruin it and I don't. I don't know how the writing's gonna turn out, but Because I was looking at something else, probably about a year ago, but I don't know if it was official by that point, but somebody made a comment, it's uh, idris elbow would have been much better for for Roland.

Speaker 3:

One hon of that. That would be so much better.

Speaker 2:

Like if you're just looking at like somebody who could just well known and and would, it just just fits the role just Aesthetically, I don't know how he but just knowing what he's done before like that would just that. That would have been a perfect casting for who Roland is in the games.

Speaker 1:

Yeah for sure.

Speaker 4:

I agree with that yeah, 100%. This movie has been circling land, circling, being sorry, trying to get off the ground since 2015.

Speaker 2:

I was always against it. I I've come to just hate adaptations. I don't, we don't need them, I don't like them, and even the ones that do it well. It just makes me, because the the last one that I watched that I actually liked was the one for one piece that I didn't think was Terrible, but all it made me do is want to just go back and watch the original.

Speaker 2:

Yeah yeah, I'm like it doesn't need, but I would prefer to watch the original. But that's just me personally. I I've gotten sick and I just I hate adaptations. I think they should just go away, even if they're done well, I'm just not a fan of them at this point because more often than not, they're bad than good.

Speaker 4:

Which is fair. So do you, do you think this will? Well, I've seen a lot of the video game adaptations. The screen had gone really well. Do you think this will go back and being a dud Adeption?

Speaker 2:

since most of the or at least a lot of the internet is in kind of agreement that this is just not a good casting rule and that I mean we'll see. But I don't have faith that this is going to be one of the ones that does well.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I, I don't, yeah, I don't think it's going to do well either, and it's gotten a backlash all over x, it's just just I just want to say this, because somebody just commented it About you know, the adaptations you know aren't, aren't made for the fans. I'm like, well then, that's why they tend to fail, because they're not made for the fans, they don't care about the source material. It's this low effort, mass produced crap and then it just bombs because it's not, you know, creative like the source material. I think if they made it for the fans, they actually liked it, that want this to succeed, it would do well overall, you know we can cause the reviews.

Speaker 3:

And, speaking of that, go ahead.

Speaker 4:

I was gonna say well, look at last of us. That was, that was partially made with the original craze of the game and boom.

Speaker 1:

Sony, I mean sony was directly involved in in that whole process.

Speaker 2:

So you don't have to change the source material. You can essentially tell the same story.

Speaker 1:

That wasn't doing it bad, but even last of us took a little bit of a different turn. You know not, not majorly, but Minorly like a few different.

Speaker 4:

Differences so they just have to tweak it. Yeah, the things you you'd have to tweak, from going from video game to tv.

Speaker 1:

Yep, I agree with that and I mean, you know graph graphics gear makes a. You know a good point on that, because I mean that is a fair point. But I think that that is personally. I think that is part of the problem is that you know not making it for the fans as well, Because there's a way to do it for the fans that works for the general audience too. You know that's what you want to do you want?

Speaker 1:

to capture the hearts of the people that originally love the franchise, the whole reason you're making a movie.

Speaker 2:

I mean, you're only able to make a movie from a video game because of fans, you know so yeah, that's where, to be fair, they're gonna be the most vocal on it and that's what the general audiences can hear. Because if you think about, well, what sounds good, and here's somebody say, oh no, it's terrible, don't watch it. Well, but you don't know anything about it, you're probably not gonna go watch it at that point. And if you see mass hate on it, you're like, oh, it's probably not a good movie, I'm gonna go watch something else.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, for sure.

Speaker 3:

You know what that makes me excited for though? Um, I don't know if you guys watched the witcher Um show that got really good, decent reviews and whatever, but mark havel left it right because he said that they were kind of moving away from the source material of witcher. And and then, basically, like a year later, it got announced that he's gonna be the main person involved in the 40k warhammer series on amazon prime.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, um sorry for that I'm. That's like one of those things is like he's he. He got to a point of fame where he doesn't have to worry about Missing a project. And now, and as if people you know, if you're listening and don't know, mark havel is a huge pc gamer. Um, he loves video games. He's very like a true nerd.

Speaker 4:

And now, that he got to a PC any day.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah. But now that you know, okay, here we go.

Speaker 2:

Here we go. I'm gonna say he's the only reason I have any faith, but I also hope they don't butcher the lore 4k. It was weird, as it really is they that that lord needs to stay intact.

Speaker 3:

I feel like he wouldn't even accept the project if, if there was anything we're yeah, I mean because of the issues said the witcher and stuff like that.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, no, and the good thing about this too, it's getting back by amazon, so that's amazon money.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they got that money, that's yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yes, as long as he gets the freedom to do what he needs to do, like I feel like it's gonna be such a good time for Just people that have so much doubt in adaptations like we do and, you know, maybe finally we can see a project that actually does it well.

Speaker 2:

So because where you occasionally have a really good one, like the last of us, you have, you know, a halo or Uh, I guess there's mixed reviews as far as lord amazon's lore of the rings, and then there's another series that was adapted by a book that I can't remember. What's it like? The? Uh, that was something with a ring.

Speaker 1:

I don't know, but did you guys like the dungeons and dragons, it didn't do well. Did you guys watch at that last? I didn't see it.

Speaker 3:

I need to go see it.

Speaker 4:

Like I, I didn't but the reviews for apparently went too bad.

Speaker 1:

I enjoyed it. At the same time, it wasn't great.

Speaker 4:

I don't think it was gonna get a sequel.

Speaker 2:

No, it was like a one-off b-movie at best.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, a lot of a lot of people were super skeptical about it.

Speaker 1:

I, I liked it. I mean for what it was. I liked it for what it was. It wasn't amazing or anything like that, but I mean it was. It was a decent. It's like one of those just popcorn flicks, you know what I mean. You could throw it on and have a good time and that was it. Don't. Don't look too deep into it.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, that's what I look at. When I saw it was, people was like this is this is a satay night flick or this is something you take your family to a summer flick, but that's Really it. Yeah, no other meat to it.

Speaker 1:

Yep, I mean there there wasn't much to it and, like I, you know I'm a dungeon dragons guy. So, like I, I was pretty excited to, you know, have that opportunity to be on the big screen again and, like I said, it wasn't disappointing. It was just like, ah, you kind of took too many liberties with it. It just, it was okay, it was just okay.

Speaker 4:

So yeah, I. I like playing dnd, just takes so freaking long.

Speaker 1:

It, it does. Yeah, I mean that's. That's why I don't get to play that much anymore. It's been isn't like four years since I played Um, isn't the?

Speaker 2:

joke where you have a six hour session but you really only are playing for like an hour or two because of all the you know this the setup starting to get everything kind of good to go.

Speaker 4:

I've only played dnd a handful of times. Yeah, you literally only move to like one town and that's it, and that was you know you could actually play for.

Speaker 2:

You know, yeah, a handful of hours. You just don't get that far, yeah it's it's.

Speaker 1:

It's one of those uh sort of things where it's it's a lot more about the experience of getting together. I feel like you know what I mean with friends. Yeah and just having a good time without go. Yeah, and that's what I was gonna say. There's always be you're involved when, when, uh, we would play. So you know, it's a good time. It just takes a lot of a lot of time. So.

Speaker 4:

I can't. Is it um the guy who played death stroke in the justice league movie um? He was also in spider-man joe manchio.

Speaker 3:

Mancinello, mind my. You know it's funny that you mentioned that character. He's in the mythic west show.

Speaker 4:

Oh, yeah, yeah go ahead massive dnd nerd and he has, uh sorry video. He is this massive, like huge decked out table for his dnd. It's like it's like a village or a whole town, a whole map. He's built this table for dnd.

Speaker 3:

He's like up there and he's, he's like tall right and bluff, like I'm sure he has a big deck For sure probably yeah.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that's right, he's a magic mark.

Speaker 4:

So yes, he does.

Speaker 3:

Sorry, sorry. I had to, I had to my, my, my dad, itch.

Speaker 4:

Well, do you know about?

Speaker 3:

that it's in the show.

Speaker 2:

It's in the show. Just go watch the show. I need to address this magic. My comment Like yeah, how do you know this Magic? Don't worry about it.

Speaker 1:

I don't know what you guys are talking about with that said, um, we've got, uh some negative sony news here, Uh, apparently, that they've uh plunged 10 billion dollars after its ps5 sales cut. Um, so they are at a near decade low games margin. So the loss there is significant and um One of the points that mean.

Speaker 2:

Well one of the low decades game margin.

Speaker 1:

Uh, the sale of games. Sale of games, I I guess I mean in the margin, probably a lot of people waiting on games to go on sale, probably not buying, you know, at a $70 price point. Um, I do know that one of the things that they said essentially is well, first of all, we know that ps6 is not going to be cheap and they're they're implying that.

Speaker 1:

Um so probably seven, seven hundred dollars is is my guess on it. Um, and yeah, they're talking about how that they can't they can't do price cuts on any system or vision. So, like, when the ps5 pro comes out, it's probably going to be like at a 600 dollar price point.

Speaker 4:

Um, yeah, so that's uh no, no shock there, see if that works.

Speaker 1:

One though 10 billion off their stock in one week.

Speaker 2:

So they'll make it back in like within like, within a few weeks.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, well.

Speaker 4:

Not to mention that they've got no, was it no? Sequels or no major titles like 20-25?.

Speaker 1:

Yep, they've got. No, a pre-established franchise is what they said.

Speaker 3:

So but you know what, now that I think, think about it, that the news we talked about Um last week, which is basically they announced that they're going to focus a lot more on first party um releases on on pc because they saw that the sales were really good, um, I bet you anything that they shifted their strategy to kind of devote a little more time to basically Parallel work on the console release and the pc release, which would be really smart for them.

Speaker 3:

I agree so that might actually be why, um, it's going to take them longer to release anything. Do it essentially?

Speaker 2:

was the idea. They're adjusting development. So it's not just for the well for developing for the console, but also the pc. At the same time, we don't yeah, they should.

Speaker 1:

We don't know that, that they're doing that, but they said that they do want to have a focus on pc, which we'll get. I guess this can slide into some of our other news, because we've got an, even our thumbnail, which was pretty significant. But yeah, with that, with that said curgal mark, I think that, um, I think a strategy for them is, instead of a year or like there has been a two-year gap. I feel like if they did a three month gap of the console release and the pc release would be a good move for them. Three months, that's nothing. I think that would be perfect for, you know, sales on console and maybe people will double dip or Uh. I just think that three months is much better than one to two years in my opinion. I think that's like a a perfect. There's been other companies in the past that have done the same thing with the pc releases. Yeah, like that was. I mean, honestly, that was like an industry standard for years and years and years, like things came.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I just feel like, yeah, just call me practice. Honestly I don't know. I mean, do you think it is?

Speaker 1:

or is it development?

Speaker 3:

that like yeah but pay for more development and they've got to develop them separately and they've got it's more work and no, I get that, but it's like Think about, like, let's say hell divers, right, what if hell divers released on playstation and then a year later released on pc? It would never have the impact that it had now.

Speaker 1:

Now world, never, never how world's an even bigger example.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so I mean, I, I get, I get why they do it and I get that probably historically made them more money. But now they're realizing that if they don't listen to, I feel like this next couple of years is really going to determine how these businesses like take care of their customers, because they're realizing that people are just not going to keep riding that wave, that whatever they put out, we're going to buy. You know, I feel like it's been a lot more. You know evident, especially like little little games, like you know deep rock, galactic, survivor right, it's, it's an indie studio, but they made a blast with a simple game and now they're just huge. You know powerhouse and they're expanding. They're making, they made this survivor game and then they're making two more games in the same franchise Because people appreciate the work that they do.

Speaker 3:

Right, they're not just rushing it out to make money, they're actually being passionate. You know creators that used to be A standard back in the day with video games like if you were not a passionate studio, you know you were not gonna make sales and I I feel like it's finally getting back to the consumer to decide Uh, you know what we're gonna get, and probably one of the reasons why I'm. You know it's a pretty smart move from PlayStation to kind of roll it back and say like, oh well, long term, you know maybe we're gonna take a hit short term, but if we kind of Develop these games with pc, game is remind, because it's such a huge market, you know we're gonna make more money later down the road. So yeah, and I feel like if they do it right, who cares? Let them make money.

Speaker 2:

I mean we'll see how the delay affects, because I can hear a few weeks away from uh Uh horizon it's not zero down. But what are? The second horizon game is about to come out on yeah, for bin was when it comes in on steam, we'll see if that Year or two away from the original you know release, you know how that affects sales.

Speaker 1:

Well, with, with all that said, um, one, one of the big things for this week, which was just yesterday news um, they are considering and we don't have confirmation, but they did say they're considering bringing psvr2 games or the psvr2 over to pc, allowing it to be played there, which I think would be incredibly smart. Um, I think that is a move because that that accessory, unfortunately, I mean, has pretty much died, like they're not supporting it. It's like it's like the vita all over again. They release this awesome device, the psvr2 is awesome, but they don't support it. So, and I think, bringing it to pc, there's going to be way more support, more people can develop for it. It's got, you know. There's a. There's also the potential of it being more powerful, like being able to run on pc. You know what I mean. That's the one of the big things, I think.

Speaker 2:

People. I'd say the biggest issue with the, the issue with the psvr, is it's stuck on the playstation and most people that play VR it's on a pc, all the games for it on pc, uh, and it's just. You know, it's more powerful. Every vr is developed with that in mind, so they're just kind of kneecapping themselves by only having it on the playstation with, you know, limited game support.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so well, we're gonna base this on what Lucas said here and look it up. But he said it was confirmed today that PSVR to support is coming to PC. So, like I said it was, it was discussed officially yesterday. So I think that that is. I think that's a smart move. I think, a you're gonna sell more units. B you have the potential of having the power of a PC. If you've got a high-end PC, that's, you know, more powerful than the PS5, then you've got, you know, you can run games better.

Speaker 1:

And then you've got all the Sony games that are VR. I mean, you've got, of course, the the horizon game, which is a very good game and is a part of the story that people can play on PC and have access to. So Currently, call them out, it's stuck on on PS5 that you know where there's no sales.

Speaker 2:

So I Just want to say in this basically mostly came out yesterday is it's they're testing it right now for PC, so it's kind of assumed it's eventually gonna come later from what they've said, later in 2024.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so I'm interested to see what happens there and the and following the development of that story, cuz I think I think that's a move. I think it's unfortunate. It's a great accessory. I think that If they just supported it better like Sony is notorious for not supporting their hardware, like it just the Vita was I mean, the Vita is a fun. It still holds up in 2024 like this. The games on it are still Beautiful and look like games like some of them look like they could be switch games like they. It's a phenomenal console. They supported it for like two years and that was it, and after that it was all limited run games and all these other companies that release it. You know indie games supported it for like it had like a 10-year lifespan because, I mean, it just got its last game only a few years ago. So it's yeah, it's unfortunate that Sony does that sort of stuff, but I do want to kind of skip this because it leads into some of the biggest news before you kind of move on.

Speaker 2:

I just want to say it was kind of ironic because after what I got out of work I happened to just go buy game stuff just to kill some time, blow off some steam, because it was just a Been, a rough week at work, yeah, and I happened to. I didn't realize they were selling like some of the meta quests. I think they had like the meta quest three and I said they're talked about, you know, but the meta quest and the, the Apple vision and about some of that stuff and it just seems a. I kept mowing around whether or not I wanted to actually get one, but it's like I might. But you know, maybe later down the road it's still like if I want to get one, I want to get the top of line, but I don't really want to spend like $800 right now for just the actual Headsets and stuff.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's where I'm at, because at the twos are on sale like everywhere, but I don't want it to.

Speaker 2:

You know what I?

Speaker 1:

mean it that? Point yeah, I will grab the new one so.

Speaker 2:

I don't know if it was the meta quest, but some about the Meta quest three in some areas being better than the, than the pro version of it that they've made.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's just it is in some areas Yep yep, so I mean the product like geared around work and and you know like in the workspace, but it does have a more powerful chip in it. However, there's there's something in in the meta quest three that runs games Some games better. I, I do, I. It's interesting to look at the comparison. You can look it up online. But the pro does run games well, some games better. I forget what it is that is different, but there's a huge price difference. I think the pros of thousands.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean, there's not at that point. It's maybe just a what two, three dollars cheaper to get the three and he would, I don't know, remember. I remember exactly what he said about the screen, but he said some about it being the screen itself Just being more, being better as far as when you're gaming, compared to the, the pro version. So it's like you're gonna get a new one, don't even bother with the pro, just get the three, because you're, for the most, what you're gonna be better off.

Speaker 1:

The three is newer. I mean the pro came out. I think it's been out for like two years now at this point.

Speaker 2:

Yeah it makes sense. It's still more expensive and it technically might not be as good or it's equivalent for the most part.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, it looks like it came out in 2022. The pro and I was looking at 1500 dollars, so huge, huge difference. Yeah, I mean Apple if you're, if you're gaming, obviously grab the three. I mean, you know that.

Speaker 2:

I don't. I Don't ever we talked about, but when I was talking with the dude he's like one of the reasons that the the Apple vision pro that that's. I can remember that's what it's called. It's so expensive because it uses the M2 chip that they have in their laptops on top of it Having the Apple logo attached to it, and I he was debating about it needed that.

Speaker 2:

It needed that, that actual chip in it which just jacks of, artificially, jacks at the price. Or could use something maybe less powerful and still do what you needed to do.

Speaker 1:

Well, I mean that comes down to the do you want a less powerful unit? Then I mean, why would you want?

Speaker 2:

I don't know, you know affordable at the end of the day because, at you know, $3,500 is expensive.

Speaker 1:

But I you know what's crazy is. I don't think they care, because it's sold out everywhere and it's being scammed online, so it's still selling to be fair?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, of course I don't when you say that I it's sold out. But I guarantee they made limited quantities to artificially make that that artificial scarcity type type thing.

Speaker 1:

It, it very well. I mean that argument could be made for a lot it's. Apple PS5. It could be made for the series X it could be made for the OLED switch when you couldn't find that. Like you know that, amigos, when you can't find an amiibo, I was like looking for the Sora amiibo and my game stop. Got two of them Like okay, so dumb like it's sold out?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but you made like what? A thousand? Like, come on, yeah, make more.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's so dumb, but yeah, silly, silly stuff, that'd be cool. That'd be cool if you did grab one mark you could cover some of the MediQuest 3 stuff, because there's drops every single week on the MediQuest 3.

Speaker 2:

I mean, I think it'd probably maybe holiday at the end of the year, maybe not any time soon. Right now I just it's a way to be wasted money for me right now, but maybe down the road I was thinking about getting one.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I've been.

Speaker 2:

Or I'll wait till whatever the MediQuest 4 comes, or the next one comes out and I'll buy one the 3 pro.

Speaker 1:

So we've also got this is interesting today news, depending on when you're watching or listening but essentially Warner Brothers came out and made a statement on Suicide Squad. Do you want to take this one over, lee, since you you've played through the game.

Speaker 4:

Oh, apparently, yeah, apparently Warner Brothers was is not happy with Sousa's code because apparently didn't hit the mark forum, and which we did say before this episode started, like, yeah, and the DC EU hasn't hit the mark either, but unlike Suicide Squad, suicide Squad was actually good.

Speaker 1:

That's debatable, beatable.

Speaker 4:

But Suicide Squad kills, justice League or Wonder Woman 2. Wonder Woman 2 Good Lord, I will reach this camera and beat you.

Speaker 1:

Well, their exact statement is this this is their exact statement has fallen short of our expectations this year. Suicide Squad, one of our key video game releases in 2024, has fallen short of our expectations since it's released earlier in the quarter, setting our games business up for a tough year-over-year comp and Q1 Don't put out a garbage game. Don't put out a garbage game universally. This game is disliked.

Speaker 2:

It's a bad game.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

I feel like they.

Speaker 1:

Almost almost 14,000 concurrent players, which isn't crap for a live service game. That is nothing.

Speaker 2:

It might as well be a dead game at that point.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it says just 480 people were playing the game on valves platform with a 24-hour peak of 888. Terrible, that is really Really and yeah it's getting more content, more patches, so apparently Joker is set to appear as a playable character.

Speaker 4:

And the rumor is that female, mr Freeze, dead at Death's Strike, and I can't remember. The third person is flash Green Lantern Lawless.

Speaker 1:

Mrs Freeze, nora fries, those are all the ones listed here. So you said, mr Freeze, which I let's says Mrs man. Mrs oh.

Speaker 2:

You know what killed the dinosaurs. What killed the dinosaurs?

Speaker 1:

the icey, I can't do the Arnold Schwarzenegger impersonation.

Speaker 2:

But that's like that you said that I'm thinking of, like Arnold Schwarzenegger's mr Freeze. I love that movie.

Speaker 1:

So I do too.

Speaker 2:

I do too, batman.

Speaker 1:

Batman and Robin, forever man. Oh my god.

Speaker 2:

I used to joke about that. You know, all the time it works. That bat I love. I love Clooney's.

Speaker 1:

Clooney's bat nips man, but his bat nips are legit. I'm just saying, if you're putting mr Freeze in any game.

