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. Model Paper

First Question is Compulsory

Answer any four from the remaining and All questions carry equal marks

All parts of any Question at one place.

Time: 3 Hrs. Max. Marks: 70

1) Answer the following:

a) What are the characteristics of an algorithm?

b) How to declare a Constanst in C Language.

c) What are the derived data types in C.

d) What are bit wise operators in C? e) Write the differences between structure and union.

f) Differentiate between break and continue.

g) How to use pointer to functions in C?

2. a) Write an algorithm for swapping two elements without using third variable.

b) Write a C program to convert a given decimal number to binary.

3. a) What are the control structures in C? Give a n example each. b) Write a C program to sort a set of n elements using bubble sort.

4. a) Declare a 12-element array of pointers to functions. Each function will accept two

pointers to double-precision quantities as arguments and will return a pointer to a

double-precision quantity.

b) Write a program to find the transpose of a given n x n matrix A. The matrix A

should be declared using pointers. Your program should store the resultant in A

only. No additional matrix be used.

5 a) Write a C Program to find the Kth smallest element of a given array.

b) Explain how your program works for finding the 4th smallest element of the

following data: 11, 2, 9, 4, 2, 7, 3, 3, 11, 8, 14, 6.

6.a)What are command line arguments? Explain.

b) Write a program that reads a line of text from a data file character by character and

displays the text on the screen.

7.a) Write a C program for binary search.

b) Illustrate the Program for the following data:

10, 12, 20, 23, 27, 30, 31, 39, 42, 44, 45, 49, 53, 57, 60.

8. Write short notes on:

a) Define Recursion. Wrte a program for sum of two integers using


b) Write a program to remove the duplicates from an array.

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. Model Paper

First Question is Compulsory

Answer any four from the remaining

Answer all parts of any Question at one place. Time: 3 Hrs. Max. Marks: 70

1. Briefly answer the following questions:

a) Define `Abstract Data Type‟?

b) Write the primitive operations of ADT queue.

c) Write the prefix and postfix equivalents to the infix expression A/B+C-D *(E+F). d) Write the best, worst and average case time complexity estimates of Quick Sort


e) What is a Complete Binary Tree?

f) What is indexing?

g) Define Hashing?

2. a) Assume that each element of an array „A‟ stored in row-major order occupies four bytes of memory . If „A‟ is declared as: int a [10][20][5]. And the address of the

first element of „A‟ is 2000, find the address of the array element a[5][12][4].

b) Write a C program to evaluate a given postfix expression using stack and explain it with an example.

3. a) Explain the ADT for Priority Queue.

b) Write a C functions to create a singly linked list and explain its operations.

4. a) Discuss different ways of representing a binary tree and suggest an application for

each of the representations.

b) Explain how the threads are used to simplify the traversal of a binary tree.

5. a) Explain about the Disk Organization on Secondary Storage? b) Write Short note on Journey of a Byte?

6. a) Write a C function to arrange the elements of an array in ascending order using

Merge sort algorithm and explain it with a suitable example.

b) Explain the Fundamental File Structure Operations?

7. a) Briefly explain about sequential access and direct access.

b) Explain about Indexing and how we provide indexing by using multiple keys.

8. Write short notes on:

a) Data Compression

b) Binary Files vs Text Files

c) Sequential Index

d) Stacks vs. Queue

e)Bubble Sort

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Model Paper

First Question is Compulsory

Answer any four from the remaining and All questions carry equal marks

Answer all parts of any Question at one place.

Time: 3 Hrs. Max. Marks: 70

1. Answer the following

a) Let R be a relation on a set A={x,y,z}. Give an example for reflexive, symmetric and

transitive relations on a set A.

b) Find now of possible words of the word SUCCESS

c) Explain Principle of Duality d) Explain Semigroup hom*omorphisum

e) Find the elements of P({1,2,3})

where P(A) denotes power set of a set A

f) Write the adjacency matrix of the following digraph

a b

dc e

f g

g) Draw all possible Binary Search tree of the a tree consists three nodes.

2. a) Check whether ((P Q) R) ((P Q) (P R)) is a tautology.

b) How many positive integers less than 1,000,000 have sum of their digits equal to


3. a) Find the number of integer solutions to the equation

x1 + x2 + x3 +x4 + x5 = 20 where x1 3, x2 2, x3 4, x4 6 and x5 0. b) A simple code is made by permuting the letters of the alphabet of 26 letters with

every letter being replaced by a distinct letter. How many different codes can be

made in this way?

4. a) Find the number of ways of placing 20 similar balls into 6 numbered boxes so that

the first box contains any number of balls between 1 and 5 inclusive and the other 5

boxes must contain 2 or more balls each.

b) Solve an – 6an-1 + 12an -2 – 8an-3 – 0 by generating functions for n 3.

5. a) Let G be a group. Show that the function f : G -> G defined by f(a) = a2 is a hom*omorphism iff G is abelian.

b) Give an example for Adjacency Matrix and Incidence Matrix

6. a) Write Kruskal‟s algorithm for finding the minimum spanning tree of a graph b) State and prove ulers Formua 7. a) U s i n g p r i n c i p l e o f m a t h e m a t i c a l i n d u c t i o n p r o ve t h a t n 3 - n i s d i v i s i b l e b y 3 fo r n b e l o n gs t o Z +

b) i) Explain the method of forward proof with example.

ii) Explain Satisfiable and un- Satisfiable formulas with examples 8. Write short notes on:

a) Hamilton Cycle b) Chromatic Number c) Tree traversals

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. Model Paper

First Question is Compulsory

Answer any four from the remaining and All questions carry equal marks

Answer all parts of any Question at one place.

Time: 3 Hrs. Max. Marks: 70

1. a) Define Computer Organization and Computer Architecture b) What is the difference between Combinational Logic and Sequential Logic?

c) What are System buses?

d) Write about cache memory. e) What is Microprogram?

f) What is the difference between real memory and virtual memory?

g) What do you understand by internal interrupt?

2. a) Write about Adders and Subtractors

b) Design a two bit comparator that compares two 2-bit values in whole, rather than

one bit at a time. The circuit has inputs X1 X0 and Y1 Y0 , and outputs X > Y, X =

Y, and X < Y

3. a) Construct RTL for D flip flop and Left Shift

b) Write Instruction set architecture for Relatively simple CPU.

4. a) Describe the mechanism of an instruction fetching, decoding and execution

using flow chart?

b) Describe the major hardware functional units of 8085 microprocessor with a

neat complete functional block diagram .

5. a) Write Asynchronous data transfer methods.

b) What are the functions performed by an I/O interface? Explain with an


6. a) Compare and contrast isolated I/O and memory mapped I/O.

b) Explain Virtual memory schemes?

7. a) Explain the need of the memory hierarchy?

b) What is the associate memory and what kind of operation it is more suitable?

8. Write short notes on

a) Signed Notation in Computer Arithmetic b) Instruction formats. c) DMA


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First Question is Compulsory

Answer any four from the remaining and All questions carry equal marks

Answer all parts of any Question at one plac e. Time: 3 Hrs. Max. Marks: 70

1. Answer any THREE of the following.

a) Master file.

b) Scope for computerization of accounts.

c) Goals of financial management.

d) Solvency ratios.

e) Cost Drivers.

f) Zero Based Budgeting

g) Marginal Costing with examples

2. What is the meaning of Costing? What are the various methods of Costing?

3. What is Break-Even Chart? Mention its uses & significance.

4. Discuss the practical application of marginal costing in decision making.

5. Describe the principles of accounting. State the features of subsidiary books.

6. A Practicing Chartered Accountant now spends Re. 0.90 per kilometer of taxi fares for

his clients; work. He is considering two other alternatives, the purchase of a new

small car or an old bigger car. The estimated cost figures are:

Items New Small Old Bigger

Car Car

Rs. Rs.

Purchase price. 35,000 20,000

Sale price, after 5 years 19,000 12,000

Repairs and servicing per annum 1,000 1,200

Taxes and insurance per annum 1,700 700

Petrol consumption, per litre 10 km. 7 km

Petrol price per litre 3.30 3.30

He estimates that he does 10,000 km. Annually, which of the three alternatives will be

cheaper? If his practice expands and he has to do 19,000 km. Per annum.

What would be his decision? At how many km. Per annum, will the cost of two cars

break-even and why? Ignore interest and income tax.

7. Make out a cash book with discount, cash and bank columns:

June 1 Cash in hand Rs. 2,800; cash at bank Rs. 8,70.

June 3 Received from Joseph Rs. 1,300 and allowed him a discount of Rs. 20.

June 7 Paid into bank Rs. 4,000

June 8 Received for cash sales Rs. 70 and cheque Rs. 190.

June 10 Paid George by cheque Rs.570 in settlement of his account for Rs. 600

June 11 Cash purchases by cheque Rs 700

June 15 Drew for office use Rs. 330

June 17 Advertisem*nt expenses Rs. 30

June 20 Sam paid direct into our account in the bank Rs. 620

June 22 Withdrew cash for personal use Rs. 170

June 26 Paid rent by cheque Rs. 200 June 27 Received from Raja a cheque for Rs. 490 and allowed him a discount of Rs. 10.

June 29 Received commission by cheque Rs. 220.

June 30 Cash in excess of Rs. 400 was paid into bank.

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8. An inexperienced clerk of B and Co., prepared the following Trial Balance as on


Credits Rs. Debits Rs.

Capital 2,000 Loss in fire 70

Loan at 10% 6,000 Building 4,000

Creditors 846 Furniture

Doubtful debts and fittings 300

reserve 200 Plant and

Bills receivables 852 machinery 5,800 Returns to Debtors 4,800

suppliers 300 Bills payable 815

Carriage on Bank shares 520

sales 230 Commission

Sales 14,954 received 287

Stock (1.1.1989) 2,818

Cash in hand 88 Manufacturing expenses782

Wages 730

Salaries 394

Postage and telegrams 54

Rates 95

Printing and stationary 86

Insurance 17

Purchases 2,986

Interest on loan

(paid up to October 31) 430

Returns from customers 110

Carriage on purchases 100

25,602 25,602

Prepare the correct Trial Balance, Trading Account, Profit and Loss Account for the year

ending December 31, 1989 and the Balance Sheet as on that date after taking the following

adjustments into account:

a) Stock on hand 31.12.89. Goods Rs. 1,600; Stationary Rs. 45.

b) Make up the reserve for doubtful debts at 5% on debtors.

c) Depreciate Plant at 7½ % and debts at 10% d.) Outstanding expenses: Salaries Rs. 75 ; Interest on Loan.

e) Dividend due on Bank Shares. Rs. 52.

f). Insurance Co. agreed to meet the loss in fire fully.

g.) Commission received in advance Rs. 25

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Model Question Paper


Answer any four from the remaining and All questions carry equal marks

Answer all parts of any Question at one place.