Speaker 2:

You have to cast Arnold Schwarzenegger for it. You should, how can you not? It's just for the memes at that point, I mean.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, get in the icebox and it's funny. I feel like I feel like that.

Speaker 3:

The game just had like a really really tough Expectation on it because they made such a great trilogy, the studio behind it, and I feel like it's not. I personally like I don't feel like it's fair. I see what they. I didn't play it. I watched a bunch of gameplay of it. I saw a couple of streamers. I watched probably like 50 hours worth of streams on it because I was just curious. You know, I just have it in the background. Yeah, I.

Speaker 3:

Because I just have it in the background when I'm when I'm working, but I feel like it gets too much hate. I see why people don't like it, but at the same time, it's like I I also made a post earlier today is like, don't blame the developers, blame the management. But it's not the developers fault, no, it's, it's the management. That that's that's on them, that's on their ass, that's doing these things.

Speaker 1:

Like is anybody what they do, developers, I mean, they're blaming the. They are.

Speaker 3:

I haven't heard anything about the developers. I see it all the time because I can't believe it.

Speaker 2:

Because I can. Just, they're that lowest-rung. You just throw them under the bus, out because they made a bad game, because you're a bad manager, didn't give them time to actually make a game, you just rushed out something. You told them I don't care, I just want to make money, and then when it fails, it's not my fault. Well, this is another. Yeah, we know that had crunch I was ready.

Speaker 1:

It had the industry crunch, which is, I mean, there's been, you know, petitions and all kinds of things trying to deal away with those crunches that are forced upon these studio or that the studio is forced upon the developers. But any time that you get this sort of crunch with stuff, you you have issues. I mean Paul Gord's legacy they're talking about that was another one. It it's, it's a good game, but it came out with issues too. It came out with a lot of issues at first and they patched it.

Speaker 3:

No, but that's because yeah, but that goes into the bigger story of corporations just setting Unrealistic expectations for a decent product, and that's why some of these games fail. Right, like you, don't give them enough time to develop. Like, look at Hollow Knight DLC. It got announced five years ago. The developers still working on it. I guess what. They don't give a sh*t because they did well with their indie game and now they're gonna take their sweetest time to make a DLC that's flushed out, that's done, that's complete. You know, and I bet you anything there it's, even if it comes out two years from now, I still gonna be amazing. It's probably gonna sell, you know, hundreds of thousands copies. But yeah, it's always the management. And and that's that's the sad part about it.

Speaker 2:

Now I will say this if the developers actually cared to make a good game, I think they could force on them there. There could be a negative outcome. But if the developers every developer said, no, we're not gonna do this, we'll just walk away, management would cave to some degree.

Speaker 3:

Yeah but you got to think about it. If, if you say that as a developer you get fired, there's always gonna be a smaller guy, a smaller developer, who needs to f*cking feed his family. There's gonna go work and listen to all the stupid decisions that management makes. I mean it's like nothing's ever gonna change then well, I mean if you do, you knock.

Speaker 2:

If you're not willing to be that change and take that risk that you want to see, nothing will ever change in that industry. I'm not in it, I can't. I'm just outside looking in like at my opinions on things.

Speaker 5:

But I mean like so upset, if you are willing to take that stand.

Speaker 2:

You don't have no right to complain because you're not willing to take a risk to make a change.

Speaker 3:

That's how I agree with you. I agree with you, but also accountability. Yeah, I agree with you. But you also got to look at it realistically when you know you just have mouths to feed, like you know.

Speaker 2:

And don't. I don't want to hear you complain about your struggles at work. If you're not willing to take that risk and find another job, if you, if you're willing to get fired, then that that's just me and where I'm at on it, and I don't don't really hear a lot of the talk coming from developers. It's usually fans one way or the other.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, yeah, but that's just how I see it, like if you in the industry aren't willing to try to force a change, it's never gonna happen. And you can't expect it to happen, right yeah?

Speaker 1:

Yep, I, I agree with, I agree with you so great, great, it is a, it is a thing and unfortunately, this, this stuff, is just gonna continue to happen. I mean I Legitimately at this point, like we have, we have mentioned it, but God, we, we need another video game crash. We need that crash that that happened in the 80s, because it there's. It was the same thing. I mean putting out just thing after thing after thing doing nothing to innovate?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I was gonna say, could you get that same kind of kind of crash? Cuz obviously it's not to the same. The industry is not the same that it was 40 years ago.

Speaker 1:

No, but you get the same kind of crash. You could get, you get, you get some kind of crash, I mean like it's already a baby crash, you can get baby crush.

Speaker 5:

It's not gonna be the same impact because you don't have the.

Speaker 1:

The gamers are. Just there's more gamers now, like gaming was like a new thing then, but I just think that we need something. There needs to be something, so. I don't know where I'm at with it. But it's unfortunate, it sucks. It's gonna keep happening and we'll move on. But we've got Riot's League of Legends fighting game projects. This sounds pretty, pretty cool to me. So it's a 2v2 tag team fighter Based in the League of Legends series Curvehold. Do you know anymore about this one? I'm not a League of Legends guy.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I got announced, I believe, four years ago man, time flies.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I think it was four years ago, right? They announced like five different.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, they basically yeah, and they just I have high hopes, hopes for it which I shouldn't have with the gaming in its state nowadays. But Riot has been known to we just the massive success they've had with League of Legends, and then Rift what is it called? It's not wild rift, what is it called? Oh, the auto battler. With the success of those games, they just have funds to kind of chill. You know, take their time. They announced their MMORPG, what like probably five years ago or something like that, maybe even longer.

Speaker 3:

But it's, it looks amazing, I think. I think they're really. They even did like a demo inside of the League of Legends launcher on the client and it looks super cool. It's, it's from. I don't know if it was just that mini game that they did the demo with to kind of introduce the characters and stuff, but it looked like it wasn't your classic fighter. It looked like it was Somewhat of like a combo, like semi turn based.

Speaker 3:

I'm not 100% sure. That might have been just a mini game that they introduced, but it looks really cool. The finishers look amazing. Basically all the ultimate skills that characters have in League of Legends translate into the, into the fighting game. Tons of characters League has I mean, I don't even know at this point like it's probably in 150 Champions, some insane number but it looks really fun. I don't usually pick up fighting games, but this might be one of those that you know, especially because I have a feeling they're gonna do the same, go the same route of you know release the game, make it free for everybody and then just sell you a sh*t little micro transactions to make up for the cost. So if they do that, you know I'll try it out, see what happens.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean I'm definitely down. I'm a big fighting game guy. I For I want to say the past like three years I've really gotten into them, mostly because I don't have a lot of time. So those are games you can pick up and play and Do a couple matches and be in and out. Yeah, I love it and, like you know, with the new Street Fighter and you got the new Mortal Kombat, but, but all these great games.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I can't wait. I cannot wait for that game. So, like stuff like that, I'm I'm always accepting of a new fighter. I will definitely try it out. So I mean it sounds cool. I don't know anything about League of Legends. I tried to play before and it's just.

Speaker 3:

It's just my it's not a lot, but yeah, yeah, it's just man, that game is well a game will make you think. Yeah, yeah, it's it is a lot.

Speaker 1:

It is one of those games that you definitely have to think for sure. So We've also got. We have nice.

Speaker 3:

Oh, before before that, I think I think Lane needs to head off.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I need, I need to have head off at the moment, but you boys and I, heart mark comes back, yep.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, no, I'd a mess with the camera because the lighting kind of changed. Well, we will.

Speaker 4:

I'll talk to you guys soon.

Speaker 1:

All right, see you later, later, man.

Speaker 3:

Later man.

Speaker 1:

All right.

Speaker 1:

So unfortunately he's missed all the big news, but I the next thing we've got okay so Actually we're gonna wait on this one because it leads into to some of the big stuff. So next we've got the Elden Ring. I guess this is a big one too. Elden Ring DLC map size revealed. And then, of course, just the DLC period. We got a trailer and reveal for, oh my god, does this look amazing. Two years of development, two years of development for this, and it seems like it's gonna be worth Every bit of weight. Kurgle did you play this one?

Speaker 3:

Elden Ring oh yeah, I beat that sh*t it is. Oh oh, that's a juicy one.

Speaker 2:

Can never get enough of it.

Speaker 3:

It's a good such a good game it's, it's, it's beautiful, it plays so well. I don't know, it was my introduction to from software games and it just I fell in love. The DLC looks incredible. Can't wait to see what they do. But it looks like we also are gonna get some kind of you know, martial arts class or something similar to that. There's like a this, this high kick. That's in the trailer and that's gonna be super interesting. If you can do like an unarmed build or Set up, it would be really cool. I'm super excited. But yeah, I don't, I don't know. It looks like there's a ton, basically the, the first region in the. In the main game. They're saying that the map is gonna be similar to that size, which is, you know when you, when you think back on that first region and how Explored all of that, like that whole area. There's multiple castles, multiple caves. It's just a lot of sh*t they crammed into that map and then, if this one has more verticality, I feel like they can cram like a load of stuff Into the.

Speaker 2:

You'll see super excited brain and everything okay for you. Yeah, yep. No, that just on the your camera went down the stream kind of. Yeah, so I just make sure there you go yeah, just show up the cover, so you're good, not sure what happened there.

Speaker 1:

We're working on the, the web version today, so it seems some minor issues there, but um. Yeah so we have got yeah with the Elden Ring. Of course Looks awesome, can't wait, gonna be great. Mark, have you played Elden Ring?

Speaker 2:

I have. I tried playing dark the I guess it was Dark Souls 1 with the remastered and it. They're just Too rage inducing of games for me to ever really get into you gotta be patient.

Speaker 2:

I play just stream now it's so they're not the kind of games I just can't. I don't have the patience to kind of, I don't like Trying 20 different times to be the same boss to kind of get through it. I'd like to play games to let off steam and relax. I don't want to feel like you know, I'm just getting that's just for all the listeners.

Speaker 3:

That's why his main game is rocket league. Just so, if Anybody was wondering.

Speaker 2:

I rage in that game all the time as well. But I was looking. They're like I think the last from software game that I actually played and beat was was lost king On the game cube like talking. We're going back, like you know, 20 some years since I really actually played a game from them. Oh, Geez cuz I played the first Dark Souls 3 mastered for about an hour or two, and I just I was like not, this game is not for me and I just bowed out.

Speaker 3:

That's funny, fair. You know, you see that you're dead, that it's not something for you to keep going.

Speaker 2:

It's kind of like fighting games. They're just not just not for me, yeah definitely not for everybody.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, try to get super excited, tried to get mark on the fighting game front there.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, it's just not. I'll play super smash Bros Because it's essentially a button smash. It's not that hard, it's more of a party game type thing, but nah, you may play like Tekken 8. I'm just gonna button smash and just lose to the bottom. I'm not like a zero mmR.

Speaker 3:

Hey at least, at least you're aware of it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, I'm sorry that audio listeners won't know, but there's a few technical difficulties there. When we Bought out it it did something to the discord there, so we it looks like we're back on video and good, but um, yeah, so definitely looking forward to all that there's there. I mean there's a lot of you know it's much negative as we talk, like there is a there's some good stuff on the horizon, like from software. It seems to be doing it right and they put time into this DLC. So I mean I'm excited for that and That'll be cool. But we've also got actually leave that for a Curvil segment there. But we've got.

Speaker 1:

Halo Infinite is getting a hell divers to like experience Thanks to forge, so it looks like Halo Infinite wants to take take some notes from Hell Divers to Bit too late.

Speaker 3:

I was even created by. Was it even created by them or was it a user created mod. It might, it might have been a forge was yeah, fan made, fan made mod.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I thought forge was fan made stuff.

Speaker 1:

It is part but I mean it is yeah okay, so I got that wrong. And as far as the forge thing, but it is interesting I guess, and the fan made thing, that you know how diverse you is done.

Speaker 3:

Well. I was gonna say like it. They wouldn't know how to make a proper Thing for the fans if it was right in front of them like it is. The fans always have to do it for them. Yeah, but you know that's another story. But it's pretty cool that you can recreate it, you know yeah it's pretty cool Halo's version of modding at that point.

Speaker 1:

Would you guys go back to Halo Infinite? This came out.

Speaker 2:

Never played it. I will never play that game. Then I'm only a fan of literally the first Two, three games and like ODST at that point.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, one and two. I think our master piece is. Three is good, odst is good and let's see other one that I like reach. I got the remastered.

Speaker 2:

I got the remastered when it came out like the whole collection on steamer as they were. Yeah, and there's like some of the handful, because at this point I like to play it for the story, because the multiplayer is not ground-breaking like it was in 2006. At this point it's not. It's not why I play the games anymore. I just, I just don't really care for the newer Halo games.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, I mean that's.

Speaker 2:

Story needs an end. If you ask me, like you can't just keep pumping out in games, just continue with the story. There needs to be an end at some point.

Speaker 1:

Well, how about this? There's no end to this. We've got Lego, fortnight rocket racing and fortnight festival, getting new, a big updates, and they are adding fishing to the game. They literally called late Lego night gaming right there. Lego fortnight. Gone fishing is the name of it gone fishing, so that's how I say it around.

Speaker 2:

Is this the? Is this your granddad's fishing, or is this? We're using C4 Fit type fishing? This is your uncle Jim Bob's fishing.

Speaker 1:

This is uncle Jim Bob coming right for us. Do you guys remember those talking fish that were on the wall, as they were like super popular for a?

Speaker 2:

while, oh my god, they were like flat back and forth and you're your dad or your uncle, who were just like oh, that's a funny boy, sunny. Oh my god, I didn't come out the way I thought it was gonna come out. I just Doesn't word. Vomit all over everybody, oh.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I yeah. Personally couldn't care less about the fortnight stuff. I tried it four times, never understood it. I don't know if it's the the way, does the style of the graphics? If it's, I mean, I don't know, I could not get into it. Yeah, not nuts, really well, I am curious about it at all.

Speaker 1:

I am on record of saying that I will go back and I Haven't played since like literally first came out like I played it when the build the world was like you know that that mode that's not even available anymore, like that's when I played it and I have been on record saying that I will go back and try some of this stuff out, mostly because that guitar here, a thing, and they're putting out that guitar like I, I get it, I mean, but there's, there's a lot. There's enough fortnight fans that you know this is a pretty significant news. Looks like they're adding a lot of other stuff to it too. But I mean it is kind of crazy. It's just, you know, shows that this franchise is just like not going anywhere. I mean, disney has now invested in it and it's. It's crazy. All this, all this stuff, it's like they're building some kind of Universe, like do you know what I mean? It's what it seems like you've got the Lego in there universe.

Speaker 1:

You. Yeah, I mean you've got and like there's been talk of a movie but like the guitar hero stuff in there, there's some, you know, all these different modes and stuff. It's interesting. Like I said, I don't know anything, but even like the rocket racing in there, like that's, you know, pretty interesting and so it's just a racing game.

Speaker 3:

I mean, at this point I wouldn't be surprised if my mom has like a skin in Fortnight, like they have so many goddamn characters in that game that it's just insane it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's pretty crazy, but I mean I bet gone fishing will pull a lot of people into the game and it's gonna be yeah, there's those bass pro gamers.

Speaker 2:

I got my virtual fishing points. I've actually going out and fishing real life.

Speaker 1:

Oh, my god, yep, well, that's true. Well, we will go ahead and head into some of the main segments here. So, obviously, one of the biggest things from this week was the Nintendo Direct and there was quite a few announcements. There's mixed reactions on what people thought. You know, I saw a lot of people that said, oh, you know, it's a nine out of ten. I myself gave it an eight out of ten. I thought it was pretty good being at the, you know, we're at the tail end of the switch one. So for all this stuff to still be coming out to me from third-party developers is still good. So we got quite a bit.

Speaker 1:

I'll go ahead and list off everything and then we can get into conversation. One of the big ones was grounded, which is an Xbox game. So all that discourse we've had over the past few weeks, we did get two Xbox games coming over to switch. That one is dropping April 16th. We got Ender Magnolia Bloom in the Mist, which I believe is a JRPG like game. It just says 2024. That's coming out. A ranger, which is like this Top-over weird kind of role-playing or it's like a role-playing game but it's like a puzzle game to gameplay was really interesting. It reminded me a lot of Did you guys play cadence mark? Did you play cadence of Hyrule? That Zelda, it was like a spin-off. Okay. So that's like a rhythm Series, but like when you move, the enemies move to, so you have to like coordinate moving around. Yeah, it's that sort of thing, Unicorn Overlord which is a highly anticipated game.

Speaker 1:

It's it's also an RPG.

Speaker 1:

I played the demo, so I can talk a little bit about that one, but it's a beautiful looking game. It looks like kind of like Dragon's Crown that was on the Vita and then brought over the ps4 Absolutely beautiful game. We got Monster Hunter stories. There's a remaster of that from the 3ds. Interesting because we got two on the switch. I'll just run through these so we can chat. But Disney Epic, mickey rebushed, shin Megami, tensei 5 Vengeance, star Wars, battlefront, classic Collection, kergal, south Park, snow Day. We don't have a release date yet. Sort our online Fractured. Daydream.

Speaker 1:

Gunna Breaker 4, super Monkey Ball, banana Rumble, which is a new game, not a remaster. World of Gyu 2, fantasy Life Eye, the girl who steals time. Another craps treasure Penny's Big Breakaway, sweka Game, pepper Grinder, which also had a demo, and I played it and, holy crap, I got some discussion there. Pocket car jockey right on. There's a demo available for that as well. Snufkin melody of Moomin Valley interesting name Tails of Kinzera Moomin, that's. That's a old show. I remember seeing a trailer for that.

Speaker 3:

you said moving. I'm thinking it's moving time from from Moomai, she's a Vtuber, sorry.

Speaker 2:

Oh my god, demon Slayer Komettsuno Yaiba sweep the board.

Speaker 1:

Kingdom Come. Deliverance Royal Edition Contra operation Galuga, which got a demo and I have some discussion about that Pensament, which was the second.

Speaker 1:

Xbox game is coming over and not not quite just two games, because we also got a Bunch of games brought over to NSO that are rare games, which is obviously Microsoft owned battle toads, battle maniacs, rc pro AM, snake Rattle and Roll killer Incident. And then we have a game called the Snake Rattle and Roll killer instinct blast core. So those are all the NSO games and that's a classic Blast off, blast cores.

Speaker 2:

Like that's the only only go over those games that I care more about. Like that's a good one to bring over.

Speaker 1:

And then the last one, which was what ended the direct was endless, endless ocean luminous, which is actually technically a first-party game. The first two were on the Wii and they're they're very interesting games. They have quite a cult following. You essentially swim around the ocean and explore the ocean and you collect things and do all kinds of crazy stuff. But yeah, we can go and get in the discourse on all these because there's a lot of games. I Guess I can dive in first. So all the the rare games I played on stream, I went there and played all of them. They're all games I've played before. Cool, they all ran well. I think it's a good set of rare games. However, I don't think it replaces bringing rare replay over to switch, which makes absolutely no sense, because that is a Amazing collection of rare games.

Speaker 2:

Amazing collection like makes pretty much their their best games that they've ever made. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's. It's I mean like go grab it now, like the prices, I believe, going up on that and it's just, it's an awesome collection. So I thought it was weird with that that we I think it probably has something to do with hey, let's put some of your games on NSO so we get you know subscribers on that, versus putting out this whole game, and there's probably some sort of deal behind the scenes on that. But I I did also play the Contra operation gluga demo on stream. Oh my god, I was so excited for this game. I love Contra. I absolute classic series.

Speaker 1:

Contra is the first NES game I played. I played all, every single release, and it has some major, major issues. The frame drops are really, really bad. Just, it gets slow down when you get a bunch of enemies on screen, which is what Contra is known for. You got, you've got you know shooting going on everywhere, enemies everywhere, and there's just a lot of slowdown. It's weird because if you like, pay attention to the character too and like you're crouching down, it's like they're missing, like two animations. They're just stand crouch, stand crouch, like there's no, like it's like you, screw this up.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I guess apparently Demo dropped on everything. So I'm gonna try out the Xbox and PlayStation version here soon. But from what I've heard I can't confirm sign played the other demos but apparently the ps5 one or the Xbox one has issues as well and the PlayStation one is running the best. But it's like Contra is Ain't. It's, it's like calls for the Nintendo, like any any Nintendo platform like that is where it's it.

Speaker 1:

The bread and butter for Contra from the beginning, and I mean Contra, all of them pretty much have been through all the Nintendo platforms. I mean the last Mainline one, contra 4, was on the DS. But like it, just like for me I want to play it on a Nintendo system. I it's one of those things where it just like feels right. So to me this is like a huge bummer. Now it could be just a demo build like we don't know, but it comes out really soon, march 12. So I mean literally just a few weeks. So I guess we'll see. But gosh, super disappointed, super disappointed on that, and then I guess I can speak as well, just sorry with what I did get to play on.

Speaker 1:

I played Pepper grinder had a demo. I played. Everything had a demo. I was shocked with this game. Did you guys ever play drill-dozer on the GBA? I think so. It was a Nintendo.

Speaker 1:

Definitely no okay, it reminds me of that. It's Colt Colt classic game that it didn't sell well at the time, but now it's like a rather expensive game. It had a rumble on the car for the GBA so it was like it had like its own special card. It was the only one that looked like that and it reminds me good you getting corrected about the Contra.

Speaker 2:

There are some PS Contras that. Yeah, there are none of the PS Contras around Nintendo.

Speaker 1:

Well, I didn't say all I said. Most of the series has been there.

Speaker 2:

Of course.

Speaker 1:

That's Lucas.

Speaker 2:

Oh, you know, chat trying to try to correct your your.

Speaker 1:

Lucas popping it. Yeah, no, no information false news. That. That is true. I mean, one of my favorites hardcore Uprising is not on Nintendo platform, so but when I think Contra, I think Nintendo and I think a lot of people. I watch some other videos.

Speaker 2:

You think the like the SNES version pretty much of the NES. No, about the SNES oh. The first one's on NES, but there there are there are some that's not the one that that you're thinking of hardcore Probably yeah, I think so, which actually. I remember that one on the Sega Genesis.

Speaker 1:

I don't remember and there's a lot of Contras, but uh, yeah, it's just, it's disappointing, so but yeah, pepper grinder.

Speaker 2:

I just want to say Contra. 3 was the one that I think about. I think Contra, then I think alien wars.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, which is also on Gameboy too. That's where I played it first, this Gameboy. So, yeah, I mean, it's just like you think Nintendo right and you would think that that is what they would, you know, put a lot of focus into, but apparently not. So that's unfortunate. But, yeah, pepper grinder another cool, really cool looking game. Everybody should watch a trailer of that. Check out the demo. Like I was really shocked. Really cool looking indie game, very fun. I was one. I almost played the demo all the way through, but I wanted to get through the live stream and play everything. And then I tried unicorn overlord, which was also pretty interesting. It is a vanilla wear game, so if you played any of their games, you know what it's like. It's.

Speaker 2:

People are super hyped for the game, so there's what I do have a question For for one of the games or I guess the DLCs. That was a nutshell. Any of you either you ever played the Suki game I'm not where the you drop the fruit and you need them to kind of match up. They get bigger into the kind of like go Wait, it's kind of that's yeah, that's what one of.

Speaker 1:

Yeah yeah, there's a new one.

Speaker 2:

That's all that. I was like I didn't. I didn't, rather it was even on the switch at all. But I'd seen that game or seen people playing it before and it was like a, like a fun game that you can just play for an hour. If you're like puzzle type games, I thought so too.

Speaker 1:

I thought it looked really fun as well, and it's got multi-player.

Speaker 2:

It was one of the few I was like yeah multiplayer DLC, apparently for the switch version, and another one.

Speaker 1:

People are. Everybody should look this up. Penny's big breakaway, so it dropped during the direct and it looks like a really, really fun game. I mean, I am like shocked and apparently there's been discourse about this because it's available on, I think, steam. But this game just looks amazing and I, I'm, I definitely want to play this. It just looks super fun, super quirky. But yeah, it's, it's on Xbox, it's on everything. So it looks like a really cool game and I've heard a lot of discussion on this one. I saw people streaming in already. But yeah, it's like a 3d platformer and it reminds me a little bit of like banjo-kazooie, a little bit of Mario 64 Like it, kind of like a mix of all those old-school vibes. Yeah, yeah for sure.

Speaker 1:

So what? What did you guys take away the most from? From the direct?

Speaker 2:

It wasn't the primary and attended direct that I wanted yeah.

Speaker 3:

It didn't. I feel like you can tell that that it is the last, kind of last leg for the switch. Yeah, there's a ton of like classics and you know games that are people are a lot of people are gonna enjoy, but in reality it's not. It's, I don't know when. One of your biggest things is that you're releasing a remaster like and this is where Brandon Gives me crap. But you know, I don't think it's exciting that that battlefront is coming to to the switch. I see why people are excited. I know it's, it's, it's a great game, it's great two games, but I feel like I Don't know, it just feels, feels like they could have done more, but they also probably are focusing a lot on switch to release, so they're not necessarily too worried about it.

Speaker 2:

I don't know, yeah, well, you're gonna get. I don't know how Nintendo normally does their their directs. I just don't pay attention to how their quarterly things work. But I feel like if you were gonna get bigger games, it would have kind of come out and being like oh yeah, quarter three, we have this big Mario game coming out, or whatever. It is Like we would have heard something by now.

Speaker 3:

Well, I mean. I think that Sorry, go ahead.

Speaker 1:

I was just gonna say curgill, is there anything on on this list that makes you excited? From from the announcements, I mean it's quick weirdly enough.

Speaker 3:

World of goo and super monkey ball, banana rumble, like those are like the two games that I would say like they fit Really well for the switch. Actually, the South Park game looked really good too, but um yeah, like here's the thing. I played battle of Star Wars, battlefront, and I had my time with it back in the day and it's super exciting.

Speaker 5:

There's gonna be what I hate about it. I want people to understand.

Speaker 3:

You have to pay for online multiplayer. That's one thing that I really hate.

Speaker 1:

Second thing is your hit the pay for yeah what you have to have the Nintendo membership. Yeah, oh well, yeah, yeah, I mean that's, that's a given for all platforms.

Speaker 3:

No, it's not on.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Now I'm just saying that's my general gripe with consoles like they make you get these exclusive games, right. They, on top of that, they make you pay a monthly fee. I don't know, it's just, I always look at it from a from a third world country person perspective. Right, because I am originally from Eastern Europe and I know that people that you know would get a switch you couldn't really afford to, like you were already saving up for months to buy the switch and now you have to pay monthly like come on it's, I don't know. To me it's ridiculous that some people it's not gonna be a big deal and I understand why. You know it's like you used to it, but I don't know it's. It's always been a gripe to me and I.

Speaker 3:

But, on the other hand, on the other hand, world of goo it's something that I played when I was younger. I really enjoyed it and I think it's gonna be a cool game to revisit. I might even grab that actually for my switch. And then the banana Rumble super monkey yes, super monkey ball is like always been like this fun little game that you can, you know, pick up, play for a few and kind of hop off. So I'm looking forward to those. I just thought a principle. I'm not gonna get the Star Wars battlefront, but I'm glad that people are gonna get to re experience that. You know and have a nostalgia hit, so that's cool.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yep, I mean, I get it, I understand, but I for me, my thing with it is Not everybody's got a ps2 or an Xbox laying around, like that's my thing is, like it gives away for these people to be able to Experience these games, that that we grew up with a new audience, younger kids, people that weren't around for ps2, xbox or didn't have one. So that's my thing with it. I'm all for Bringing games to new platforms, but you know there's exceptions, like stupid stuff like last of us being remastered and remake, remade, like that. That's, that's dumb.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, like every year things like this to me is a little bit different, and they're putting me at least they're putting it in a Collection and and yeah, you added content online multiplayer.

Speaker 3:

Like that's huge for this, if you play this like the massive, literally massive the main part of it was the online yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, for sure, I think that's yeah.

Speaker 3:

I'm just playing devil's advocate. I just you know I'm I'm always trying to think of the end consumer and the gamer first, before I think about corporations and what they're doing personally. But yeah, I'm excited for people to experience it. I'm just gonna not gonna get it out of principle. That's all. It is what I will say. I want the corporations.

Speaker 1:

I am actually kind of shocked that this is even coming, though, because of the remakes and I mean to still get support, like the second remake, if you want to call it that still gets support now. So I'm I'm pretty shocked, but they probably just realized hey, we really messed up. These two new battlefront games are terrible. Let's let's put these other ones out, and people will actually buy this and I, I imagine this will sell pretty well actually.

Speaker 3:

So that's, that's, I'm yeah, I'm certain they're gonna sell well, for sure.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and then I mean I want to speak to, like I, there was, you know, some other cool stuff, like one that, like you guys probably like what that? Like I would never play that. But Pocket car jockey, what was an absolute people loved, it was a complete hidden gem on the 3ds. And what's weird is this if you guys don't know the backstory, it's made by gamefreak, so it's a Pokemon developers and they put out every now and again they put out other games that aren't Pokemon and they're always good, always.

Speaker 1:

So this got ported Sorry, remastered for Apple Arcade, because it was an HD version with a bunch of added content and there was all that sort of stuff on there. So this was rumored. We sort of knew about this. I talked about it, my video before the direct, and they brought over that Apple Arcade version. It's got all the added content into it. It's obviously the HD version and all that jazz. So I think that's cool. I mean it's accessible on Apple Arcade, but if you don't play mobile and you want to console which it was already, like you know, actually on a handheld console that's one to really check out. It's very unique and very fun and it doesn't sound like it would be, but it really is like it. It's a lot of fun. So, yeah, I'm also excited about the super monkey ball banana rumble. Always love that series. And they said that there's over 200 new stages. Crazy, we've gotten to on switch. Well, we got that.

Speaker 1:

Remaster and there was a new one that came out a few years ago. So 200 new stages. I'm I'm on board world of you. I was a Wii wear game years and years ago.

Speaker 3:

I have played it on PC like originally. Yeah, it was like so long ago and it was one of those games like you don't think much about it, but then you play it and you're hooked because it's just like everything jiggles and like you got to figure out these little ways to like.

Speaker 1:

Kind of like things and, yeah, kind of like more.

Speaker 2:

Don't know where that's going from.

Speaker 1:

I don't know, but what do you guys think about? What you guys think about grounded in pentameter? Did you watch the gameplay footage of this?

Speaker 3:

Grounded. I actually watched somebody do a full playthrough. Um, it's cool, I don't know. I necessarily switch trail.

Speaker 1:

Did you guys watch the switch trailer? Did you watch the directs where they they showed?

Speaker 2:

I saw it. Yeah, I Didn't think a lot of it really it looks horrible.

Speaker 1:

It looks horrible like yeah, I think it's.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, they're getting a little optimistic with those things they can do with the hardware, and I think it's a bad thing. I would rather them do simpler, smaller games. Well then, I Don't know, it's what. It's one of those arguments. Like you know Well, the Witcher works on the switch and that's like already like such a great thing or like that's an amazing achievement, and I agree, but it's this yeah, if you want to.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, the Witcher is such a massive game where, like that just feels like a whole different thing. This is like a live service game that it like I don't think it. I Don't know. It's cool that it's cross-platform and hopefully it looks better than the trailer did, but it looked terrible like the trailer just looked really, really bad. And it's showing I mean showing the hardware at this point, like you know what I mean we're at. It's showing we're at the end of the life of the hardware. I think it would have been better for them not to put that on there. I feel like man, maybe see if these could even look better, like if some of these other games that get brought over look good like I Don't know what happened there, but it looks like maybe like a lazy port over to the that's what I was gonna say, is it?

Speaker 2:

is it really a hardware issue or is it just they just didn't care to properly optimize it for the switch?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I feel like it's a combination of both, but probably more of the than not optimizing it, because I mean, it wasn't made for switch in the way like this is a live service game, so ideally, like they, you know, it should be able to work cross-platform, but it just, yeah, I think it's a lot more on them than it is the hardware, but I think it is still a combination of both. Like Microsoft doesn't know the switch hardware like that, like they've brought over Ori, which looks really, really good, and but that's a 2d side scrolling game, minecraft, that's on everything. I mean, it's on the 3ds, for God's sake.

Speaker 2:

But on your phone.

Speaker 1:

It's on your phone, like I just don't know. Maybe they don't know the hardware like that, like I don't, I don't know. So it's interesting. Did you guys see the trailer for another crabs treasure, though it's a, it's a Souls like underwater crab game. It looks so good?

Speaker 3:

Oh no, I watched it. I actually watched that like a year ago, didn't it? Yeah, it wasn't that. That's on PC too, right, or come into PC too. I'm pretty sure I saw it on like yeah, I think I saw it on like game or words or something like two years ago.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it was announced maybe last year, but we finally got a release date for it and it looks really good April, so it's it's coming up soon.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that looks like that, pretty much like a, pretty much like the origin story of the crab people. They just like, yeah, learn to just be dope and they're gonna take over the world.

Speaker 1:

Pretty much the sequel is I don't know, mark, was it you that played? No, I think it was Lucas. That stream, that's stupid. It was like an underwater like it was like a 3d fighting game where you play as like fish, and definitely wasn't me.

Speaker 2:

Okay, yeah, I think it was sounds funny, though it was like a flash game.

Speaker 1:

It looked like a flash game but it was on console. It was really bad, really bad. But yeah, this looks really cool. We had weird souls like game. I'm for it. Man, like I'm not good at those games, but hey, I'll try it out, like I think it looks cool. Mark, did you ever play monster hunter stories that are RPG? I didn't.

Speaker 2:

I've never. Even it's a series I want to get into, but I've never really played in the month series. I tried monster hunter world but I didn't really get too far into it. That's obviously not a regular Monster monster hunter game.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that was like the accessible monster hunter, but these are JRPGs the stories games are like. Pokemon. They're basically Pokemon, so they're, they're, they're fun. I like it. I played the first one. I have to and I haven't played it, so I Think it's a good cuz.

Speaker 2:

There's a. I don't know how it played on the 3ds, but I think it's a good setting. If it's a 3ds game that they're porting, do To the switch and they would give hope to more 3ds games being properly ported over. It gives you like a Format to port them over.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, cuz there's a lot, of lot of really, really good games stuck on there. I mean, I was an amazing platform that lasted for a long time at a long lifespan.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, a lot of good games on it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, for sure, for sure. So A South Park snow day. You said, kergal, that you thought it looked good.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it actually looks fun. I mean, it's the same developer that did the stick of truth, right? No, I'm pretty sure.

Speaker 2:

I thought those of the did stick of truth.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Listen, this game yeah it was a big.

Speaker 3:

Was this a different?

Speaker 1:

one. Yeah, this game looks horrible to me.

Speaker 2:

To me it's like I just saw a screen shot.

Speaker 3:

I didn't always getting made by THQ Nordic.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it looks terrible. So to me yeah, I think it looks horrible.

Speaker 3:

I feel like it fits the theme so well.

Speaker 2:

I mean it might be a fun game. It's the aesthetic I don't like. You think of South Park, the. The two games look like the show, the whole left right. It looks like the whole cartoon type thing. I think that's the good South Park, south Park aesthetic. I just didn't see the need to make it. You know 3d like it might be a good game. I just feel like there's limitations, though.

Speaker 3:

I mean I don't know, I will see, yes like how the whole stick of truth.

Speaker 2:

I think that aesthetic would would have worked and looked a lot better.

Speaker 1:

Personally, we've had 3d before on the, the tit of 64, and what's funny is I mean in that that game you could throw snowballs and it was a first-person shooter style game.

Speaker 2:

It was the first person. It wasn't a game.

Speaker 1:

It wasn't a good game, no, but I feel like this is a sort of call back to that or something, and I think it looks terrible to me.

Speaker 3:

So I Personally saw it and I was like, oh, another South Park game, it might be fun.

Speaker 1:

Well, you should stream that. That'd be a fun streaming game.

Speaker 3:

I'd watch the heck out of that if you stream yeah yeah, I mean I feel like it's one of those games where it's you don't have to take it seriously. You can just kind of boot it up, play it like with half of your brain shut off and just have fun, like it reminds me. I think why I like the way it looked is because it reminds me of games that I used to play when I was a kid. It had that like very light combat. There's just like button mashing, you know, like you going through hordes of enemies. I don't know, it might turn out to be terrible and like nobody wanted that or asked for that, but I don't know, I have kind of high-ish hopes for it. So we'll see.

Speaker 1:

I Want to say I could be wrong, but I, so I got a notification. Notification and there's a collector's edition for it that's like like $250 or something crazy like that. But what?

Speaker 3:

are you getting it? Huh, what do you get in it? Why is it 250 bucks?

Speaker 1:

You get a statue and you get like art cards. When I say statue, it's like it doesn't even look like a good good statue. I'll pull it up but to describe it, but it it seems like a live service type game to me. Like that's yeah, you get a grand. You get a grand wizard Cartman, which we've already gotten once, and it's a toilet paper holder Grand wizard Cartman talking toilet paper holder. You get a grand wizard Cartman nit beanie, eight or six tarot cards. You get a grand wizard Cartman snow globe, original soundtrack and that's it. It's like really, really.

Speaker 3:

I mean, seems like essentials, like we should definitely grab it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's.

Speaker 2:

I'll say this. So you said it's. It's the. The publishers teach community Nordic, the actual developing studios, called question. They've only ever made two other games, and one was might as well been a mobile game, but their last one that came out in 2018 got decent reviews. It's called the blackout club and, at least from what steam the, the steam page didn't look like a terrible game, but here soon for another baby.

Speaker 1:

This the live shows Right studio for it and we'll start showing some stuff for live viewers. But I mean, I'm just looking at like this box art for the collectors edition and like the the aesthetic on just the cover doesn't.

Speaker 2:

To me it I don't.

Speaker 1:

I don't like how it looks. I don't either it looks. It's almost like it looks like Claymation mixed with just like like AI or something.

Speaker 2:

It just looks terrible just how bad the animation looks personally. Yeah, it looks. They tried to make that that the the South Park Animation style and 3d, and I just don't think it works very well. I think a lot of people are gonna look at it and be like this looks like a really cheap game. I'm not even gonna give it a second thought. Yeah, that's kind of the first time I saw. That's exactly what I thought.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean, we've known about this game for a while. But yeah, what we'll see, I, if it's I mean, if there's a sailor Something and I can grab it, I'll try it, but I'm certainly not excited about that one personally. Mark, what do you think about the sword art online game? Did you check that one out at care at all?

Speaker 2:

I haven't either of like the 10 games they have they get. I tried to play one like in 2016, and I didn't like it. Probably I'm gonna touch it.

Speaker 1:

Gotcha, I played. I played apparently on Vita.

Speaker 2:

That were fun I mean, it's one of the few new games that it's not like a remake or remaster that they they announced, but it's coming to Everything. So if it's a game, I, you, I would play it, but I'm not gonna get on switch. I'd get on like on steam or something.

Speaker 1:

Well, I'll tell you what is a you game. Unicorn overlord looks like a. You can't.

Speaker 2:

Guaranteed, I'm not gonna play that game.

Speaker 1:

What, what? It looks so good though it's vanilla wire. Atlas, man, atlas, gotta I put out good stuff. I don't know anything else interesting about. Again this before we move on that because we're talking about it. Hey, if I play Kingdom, come deliverance and excited about the Royal Edition.

Speaker 3:

I'm actually bought rule. Yeah, I bought King and come deliverance actually like two, three months ago when I bought all the Dark Souls and stuff. So I don't know.

Speaker 2:

It's a good. It's good game. I just didn't like the combat.

Speaker 1:

I didn't why I didn't finish the game the other than that it was.

Speaker 2:

I liked it. It's too realistic. I'm sorry I didn't. It's too it's not fun for me.

Speaker 1:

It's. It is one of those ones where it's like this is not video game, ish enough for me to enjoy, like yeah. The ultra realism with it is. I can see where I mean fits for certain people. I definitely try.

Speaker 2:

I don't don't criticize them, taking you doing something different. It just wasn't for me. As far as the gameplay, but I watched the story on some some other person's life stream, just to get the story. I like the story, just the gameplay, it's just I didn't like it.

Speaker 1:

Did you play it?

Speaker 3:

No, not yet, but I'm definitely gonna play it. I'm gonna finish it. I'm not gonna. I'm like I'm lately the last like three or four years I've been so stubborn About finishing games because I've been so pissed at myself For not finishing some of these amazing stories throughout, like the last decade or so. I'm making it a point that that that I go through a game, even if it has some crappy gameplay mechanics. Like I'm gonna go through it. So I will circle back in probably a couple months.

Speaker 1:

I used to be. I used to be like that. But my problem is with that way of playing games. It's like if I, if I'm not enjoy, have so little time to play anyway, I'm like not enjoying the hour or hour and a half that I get to play like I, just like I.

Speaker 3:

I don't know what's the plan.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I get that you don't want to feel like a chore.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah but I and it's. It's different when you're streaming, though, right, like if you're streaming the game, like it's a little different. You get that Interaction and can keep you going, even if it's garbage. Like I've streamed, you know, on purpose some really, really bad games I'll bring up if you guys want to check out the stream. The last stream that I did, I pulled up the eShop. I always pull up the eShop when I stream on the switch and say and you know, here's some deals or whatever that's on there. A game called Foot clinic was on there, fish edition or something like that. What clinic? No foot foot clinic.

Speaker 3:

Oh, oh, I was like I got a job on that fishy edition.

Speaker 1:

I believe it's called. I'm gonna pull up to confirm the title and, oh my god, the chat that was. It was interesting. Yeah, but clinic fishy edition. It is on the switch. You can get it for like $2 right now and it's a $20 literally.

Speaker 2:

Looks like one of those terrible Flash games that used to play. That would take maybe a minute or two.

Speaker 1:

That's exactly what it looks like. I hate that. I'm even highlighting this on the podcast. It's so oh my god.

Speaker 2:

I mean, I guess, if you have like a foot fetish, as it's great for you.

Speaker 1:

Make sure you get to a screen where all the hairs on there because that's that's where it got like the hair is so unrealistic it looks like Sasquatch hair. Oh.

Speaker 2:

Are you saying Sasquatch ain't?