Time: 3 Hrs. Max. Marks: 70

1. a) State the axioms of probability. b) Explain confident intervals in estimation. c) Explain the method of least squares.

d) Explain Principle of least square. e) Explain Type I and II errors.

f) Explain Correlation Coefficient g) Write applications of Queuing theory

2. a) State and prove Baye’s formula on conditional probability.

b) We are given three urns as follows: Urn A contains 3 red and 5 white marbles Urn B contains 2 red and 1 white marble Urn C contains 2 red and 2 white marbles. An urn is selected at random and a marble is drawn from the urn. If the Marble is red, what is the probability that it came from urn A?

3. a) Define mathematical expectation of a random variable. Show that the

expectations of the sum of two random variables is equal to the sum of their expectations.

b) Suppose that a pair of dice are tossed and let the random variable X denote the sum of the points. Find the expectation of X.

4. a) Define the mean to failure of a component. For aq series systems show

that 0 < E(X) < min [ E(Xc )]. b) Derive Markov inequality. Hence or otherwise state and prove Chebychev


5. a) Find the moment generating function about origin of the normal distribution. b) Prove that a linear combination of normal variate is also a normal variate.

6. a) Derive normal equations to fit y = a + bx by the method of least squares.

b) Fit a least squares parabola having the form y = a + bx + cx² to the following data:

X : 1.2 1.8 3.1 4.9 5.7 7.1 8.6 9.8

Y : 4.5 5.9 7.0 7.8 7.2 6.8 4.5 2.7

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7. a) Show that the correlation coefficient lies between x and y -1 and +1.

b) Calculate the correlation coefficient between x and y for the follo wing data.

X : 65 66 67 67 68 69 70 72

Y : 67 68 65 68 72 72 69 71

8. Arrivals at a telephone booth are considered to be Poisson with an average time of 12

min. between one arrival and the next. The length of a phone call is assumed to be distributed exponentially with mean 4 min.

a) Find the average number of persons waiting in the system. b) What is the probability that a person arriving at the booth will have to wait in the

queue? c) What is the probability that it will take him more than 10 min. altogether to

wait for the phone and complete his call? d) Estimates the fraction of the day when the phone will be in use. e) The telephone department will install a second booth, when convinced that an arrival has to wait on the average for at least 3 min. for phone . By how much the flow of arrivals should increase in order to justify a second booth?

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First Question is Compulsory

Answer any four from the remaining and All questions carry equal marks

Answer all parts of any Question at one place

1) a) Differentiate between inner join and outer join.

b) What is normal form? What is normalization?

c) Explain about stored procedures.

d) Explain about parsing and translation of a query.

e) What is a distributed database system?

f) What are read and write stamps associated with database objects?

g) What are various categories of Postgre SQL types? 7x2=14M.

2) Consider the following database and answer the following queries in SQL.

Sailors(sid,sname,rating,age) Boats(bid,bname,color) Reserves(sid,bid,day)

a) Find the sid and sname of sailors who have reserved a boat on 10-jun-2000. 2M.

b) Find the average age for each rating level. 2M.

c) Find the sid and sname of sailors who have reserved all boats. 4M.

d) Find the sids of sailors who have reserved two different boats on the same day. 3M.

e) Find the sids of sailors who have reserved both Red and Green boats. 3M.

3) a) Explain with an example, closure of set of FDs and closure of set of

attributes. 5M.

b) Explain normalization upto BCNF. 9M.

4) a) Explain granting and revoking of various authorizations to users with examples. 6M.

b) Explain various statements and cursors in embedded SQL. 8M.

5) a) Explain the way of performing selection using file scan and indices. 7M.

b) Explain various equivalence rules on relational algebra expressions. 7M.

6) a) Explain about centralized and client server architectures. 7M.

b) Explain about structured types and type inheritance in SQL. 7M.

7) a) Explain Two phase locking protocol . 7M.

b) Explain multi version Time stamp ordering Concurrency control. 7M.

8) Write short notes on the following

a) ACID properties of transaction. 4M.

b) Triggers. 4M.

c) Phases of ARIES recovery algorithm. 6M.


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MCA2.3 Object Oriented Programming With C++ & JAVA Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 70

First Question is Compulsory

Answer any four from the remaining and All questions carry equal marks

Answer all parts of any Question at one place

1) a) What are the basic concepts underlying in OOP.

b) What are classes & bobjects / give examples

c) What is a Distructor? Give an example .

d) Explain the difference between Private & Protected access specifiers.

e) What do you mean by inline function? Give an example

f) What are threads in Java?

g) What are Java applets? Give an example


2) a) How does a class accomplish encapsulation and data hiding? Illustate with an example


b) What are constructors? Explain constructors with arguments and how are arguments

passed to the constructor. 7M

3) a) Explain with an example about the function overloading in C++ 7M.

b) Explain the Multiple inheritance in C++ with an example. 7M.

4) a) Explain briefly about function Templets & Class Templets in C++ with examples. 6M.

b) Explain Briefly about the Exception handling Mechanism in C++. 8M.

5) a) Discuss briefly the features of I/O streams supported by C++ 7M.

b) Explain various JAVA Packages in Java. 7M.

6) a) Explain with an example how Java applets are converted to Java Applications. 7M.

b) Explain the structure of Java Program with an example 7M.

7) a) Explain the Concept of Multi threading in Java. . 7M.

b) Explain how the concept of interfaces are used in java applications. 7M.