Speaker 1:

real I'm talking to. Well, they're real cuz it's on here. I'm telling you, like these feet, like they got the foot fungus on there, they got the oh, they got the, the little you know crap on the ankle and this is the most unrealistic nail in a foot I've ever seen.

Speaker 2:

You need some tetanus shots as well. Oh yeah, it looks so bad. It looks looks. This looks grody. I'm not gonna lie, it's disgusting.

Speaker 1:

So this is why I checked the e-shop, because I am shocked with Nintendo, the way that they are, that they allow all this Absolute garbage on the e-shop, absolute dog crap. I mean, there are so many bad games that this is. I don't think this is even the worst. I think I've seen worse games on there like this. This looks really bad, but I've seen some like just absolute god awful stuff on there and I'm shocked. If you want to play this, there are there's, there's some deals out there for it, so but clinic fishy addition that it's a thing.

Speaker 1:

It's a thing. So did you guys see the gameplay for pepper grinder?

Speaker 3:

not gonna lie, I have not. You've been talking about in these.

Speaker 1:

Kergo, I think this is one. I'm telling you this game. It was so that the thing about the game is like you look at the gameplay but like you play it and you the controls like are so buttery smooth and you have to like Drill, that looks fun. Yeah, yeah you drill through the sand to get to the next spot of the sand on top and, like you, you can get so good at it. You're like going like this through the level and like just zoom around the level it's like so that's really fun.

Speaker 2:

Actually yeah it bites me of the, maybe not to the same degree. Maybe it's a bad comparison, but I the first thing I thought of was a shovel night. If you're played, they get played that game, yeah they're kind of like a set I can gameplay just yeah something different unique.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it definitely it feels like it almost looks like a shovel night. And then dust force X and Sonic had a mashup.

Speaker 1:

Look up the game. If you guys said you didn't play it, but drill dozer, which was also, I think it was a game freak game as well, yeah, it was a game freak game. So another Pokemon developed game and all those games, every single one that they put out that's not Pokemon, are all good I've not played one this bad at all but it's like it reminds me of that. It's like a sort of callback to that. The only thing it's different with that is that one like obviously, being on the, the GBA, you've got less of a screen to see and it's more closer in, but like, oh, yeah, I see, yeah, it reminds me of that. It gives me the oh, it's cute.

Speaker 1:

It's fun. Drill dozers I would. That's a game I wish would be brought to Nintendo switch online because that is a really fun the game. Freak games that aren't Pokemon Just do not get highlighted enough and like they, they're a great developer in general.

Speaker 1:

Like they you know, that say what you will about Scarlett violet, but, like they've, they've been developing other games for years and years and and nobody ever talks about it, and Very interesting games. So that is what the Nintendo Direct. So, to follow up with that, we got the announcement of a Pokemon presents on the 27th, and it is at 9 am Eastern Standard Time. So this is the, this is the, the bigger deal.

Speaker 2:

I think people are presenting the lawsuit for power? Or are they gonna announce they're actually gonna fix Scarlett and violet so they don't look in play like hot garbage?

Speaker 1:

You know it's funny. I finally just be alright. I finally just got the credits to roll on the game. Two streams ago I got the credits to roll, but then there's post game content and then there's the big DLC package. So, like I've you know how Pokemon, there's always something like right after the credits to do. That's where I'm at. I haven't done any of that, but yeah, I, yeah, yeah, go ahead you.

Speaker 2:

I was exactly. I have no interest in ever going back and trying to finish those games. That's the first time I've I could ever say about a Pokemon game.

Speaker 1:

I Just don't think they're good games still enjoyed them, but they have massive issues.

Speaker 2:

But I've beaten outside of black, black and white and black and white too. I've beaten every other Pokemon game out there and completed the Pokedex.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so well, let's dive into this a little bit.

Speaker 3:

So we before before that, before you guys dive into that, I do have to hop out.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

It's. It sucks. I want to talk about this because I and I hate to say this and never played a Pokemon game, but I love no wait, I think we mentioned it on on the show a couple times but I do love to hear people talk about Pokemon because people are so passionate about it and all I've been hearing the last couple of years is how, how awful it's been for Pokemon fans and then power all the releases and just sh*ts on all of it and it just, yeah, I feel bad for Pokemon fans, but I'm sure you guys are gonna enjoy the discussion that Did mark and brenner gonna have. Thank you all and I'll see you all next week. Okay, later, guys.

Speaker 1:

We'll see you later, so have a good night, have fun. All right, so I just want to shout out Braden in the comments. That is actually my nephew and I've been chatting in there, so Thank you for the comments. Thanks, lucas there.

Speaker 1:

Sorry, no, you're good but yeah, so we'll get dive into Pokemon presents. We talked at the top of the podcast that Nintendo supply Someone we partnered with is doing a bingo car generator, so I would encourage all of you to Use that because I think it's interesting. I'm going to make one and I'm doing a video on it, hopefully with someone, because I think it would be really fun that to get into that discussion. It's just a few days away but, like there's, there's a lot that that could happen here, a lot. I mean there's so much on the table I feel like there's black, black and white remake. There's, you know, a new let's go game. There's a new mainline game which I don't see happening until switch to, but I mean it's on the table.

Speaker 2:

Time to properly make another game that doesn't look in play like garbage. I will never not rag on scarlet and bottom, sorry.

Speaker 1:

No, I get it. I mean, I agree and I think, because of power world, I think that there was a possibility that we were going to get like the announcement of a new mainline, but I don't think that's happening at all. No, I think that really like like, push them, like okay. We have to do so it would immediately get crapped on.

Speaker 2:

Regardless of how it actually looked, it would get. It would get crapped on.

Speaker 1:

I do not want a new mainline on the switch I went on switch to because the hardware is just. I mean it doesn't make sense because legends, arceus was able to do it, although it wasn't a full open world. But it was. It was that semi open world I mean it was.

Speaker 2:

I think the semi would work better. If they still want to do that it's. I don't know if they can do a proper open world. They don't have enough time to make it and that's the biggest problem.

Speaker 1:

Well, yeah, I mean there's. There's so many things. I hope the guy we don't see a new mainline game announced, but I mean there is a lot like that. I think we're gonna see some updates to Pokemon sleep. They were gonna see a little bit of Pokemon go and throw in there. Those are the boring things. Yeah, I, the black and white remake is. I mean, it's, it's up next. So what, what's your, what's your thoughts there? Are you wanting to see that? Like, are you okay with that on switch one?

Speaker 2:

I want to because I'm the only it's only generation of games that I've never played, because not been easily. It's the only generation that was expensive. I'm not paying $150 for a single yeah, pokemon game because at that point I need all four cartridges because I want to complete the pokedex.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, so that's kind of where I'm at. Plus, at the time I was like, well, I guess the remakes right around the corner. So I'll just kind of I'll kind of wait to To do that, because I have the reason like I want to play the story and I just want to be able to to get the Pokemon for my, for my living, pokedex and stuff like that. So, yeah, I can wait.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yep, that's, that's fair. Um, I Hope that we see it because I think they could do if they did it in line, like, would you be happy if they did black and white remake? I, my hope is that we it's not like brilliant diamond, shining pearl for you it wouldn't be a problem because you haven't played them and it would be like the same exact game.

Speaker 2:

But it's one of the few games I've never played the original. It's the only Generation I never actually played the original games of.

Speaker 1:

I really hope it's not in the line of brilliant diamond shining pearl, but I think there's a high chance that it could be.

Speaker 2:

I hope not a lot of her to be Preferred to be more like the oras remakes, but I mean, that's like the peak, you know. You know, remaking, slash remastering of a game series.

Speaker 1:

Would you be happy if it was in line with like X or not X and Y? Sorry, sword and shield, I think it needs to be like. You don't need to do anything massive Just well then, that's just brilliant Make a game, add more content.

Speaker 2:

Make it look good and you don't. You don't have to look because the oras games. It's essentially the same game. It just looks a little bit better and there's added content at the end and obviously a little bit with the story based off of the X and Y story. But like you don't need to remake, start from scratch from the ground up, like the base games there, you don't need to change a lot there. If you want to change one or two things here, add some more story, add some extra content and then it's. It's not only it's that hard to to not butcher it, just don't make it look like it's Chibi animation. That'd be my only criticism.

Speaker 1:

That was the last generation of the the 2d pixel art Pokemon. So like that was the last you know where we had less true 2d? Yeah, yeah, that was the last one. So like it's got to be, it's got to be different, like it's not gonna be that, but I mean.

Speaker 2:

I wouldn't complain.

Speaker 1:

I don't. I mean I Wouldn't complain either, but it's got to be. It's got to be a remake.

Speaker 2:

2d pixel. 2d pixel Pokemon looks great. I don't make it look like if it looks like that game, that RPG.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you're thinking the same thing I am.

Speaker 2:

I think I'm like on the name yeah, the one that just came out. This. Octopath. Yeah, make it look like that. There's none right, it's a good game the pixel animation looks good. You don't need to to do a whole lot, just spice it up, adds more content, maybe add a twist to the story, and then people will like it.

Speaker 1:

I don't think that's gonna happen, though I don't think we're getting going back.

Speaker 2:

That would require too much actual effort on actually game development Be too expensive.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, be too much. It's interesting, I wonder who if it, if we're getting a remake of that, I wonder who's actually doing it. I wonder if it's actually that's gonna determine a lot.

Speaker 2:

Yeah cuz I did game freak actually do the or s remakes themselves, or is it somebody else?

Speaker 1:

That's a good question. I don't know I can't remember. Yeah, that'd be a good one to find out. Obviously they didn't with brilliant diamond shining pearl, and that was one of the. The issues with that game is that it was it was too similar and there wasn't enough difference, and just yeah so the those games Omega, ruby and Alpha Sapphire was developed by game freak themselves, which is why it wasn't.

Speaker 2:

It was a good remaster, because you know.

Speaker 1:

Well, that was a full-on remake and a good, a good one. I mean those, yeah, added content.

Speaker 2:

For the most part, the story is the game and it just it's the same game you love with, just you know, some extra stuff to it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, I I agree. What? What else do you think that we we could see?

Speaker 2:

I don't really know. I don't imagine it's been a long Showcase it's. I mean, this is just Pokemon stuff.

Speaker 1:

So Well, I mean, they're usually.

Speaker 2:

I don't really know what to expect 45 minutes or so, I think. I don't think it needs to even be. What are you gonna talk about? 45 minutes, though, to be fair.

Speaker 1:

Well, I mean, I think you're like not considering, like all the other you know, pokemon, spin-off type stuff, I mean.

Speaker 4:

Like are we getting? No, actually having to work.

Speaker 1:

Are we getting on new? Let's go like people have been talking about that for a while like are we getting a fair like what silver you're gonna show what they're gonna show a 10-minute trailer for the new.

Speaker 2:

Let's go like no, but I mean you've got imagine this being more than 20, 30 minutes, or what are you gonna drag out the actual talk about?

Speaker 1:

got a new Movie. Goes like here's.

Speaker 2:

Here's the trailer. I could be a waste of time to talk about. I mean that's, that's its own own separate thing that people kind of follow. I just don't know why this would last, unless you're just trying to pad the time out like To be fair. I think these Pokemon presentations could just be a part of the Nintendo Direct itself.

Speaker 1:

I don't think so. Not for Pokemon day. Those are always the biggest ones. That's that's why I think this one Is a little bit different.

Speaker 2:

I'm biased like, just show me the game trailer, I don't need any extra. I just show me what game you got coming out and we'll go from there. Yeah, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I get it. I'm gonna make.

Speaker 2:

That's all I care about.

Speaker 1:

So, all right, let's. Let's what are your wants, then it's think spin-off, I think all the things that you you've enjoyed in the series that maybe we haven't got a sequel to or haven't gotten something in A long time, because I got a lot of Pokemon game.

Speaker 2:

I got to be to be fully Frank, I would, I would, I wouldn't mind if we didn't see a let's go, because didn't really care for the game All that much, I didn't think I didn't. I didn't like the let's go all that much, I didn't. It's really a bare bones game at the end of the day. Just, I just want to see what I would prefer to see, you know, proper remaster, slash, remake of black and white, black and white to, and then an announcement that hey, we're bringing all our past Pokemon games and remakes to the switch. You could play them. They're not just artificially gate kept Behind a locked gate for no reason. It's what I would, that's what I would really like to see, but I know we're not gonna get that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I. One of the things that I would like to see is I would love and it would work. It would work well, on on switch doesn't have to be switched to. I think it runs just fine. A new Pokemon Ranger Like that.

Speaker 2:

People have talked about that for a long think about that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's what I'm saying. There's so many good spin-offs that I Would see it though I don't have faith that Actually we got a new Pokemon snap if they treat it, it's not gonna be.

Speaker 2:

I don't. I just don't when they are right now. Don't trust that it's gonna be a properly developed game if not just a, a remaster or Apported game.

Speaker 1:

At that point, and another thing I think we're gonna see. I I'm on the fence because I enjoy them, but I'm not like a super fan mystery dungeon. I feel like we're gonna get a new Pokemon mystery dungeon game. I feel like it's. To me it feels almost like a given because we're trying to fill out, like they want to fill out the rest of we don't know anything beyond the like four games and it's into us coming for this year, which is you know so, and one of them is already out.

Speaker 2:

If you're, if you're looking like, hey, the next console come out next year. They're not playing on, put out anything big. If we do hear anything, it might be ports or not. Nothing major is gonna be coming out on the switch at this point. If that's kind of what the consensus is that we're about a year out from the next next console coming out Well, here's that point Are we gonna really get anything big out of this announcement?

Speaker 1:

That's. That's. I mean it's a good point. One thing that to keep in mind is that we always, we always get Pokemon games after the new consoles out, so like I feel like we could still get a release date for something in. You know, I mean normally Nintendo is not doing this, it is game-free. But normally we're not like getting announcements super far ahead anymore, especially since Metroid Prime 4, like a lot of times they're they're shadow dropping things or it's out the next month or whatever. But Pokemon, historically we've gotten games still come to you know the previous platform For a while, for years. I mean it's happened since you know the game boys. So I, you know I wouldn't mind seeing a Pokemon Ranger. I'm a mystery dungeon. If it's done Well, I wouldn't mind seeing the new mystery dungeon. What I would like to see is a new pokey Pokemon puzzle league or a new Pokemon trot. See, I really enjoyed those games Super simple.

Speaker 2:

I think it's possible, though I guess I should be candid I was never a big fan of a lot of their spin-offs. I only really care for the mainline games. So I don't, I just don't know enough about their spin-offs. Like I think, I tried playing the mystery dungeon game the original one. Yeah but I never got that far into it. I kind of dropped it early on. It's Young kid, I just like I didn't care for it.

Speaker 1:

What about a remake of Pokemon box?

Speaker 2:

I don't know what that game is. I've heard of it but I don't. I don't know what, what, what you even did in it.

Speaker 1:

Well, it's only like a three thousand dollar storage box for the GameCube where you just store your Pokemon and that's. It Seems like a waste of money, it's the most it's. It's the most expensive game. Game on the GameCube.

Speaker 2:

You know what? Why not just Pokemon pinball at this point?

Speaker 1:

I mean I would, I would buy that.

Speaker 2:

I love those games.

Speaker 1:

Those were fun, man. I mean Metroid Prime pinball like come on, dude, that's like that. That's the best Metroid in the series. Shout out, we got. J Bartlett in here. What's up, man? How's it going? Graphics gear said then just watch the video on YouTube. Pokemon pinball is really the only Pokemon came out like Mark. See there, people want, people want Pokemon pinball.

Speaker 2:

I'm not a big pinball, I will. I'll play the old pinball space game that that Microsoft used to make.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, yeah, what was that called?

Speaker 2:

I think it's still on there, on there.

Speaker 1:

No, no, that's, it's been long gone.

Speaker 2:

The only pinball game I ever actually really played, though.

Speaker 1:

It's cuz it was free and available.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, when you're like 10, and that's like you've got like five games available. That's one of them space cadet, that's what it's called space cadet.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I love that. What do you think about? I'm trying to think here, what else cuz? I mean, I think it's gonna be pretty significant. I think there's gonna be a lot of silly stuff, a lot of filler here. Recently a Pokemon presenters there's been cuz some, you know, like the Pokemon sleep and stuff that like very few people care about. But I feel like there's gotta be. I feel like there's probably like three games, like three actual games, that are announced, that like we're getting something for. So like I Feel like there's maybe like two spin-offs and like a big game like black and white remake. I feel like it's gotta be. I'm just like wondering what, what else could be there that it gets filled out for for the switch, because we've only got we got one of four games this year from Nintendo already.

Speaker 2:

It's already out, they're gonna Think about another Pokemon movie or something like that.

Speaker 1:

That's a good point.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I probably not, but I don't know. I bet we get a new detective Pikachu we just got.

Speaker 1:

We got a new game, we just got returns. So I mean it would make sense.

Speaker 2:

Is if we get a Pokemon movie. They need a partner with flash gets, because their detective Pikachu makes it seem like an actual. You know, crooked, crooked cop Pikachu.

Speaker 1:

Have you played the games?

Speaker 2:

No, I haven't. I've never even watched the movie. I don't know anything about the picture.

Speaker 1:

It's. It's good it was, I think, like, besides like Wreck-It Ralph, which is forever ago, I feel like it was first good Video game movie that we got that kind of kick started, all the other stuff.

Speaker 2:

To me it's really good that and and son, you don't like the first Mortal Kombat movie for nostalgia sake, I want to say yes, but they're not. You don't even like annihilation. I was about to say.

Speaker 1:

I Horrible, but oh my god, that's a popcorn flick to watch for sure. Oh my gosh.

Speaker 2:

I probably should watch detective Pikachu. I just it was never a movie that was a. I Never just cared to actually sit down and watch it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I get it. I mean it's it's. It's not for everyone, but I enjoyed it. I just wanted to see a live-action you know Pokemon movie I thought it was. They did pretty good with it.

Speaker 2:

So you know what? There's a criticism Pikachu wasn't hyper realistic enough like an actual yellow rat, a New, a New York yellow rat.

Speaker 1:

A new scabby.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm just getting gonna be a New York yellow rat hey. I'm walking here I.

Speaker 1:

Forget who did the? What's his name? Did the voice of Pikachu, ryan? Ryan Reynolds. Yeah, he did. The voice of Pikachu. Yeah, I was looking here and seeing a little bit of what People were saying to get some other opinions here, but I feel like if you remember Pokemon conquest, we never got a sequel to that. Do you remember that one?

Speaker 1:

I super expensive game now, yeah, it was, and see that was another one. It came out on the DS when the 3ds was already out, so it was like it was one of those and it was like one, one of the final near the end of the DS life cycle.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I've never. I never heard of this game. It's got some interesting boxer, that's oh yeah, Was this something like just medieval shogun Pokemon.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, so it was the box I looks like yeah, it was like it wasn't a warrior style game, but it was like a warriors crossover, where it was a strategy RPG, and we've never had a strategy.

Speaker 1:

RPG with Pokemon and it was really good and one of the reasons why it's really expensive now. It's like it's like 120 bucks now. It's like gosh. I got that. When I got that day one I remember reading in Nintendo power about that and I was like super excited. Meanwhile 3ds was out and didn't have a 3ds yet. So I was like, yeah, we're still getting some content here. It was. It was really good. Yeah, I was looking. It's hilarious. I wish I could. I had it set up to be able to show live viewers. But the first two things I see here from MSN's article from well came came from tech. Radar is Return of mystery dungeon and then the second one is Pokemon conquest sequel.

Speaker 2:

Will the sequel also offered Nintendo Wi-Fi?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it was. Yeah, the online was cool that flash from the past. Yeah, I know, right, I I, it's funny I've never talked about. I want to talk about some old stories, especially during that era, because I have so many good memories from that era. But I had the do you remember the Wi-Fi adapter? I had to play DS and you had it?

Speaker 2:

Yeah you, I don't remember how I used I think it somehow worked with regular Wi-Fi. But I remember using it before with the with Mario Kart DS and just the. It wasn't hacking, but was the exploding with the with the, the kerb like the snake. Yeah, that was like the big.

Speaker 1:

Thing that was, everybody did that online. Yeah, it became. It became really hard to race on Mario Kart. Ds is my favorite Mario Kart, but yeah, it became really hard to play online. It's. It's really good that battle mode.

Speaker 2:

We have, like you have like seven people on there that played normal and then just won't do this, just just snaking, just like this is like come on dude it's.

Speaker 1:

it was always a Japanese player to always Always the Japanese world wide. Yep, it was worldwide.

Speaker 2:

It was one of those glad that doesn't exist any other game.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah it was. It was an interesting time. I really I bought that. Why, wife? I still have it. I still have Wi-Fi USB connect. I re-bought it's not the one I had, but you had the order on Nintendo's website, so it was a really interesting peripheral that, uh, people have apparently made it to still be able to work and like there are Band servers for a few things. I've recently found out that there is a way to still play Metroid Prime Hunters online, so I want to do that. Yeah, there's only other.

Speaker 2:

Do you know? The two games I remember playing on Wi-Fi was one, the Metro Prime Hunters, because I can't remember the map, but there was a map where you could walk glitch.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I would just run by. You can shoot, yeah in the corner. Yes, that was my.

Speaker 2:

That's my favorite and then, yeah, that in the Pokemon Diamond that's the one I had there was the underground. It was obviously in the remaster, but it's the only other game. I know that I actually use the, yeah, the, the Wi-Fi, for I may have had other games, but those are the only three that I can actually think of that I actually use the, the tend to online service, so the Wi-Fi thing so for me there was a period of time I would love to talk about this sometime, but there was a period of time where I was going out when that first launch Nintendo Wi-Fi connection, like that was our name for it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that first launch I was going after every game that came out that was online because it, like I was, I Didn't get to play online. I didn't have an original Xbox like you know what I mean, my GameCube. Technically it goes online, there's a broadband adapter, but for one game and so online was like pretty new for me, and so I was going after every game and I remember a few others being Tetris DS had online. I had to look up a list here what else there was. There was quite a few, because I remember going after all of them, but some of them would just be where it was like downloadable content and not multiplayer.

Speaker 1:

Yeah but yeah, there was. There was quite a few and it was really interesting to see a handheld. It was like it was amazing to see a handheld be able to go online.

Speaker 2:

Like it says that the annual crossing worldwide I supported online. Did you ever I know you played the Animal Crossing games? Played that one?

Speaker 1:

That is my favorite one that. I'm glad you brought that up. That is the one I played Online next to the Metroid. Prime Hunter is more than any. Yeah, that. Animal Crossing Wild World is my favorite animal.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, I'll maybe.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, really, really good game. And then the Wii one had the Nintendo Wi-Fi connection as well City folk, which I didn't like as much personally. But yeah, I played that a ton online. It's really cool. During that period of time I was on insider the Nintendo forum so I made a lot of friends there and we would get on and trade the fruits to grow what we needed on that we didn't have in our areas and like all that cool stuff. So I missed that era. But I was looking up a few others and One. Another one that I had was Digimon World, bs at that. One for online, endless ocean, which was a Wii game that had that Apparently guitar year three legends of rock I didn't know it had online for the Wii. That's pretty interesting. There's, there's quite quite a few. There's a lot for the Wii, more than than I was aware of.

Speaker 2:

And then I was scrolling through. Do you remember the? Did you have like the brain age games before I did?

Speaker 1:

I thought one of one of you all did yeah, you played it with me. Yeah, it was interesting with the head right. Very interesting games. Hey, I'll tell you what. When that first one launched, I played it every day, like you're supposed to play it, and did it for a while, I think I I spent months with that. I had that game and then the second one came out and I got. I got over that, but I didn't, I didn't realize.

Speaker 2:

Apparently the bomber land, bomber man land touch games, yeah, wi-fi. I had the first one.

Speaker 1:

I know I played the crap at two and three and I never had one and I played that with you and then that's why I got two and three.

Speaker 2:

It's not on this list is apparently the age of Empires. Mythology's game was Wi-Fi, but not the just the regular age of Empires for the DS. I know I had that, I've got, I've got it. I can't remember if we played it or not.

Speaker 1:

We did yeah, I've got it that was a fun game we bought it because, mean, you played it just just this year or last year, sorry, I wouldn't knew what happened to that game. Yeah, you should, you should read by it, we should. That would be a really fun video to do, just talking about that game, because it was really bad. But I still played all the way through and put probably over a hundred hours in a game, but it was really bad, like it was jank. I don't know if you remember how janky that game was, but it was.

Speaker 2:

I enjoyed it. I like that was a no.

Speaker 1:

I did. I'm not did too. I didn't have access to play it on PC and it was. It was cool. I dug it. Another one I had was called duty world war, which was really interesting for that time. Awesome. Like I said, I didn't, I ended up getting world at war and, funny enough, that is my favorite called duty to date is world at war, the console version, but the DS version is pretty fun. Both of the Castlevania's I had and those were games where, if I remember correctly, portrait of ruin just had like an online shop and it wasn't like there, if I remember correctly, there was no like multiplayer club penguin, elite penguin force. I had that, but I don't remember playing it online. I'm pretty sure I have it behind me still. I'm I'm 99% sure I still have it.

Speaker 2:

The game I never got into. I'm sorry.

Speaker 1:

And then one other big one I'll mention was custom Robo arena, which still to this day is in my top 10 games of all time. Um yeah, love that.

Speaker 2:

It was a bad game.

Speaker 1:

Really, really fun.

Speaker 2:

I was looking through if there's any other games. I played that that was on the Wi-Fi or one that I recognized, but I don't. I don't think so nothing else.

Speaker 1:

I didn't know. The FIFA games on there were Wife. I didn't know. You can play, though. There's four of them you could play online.

Speaker 2:

There's a warhammer game that was on the DS. That was.

Speaker 1:

Huh, geometry wars? I did know that one, but I never played it, which was a Sierra game.

Speaker 2:

Um, I think I still have most of my DS games, but for the most part you know one of the games.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I think so that's a beard somewhere. But I was sitting there and thinking there there was a gba game that I I regret getting rid of. I don't know what happened to, but it was a old Lego soccer game that I remember. I played the crap out of it. I don't know what happened to it. It was like that was a fun game.

Speaker 1:

There were a couple of really fun Lego games on the gba. There was that Lego like Racing game where you like built. You built the carts or whatever. Um, I forget what it was called, but there was a few that were really fun, of course, like the. The other Lego style games started as well in the gba, like star. I know star wars was on gba, the Lego star wars Um yeah but there was, like there was like pre Lego star wars games that were really, really fun. Yep.

Speaker 1:

Lego Bionicle is another one I had Um, this is what I'm thinking of Lego island 2. This is what I had Lego island 2 and gba it uh Island extreme stunts. There was apparently a second one, so I played. Yeah, I played the island 2. I don't I've never heard of the extreme stunts. That looks like a snowboarding game. But lego was unique with their outputtings before star wars.

Speaker 2:

Man Like there was all there was all because they had to get great Like the, you'd like the bionicle and some other stuff and just unique Lego games.

Speaker 1:

Oh, sock, sock hermania is the one that you're talking about. There's a whole video on uh youtube for the gba Lego games. That's cool. Evolution lego games for gba. So check out that video. Knights kingdom lego knights kingdom for gba. I've never heard of that one interesting, but yeah, there's. There is a lot. Oh, how can I forget these ones? Mega man, star force a 1 and 2, or online I don't know how I could forget about that. I played the crap out of those games.

Speaker 2:

Um also mario, ever mega man fan.

Speaker 1:

I know you weren't. I always tried to get you into it, but you weren't. You weren't with the mario versus talking to, which I do have. I've rebuy that I've been trying to buy out. Buy, rebuy, child out games Been the only focus get things back that used to have. But Uh, I'm trying to think if there's anything else. Oh, cannot forget, and I do have this one behind me as well. I wish.

Speaker 1:

I could reach, just outreach. But uh, nintendo ds browser being able to To scroll the websites on your ds with a cartridge. I got that when it was new, um, and I used it to get on insider forums when I couldn't use the computer with dial up, so like that was. Uh, that was an experience. Do you remember the days of the browsers for For the handhelds and stuff like that?

Speaker 2:

I remember I never had them. It may have been you that we used it with, but I know it was around, but I never actually. I actually remember using it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it was interesting, it wouldn't load video. Um website, it took forever to load anything. Uh, you thought like three minutes a page. So I'm trying, like trying to reply to somebody's comment on insider and it's you know three minutes of waiting doing something else and oh, it went through.

Speaker 2:

Big things about the, about the we. When I came I was like, oh, I got internet on this thing, yeah yeah it, it was interesting.

Speaker 1:

People did some uh, there's some pretty interesting um like like hacks and things that people have done With that cartridge that you can watch on youtube. But, of course, like, almost every single pokemon game was online that platinum mystery, dungeon, explorers of time, part gold, diamond, black, black, two, black one, all those I see if there's anything else, uh, thanks. Uh, did you? You had star fox command, didn't you?

Speaker 2:

what was that on? Yes, oh, I, yeah, and I got left out in the rain and it ruined the cartridge.

Speaker 3:

How did that?

Speaker 1:

But, yeah, I had to it was, it was not.

Speaker 2:

That I don't know.

Speaker 1:

It was outside playing ds or something.

Speaker 2:

It was not a good game. It was like a nothing, nothing that was lost. But you said then like, oh, the game that I get, the only ds game that I destroyed because I left out in the rain I think it was in the front yard because I thought we were playing games and I brought some stuff. I just forgot about it and I'm like oh, I was just writing this.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I mean, why does it have my ds and all my? And like what would I leave a game outside if we were not, like you know, playing games? But it was uh, luckily it was a I don't like. I wrote to my parents about it, but it was like, uh, whatever, I didn't really care about the game. So it was you know here was like diamond that I lost.

Speaker 1:

This was one of the first like three or four nintendo wi-fi games and a launch game for for the ds, which was um, american skateland or came out around the launch very close to the launch anyway, it wasn't super far off. Uh, but yeah, tony hawks, american skateland I played that one too. That was one of the first wi-fi connection games. I remember, like I said, when it first started I was trying to get all of them and then once like a lot of stuff like started, it was on everything. I couldn't do it anymore. I couldn't keep up, but I tried.

Speaker 1:

I think, like probably 12, 13 deep, that the ds Ds was the biggest collection I ever had as a kid like I, it's a massive library. Dude it does, and like it was the only time I remember as a kid that I was, I kept my games, like this is when, like games weren't getting traded in and like we always had to do that. Um, but I kept them and I had.

Speaker 2:

I had I had well over 50 games for the ds and that was a lot as a kid Um but I I was thinking, I was looking back and, like one of the other big ones I know I had, that I loved was the uh, it's mario 64 ds they just took the 64 game and essentially ported it with a, with a few changes.

Speaker 1:

Well, a lot of changes. They added all the characters, and, and then? You got the many games that were actually fun. I rebought that too. I rebought that one as well.

Speaker 2:

Uh one game and I don't know how expensive it is, but I I wanted to go back and replay, like some of the old zoda games, one of them. One of them was phantom arabas, but it was like on the ds and it was like that's probably a hard game to. I assumed it to get and buy um.

Speaker 1:

It's not super expensive. I will say, um, I yeah it's not, it's not super expensive, but it's really really fun. Um, I will tell you what's better the spirit tracks. I always like spirit tracks, oh.

Speaker 2:

I'll get phantom. I well, I would want to get both, obviously all the, all the zoda games, but some of them, some of these older ones, spirit handheld ones just aren't.

Speaker 1:

I know that haven't been ported.

Speaker 2:

I guess the hope is eventually it will get ported over. Some of these old games will get remade, or Well that's a way to get them on on the newer consoles.

Speaker 1:

That's another discussion is because like, why have we not gotten, why haven't we not gotten twilight princess and winway grade? She brought over to us. We got all this other Wii U content and then these two games are stuck on there. What the heck.

Speaker 2:

Like probably the two of the best games. It's like what, nintendo, what are you doing?

Speaker 1:

sometimes, that that's easy. Millions of sales right there, I mean you know, I mean people are. But if they did like a double pack of that, because they're both on Wii U and their their ports, like that would sell like crazy. Any, any zoda game any, any zola.

Speaker 2:

I did have this because I know it's it's zoda related, but I'm kind of go after the to the right a little bit. But uh, did you ever read into the? Uh, the leavened is out of manga series that are based off of the games.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, I've got those good or they they change a lot like what your opinions.

Speaker 2:

Are those? Because I thought about getting some but I was always kind of like a Is it better to get this or just play the game?

Speaker 1:

I highly recommend Um. I really like the oracle of ages and seasons once because it fills out Um. So oracle of ages is one of my favorite zolas and it's in my top five and it's one that gets overlooked a lot. That's one I would like, with the links awakening treatment, like those two games in a package together and get that sort of treatment Would be amazing. But the, the manga, fills out a lot more of the story and if you um, the, whatever the zelda compendium is called Hyrule Historia, I think it's called.

Speaker 2:

I have it, I know, I know what you're talking about.

Speaker 1:

So the manga filled out a lot of what was put into that because, like the games, filled out.

Speaker 1:

You know I mean the games that the story was there, obviously, but it was pretty limited by the game we color, but it was definitely there. I don't want to diminish the games because they're they're both really good seasons. Seasons was more puzzle base, ages was more action based, which is why I liked ages a little bit more. They tried to do the pokemon thing with it and what's really neat about I don't know if you know this, but what's really neat about those games is if you link, cable them up, you get the final battle with a ganon like you to complete that where it's like you have to have both games and I.

Speaker 2:

It's interesting, but it's like don't, don't do this again. Well, it feels like you're taken away from the experience.

Speaker 1:

It kind of does, but they're two completely different games. So it's like it's not like pokemon, where one's like you got some different pokemon in it and that's it. They're like two completely different games.

Speaker 2:

But if you only had the one, you never really got the true final boss of the story. It feels like you're missing part of the story. That that's the only complaint that I've. I've ever heard about the those games. That makes sense.

Speaker 1:

I still think it's kind of unique, though, to do that with the link it is.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

It's, it's neat, it's like and incentivizes you to want to get the other one. Of course it's a sales thing, but I think it it's kind of cool, like you still could beat the game and be fine. But there is, like you know, the sort of cliffhanger of, in both of them, of you know, actually beating ganon.

Speaker 2:

So I guess for the, for the ones that you've read in the games that you played, is it, is it a good substitute or does it supplement the actual game, like if you either never had access to the game or never played it would. Would you get as far as just the story with the manga suffice?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah you get the full story at the manga Uh.

Speaker 2:

I think it's a time, it's a little really good fanum or Majora's mask one. I.

Speaker 1:

Majora's mask is probably my least favorite Um zelda game. I still like it, but it's one of my least favorites. So the manga there for me, um, I really enjoyed that because I didn't like the game as much. So, like, if, the story for Majora's mask is amazing, but the time limit was my problem. You're stuck and then you just have to keep redoing it over and over and I gave up. I couldn't beat it as a kid, couldn't do it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I felt that with a lot of games, but I guess the idea is because something's like, I would like to get to these games but to just know what the story happened, without necessarily having to play, because I, you know much as you roast me for it, I'm not the biggest fan because I never played. Uh, uh, it's not wind waker. Uh, I think wind waker majora's map, the original uh 64, or the 64 game.

Speaker 2:

Ocarina of time, I Going back and never playing it. It's to me it's hard to play that game. It's definitely not aged all that well with some of those older games, so it's kind of like, uh, to just get the story. Would this be just a better alternative and maybe I'll get around to actually playing and beating the game, but as of right now, I'd rather just get the story not suffer with you know they're good and 25 30 year old gameplay.

Speaker 1:

For for some of those games they fill out more of the story. Now, like Ocarina time, you get the full story in the manga. That's what you're asking. You get the full story. Uh, I don't think you got as much extended content From that like as a substitute, but you did get like some different dialogues. So there was like some, if you played the game, there was like a reason to read the manga.

Speaker 2:

Still like you still got somebody added more content, the whole world building type thing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah yeah, and I love that. I thought it was really good. That's underrated because really, that People that are only diehard zelda fans really even know that that exists and like they constantly there's. There's a chest, um, that you can buy that has all of them in it. Um, I don't know if you've ever seen it.

Speaker 2:

You can look it up, but there's a zelda chest that has all a minute that you can get for like a hundred dollars, and I'll see it go on sale for like 80 bucks all the time I have to look into it because it happened like, uh, I don't know how long ago it was, but periodically Within last year or two, I was at a Barnes and Nobles uh In Salt Lake City and I just happened to see, like I didn't know idea, there were legends of, you know, manga and stuff like that and obviously it's based off of some of those older games.

Speaker 2:

I was like Maybe like for, like you know, oracle agency's and it's like, uh, I don't really necessarily want to go back and try to play some of these really old games that you know, growing up you wouldn't have had a problem. But now it's like between time and stuff like that, it's like, well, if I could just get the story out of this, that just might be, you know, good enough and maybe eventually down the road I'll actually get around to playing some of these games. I do. There's a lot of zelda games there is.

Speaker 1:

I do recommend them. I think they're great, especially, especially for for super zelda fans, because you do get like additional content there. But if you are like somebody that hasn't played all the games or is wanting to get caught up or understand what's happening in the war, totally, totally worth it and I think they're cool pieces I have.

Speaker 2:

So I'm not gonna lie. If you come edit it from like you know, there's like 30 years of games You've never really played in there. It's a daunting task to go back and play all of these games. Obviously there are some good games to go back and play, but to play all of them it's kind of a daunting task.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I get it. It is that I do. I I feel that way about, um, a lot of series, but I also feel that way about things like one piece Because, like, I stopped at like whatever episode 300 and some I don't even remember and it's like I Wanted so bad to get caught because I played the one piece odyssey which, by the way, is an absolute hidden gem um, and I was like I want to get caught up in the story. I don't want to get like spoiled by the game or whatever, which it really doesn't, because it's kind of its own standalone thing.

Speaker 1:

But um, I feel that way with that was series and I feel that way with games and like One is like Fire emblem, because there's a bunch of those that I've missed. Um, I've tried to stay caught up but like Shadow Dragon came out I don't know if you remember they did that collector's edition, but it was inside, it was just digital and that game was limited. You can no longer buy it, but it was like a trans. It was a translation of a game that we never got here for the Famicom and I I've got it up, my closet and like a weirdo, I never opened it up and like so I bought the game still on the e-shop.

Speaker 1:

I got the collector's edition and and bought it on there, but like that's a series that I feel that way with and it's weird. This is a weird one to say I played a lot of them, but bomber man, there's still a lot I missed. I didn't realize when looking probably like a month or so ago.

Speaker 2:

How many I haven't played and how many there is a lot, but I I'll say this, and it's been a while I've only played a handful of field like unlike. This is all like the barman is kind of like. For the most part you play a game, it's kind of like a standalone game. Yeah, worth the zero? I don't. I can't speak as far as the firebomb games, but zoda, they're all technically, you know Whether they were retroactively, they're all tied together and then won this massive timeline which yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, felt like they put themselves in a hole in the way I looked at the new games Breath of Wild, tears of the kingdom, as you know. A soft reset of the series because there's just so many games and so much You're missing why not just? We need a soft reboot? There's just too many games here that people that want to want the full story to kind of go back and catch up without just Watching a youtube for our youtube video on which I've done Pre tears of the king.

Speaker 1:

I'm still playing through tears. I just reached the Fire temple. It's only my second temple and I'm 130 hours. I got through like two or three of the temples.

Speaker 2:

But I kind of like was just playing the story when I was playing through but I still haven't beat it yet. But the fire temple was Wasn't terrible like the temples aren't the hardest thing, but I think they're kind of unique. I definitely cheated on the fire temple. I found a Go around because some of the puzzles are like I'm not doing this, I'm just gonna climb up to like another level.

Speaker 1:

I play, so I I was streaming it. Um, that was my last stream. I did the demos and then, after I played Zelda and that's where I left off was at the fire temple and I you have to get like six locks and I've only been able to find one one, I cannot find the others.

Speaker 2:

I don't think I did. I mean, they're kind of on the map, it's just you have to Using you use that rail system to kind of get around. There's one, the area that I was able to kind of get around, but for most I didn't take me more than like an hour to actually get to the boss. Are you serious? Kind of frustrating? Oh, my god, I didn't take me that long to get to that temple.

Speaker 1:

I spent the right. Well, to get to it, no, but to get through I guess I haven't got to spend a lot of time with it. But Also, every stream I and I have it right by me because I use them on stream every stream I go through all my amiibo cards but these are outdated because they don't have any of the tiers of the kingdom amiibo and a lot of the outfit. I want to get all the outfits. A lot of them are locked behind the new amiibo so I got to order a new set.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah. Actually I do know some people that that ended up just selling just the the qr cards, like if you wanted to, they'll just just buy them. Like People will just made their own qr cards and kind of sold them online. That's what they yeah, I do remember that for breath of the wild.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but I do know.

Speaker 2:

Because I don't think I did it for tiers just because it was too new. But I know when I went back and actually played breath of the wild, there are people that made like a whole list of like this is these are all the outfits, where you get them. This is all the the uh, the stuff you need to actually upgrade all of them. Or for this one, you need these. This pieces for every upgrade section was like a fully in-depth Uh excel spreadsheet on just the outfits and what you need for it.

Speaker 2:

I was like this is really helpful.

Speaker 1:

I. I might actually have to, um, do that at some point, because I do what. I'm not going to get all the qr xs I've. I'm not doing that, but I do want to want to upset everything else, because here's my take with tiers of the kingdom I love the game so much that I'm just taking my time and having fun with it like I'm doing at my own pace. It came out it came out a while ago. I'm not even halfway through the story and I'm 130 hours in, so I'm all knowing.

Speaker 2:

I have one question second simple. How many, how many core art torture devices have you actually made?

Speaker 1:

Um, I am terrible at building and tiers of the kingdom. Are you good at building in it?

Speaker 2:

I would, uh, kind of I did. I kind of ignored it, but I would watch. I'd watch videos, how to build certain things, but at the end of the day it's just kind of like a Building's nice, but it's kind of like a side show you could completely ignore and kind of beat the game.