8) Write short notes on the following

a) Polymorphism. 6M.

b) Radio buttons 4M.

c) Synchronization of Threads. 4M.


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MCA 2.4 Formal Languages & Automata Theory Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 70

First Question is Compulsory

Answer any four from the remaining and All questions carry equal marks

Answer all parts of any Question at one place

1) a) Define DFA & NFA with examples

b) What is the Finite Automata? Write a Finite Automata accepting all the strings having no

consecutive zeros & consecutive ones.

c) State Pumping lemma for regular sets.

d) What is GNF? Give an example

e) What is derivation tree? Give an example

f) Define Turing Machine ? Give an example

g) What is Push Down Automata? Give an example


2) a. Discuss the equivalence between DFA & NFA with Examples


b. Write NFA Equivalent to the Regular Expression (0+1)*111


3) a) Explain with an example, closure properties of Regular sets


b) Explain Minimization of Finite Automata. With an example


4) a) What is CFG ? Give an unambiguous grammar for L= {w/w €{a,b}+}


b) Convert the following Grammar into CNF

S ABA ; AaA/є ; B bB/є

7 M

5) a) Design a Turing Machine to accepting all strings on 1

n 2

n 8M.

b) Explain variants of Turing Machines with examples. 6M.

6) a) Show that the language {0m

1n/ m < n < 2m }is context free by giving a PDA

that accepts it. 7M.

b) Discuss the Decision Algorithm for CFL

7) a) What is Universal Turing Machine? State and Prove the Halting Problem 7M.

b) Explain PCP with an example 7M.

8) Write short notes on the following

a) MyHill Nerode Theorem.. 5M.

b) Ambiguous Grammars 4M.

c) Chomsky Hierarchy 5M.


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MCA 2.5 Information Systems and Organizational Behaviour

Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 70

First Question is Compulsory

Answer any four from the remaining and All questions carry equal marks

Answer all parts of any Question at one place 1. Write short notes on

(a) Organisation (b) Motivation (c) Communication Process (d) Formal groups (e) Organisational Conflict (f) Functions of MIS (g) Human Resource Information System

2. What is an Organisation Structure? What are the types of Organisation Structures? 3. Describe Maslow’s Theory of Motivation.

4. What is Leadership? Explain the different styles of Leadership.

5. Explain the barriers in communication. How can they be overcome?

6. Discuss the strategies for managing conflicts.

7. Illustrate briefly the classification of Management Information System.

8. (a) Explain Production and Marketing Information Systems.

(b) What are the objectives of Information Resource Management?


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Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 70

First Question is Compulsory

Answer any four from the remaining and All questions carry equal marks

Answer all parts of any Question at one place

1. Briefly explain the following: 7 X 2 = 14M

a) Types of Operating System

b) Semaphores

c) Critical region

d) Virtual Memory

e) Job Scheduling

f) Mutual Exclusion

g) Thrashing

2. a) Explain about Operating System Structures (7M)

b) Explain Operating System Design and Implementation (7M)

3. a) Explain about Critical Section Problem (7M)

b) Define Types of Threads in Detail (7M)

4. Explain Scheduling Algorithms.


5. a) Explain Methods for Deadlock Handling (7M)

b) Explain Deadlock Detection and Recovery methods (7M)

6. a) Explain Page Replacement Algorithms (7M)

b) Explain Segmentation (7M)

7. a) Explain Linux Operating System (7M)

b) Explain Swap Space management (7M)

8. Write Short on

a) Critical Section Problem (5M)

b) Deadlock Characterization (5M)

c) Multi Tasking (4M)


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Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 70

First Question is Compulsory

Answer any four from the remaining and All questions carry equal marks

Answer all parts of any Question at one place

1. (a) Write the Types of Multiplexing. 7x2=14

(b) Explain the four cases of congestion with neat diagram.

(c) Write about Service Primitives in Network Software.

(d) Explain DNS?

(e) Define the CSU.

(f) Draw DTN Architecture

(g) IP Address

2. (a) Compare OSI & TCP/IP Reference Models?


(b) Explain Network Topologies

3. (a) Compare Circuit & packet Switching 2x7=14

(b) Write about Wireless Transmission

4. (a) Briefly explain about Distance Vector Routing Algorithm.


(b) Write about congestion control Algorithms.

5. (a) Explain one bit sliding window Protocol.


(b) Write about 802.3 Cabling in IEEE Standard 802.

6. Explain about Network Devices. 1x14=14

7. Briefly explain about

a) Mobile Adhoc Networks

b) Cellular Networks 2x7=14

8. Write a short note on

(a) Transmission media. (4)

(b) Sensor Networks (6)

(c) World wide web (4)


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MCA3.3 Web Technologies Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 70

First Question is compulsory

Answer any FOUR from the remaining questions.

Write all parts of any question at one place.

1. Briefly explain the following: 7 X 2 = 14M

a) Cascading Style sheets

b) HTML Frames

c) Statement objects

d) Sub Queries

e) Cookies

f) Basic Syntax of JSP

g) Java Beans

2. a) Explain about Basic Structure of HTML Document (7M)

b) Explain Tables & Layouts IN HTML (7M)

3. a) Write A program to illustrate Dynamic HTML with Java Script


4. a) Explain about Document Object Model with Example (7M)

b) Explain with an example presenting XML document (7M)

5. a) Explain briefly about different types of JDBC drivers (7M)

b)E Write a Program to illustrate JDBC Database Connection (7M)

6. a) Explain with an example selecting, inserting and deleting data from tables (7M)

b) Write a program to join Two Tables in JDBC. (7M)

7. a) Explain about Servlet basics (7M)

b) Write a program to include Files in JSP pages (7M)

8. Write Short on

a) XML Schemas (4M)

b) JDBC packages (4M)

c) MVC Architecture (6M)


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MCA3.4 Operations Research Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 70

First Question is compulsory

Answer any FOUR from the remaining questions.