Speaker 1:

I have pretty much ignored it. I've watched people build like the giant mech things and like you know yeah, that's crazy. Yeah, it's insane. It's cool to watch, but I can't do it's like minecraft. I can't do minecraft and that's what it feels like to me. That it it feels like also sort of like fortnight with that building, like I'm just not good at it. Um, but it's a cool. It's a cool mechanic and like I yeah.

Speaker 1:

I can't ever build anything to fly. I can't ever get anything to work. Every time I try to build, something never works it just crashes, it's a lot of those.

Speaker 2:

A lot of those people. It's a lot a lot of trial and error for certain things and there's really simple stuff that you can. You can watch if you don't have to build, to kind of fly around. But I just never really bothered to care because I I played the game, because I wanted the story and I was like, oh, I might do this as a side show later, but I just never cared.

Speaker 1:

I want the story too, but I was having fun with it. Man, I think it's fun to just explore, like I like spend a lot of time. So, like early on, I found a lot of the. I've gone through the depths a lot and I'm not even halfway through the story like I've gone through a ton of the the depth, so I got in a bunch of the depth was always so frustrating frustrating.

Speaker 1:

I've gotten a bunch of the chic Like things that where you can get the auto build like it gives you the structure sort of deal.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, I never got those.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I've already gotten like four or five of them and I'm not even halfway through the story, so like it's helpful with that, but again, I can't, I, I still can't figure it out.

Speaker 2:

I can't figure out how to the one thing I hated in the depths was those little creatures that would eat your, your glowing lights. I'm like, I'm like I'm trying to light it up so I can see where I'm going.

Speaker 1:

What's up eating? You know it's crazy. The last stream, I just realized that they even did that. I found them eating one when I no, I was shooting them everywhere comment?

Speaker 2:

I don't think, but you when you run into them, because you just lobbing those, those things on the ground like, oh I gotta put this everywhere I can potentially eat it.

Speaker 1:

So now I have to do that because I had no idea. They even did that I had no idea and like I. I never paid attention, I guess just going through like I just killed them right away and never paid attention. But I saw one at a distance eating and I'm like, oh, they destroy that. That's why they're here. So you don't keep your light and you have to keep reusing.

Speaker 2:

You can't just have like the entire depth completely lit up permanently. Well, I mean, you kind of, can you?

Speaker 1:

just have to be creative and where you well, when you finish it, you unlock. I think you light it all up, don't you, when you finish?

Speaker 2:

I've never. I'm still like half the game to go. I haven't beat it, oh yeah. I've got more than half, but I'm pretty sure you can probably google it and find out.

Speaker 1:

But I'm pretty sure you get a thing that lights up the entire depths at the end. Um, you have to like.

Speaker 2:

Take away from the easy horror mystery.

Speaker 1:

Well, I mean you unlock the lights as you go anyway. So I mean you know what I mean. Like you do it already.

Speaker 2:

All the trees that light up? Yeah, I guess those, but that those don't light up everything. Between each tree there's still massive gaps.

Speaker 1:

There's something that you get that lights the whole thing. But you have to complete everything in the depths. You have to like 100 percent to death. I'm pretty sure I'll look it up. I'm pretty sure you have to like 100 percent to death. So you got. There's a boss that you have to beat or something down there.

Speaker 2:

I believe that you are some bosses down there.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, there definitely is. There's one I had to skip and run away from.

Speaker 2:

There's like this is an in game boss. I'm like, I'm just not geared to fight you. I'm going to go through all my weapons.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, well, that's what I did, it early on. Like I said, I went down there pretty much as soon as like you get down there and started just going through it and it was helpful like to get through the story because you get like some good stuff like earlier on, but it's hard.

Speaker 2:

It's really hard. It was one of those things where I'm like I'll wait till, like I would go down there as need be. But even the quest was kind of like a I'm going to put off the depths until later in the game when this is just going to be easier, because I go through so much gear down there. It was like I come out of the depths and I feel like I just lost all my stuff. I didn't gain anything, so like I would go down there as need be or to explore, but I would. I would not engage in fights and I would just be down there for like the minimum amount of time.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I get it For me like it was. I was just taking my time having fun, so I was just exploring.

Speaker 2:

It was me just exploring.

Speaker 1:

That's basically it.

Speaker 2:

And I've talked to my dad about it and he just, I say a PG, call me a wimp. He's like it's not that bad. I'm like thanks for making me sound like the like the wuss Does he play it? Yeah, he's like I got no problem coming down here. I'm like whatever.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I don't either, but I will tell you there's been a few points like I'll let myself get a little farther ahead Now. If I didn't have these, I don't think I would have attempted it, because you get, you know you get your weapon drops and all that, but I am because of these at nine hundred and ninety nine raw steak.

Speaker 2:

I'm always yeah, you're straight cheating.

Speaker 1:

I'm always maxed out on steak every time. I can't pick up more, so I let them cook.

Speaker 2:

I'm always like every time I go down there, I leave like I lost all my food and heal and I'm like I need to. I need to farm some more stuff.

Speaker 1:

I have never had to farm anything. To me it makes it more fun because you get those Not like it's cheating to some degree.

Speaker 2:

Like let me at least beat the game. Like let me use the game mechanics. I want to just spoof in food and stuff like that. It feels like I'm kind of like, you know, chasing the game.

Speaker 1:

Here's my main thing is along the way. I want to be able to get the Outfits so like I want to be able to do it every time, because those drops some of them are really, really hard to get Like I finally got the Majora's Mask glider, like that's what I wanted to get, that was the one and I finally got that. But that's the reason I do it every time, because I want to get stuff that's hidden behind the Meebos and yeah, you never know what.

Speaker 1:

You can only do it once a day. You never know what you're going to get. So it's like, yeah, apparently yeah, there's a reward for lighting up all the deaths and trying to, trying to find what the exactly the reward is. I'm pretty sure you light up the whole thing. I'm having a heck of a time. You can get. Yeah, there's the miners at Armour's set that you can get down there. I forgot, I've got one piece of it so far. It gives you a permanent blowing effect.

Speaker 1:

That's what it is. It gives you a permanent glowing effect, so you don't light up the whole thing.

Speaker 2:

I lie, but you at least see where you're going.

Speaker 1:

You can see where you're going along the way. So that's pretty cool. It's really really cool looking to I think I've got the legs so far, but yeah, you've got to be. I think you got to beat three bosses and one of them that you get it from I skipped because I couldn't do it and the Lionel. I have killed several but like I saw one on my last stream and I ran because I'm like I don't want to mess with this right now because the depths. The problem is you get the hearts taken away that you can't refill and I was sitting at two. I was sitting at two hearts. I was like I am not, I'm not messing with the Lionel.

Speaker 1:

But to jump in the other news, we got the PS5 Pro River. We've got a little bit more information, apparently from an analysis on on some of the stuff happening with. I guess analysis essentially talking about it and said Sony is likely to release a refreshed version of the PlayStation five this year. Analysts told CNBC after the company cut its forecast for sales of its flagship console. The move would be designed to boost interest in the PlayStation five and offer a souped up piece of hardware ready for release of GTA six and 2025, even as expectations of a new console rise. Sony is grappling with a big issue that profit margins at its key gaming business are sitting near decades low. That's. That's not I mean.

Speaker 2:

I mean to be fair. For one, the PS5 is kind of expensive. The PS4 has a really good library and you know everything being more expensive, the cost of living. You know inflation is just hurting the industry as a whole because people just don't have enough money to buy stuff.

Speaker 1:

But I mean PS5s were like in such high demand they still sold a lot. Two to one for the series X. So they've still sold a lot of PS5s.

Speaker 2:

But it's. It's never going to reach what the PS4 did. It doesn't have the library that PS4 did at this point Like it's library. To be fair, it's kind of kind of crap.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, I agree, I'm a PS5 fan, but I agree that the library is just not there. There's just not enough there and, like I would not argue with somebody to say, you know, if they were to say I don't want to buy one because there's, there's like five exclusive games that I'm interested in playing on it. It's been out for going almost. It'll be four years this year. At the end of the year in November, it'll be four years. So yeah, I mean for four years with the PS4, my God, the library already had. Now PS5 has a library, it's got a big library but it's not a lot of exclusives and there's a lot of. If it weren't for companies like Limited Run Games and Premium Edition games like the library physically would not be filled out the way that it is.

Speaker 2:

Like how many games, how many series just got a new start on the PS4 itself, like a new life, like the new series just started that we're also getting on the PS5, because you think of Horizon Zero Dawn, they got a war, you know soft reboot, realistically, which you can kind of look at it. Yeah, it came out on the PS4. And that's just like that, just the handful that kind of come to mind. And then there's a bunch more.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I just randomly typed in for audio listeners. I find this kind of.

Speaker 2:

I guess you had some Spider-Man games as well.

Speaker 1:

But for the one thing about the PS4 is, if you're an RPG fan, that game is full of really good RPGs and a lot of those. If you're a physical collector, a lot of those came from Limited Run and Premium Edition games, and I'm forgetting some of the other limited companies, but there was a lot of like RPGs that came that way, like for the PS4. And now, granted, the PS5 is getting that treatment now too. Limited Run is releasing a ton of PS5 games and a lot of. There are a lot of really good RPGs on the PS5, but you got to dig deep and if you're a physical collector, they're out there physically but, again, like, they're not exclusive to the PS5. And some of those companies are still releasing PS4 versions of the games too, because the install base for the PS4 is insane.

Speaker 2:

It's just too big, you can't ignore it. But I was going back at some of the looking at some of the best selling PS4 games and then you had, like Uncharted 4, the Witcher 3, both the last of us games, obviously the Horizon. You know, detroit Become Human, infamous, cyberpunk, killzone, bloodborne, some sports games.

Speaker 1:

Why have we not gotten a Killzone on PS5?

Speaker 2:

What's at Kingdom Hearts 3? That was not exclusive to it, but there's Dragon Quest there's. These are just like the some of the better selling games on there.

Speaker 1:

Yeah yeah. Dragon Quest made a few appearances on the PS4 and always, always a good outputting from.

Speaker 2:

Dragon was 10 and 11 12. Well 10, 11 and 12.

Speaker 1:

Hold on. Hold on Dragon Quest 11. Sorry, yeah, 10 and 11.

Speaker 2:

Well, I thought I got at least two Dragon Quest. Obviously 11, is they got more there's builders there's, there's, like other spin I do remember a lot of Dragon Quest games, a lot of Dragon Quest. Just didn't feel like it ever came over at some of the earlier games.

Speaker 1:

Here's one that I really enjoy, that I actually have now. I don't unfortunately, I don't own any of the other PS4 ones, but I do have Dragon Quest Heroes 2, which is really fun, but yeah all the heroes.

Speaker 2:

That's what I was thinking of. I have both games. I got two copies of two because I'm stupid, but yeah. I need to go back and have one or two.

Speaker 1:

So I need to check that out and I might need one from you. There's also yeah, of course there was one.

Speaker 2:

I want to say that is, but I know I accidentally bought a second copy of one of the Dragon Quest games as I was just buying it to add to the collection.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'll have to see if it's one or two that I have. I think it's. I think it's two. Is that the one you have two copies of?

Speaker 2:

I can double check real quick Cool.

Speaker 1:

But, yeah, there's. There's also Dragon Quest Heroes, the world's I think this might be the one that I have the World Tree's. The World Tree's Woe and Blight Blow. So that was the first heroes game.

Speaker 2:

That's my bed.

Speaker 1:

What is it you?

Speaker 2:

have you have the World Tree. Sorry, I could. I I messed with it. It was a Dragon Quest Heroes. The first one was the one I bought double copies of.

Speaker 1:

Is it the second one? Only, I have one copy. Woe and the Blight Blow OK yeah so I don't think I have that one. I think I have two. I'll have to look.

Speaker 2:

So I got. I got both games. I didn't realize I accidentally bought the first game twice.

Speaker 1:

Oh, you bought the first. Yeah, I don't think I have that one, I think I have two. But then builders I mean builders is really good. Builders two obviously improved a lot upon that, but did you play that RPG?

Speaker 1:

Minecraft, they work. I didn't Dude it. It's so fun. I don't I don't play Minecraft. I don't like Minecraft, but this was like an RPG Minecraft that worked like it. It built out Dragon Quest universe as like a Minecraft game, but with RPG elements and like actual tasks and a and legitimate story. That I believe I believe they're canon, but like legitimate stories and really, really good games. I have not beat two but still have like a good online community for builders to I still need to.

Speaker 2:

I still need to beat the first game you have I enjoy it but, I don't. I think I just dropped not builders but the, the heroes, but the builders. I don't know. I just saw it as like, like the Mario builder kind of came to mind. I was like, oh, it's why, something like that. I didn't, I never even gave it a second glance.

Speaker 1:

What? Apparently in Japan they got a Dragon Quest 10 all in one package. It has all three. Yeah, I think they don't remember.

Speaker 2:

if they were, this must be like a time or popular over there. So it makes sense. Oh, it's way more.

Speaker 1:

It's one of the biggest series there. Monster Hunter, Dragon Quest, Pokemon are like the three, the three bigs over there.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

So yeah, that makes total sense. But yeah, that's cool If it had a. English translation. That would be worth an import. Have you played 10?

Speaker 2:

No, I was looking for a copy, but I haven't found one yet. Yeah, it's without actually going online and just buying it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah it looks like there's there's a Dragon Quest 10 awakening of the awakening of the five tribes, offline version for PS5, but it's Japan only. That's cool. I mean offline mode. Yeah, I remember this being announced. I feel like I thought it got it. I thought it came here.

Speaker 1:

But I remember happy console game are talking about this. But yeah, an offline mode, which is a big deal because obviously it's an online game, yeah, that's cool. That's cool. I didn't know that that came to the PS5. But yeah, I was looking here to some of the Dragon Quest and Dragon Quest 10 on the Wii I think that's Japan only as well and it was also online, which is pretty cool for the Wii, so that's interesting.

Speaker 2:

And speaking of Japan, I didn't realize this Did you realize the massive mobile suit that moving that they have in Japan is going away at the end of, at the end of March?

Speaker 1:

Oh, really, that's a. You've seen videos of that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I've seen the big, the one that actually moves. If I didn't realize it to like, apparently it's you know it went in a month that they're just leaving. I don't know why.

Speaker 1:

I would like to know where they're. I'd like to know where they're putting it.

Speaker 2:

I mean they're just getting rid of it, who knows.

Speaker 1:

Oh God, I would hope not. That'd be crazy. They got to be putting in a museum or something right.

Speaker 2:

You wouldn't think they would scrap that whole project that's they're getting rid of that, that, that mech. But apparently there's a, there's a store, a cafe, a museum that they're also closing down the same area.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that's a bummer.

Speaker 2:

They're just closing the whole thing down.

Speaker 1:

Wonder why.

Speaker 2:

Maybe she didn't get enough money. I have no idea.

Speaker 1:

Maybe I didn't even know there was a cafe I want to visit all this cafe for everything in Japan. Cat cafes. Have you seen those, the cat?

Speaker 2:

I've been to a cat cafe when I was in Okinawa. Yeah, it's just a bunch of cats around while you eat, essentially like like a coffee and like a small snack type thing.

Speaker 1:

Interesting. Did you go by yourself?

Speaker 2:

No, I went with other people. I'm not a weirdo.

Speaker 1:

We talking about that's all I wanted to know. I wanted to know if you went by yourself. So in physical media news, I wanted to put this on here because I think it's important for a lot of physical media followers, a lot of people here for physical media and one of the things that was pretty big news which will it affects the whole media industry Disney and Sony Incadeal for Sony to take over Disney's physical media production, so period. And then Disney Movie Club, which has been around for a very long time, is being shut down.

Speaker 2:

So Sony, definitely come. No, I was going to say that definitely sounds like it's coming off as a as a cost cutting measure.

Speaker 5:

Well, that that they're trying to like save money and they're just cutting.

Speaker 2:

Cutting, you know what they feel like is just the fat off, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I think so. The the weird thing is that I used to be subscribed to Disney Movie Club. I think it's a big, big rip off, so that's why I discontinued it years ago. I did it around the era that Wreck-It Ralph came out, because there was a lot of stuff then I was collecting, like the 4K Blu-ray and 3D Blu-ray and all that jazz at one point in time, and some of those you could only get the 3D version from the Disney Movie Club. But anyway, I think that they haven't even had like a a new output from the Disney Movie Club in like two years or something. So like, yeah, crazy, of course they're going to.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, it says, first they were trimmed down in 2019 and early 2020.

Speaker 1:

After Disney's infamous and year long 4K HD catalog title blowout. They were subject to many of the cost cutting pressures and personal losses that all the majors suffered during COVID. So, yeah, it's just a great thing, yeah, it's just a cost cutting measure. But the crazy parts that Sony has taken over the physical media side of Disney which is wild because we just saw the crunchy roll news where they're taking stuff away from people- Meanwhile, that's all digital.

Speaker 2:

Well, that deals with digital library, not not physical stuff.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, well, that's. That's kind of the point, that it's weird they're taking away these, these digital copies, but they're going to produce Disney physicals, like they don't to be fair.

Speaker 2:

Sony owns country. Well, crunchyroll still its own subsidiary that makes its own decisions. It might have just been a decision handled at that level and the big Sony just didn't care. The parent company just doesn't. Because sometimes it's like the PD you have your parent company, your subsidiaries, but your subsidiaries tend to still kind of run themselves and do their own things day to day.

Speaker 2:

Sometimes we've seen otherwise here recently, but yeah, sometimes that's the case, I mean it's, it's hitter, it's like I'm not a business expert, that's just kind of what it feels like, but it's also. I mean, it's one of those things like oh, sony, you do this on a much bigger scale than we already do, so it's probably just easier for you. It's just, you know, the infrastructure is there, why not just kind of transition to you?

Speaker 1:

They do it on a bigger scale because Sony owns Blu-ray.

Speaker 2:

They invented the Blu-ray, yeah, so like such as it's just it just makes sense that it's easier for them to go that, go that route.

Speaker 1:

It's funny when you think about it. They get a cut out of every single, every single Xbox release and all that stuff that physical, that's on Blu-ray it's all on Blu-ray.

Speaker 2:

So you're saying is that tend to is smart to just use their own arbitrary cartridge device?

Speaker 1:

That's a good point. That is a good point. You don't hear people talk about that.

Speaker 2:

We need that extra. You know, 5% profit on all our stuff.

Speaker 1:

I'm curious what that, that percentage, is on on a physical copy. It cannot be much. It cannot be much.

Speaker 2:

It's probably not that, maybe 5%, 10%, most.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm curious.

Speaker 2:

And it's probably not a lot of money because they're probably not that that expensive or they're not. They're not that expensive at this point, but yeah, they're.

Speaker 1:

they're super, super cheap to make and I'm even though it's not that much, I mean that has got to contribute to part of, you know, Xbox and some of these companies wanting to move away from physical media, because that's, I mean that everything counts, I mean that becomes millions. You know, when you add it up on sale it's a no, that's streaming. I was trying to see 1.5% of net revenue from worldwide blue-ray sales. So interesting, 1.5%.

Speaker 2:

So I mean not a lot, but that adds up though.

Speaker 1:

That certainly adds up on the sales.

Speaker 2:

That's, at least you know, hundreds of millions of dollars, probably every year.

Speaker 1:

Yep easily, so that's got to contribute to that for sure. Let's know that about that.

Speaker 2:

And then it's kind of like a left turn. And speaking of physical media, I didn't apparently. Did you see this article? Apparently, cbs made an article about the best switch games coming in 2024 that you should preorder. No, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

There's five games here. What are they?

Speaker 2:

And it reminded me of, like, technically, there's one big game that's coming out. Obviously, the big one was the Princess Peach Showtime game that comes out next month.

Speaker 1:

That's a big one because it's not a remake or remaster. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

And they also put out. The Sea of Stars is one of the other games, the Unicorn Overlord that you kind of already talked about. Yeah, sea of Stars.

Speaker 1:

I thought, they already came out on Switch.

Speaker 2:

March 8th, 24. Oh Sea of Stars.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, may 10th, 24 for Sea of Stars, yeah, what's weird about that is that it was digital only, but there's some limited company that's releasing the Sea of Stars physical. So, like a lot of people are, there are people that I know have that already, so I don't know if it was. Yeah, maybe it's the physical itself.

Speaker 2:

I don't know. The last two. One was the Aiden Chronicles 100 Heroes. I'm sure I butchered that name. I've never heard of that one.

Speaker 1:

It comes out in April, and then you're going to love this one.

Speaker 2:

The last one is MLB, the Show 24.

Speaker 1:

Oh, my God.

Speaker 2:

Like come on, Are you serious? What are your?

Speaker 1:

top five games.

Speaker 2:

And it's made by Sony Studios on the box art. Isn't that hilarious.

Speaker 1:

I remember, yeah, when that first happened and started coming over to the other platforms, like it was a big deal. People were like what Sony game over there? It's a sports game, It'd be fair.

Speaker 2:

I'm more mocking whoever wrote this article, not the game itself. Like why would? This is not one of the top five games coming out on the Switch and on Switch of all?

Speaker 1:

platforms Like that's not the platform that you want to. That's their best guide of 2024 to the Switch, and that's a terrible.

Speaker 2:

What did you read? The CBS article.

Speaker 1:

This was by CBS. Yeah, while I was looking it up. That's why I was curious, it's just the list of their top five games. I'm like why is this?

Speaker 2:

even on here. Here's I'm pretty sure you can find any any other game to put up as your number five.

Speaker 1:

MSN first on Mari versus Donkey Kong, obviously, which just came out. Yeah, that would fit a lot better yeah.

Speaker 1:

It's numerator one through three remastered, which you know I don't think we talked about, but that's only a $30 release, so that's kind of cool. I'm definitely looking forward to that. Prince of Persia, the Lost Crown, which is already out and, by the way, is a phenomenal game. They put Lego Fortnite free to play. Apollo Justice, Ace Attorney Trilogy A lot of these are already out. Super Mario RPG it must be an old list. Yeah, I don't know, there's not. I mean, there's not a lot. But that had to have been pre Nintendo Direct, right? I would hope Hard to close the article.

Speaker 2:

I'm pretty sure it had to have been.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I would.

Speaker 2:

I would surely hope, so that's how I try to bring it back up.

Speaker 1:

That's absolutely ridiculous. While you're bringing that back up here's, here's something that's recent.

Speaker 2:

It came out two days. It came out the 21st.

Speaker 1:

Which one did?

Speaker 2:

Oh, the article, the one I just went off, yeah, february 21st, at 3.15 pm. Gotcha. Ok, so I don't know if that had to come up just before.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, it did, we got. Nintendo. Switch is finally getting long awaited RPG. After six year wait so it's two hours ago it looks like you can soon finally play a popular RPG. When you think of RPGs, probably think of Fire Emblem, persona 5, blah, blah, blah blah, but Kingdom Come Deliverance it's the one they're talking about, which we already brought up earlier, so that's interesting.

Speaker 1:

I didn't see it as much as an RPG, but it definitely had elements. I don't know Six years long awaited. Who's been waiting that long on the Switch for a game that's already out? That's what I want to know. Yeah, I have no idea, that's interesting stuff there.

Speaker 2:

If you want to watch an interesting movie that's only in theaters on March 17th and 20th, and probably very select theaters, you can watch the end of Avangelion movie. Apparently, g Kids is bringing that to the US theaters for two days.

Speaker 1:

Interesting Huh.

Speaker 2:

It's got the infamous, you know Shinji's screwed up scene. Yeah. I'm sure you've got no idea about.

Speaker 1:

No, I do, I do yeah.

Speaker 2:

I'm sure you've got no problem with that. G Kids is bringing another movie back to the US. Why it's only two days seems terrible. It's probably going to be very, very limited on where it's shown, but Two days, yeah, that's not much time, I'd be fair. I'd rather watch the rebuild movies, not the original end of Avangelion. But hey, you've got nothing going on those two days.

Speaker 1:

That's true. We also got the Xbox Game Pass Ultimate releases that are coming out. We got Bluey, the video game, available now. Dead Island 2 is available now. Tales of Arise also available February 27th. So soon from this recording.

Speaker 2:

That Tales of Arise came out a while ago.

Speaker 1:

It did. But coming to Game Pass, oh okay, it's on there now you can get it now. Okay, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Sorry, I think I forgot what you said before. I was like Tales of Arise.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's an old game without for a while, but I mean that's a really good game to come to Game Pass for people to get to play. It's a really good game. It's really good story actually. It's same with Bluey, the video game same there, so really good game. Maneater comes out on February 27th. Madden NFL 24 cloud version comes out on the 27th. Indivisible Madden, oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

It's a hype for that game.

Speaker 1:

Dude, I'm sorry. The cloud version have you, dude? The cloud version is going to be hype, man, it's going to be hype. I got Indivisible, which is a really fun game, february 28th, so that's pretty soon. Space Engineers, february 29th. This is like a engineering. Exploration and survival are some of the key characteristics of the sandbox game. In this game, you get to build and pilot ships, travel through space and explore planets to find resources in order to survive. What does this sound like? This game does not look good. I'm watching a trailer of it now. It looks real jank to me, but we also got it probably is.

Speaker 1:

You should see it. It looks like it wants to be. What's the game? No man's planet, but no man's sky. No man's planet, no man's sky. We also got Warhammer 40,000, bolt Gun March 5th, which actually looks really good. It's like a first person shooter, doom style sort of game, like killing a bunch of people and then titles Leaving Game Pass. One of these kind of sucks because I still haven't played it. But you got Madden NFL 22. I've been wanting to play that forever, man. And then Soul Hackers 2 are leaving. So Soul Hackers 2, that sucks, because I've been wanting to play that and I've got it downloaded and still haven't touched it. You better hurry up and play it. It leaves on the 29th. It's a RPG, I'm not even going to bother.

Speaker 2:

If it's already downloaded, do you still lose it?

Speaker 1:

You lose it. Yeah, it gets taken away, that's crap, it gets downloaded. Have you played those games? I haven't. No, really good, really good Sega Atlas games. Really good release. But yeah, so those are leaving the Game Pass. You still have Game Pass, right?

Speaker 2:

Remember. If I do, I have to go back double check.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean I still think you know, even with all the discourse now, I think it's still like the best value in gaming right now, like there's a lot of games on there, even though stuff goes away less goes away than what comes, so which is good, and things stick around for usually a long time. It all depends on the deal they make. But like if you're just on a budget like $17 to play all these games and day one Microsoft games, it's a good deal, in my opinion.

Speaker 2:

It's not bad. It's just as per se, like I would hate to be in the process of playing a game and lose it. Or there's a game that you want to play it's kind of like streaming movies but this service doesn't have it, so now you can't access it. I don't like that side of it.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I don't either, but like this is where we are. If you're just you know, if you don't have money and like you want to be able to play games, like a lot comes, it's not, you know, microsoft like a ton, like 99% of the games that come on there aren't Microsoft games. So there's a lot of, there's a lot of variety, like at least it's there, because if you look at, like PS Plus premium, that's a horrible service. I cancel mine and like November, I just got the standard PlayStation the premium. What a such a rip off they're just still paying for mine.

Speaker 1:

They're just now finally adding good retro games on there, because they they promised that they would be putting PS two games on there. That service has been around for a while and they're still not a single PS two game on there Not not one. They got PS four versions of PS two games that were in like collections, but they don't have any PS two games on there. It's crazy. Um no, yeah, it is. I found this kind of funny, though.

Speaker 1:

Uh, godzilla X Kong, the new empire director addresses the peak Godzilla. He says it's not a Barbie reference. Godzilla is pink. Now that's something that surprised many fans in the trailer, but director has now made it clear he isn't just chasing Barbie's box office success. Uh, and an interview for IGN FanFest, adam Wingard finally addressed perhaps the biggest visual change of Godzilla in its 70 year film history. It's interesting. This is a quote. Interesting because in the last movie, godzilla versus Kong, it was really important to me to keep Godzilla consistent from King of King of monsters so that there was a continuity in terms of whenever he's fighting with Kong. I wanted to feel like the Godzilla that you know versus the Kong that you know, he explained. I wanted it to be part of the major drive of the story, why Godzilla is getting this new look and the pink color itself. It's not random, but in the movie there's actual reasoning behind why he turns pink. It's not just like he evolves. For some reason the blue turns to pink.

Speaker 2:

So I don't know, I don't know. I'm excited for that movie but after watching minus one, like I don't know if it's just going to live up to what I would like it to be. Like that movie, just just blew it out of the water.

Speaker 1:

I've said it time and time again Godzilla, like outside of gaming, is my favorite franchise and I am do not have high hopes for this movie at all. It sucks because, like at one point in time, being a Godzilla fan, you got like no content, like there was nothing. You know what I mean.

Speaker 2:

Well, to be fair, there was always a lot of it. It was just never coming out of the way. It was always stuff coming out of Japan. So you, whether you got all of it or not, was kind of limited.

Speaker 1:

I mean like post Godzilla 99, like there was a few, there were a few more.

Speaker 2:

I guess there was a break for a second.

Speaker 1:

There was a long break, like we weren't getting.

Speaker 2:

But to be fair, like it's like you didn't have like 30 movies or 20 movies, you can go back and kind of watch.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I just mean like even like what was crazy? Like now they're, they're everywhere, but even like stuff like toys, because I collected a lot of Godzilla, like collectibles and toys and figures, and like there was none we didn't get. We got nothing. Like we got a horrible PS4 game that was a port of a PS3 game. It's $300 now. I mean like we just didn't get anything.

Speaker 2:

I'll just say this If I have to wait, you know, several years between movies to get a good movie, I'd rather do that than just have them pump out some crap every like two, three years.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, I'm with it. I mean, that's my. I feel like this is going back and thinking about it.

Speaker 2:

It's like there was between like the, the, the, the, was it like 70s and 80s, and I think it got in the nice little way. There's just a lot, a lot of Godzilla.

Speaker 1:

There's a lot in the 90s.

Speaker 2:

There's a lot to the point where it's like it probably just got over saturated. It probably needed a break to kind of reset it 100% did.

Speaker 1:

Like there there are like YouTube breakdowns If you're ever into like those long videos, like put in the background or like listen to or whatever, like there's some. There's some good Godzilla history videos and that it was just that like Godzilla, I think final wars sold like the worst of all the Godzillas and that was that's when they took a break.

Speaker 2:

I think it was like we're just we need to step away. We're like we're just pumping out crap now.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm 99% sure it was final wars. But yeah, after that it just did really bad in the box office and and Godzilla took a break, and then the next thing I think they come up was I can't remember what came after that, but that was yeah, that was 2004. The final wars came out and we had like a long gap from. There.

Speaker 1:

Like there was just a long gap and nothing. Yeah, so it's interesting like I was really excited when Legendary launches and it's I really like King of Monsters and I really like Skull Island, didn't care as much for the first Godzilla Legendary movie and I do not have high hopes for this movie because I just like the antagonists. I just don't know. I mean, like to me, like the premise of it sounds terrible and it didn't have anything to do with the pink Godzilla Like cool, he powers up in a new way or whatever the reasoning for that is. But yeah, this is one that I think I do want to review. I haven't done a lot of we haven't done like we did some you know other pop culture coverage, but I think this would be an interesting one to cover, since I love Godzilla.

Speaker 2:

But you know, if you do like Godzilla or other like science fiction stuff kind of like the I can't remember what it's called. There's a website called Sci-Fi Japan that has a whole section dedicated to like Godzilla stuff, like articles written about and stuff like that. I guess they like that and all tremendous are two big things that the website kind of covers. But it's kind of kind of neat if you were interested in just Godzilla news from what it looks like like Godzilla fans and stuff like that.

Speaker 1:

Interesting. I'll have to check that out. I'm putting it in now. Yeah, that sounds kind of cool. For sure to check that one out.

Speaker 1:

We also got Kevin Eastman reveals details on the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie, also IGN Fan Fest. It's mostly all about like movies and pop culture, but he says they showed some of the new turtles in action. He said the last Ronin 2 was something that we really questioned and hadn't planned when we started doing last Ronin. So we found a place that we wanted to stay and tell stories for as long as we could. What you're seeing here specifically takes place 16 years after last Ronin ended Interesting. So Casey Marie Jones is the woman in the purple which, like you, can't obviously audio listeners. You can't see where you can look this up showing some of the panels here for last Ronin 2, which looks really cool. It's called the last Ronin 2, re-evolution number one. Oh my gosh, like the turtle design is different than anything I've ever seen before for Ninja Turtles, so super cool. We're getting the last Ronin game. I don't know if you remember that we're getting the last Ronin game. That's been I don't know what the update on that no.

Speaker 2:

Yeah so actually speaking of some shows, did you have you heard about the new show called a Shogun that's coming from FX?

Speaker 1:

No, no, it's just a new show I think it starts.

Speaker 2:

it starts airing on 27th, they say on Hulu, but apparently it's new show from FX about some do with like Fuel Japan or something like that.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that sounds interesting, shogun, is it I?

Speaker 2:

don't know a whole lot about it. I've heard a lot of news talk about it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, oh, that might be a cool one to check out. Yeah, I haven't heard about that one, and that's on FX.

Speaker 2:

We're just doing like new shows. Yeah, so it's from FX. So they say it's going to be on Hulu or something like that. I know it's been getting a lot of news recently. I haven't had the chance to look into it a whole lot, but it was like, oh, this might be interesting, we'll see, yeah, if it actually turns out to be good or not.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, yeah, no doubt That'd be worth checking out here. So here's some breaking news Xbox Series X has a hidden godsend feature for you late night gamers. If you're like me, you just can't say no to another hour or two of your favorite games. There's a hidden feature on your Xbox Series X that's deemed a godsend by those who've already discovered it. What would you say? It is the biggest issue when gaming into the early hours. The light, specifically blue light that is, as we know, isn't great for helping our bodies get ready for sleep. Not hidden, necessarily, but there is a night mode option in the accessibility setting activates a blue light filter at whatever time you set it. That's stupid, because I already knew about that even. But if you didn't know about it, there is a blue light feature on your Xbox.

Speaker 3:

Fair enough.

Speaker 1:

So that's pretty interesting. Oh here's, here's a. Here's a big thing. I meant to put this in the notes. This is super interesting.

Speaker 1:

So, after 21 years trapped in a $300 GBA card, one of the greatest cult classic platformers ever made is getting a modern re-release. 25 or 21 years after its GBA launch, the beloved cult classic Ninja 5.0 is finally getting a modern re-release. It'll be coming to switch ps4, ps5 and steam sometime in 2024, courtesy of Litty limited-run games. Carbon engine, which, if you know anything, carbon engine was developed by modern vintage gamer who's a big youtuber. They said ninja 5.0 getting a modern re-release is a big deal for anyone who wants a legal way to play one of the most beloved GBA games ever made.

Speaker 1:

Originally published by Konami in 2003, ninja 5.0, known as Ninja Cop in Europe, is an outstanding action platformer with tremendous mobility options, including one of the finest implementations of grappling hook gaming that we had seen up to that point and I by this does look like a very good game is one I was always interested in. Technically, I can play it on my Everdrive I need to probably do that but it's cool that it's getting this and I am on board for any games that cost as much money to Bring them over to modern platforms. And the accessibility option like a $300 GBA card for somebody that just wants to play the game, you know what I mean like that's yeah, that makes sense, and I don't know if you get up or not, but it's a. It's a very interesting looking game and like it looks, it looks really good for the time. It looks like a lot of fun. So that's a. That's good news to have for sure.

Speaker 1:

So Another breaking news thing that we got here insomniac games alerts employees hit by ransomware data breach. Sony Subbit Subsidiary insomniac games is sending data breach and notification letters to employees whose personal information was stolen and leaked online Following a recede, a ransomware attack in November. The California based video game developers been part of Sony since 2019. Them talks about the most recent projects and then, of course, is currently working on Marvel's Wolverine. Another day to breach related to Sony. What else is?

Speaker 2:

there. There always seems to be an issue there always, it's always Sony.

Speaker 1:

I don't get it, but I'm pretty interesting stuff there. Sony, you got to figure out what to do there.

Speaker 2:

No, there was something that I saw that I think it's not a game. Really, I know it would interest you directly because I was looking at some other stuff. Apparently, starting in 2020, studio Jubilee started releasing official cookbooks every year and apparently this year, the movie that they're making their new their recipe book after his Kiki's liver service. Yeah, I just saw that, that I think this kid they. This news is fairly old. He came back out in January, but man I saw that, like that would I was.

Speaker 2:

Like you love Kiki, like I don't know how you get this book or it might be in Japanese, but it might be, might be worth it, because I think some of the recipes were the I cannot even print that game was all about that.

Speaker 2:

Recipes mountain shaped yeah, the mountain shaped bread and run bounds cookies bought by Tombow. The roasted herring Pup, goodbye. The also also knows milk soup, kiki's special brown pancake and then the special chocolate cake made by a Modem, a or madam or whatever her name is. So it's taking the actual food they showed in the movie and turning the. Here's an actual recipe like how to make that stuff. I saw that I was like oh, I really know you would like this.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I love that. That's awesome. Yeah, cuz. So like the Not revolving around the whole premise, but she starts working at a bread shop and Delivers a food and like that's like one of the big things in the the movie. So like she would deliver the food that I believe stay To get it like a free room or something, and so that's cool. Let's bring in some of like the actual recipes. Yeah, I just looked it up magic berry soda, which is ribbon snack, black cat cake, lollipop, dragonfly stripe jelly, so some interesting stuff there. I don't I don't know how the stuff will taste, but I Don't know where you get this book at, though, as well.

Speaker 2:

I was trying to find for a sake, like where do you find this book? Is this like a Japan only thing?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's what I'm wondering to when you actually get it doesn't, doesn't link anywhere where you actually order it.

Speaker 2:

That's what I was looking for, well, I mean, there's a link for it, but it's. It's looks like you have to order from like Amazon Japan, so you have to make a new Amazon account, but it's selling for 1760 in.

Speaker 1:

How much does that equate to?

Speaker 2:

I was gonna pull it up so. So what's 17? 1760, so it's about like what, 11, $12. Oh, okay, cool based off like the current conversion rate right now $30 shipping.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Mean the book would be, whatever that would be, that it looks like it's in.

Speaker 1:

It's all in Japanese, obviously, but it'd be a neat collector device, yeah cuz it looks like the other ones is.

Speaker 2:

Is it the one with a cat? I think was the one. I'm just gonna have to pick sure, I can't remember what it's called. And then it looks like the how the castle in the sky was the other one that they had of the cookbook made, and these are like the official ones made by by studio Ghibli and they're, all you know, 11 $12 cookbooks, not not a bad price. Obviously, if you can't read Japanese, you're not gonna be able to make it. But yeah it'll be like a neat collector thing to have.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's, it looks really cool. I was looking here and yeah, it looks like you'd have to buy it from.

Speaker 2:

It says, at least as far as the Amazon Japan, it's pre-order now and it looks like it's delivery sometime at the in like mid to late March.

Speaker 1:

Okay, yeah.

Speaker 2:

When it would deliver. Delivered to us, is that so I? Oh, I'm stupid. It officially releases on March 14th.

Speaker 1:

That's really cool so.

Speaker 2:

I mean, if you could, if you want to make a new Amazon account and just have.

Speaker 1:

I've got. I've got an Amazon Japan. Yeah, I bought quite a few things, so I can I, can?

Speaker 2:

I found one of the apparently it was the lifestyle Asia comm link that I found that actually had the Amazon Japan link in it. Okay if you were, if you were curious.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, guys. So if you are, if you have not seen Kiki's delivery service, I highly recommend it. It's my favorite studio Ghibli film and I feel like it's I mean, what do you think it's? It's like one that nobody talks about.

Speaker 2:

It's like, I guess, one of the lesser no one, but it's a. It's a really good movie.

Speaker 1:

It's Not nothing like a coming a year after some other. Yeah like, yeah, but nothing like.

Speaker 2:

It's not like the hey, your life is online, you're being, you know hunted down type thing, like like you know thinking of, like cast on the sky. Not the same stakes, but it's just a. It's a nice quiet story.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I think spirited away is still like the biggest Studio. I don't think anything I'll ever surpass that. Did you ever watch Pew Pew? Yo, I think it's called Puyo or Puyo.

Speaker 2:

I know it's one of the ones I haven't seen it's good.

Speaker 1:

It's one of the handful of studio.

Speaker 2:

Do you besides it? To be fair, as much as I like spirit away, it's not my personal favorite, it's not my, not even weird away. It's probably my top five, but it's probably not. It's not my top three.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, what was the last One that that came out? I have not one.

Speaker 2:

I think it's still in. It's still in theaters. It's the, the boy in the heron.

Speaker 1:

Okay, the one before that. Then cuz you just told me about that last, it's the one that had the plane.

Speaker 2:

Well, the one that a Miyazaki worked on, our actual studio Ghibli movies, I think there was one, one or two that came out with him, not there, I'm gonna pull it up. So I think the two that meet. There were two that Miyazaki didn't work on. It was the tail, the princess and the in the tail princess, a kaguya, and then where Marine was there, a wind marine was there and they just didn't. I know they just didn't do as well or what, but Interesting hmm but the last one that Miyazaki worked on was called the wind rises.

Speaker 2:

That had to deal with Essentially airplanes and stuff like that that.

Speaker 1:

That's the one I was thinking of.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, From what I to when I heard about the boy in the heron is like, obviously like Miyazaki tells other people's stories. I heard it best that this is like a. This is like his story, like a story about like him.

Speaker 2:

It's like the the main characters, a reflection of him and himself, and like how he views Well, where, and his views on you know and where can't speak, but his views on when animation was and kind of where it's become, and his disillusioned with it. Then coming to kind of like his acceptance of this is just where, where animation is, because I know he's not a big fan of 3d animation at all. Yeah, I know yeah, or any kind of digital animation like his ideas.

Speaker 2:

Everything should be Like hand-drawn that even if it takes several years to make a movie like that's his like idea animation, it should be actually drawn, you know, with like heart and soul and stuff into it.

Speaker 1:

That's yeah. So that's where that's where anime really started to lose me is when it went all digital, all 3d animation. There is stuff that I like, but it really, really lost me because all my favorite and I mean most of my favorite anime, or 80s, 90s anime, especially movies, I mean, you know I, it's just I enjoy that, that hand-drawn animation. I think it makes a big difference. I think it's more expressive.