Write all parts of any question at one place.

1. Briefly explain the following: 7 X 2 = 14M

a) Types of Or Models

b) Basic Feasible solutions

c) Degeneracy in Transportation

d) Job Sequencing

e) EOQ Models

f) Saddle point

g) Bell mans Principle

2. a) Discuss Phases of Operations Research (7M)

b) Solve the following LPP Graphically:

Maximize Z=50X1+60x2 subject to the constraints

2x1 +3x2 <1500, 3x1 +2 x2 <1500, 0 < x1 <400, 0 < x2 <400 (7M)

3. a) Use Big M Method to Solve The following

Maximize Z=5X1+3x2 subject to the constraints

2x1 +x2 <1, x1 +4x2 >6, x1 ,x2>0 (7M)

b) Explain Dual Simplex Method With an example

4. a) Explain Vogel‟s Approximation Method with Example (7M)

b) Find the optimum Solution of the Following Transportation Problem


Factory Ware House Supply


W1 W2 W3


F1 16 20 12 200

F2 14 8 18 160

F3 26 24 16 90

Demand 180 120 150 350



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5. a) Solve the following TSP


From Items To Items




A ∞ 4 3 7 4

B 4 ∞ 6 3 4

C 7 6 7 5

D 3 3 7 ∞ 7

E 4 4 5 7 ∞



b) Discuss briefly about Crew Scheduling Problems (7M)

6. a) Explain with an example Individual And Group Replacement Policy (7M) b) Explain with an example Probabilistic Inventory Problems (7M)

7. a) Explain about with an Critical Path Calculations In CPM wi (7M)

b) Explain the solution approach Of LPP In Dynamic Programming (7M)

8. Write Short on

a) Primal & Dual problems (4M)

b) Monte-Carle Simulation (5M)

c) Mixed Strategies in Games (5M)


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MCA3.3 Artificial Intelligence Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 70

First Question is compulsory

Answer any FOUR from the remaining questions.

Write all parts of any question at one place.

1. Briefly explain the following: 7 X 2 = 14M

a) State Space Representation of AI Problem

b) Production System Characteristics

c) Procedural vs Declarative Knowledge

d) Expert system Shells

e) Heuristic Function

f) Partitioned Semantic Nets

g) Bayesian Network

2. a) Explain about State Space Representation of Water Jug Problem (7M)

b) Explain Problem Characteristics with examples (7M)

3. a) Explain Best First Search Algorithm with an Example (7M)

b) Apply AI Techniques D the solution of the following Cryptarithmetic Problem






4. a) Explain how a wff in predicate calculus can be converted into Clauses


b) Explain with an example Unification & Resolution in Predicate Logic (7M)

5. a) Show how semantic nets and Frames can be captured in Logic with appropriate



b) Write the CD Representation of the Sentence

John fertilized fields with a Special Tool (7M)

6. a) Explain The Dependency back tracking in Truth Maintenance System with an example


b) What is a Certainty factor and explain how certainty factors are related to Rule Based

Systems of the Sentence


7. a) Write a neat diagram the structure of a Rule Based Expert System and Explain its

Components (7M)

b) Explain Syntactic Processing and Augmented Transition Nets (7M)

8. Write Short on

a) Natural Deduction (4M)

b) Forward Versus Backward Reasoning, (5M)

c) Expert System Shells



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Model Question Paper

MCA 4.1 Design & Analysis of Algorithms First Question is Compulsory

Answer any four from the remaining and All questions carry equal marks

Answer all parts of any Question at one place.

Time: 3 Hrs. Max. Marks: 70

1. Answer the following:

(a) Johnson‟s algorithm for Sparse Matrices

(b) Asymptotic Notation

(c) Lower Bounds.

(d) NP-hard Problems. (e) Minimal spanning Tree. (f) Convex

Hull Problem

(g) Memory Functions.

2. (a) Describe divide and conquer strategy for multiplying two n-bit numbers. Derive its

time complexity. (b) Explain Closest Pair and Convex Hull Problems in detail from DAA perspective.

3. (a) Explain quick sort Algorithm.

(b) Show how the quick sort algorithm sorts the following sets of keys. (1,1,1,1,1,1,1) and (5,5,8,3,4,3,2)

4. (a) Explain how you can use greedy technique for Huffman coding. (b) Explain the greedy technique with knopsack problem as an example.

5. (a) Explain problem Reduction using linear programming as an example. (b) Explain BFS and DFS traversal algorithms. 6. (a) Explain Dynamic Programming Technique for construction of optimal binary search trees

with the help of an example.

(b) Explain the Bellman-Ford Algorithm. Define Multi Stage graphs.

7. (a) Outline Template of a backtracking algorithm. Explain a backtracking solution to the

Hamiltonian circuit problem.

(b) Give a brief account of various NP-Complete Problems.

8. Write short notes on: (a) Branch and bound technique

(b) Explain the Ford-Fulkerson Method

(c) Eight Queens Problem

(d) 0/1 Knap Sack Problem

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Model Question Paper

MCA 4.2 Object Oriented Software Engineering First Question is Compulsory

Answer any four from the remaining and All questions carry equal marks

Answer all parts of any Question at one place.

Time: 3 Hrs. Max. Marks: 70

1. Answer the Following

(a) Explain about software process

(b) Explain about an error, fault and failure

(c) What is project management?

(d) Write two disadvantages of the water fall model

(e) Write two advantages of PERT chart

(f) Explain about Reusability & re-use

(g) Cost estimation in software process

2. (a) What are the five of the most important attributes of software quality? Explain them.

(b) What do you mean by Domain Analysis? What are the main components of a Domain


3. (a) Discuss indetail about the Functional and Non-functional Requirements of Student

Registration Application

(b) Explain the techniques for Gathering and analyzing Requirements.

4. a)What are Objects & Classes? Discuss about the Essential features of Class Diagrams

b)Draw a Class Diagram for Bank account management System

5. (a) What do you mean by User-centered Design? Discuss the different ways to make software

user-centred Design

(b) For a library system, draw a use case diagrams and use case Descriptions that shows

which actor perform which use cases and write SRS document.

6. (a) What do you mean by Software architecture? Discuss in detail about the MVC

Architectural Pattern

(b) Draw a sequence diagram and a corresponding collaboration diagram for student

registration system.

7. (a) Discuss in detail about the different Software Processes Models

(b) What is wrong with the following designs from the perspective of cohesion and what could

be done to improve them?

There are two subsystems in a university registration system that do the following: Subsystem A

displays lists of courses to a student, accepts requests from the student to register in courses,

ensures that the student has no schedule conflicts and is eligible to register in the courses, stores

the data in the database and periodically backs up the database. System B allows faculty members

to input student grades and allow administrators to assign courses to faculty members, add new

courses, and change the student registration. It also prints the bills that are sent to students

8. Write Short Notes on the Following

(a) Informal use case analysis

(b) Alpha and Beta Testing

(c) Usability Vs utility

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Model Question Paper

MCA 4.3 Fundamentals of Microprocessors and Systems Programming First Question is Compulsory

Answer any four from the remaining and All questions carry equal marks

Answer all parts of any Question at one place.

Time: 3 Hrs. Max. Marks: 70

1. Answer the following:

(a) Microprocessor Instruction set

(b) Assembler

(c) Microcomputer

(d) Systems Programming

(e) DLL

(f) BCD Arithmetic

(g) Role of Index Register

2. (a) Explain the Addressing Modes in detail.

(b) Give the functional description of 8-bit Microprocessor 8085.

3. (a) Explain Assembly Language Programming Techniques- Looping, Counting, and Indexing.

(b) Describe the mechanism of Interrupts and Interrupt Service Routines.

4. (a) Explain Logical Processing and Arithmetic processing.

(b) Explain the procedure of Modular programming.

5. (a) Write various Instruction Formats and Data formats of IBM 360/370.

(b) What is the Role of Base Register and Index Registers?

6. (a) What are the databases used in assembler design.

(b) Explain Double Pass Assembler.

7. (a) What are the various types of Macros.

(b) Design a single-pass Macro Processor.

8. Write short notes on:

(a) Various functions of a loader.

(b) Absolute Loader

(c) Assembler

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Model Question Paper

MCA 4.4 COMPUTER GRAPHICS First Question is Compulsory

Answer any four from the remaining and All questions carry equal marks

Answer all parts of any Question at one place.

Time: 3 Hrs. Max. Marks: 70

1. Answer the following:

a) Frame Buffer

b) hom*ogeneous Coordinates c) Graphics Work stations

d) GUI?

e) Antialiasing. f) View port

g) Blending functions of B-Spline curves?

2.(a) Describe the working of a CRT. (b) What are the differences between the raster scan and random scan devices?

3.(a) Describe the Bresenham‟s circle drawing algorithm.

(b) Explain how the Bresenham‟s line drawing algorithm works for the line joining the points (–1, 2) and (7, 5).

4. (a) Describe Cohen - Sutherland algorithm for line clipping.

(b) Explain how the Sutherland - Hodgaman algorithm for polygon clipping.

5. ( a) Describe the matrix forms of the two dimensional transformations of translation, rotation and


(b) Derive the transformation matrix for finding the reflection of a point with respect to the line

y = mx + c.

6. (a) Describe various graphic input devices explaining their logical functions (b) Describe

the methods for character generation.

7. (a) Describe the 3D transformations for rotation, scaling and translation (b) Find the

combined matrix transformation of the following:

3D rotation of an object by degrees around X- axis followed by a 3D rotation of degrees

around Y- axis, which in turn is translated with a units along X- axis, b units along Y-axis c units

along Z-axis.

8. Write short notes on: (a) Surfaces generation in computer graphics

(b) Matrix transformation for standard perspective projection

(c) GPS Based Automobile Navigation System

(d) Geographical Information System

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Model Question Paper

MCA 4.4 Compiler Design

First Question is Compulsory

Answer any four from the remaining and All questions carry equal marks

Answer all parts of any Question at one place.

Time: 3 Hrs. Max. Marks: 70

1. Explain the Following

(a) Regular expression and Finite Automata

(b)Lexical Analysis Vs Parsing

(c) Operator Precedence Parsing

(d) Semantic Checking

(e) Three Address Code

(f) Basic Blocks and Flow Graphs

(g) Error Handling Routines.