Speaker 1:

It just it feels more real and alive. The three, especially the anime coming out now, the 3d animation has just gotten to a point where it's really, really lost me, and it's unfortunate because I, you know, I love so was yeah.

Speaker 1:

That's how it feels. It feels like we're just pumping them out. To pump them out because I mean, like you've got that spring, fall and winter drops of anime every single year. I used to follow it, like I Extensively followed all the drops, like what new one can I watch? And it got to a point where they just looked, they looked, I just I don't, I just don't like it, I don't know. It got to a point where it's too much for me. Like there's stuff that I like that is 3d animated. But I did find a few interesting things here. So From IGN Fan Fest day one, which is today this is not today article fallout cast embraces the show's authenticity to the games. Walton Galgins, ella Pernell, aaron Moten and Kyle Mackley in sat down IGN to talk about their upcoming show, prime videos, fallout, and how it is staying authentic To the game, how they got prepared for the rules and their involvement on set.

Speaker 2:

So there's a whole Whole interview you will see if it's actually authentic to the games. Yeah, that's that. That just sounds like PR speak, I don't know. No it, for as much as Some adaptations would mean good, there's still a lot of hot garbage adaptations out there.

Speaker 1:

Yep. And then, talking about that, netflix's avatar and animated series voice actor had advice for the live action cast Alongside, revealing some of the moments they can't wait to see. In the live action adaptation of avatar, the last airbender, the stars of the series shared the story of how one of the original series voice actors gave them words of wisdom before Filming, and there's a long seven minute video you can check out from fan fest about that. I can't believe I'm completely forgot about the fan fest, but I am hesitant because I absolutely love avatar, one of my favorite series of all time. So, and after the dreadful M night shalom on movie that we got, you know, quite skeptical it's. It to me is like trying to do live action Dragon Ball. It's very hard with the type of world building that the avatar has and and the air, all the, all the bending. It just is. I I Don't know how they can do it right. That story is very extensive. I mean it continued with the book of Korra.

Speaker 2:

No, I was gonna say this since the the original creators backed out of it I think was back in 2020 with you know they're not liking what Netflix was doing. That just Gave me a red flag, like if you, the creators, don't like what you're doing, I'm probably not gonna like the show. Well, it's like I have no faith in the show.

Speaker 1:

It's like the what was it? Was it looping that got the live action, not looping? Cowboy bebop? That one, yeah, that one, I don't.

Speaker 2:

I don't how you just ruin that. It's the easiest, one of the easiest adaptations and they just I just so bad and way easier than trying to do this, or you know Dragon Ball or anything like that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, or we're getting all we're get, we're just getting live action for Literally everything they can. They can do their milk in these series.

Speaker 2:

I mean the fallout, the fallout I would have creatively bankrupt the. Hollywood is yeah.

Speaker 1:

I mean they're banking on IPs that are already established and that's one of the problems is that we're not getting these new IP, ips to create these new, like fan bases and new. I mean we are getting them, but we're seeing what Hollywood is doing on the IPs that we love and you'll get, like 10 turds with one good show right borderlands fallout.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, all this stuff coming out. It's like, oh my god. We also got Netflix characters bending abilities as chosen by the live action avatar cast. So it shows some of the building Bending abilities that that happen During fan fest. So there was a video there. So if you want to check that out for audio listeners, you can see some of the bending. There was quite a bit shown for Avalanche actually a lot I'm gonna have to check out after, after the show but they're shown like creating the creatures and Stuff like that. We went over the TMNT stuff, got Star Trek discoveries. Final season will focus on more of an adventure vibe.

Speaker 2:

Okay, well, I've heard that that's a pretty good show, but I I just want those shows where it's like I talked to my good, only person that I actually know that watches it my dad, he, he liked it. I, I hated the show. Personally, I didn't like the show. That was all over the place. There's no consistent consistency with the story. But I mean, if you, you just want to watch a Star Trek show apparently it's a well-liked show I just, yeah, people, people seem to like it. I had no idea that, that it was on its fifth season but says it's its final season.

Speaker 1:

So this is it's gonna wrap up the story, saying goodbye to the cast. We also got capcom Announced a Street Fighter 6 DLC character, which is Ed, and a little akuma tease. Akuma is cool. Ed is a boring, freaking character. So it says it was an experiment for the developers when they were working on Street Fighter 5 To make Ed the prototype of the modern controls we see in Street Fighter 6. However, his move roster has been updated from the past title. It's not a complete Replicant of what you get to experience in Street Fighter 5. We made some tweaks and updates. It was modern controls that are also fun. Ed is a strong and close-range combat. He's like a boxing style character. To me he's really boring. He looks boring. I'm not. I'm not hyped for that now. The akuma stuff. That'd be cool, he says. As for akuma, matsimoto wasn't willing to give us much about the hotly anticipated arrival of the DLC character in spring, but he did say he's awesome looking with lots of great effects. We're going to be carefully planning on how we present this character to you guys, so we can't wait to show you this new character. So, um, great, um, yeah, uh.

Speaker 1:

This is a fan fest. We got talking about invincible, which, uh, it's apparently come in the fortnight Cast out on prime video. Spider-man crossers Interesting, I don't, I don't know about that. Mcfarland toys celebrates 30th anniversary. So if you care about toys or a bunch of cool stuff there was spawn that was announced, got some uh Fallout figures that are coming out as well. Bloody r-rated marvel event introduces the vampire Avengers. Wow, they're really digging deep now. Huh, we had zombies and out vampires. Jesus, god damn Orchilly vampires. I hope if they put one sparkly vampire in there I'm down with marvel, Uh, I don't like I've been down with them for years.

Speaker 1:

at this point, yeah, I You're introducing vampire Avengers get out here with that.

Speaker 2:

Oh my god.

Speaker 1:

High on life is getting a physical standard ink collectors edition for ps5 and xbox series x. Did you play that one I? I think I wanted to, but I don't think I did. It's really fun. I think I did.

Speaker 2:

I think I wanted to, but I don't think I did it's really fun, really really fun game.

Speaker 1:

That's cool. It's getting a physical and oh.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's one of those games that it's like I, I need to play that game, but I just haven't gotten around to it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah people were like talking about it like crazy when it came out. It's um the only I didn't play through the whole thing, so like if I grab physical I'd be kind of cool. But yeah, the only annoying thing is the god dang gun will not stop talking the whole time it was shooting in the part of it's part of the game.

Speaker 1:

I know, but he just talks so much, it's so annoying, but otherwise the game is really good. Um, it's, it's, it's really fun. Uh, the I forgot about this the equalizer puts kick ass women front and center. Um, it got a brand new season four. Equip a clip of the equalizer. I forgot there was even a series for that. If you care about that, that's out.

Speaker 2:

Um, and then it's a lot about the show when people just forget about it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I forgot it was even a thing, but here's. Here's a pretty, pretty big one from today. Uh, naruto creator makes official statement on live action. Director and writer reveal. The writer and director for the upcoming Naruto live action Lion's Gate movie is revealed, receiving a big endorsem*nt from creator masashi kishimoto. Uh, the highly anticipated Naruto live action movie by lion's gate will be written and directed by destin cretin. Uh, the hollywood reporter revealed that cretin, who directed shang chi and the legend of the tenry. Oh, that doesn't give me much hope. We'll both write and direct zero hope.

Speaker 1:

Zero hope that shang chi was terrible.

Speaker 2:

Can we stop with these live actions like it's just too much?

Speaker 1:

uh, we, we still get views on our one piece live action reveal. Oh yeah, comment.

Speaker 2:

The other day I was telling you that it wasn't a bad show, but I mean, like I'm just so sick of all these live action adaptations, like it stops selling your ip to hollywood.

Speaker 1:

They're gonna butcher it, it's not gonna end, but it says. Cretin also serves as a co-producer, along with June munford through his company hasako, as well as producers avya rod Uh. The film has been in development by lions game since 2015 and we'll be over, well be overseen, by executive vice president james. Oh my god, I had no idea it was that long, dude. That's like seven, that's like eight years.

Speaker 2:

Holy is maybe less hope for the show like now I'm yeah.

Speaker 1:

Now I'm like, uh, yeah, this is not going to be good because one piece, are we getting another dragon ball evolution?

Speaker 2:

That's what we deserve if they're, if they're selling their ip to hollywood.

Speaker 1:

Oh man, you know what if they were to do a live action? You know, it would be kind of cool. I don't know if they could do it, right, um, but it would be neat. Uh again, I would be perfectly fine if they they didn't do it, but I would love to see I'm not saying love to see if they were going to do one, I guess a hollywood live action bleach movie, because there there are live action bleach movies in japan, um, which which aren't good, um.

Speaker 2:

I remember one that came out like Maybe more reason for it to not happen.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean, like I said, I I don't want them to keep doing these, but like it would be interesting just because I love the, the series, but then again they might just butcher it and make me angry, but there was one that came out, uh, the one that I watched 2018. So I did not like it at all. Um, there are.

Speaker 2:

Even, even japan butchers live action adaptations I'm thinking of, like the attack on taiwan, which just looked oh my god, dude, yeah, so bad.

Speaker 1:

and we're getting a hollywood one too.

Speaker 2:

Uh like, just stop, it's too much. Like you're just destroying everything. This is some not everything is meant to be a live action movie.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I, I'm just not. I'm not on board. I had no idea. 2015, guys, 2015. Holy crap, it's about what a decade. Yeah, it's like eight years. Um, um, and that's interesting. Yeah, that's all. That news is all over the place because it dropped today, so that's Uh curious on what people think on that. That's does not sound good. Did you know? They're making a gladiator two? I did not. The budget for gladiator two reportedly soars past 165 million, nearly reaching Avengers infinity war heights and term in terms of spending for the movie.

Speaker 2:

Why it's gonna flop? Because it's just spending too much money on on a on a roman era movie.

Speaker 1:

Through the clap. The first gladiator came out so long ago. Why are they doing? Oh, that is not story was over.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that is not that, but not not at that budget. Yeah, how much money, how many tickets you're gonna have to sell just to make that money back.

Speaker 1:

Avengers infinity war made sense for that because it was going to make it back. Gladiator two I've not even heard anybody talk about, I didn't even know existed until right now.

Speaker 2:

There's a chance that's gonna flop because you're budged way too big that's gonna close the studio.

Speaker 1:

I'm curious who's putting that out, whatever, uh, that's gonna. Yeah, that's not good. That is really not good.

Speaker 2:

Um, just throwing money at anything and everything these days.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I hear some. Here's some good news. It's so lifelike minecraft movies, game recreation and combat teased by star Uh looks like Daniel Brooke teased his lifelike and magical recreation of minecraft game. In the movie, brooke's hinted at a potential singing moment for her and co-star jack black. The minecraft movie characters include leads jason, mimola and black and remain mysterious.

Speaker 2:

There's no Damn story in that game. It's just an empty world. You build sh*t and you kill the ender dragon.

Speaker 1:

There's no, no how do you turn that into a movie? That's a no understand. Do you know what this reminds me? Of Jesus.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Here's the thing the jack black casting for all this stuff. It reminds me of them doing the jamanji movies. There's stupid two jamanji movies they did. That's like, because they're like pulling out of nothing. Like the jamanji movie wrapped it up like you got it, it was done and that's it. This turned it into some like vr and like all this crazy stupid stuff on a Iconic Movie and just like butchered the the jamanji name.

Speaker 2:

This is. This is frustrating. Now I'm just like, oh my god, what is wrong with you people?

Speaker 1:

I says in her. In her interview, brooks was first asked how many minecraft movies she had signed on to, which she responded that she has signed on until the end of time. Brooks went on to explain how the movie recreates the game. She also teased the potential for her and co-star. Yeah, I already read that about singing. What are they?

Speaker 2:

gonna just build a house and grief on each other the whole time. It there.

Speaker 1:

This is a quote. It says you can't do a movie with Daniel Brooks and jack black and not have us do something.

Speaker 2:

We could, because it's just not gonna be in the script. But uh, I you know what I just buy, principal, I hope that movie bombs. It could be the best movie ever. I just hope it bombs.

Speaker 1:

I just want to review it and, uh, that's it.

Speaker 2:

I. What do you react to that?

Speaker 1:

Here's you can turn my go up to a movie.

Speaker 2:

You can turn anything into a movie.

Speaker 1:

That's, that's what I'm saying. You're pulling out nothing. Here's what. Here's what was said. I ain't going anywhere. Laughs. Warner Brothers I'm here to stay. Legendary, I'm here to stay. I'm signed on until the end. I don't know how to play the game, but I know the world and the movie is pretty magical. It's so lifelike. I don't I don't know how much I can share, but I do know fans will not be disappointed with the world they've created. We absolutely do some green screen, but we got all the things there. Basically, all your senses are being used. You have the world for your sight, but also for an actor, the smells of certain things. It will make more sense months from now when I can actually explain it. I'm hopefully going to be singing in it. I'm having a good time.

Speaker 2:

I heard nothing but non the smell. It's a video game. I've never played the game, but trust me It'll be just like the game you remember. I have no idea what I'm doing that quote right there.

Speaker 1:

I've never played the game. That's the okay.

Speaker 2:

Oh my god, it's the easiest game you could ever play, because it's just a sandbox world. You, whatever you do, is the game that you make up your own story.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So how do you pull out a freaking story for that? The only thing I can, I can assume and I'm just making an assumption here it is Minecraft, minecraft, the story game, that the one that actually had a story or whatever tried to make a universe for Minecraft. So there is story. I mean, it wasn't terrible Minecraft, don't that's? Its own.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Is it?

Speaker 2:

not. There's no story to that game. Sorry, I'll stop talking over you.

Speaker 1:

No, you're good. I'm looking at a picture of Jason Mimoa in the movie and I don't understand my in the Minecraft movie. Yeah, I wish I could send it to you right now. Uh, he looks like he's playing Aquaman, which I've heard this before with with an outfit he's wearing the movie.

Speaker 2:

It literally looks like Aquaman. I see his face like super imposed onto a Onto the pixel character.

Speaker 1:

But oh no, yeah. Are people making fan?

Speaker 2:

Uh, they're just the most ridiculous looking image Like. I can't find an actual, legit image that Clearly doesn't look fake, that somebody made.

Speaker 1:

Oh my god. So here's a. Here's a fun one, then, talking on these lines. Here so 10 upcoming video game movie adaptations that could recreate the Mario movies 1.3 billion dollar success so that's, that's doubtful.

Speaker 2:

It's very, very, very Well yeah, the thing is that wasn't a live action movie. Yeah, and the tinder was obviously heavily involved because they're very protective of their IP.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I so. For number 10, we've got sonic the hedgehog 3 I. I think it'll do well. I think it's going to do very well, but it's not going to beat the mario movie. There's no, no freaking way, no way that beats the mario movie. I would love to know the comparison of sonic 1 and 2 to mario. It's obviously done very well because it's getting a spin-off series, that that is on the level of the movies as well, which we reported on. But number nine is the legend of zelda, which we still don't have a release date on. Number eight is minecraft Um. Number seven is detective pikachu 2. Six is mortal combat 2. They're really pulling these out, aren't they? Five is five nights at freddy's 2 five.

Speaker 1:

Four is death stranding. They're making a death stranding movie.

Speaker 2:

I mean, that game's already a movie. You just have to cut out the actual gameplay and, wallah, you got like a six hour movie.

Speaker 1:

It basically is yeah, and even using an actor as well. Uh, it looks like Jordan peel is directing that interesting Uh. Number three is mega man. I Did not know we were getting them Literally my favorite video game series and I was unaware of this.

Speaker 2:

You're not getting a new game, but they'll give you a no there. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

I when the heck, are we getting a new game? Oh my god never, this is a mega man movie has been in various stages of development for years. I knew about rumors years ago but it says, while this was shaken up due to disney's acquisition of 20th century fox, the film is reportedly still in the works. Mega man is one of the most iconic, bob. I just just can. Oh my god.

Speaker 1:

I don't even know what it takes. Two is number two. They're all right, they're being stupid. They got five nights at freddy's at number five, they got. It takes two at number two. That is not going to beat out the maria movie.

Speaker 2:

Not if you close.

Speaker 1:

Oh, my god. And then number one, guess, number one, pick a wild guess. The number one is to beat out the maria movie. I don't know. Halo, the super mario brothers movie two Very creative, oh, I know, this is, uh, this is screen rant. That is one of the worst articles I. I often go to them for news, but that is one of the worst articles I have ever read in my life, along with the minecraft article, which also came from screen rant.

Speaker 2:

Um, that's not a surprise.

Speaker 1:

Uh, we are not sponsored, but should be. After reading that crap Um.

Speaker 2:

You should pay me to read your articles. Nobody should ever, ever, freely read your articles.

Speaker 1:

I, I, I agree, I'm with you on that. Um, oh, my god, uh, this says venom lore changes forever with change to his canon first appearance. Interesting. Yeah, I guess I can. And now to the mcu. They're really uh.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, god yeah, when we get in the proper blade adaptation.

Speaker 1:

That's what I want to know.

Speaker 2:

I like, but it has to. Wesley Snipes has to be in it or I refuse to accept it.

Speaker 1:

I I agree, he's, he's gotta be, he's gotta play. It doesn't matter the age, they can make it work. I'm serious, they can make it work. I mean even now, at this point, like digitally. If they're doing, like you know, something where he's younger, um, however, they implement him, they can do that now, um, venom's canonical first appearance has been altered forever. And marvel, superheroes, secret wars, battle world, or what a title? Uh, the changes changes the venoms lore, showcases a darker side of the character and creates new questions about his origins. Marvel's recent mini series sheds new light on venoms first days, with the symbiote altering his mythos and unexpected ways. So interesting um are they? They're just going to keep changing this lore and canon forever is what it seems like but Well, you want to hear about an adaptation that might not completely suck.

Speaker 1:

Oh god, what is it?

Speaker 2:

Apparently, from march 11th to march 30th, there is a spirited away, uh, a stage adaptation in japan interesting. Hmm, not that you could afford to fly there next, like end up within a month to go see it in a language you don't speak, but I.

Speaker 1:

Maybe it'll end up on youtube or something. I'd be interesting to see, though I'd watch it. Did you ever watch turtles on the turtles Broadway show Back in?

Speaker 2:

the day. I've never watched an actual like show, like like a stage show. I never, I never really cared for him.

Speaker 1:

I, I don't either there's. There's some that be interesting to watch, that like obviously Way too late to see, like from years and years ago. Um, but yeah, it's not my thing, it's not my thing, but some of the adaptation, like the dragon ball have you ever watched the dragon ball one?

Speaker 2:

I think somebody's just like the ones that are done in japan that a live stage plays would interest me office. I'm like you know anime movies and shows and stuff like that. But, like you know, if I Knew what was going on it might be interested. That might has a better chance of you know not being complete garbage.

Speaker 1:

I mean green day had a Broadway show for american idiots.

Speaker 2:

You could find the out South park. That one did really well. Yeah, the book of Mormon. Oh yeah that the Mormon church actually endorsed.

Speaker 1:

Yep, yep, yep. I heard it's pretty wild. Have you seen it?

Speaker 2:

No, but I I know a few more ins and the, the, the, the, the whole, more religions, kind of wild in itself. But yeah, that's not a hit, or there.

Speaker 1:

That's a, that's a whole thing. Um yeah, but doesn't the the book of Mormon isn't like crazy or something like I heard.

Speaker 2:

It's like Uh not safe, kind of accurate to the actual religion. The fact that the actual church endorsed it, you know, says a lot.

Speaker 1:

That's crazy, I didn't know that part interesting. Yeah, not not a Broadway guy, but there's a few things.

Speaker 2:

I'm sorry. I think I'm watching. I'm on the wrong site. Did you know there's a avingale, avingalean healed sneakers that exist in japan?

Speaker 1:

No, I knew about the trump shoes, but I didn't know. They're just ava themed healed sneakers. Did you know about the company called?

Speaker 2:

a myla.

Speaker 1:

I would love to see you said even even galean shoes.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like they're, they're. It's obviously a female footwear, but it's weird. Okay, then interesting it's got like boot. It's like a heel shoe, but the actual bottom it looks more like a like a boot tread than anything else at the bottom.

Speaker 1:

Well, I see a bunch of even galean shoes on the even galean shopcom. There's like, well, this is actually.

Speaker 2:

it's like an official thing that the company's called A myla or mala, or however you pronounce it, mya la, is the actual company that makes these shoes.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Oh, all four paired are identically priced at 31,790 yen or 216 dollars you said, and they went on sale on the 16th apparently 250 dollars.

Speaker 1:

Oh dollars oh, my god, yeah, oh, what the heck. How could you like legitimately? There's no way like anybody's actually rocking those.

Speaker 2:

Well, those are a heel obviously they're, they're, it's something that that that's obviously female footwear, but um that's crazy looks like anybody could wear that, but it looks like you. You wear heels a lot, then what I mean they're.

Speaker 1:

They're like sneaker heels.

PlayStation's Shifts, Nintendo Direct, Pokémon Day | The Game Junction Podcast #73 - The Game Junction Podcast (2024)
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Name: Neely Ledner

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