2. (a)Give a brief account of Structure and Different Phases of a Compiler. Explain How does

a Compiler differ from an interpreter

(b) Explain with an Example how to derive a Finite Automata from Regular Expressions

3. (a) What is the purpose of Lexical Analyzers? Give a brief account of various approaches to

design Lexical Analyzers.

(b) How Finite automata, Regular Expressions are useful for lexical analysis. What is

Lexical Analyzer Generator LEX?

4. (a) What is Yacc? How can we create a parser using YACC

(b) Explain LR Parsing . Construct SLR parsing Table for the Grammar


C c/d

5. (a) What is Syntax Directed Translation. How to Implement Syntax Directed Translator.

(b) Explain Three Address Code-Translation of Expressions.

6. (a) What is DAG Representation of Basic Blocks?

(b) Write the applications of DAG. What are the uses of Data Flow Equations and


7. (a) Explain Code Generation Algorithm.

(b) What is Optimal Code Generation for Expressions? Explain the process of Code

Generation from DAGs.

8.Write short notes on the Following

(a) Data Structures used for Symbol Tables

(b) Peephole optimization

(c) Data Flow Equations

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Model Question Paper

MCA 4.4 Mathematical Modeling & Simulation First Question is Compulsory

Answer any four from the remaining and All questions carry equal marks

Answer all parts of any Question at one place.

Time: 3 Hrs. Max. Marks: 70

1. Answer the following:

(a) simulation

(b) Modified Monte Carlo Techniques

(c) Quantum Monte Carlo Method

(d) Scientific Modeling

(e) Ritz Method

(f) Runge-Kutta Method

(g) Molecular Dynamics Simulation.

2. (a) Explain the process of Transformation of random numbers into input data.

(b) Write Analysis of Output into meaningful Inferences.

3. (a) Explain the basic Concepts Of Simulation - Data Manipulation and Data Exchange of the


(b) Explain the Molecular Dynamics Simulation.

4. (a) Explain various algorithms for Monte Carlo Simulation.

(b) What is Diffusion Monte Carlo Method? Explain.

5. (a) Explain Markovian Models in detail.

(b) Explain Bayesian modeling in probabilistic nets in detail.

6. (a) Explain Numerical Algorithms for Scientific Simulation.

(b) What is the effect of Numerical Integration and Differentiation in Simulation?

7. (a) Give a brief account of the concept Of Physical Domain And Computational Domain.

(b) Explain the Finite Element Method And Finite Difference Method.

8. Write short notes:

(a) Approximation Methods of Nonlinear Differential Equations

(b) Black-Scholes Model in Finance.

(c) Epidemic Modeling

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Model Question Paper

MCA 4.4 Parallel Programming First Question is Compulsory

Answer any four from the remaining and All questions carry equal marks

Answer all parts of any Question at one place.

Time: 3 Hrs. Max. Marks: 70

1. Answer the following:

(a) Parallel Architectures

(b) Problems Unique to Parallel Programming

(c) Data Parallelism

(d) Direct and Indirect Network Topology

(e) Torus and Butterfly Network

(f) Cost and Scalability

(g) Data Parallelism.

2.(a) Differentiate between MIMD and SPMD Models.

(b) Write the various Parallel Programming Models in detail.

3.(a) Write the importance of Data Dependence Graph.

(b) Elaborate on Pipelining and Data Clustering.

4.(a) Explain the Bus, Star, Ring, Mesh, Tree topologies.

(b) What is Perfect Shu E Network.

5.(a) Differentiate between Linear And Superlinear Speedup. Explain Amdahls Law and

Amdahl Effect.

(b) Explain the Karp-Flatt Metric and the Iso-Efficiency Metric.

6.(a) Explain PRAM, EREW, CREW and ERCW algorithms.

(b) Explain CRCW, Simulating CRCW, CREW and PRAM Algorithms.

7.(a) Explain the Parallel Programming Model PVM.

(b) Explain the Parallel Programming Model MPI.

8. Write short notes on:

(a) Parallel Algorithms used on Network

(b) MPI program for Multiplication of Matrices

(c) OpenMP

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Model Question Paper

MCA 4.4 EMBEDDED SYSTEMS First Question is Compulsory

Answer any four from the remaining and All questions carry equal marks

Answer all parts of any Question at one place.

Time: 3 Hrs. Max. Marks: 70


1. Answer the Following Questions

(a) Explain Atomic Operations; give any one atomic instruction for any processor known

to you?

(b) Distinguish between Microprocessors and Microcontrollers

(c) What is priority inversion?

(d) What is watch dog timer in a single board computer? Explain.

(e) What are the two rules that an interrupt routine must adhere to in an RTOS


(f) What is Interrupt latency?

(g) What is an event?

2. a)Explain various design challenges of Embedded Systems

b) Explain about various Memories used in Embedded Systems

3. (a) Explain Round Robin with interrupt architecture with a suitable Example.

(b) What is reentrancy? Give the necessary conditions to make a function reentrant.

4. (a) What is a semaphore? Explain how semaphores are used to solve shared data Problem

(b) Explain various semaphores variants

5. (a) Explain various inter task communication methods

(b) Explain timer functions

6. (a) Explain Basic Design Principles of Embedded Systems

(b)Explain hard real time and soft real time scheduling considerations

7. a) Explain tool chain for development embedded software

b) Explain the function of ROM emulator and in-circuit emulator

8. Write short notes on the following:

a) Logic analyzer

b) Applicat ion of Embedded Systems

c) Instruction set simulator

d) Tasks and task states

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Model Question Paper

MCA 4.5 Distributed Databases First Question is Compulsory

Answer any four from the remaining and All questions carry equal marks

Answer all parts of any Question at one place.

Time: 3 Hrs. Max. Marks: 70

1. Write short notes on:

(a) Distributed versus Centralized Databases

(b) Integrity Constraints in Distributed Databases

(c) Concurrency Control

(d) Optimistic Methods for Distributed Concurrency Control

(e) Multi-database Recovery



2. (a) Give an account of Principles Of Distributed Databases.

(b) What are the various types of Data Fragmentation?

3. (a) How to translation Global Queries to Fragment Queries?

(b) Explain Distributed Grouping and Aggregate Function Evaluation mechanisms.

4. (a) Write the Framework for Query Optimization.

(b) Explain Join Queries and General Queries.

5. (a) Give a Framework for Transaction Management supporting Atomicity of

Distributed Transactions.

(b) Explain how Concurrency Control for Distributed Transactions can be achieved.

6. (a) Explain the issue of Distributed Deadlocks.

(b) Write the various mechanisms from Concurrency Control based on Timestamps.

7. (a) Briefly explain Nonblocking Commitment Protocols and Reliability and

concurrency Control.

(b) Explain how to detect and resolve Inconsistency. Briefly explain checkpoints and

Cold Restart mechanisms.

8. Write short notes:

(a) Various mechanisms for Distributed Object Storage and Object Query

Processor Architectures

(b) Query Processing Layers in Distributed Multi-DBMSs

(c) Transactions as Objects

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Model Question Paper

MCA 4.5 IMAGE PROCESSING First Question is Compulsory

Answer any four from the remaining and All questions carry equal marks

Answer all parts of any Question at one place.

Time: 3 Hrs. Max. Marks: 70

1. Answer the Following

a) What do you mean by Image geometry

b) Define sampling.

c) Define Walsh transform.

d) What do you mean by colour Image Processing

e) What are the Image Compression Standards

f) How do you represent an image in frequency domain?

g) What are the application of morphology in I.P

2. (a) Give an Algorithm for FFT.

(b) Give an Algorithm for WFT.

3. (a) How do you Acquire an image? Explain in detail.

(b) Define and explain image sliding and image stretching.

4. (a) Define and explain low pass filters in brief.

(b) Define and edge. Explain various edge enhancement filters.

5. (a) Define prewitt filter.

(b) Explain in detail “hom*omorphie filter”.

6. (a) Explain compression at the time of Image Transmission.

(b) Explain about standardization in image compression.

7. (a) Explain split and merge technique for segmentation.

(b) Define and explain thresholding.

(c) Explain segmentation by PIXEL based methods.

8. Write Short notes on the following

a) Image Classification

b) Erosion and Dilation of images.

c) Skeletanization

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Model Question Paper

MCA 4.5 COMPUTER VISION First Question is Compulsory

Answer any four from the remaining and All questions carry equal marks

Answer all parts of any Question at one place.

Time: 3 Hrs. Max. Marks: 70

1. Answer the following: (a) Define Distance and Connectivity.

(b) Define HIT-or-MISS Transformation. (c) Define Chain Code. Give its Application.

(d) Define Euler‟s Number.

(e) Define Clustering. Briefly explain importance of clustering.

(f) Define convex hull.

(g) What is HEBBNET?

2. (a) Define an Edge; Explain Various Edge Enhancement Filters.

(b) Define Image Segmentation. Give a method of image segmentation.

3. (a) Define Skeletanization. Explain it‟s Application in Pattern Analysis.

(b) Define Thinning & Thickening.

4. (a) Define Region Identification. Give an Algorithm for Region Identification.

(b) Define and Explain Fourier Transforms of Boundaries.

5. (a) Define Convex hull. Give it‟s Application in Pattern Analysis.

(b) Define and Explain Moments in Detail.

6. (a) Explain Classification Learning.

(b) Explain the Application of Graph Theory in Object Recognition.

7. (a) Define Hierarchical Clustering. Give one Algorithm for above purpose.

(b) Define Partitional Clustering. Give K-Means Algorithm for the above


8. Write short notes on: (a) McCulloch - Pitts Model of ANN.

(b) McCulloch - Pitts Neuron Model for AND Function.

(c) Application of Fuzzy Logic in Pattern Analysis.

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Model Question Paper

MCA 4.5 Mobile Computing First Question is Compulsory

Answer any four from the remaining and All questions carry equal marks

Answer all parts of any Question at one place.

Time: 3 Hrs. Max. Marks: 70

2. Answer the Following

(a) Ubiquitous Network

(b) Fixed Network Transmission Hierarchy

(c) Cellular Networks.

(d) Wireless PANs

(e) Java Card

(f) CDMA

(g) GSM

3. (a) What is Three-Tier Architecture for Mobile Computing. Explain.

(b) Give a brief account of Mobile Devises and Mobile-Enabled Applications.

4. (a) Explain various generations in Wireless Networks. (b) Write all the approaches for Traffic Routing in Wireless Networks.

5. (a) Explain WLAN Standard IEEE 802.11 in detail. (b) Compare IEEE 802.11a, B, G and N Standards.

6. (a) Differentiate between Bluetooth and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID). (b) Differentiate GSM and GPS. 6. (a) How data is replicated for Mobile Computers. (b) Explain Data Services in GPRS and applications for GPRS. 7. (a) Explain Push-Based and Pull-Based Mechanisms. (b) What is a 3G Network. Write its Applications. 8. Write short notes on the Following (a) Wireless Application Protocol. (b) Mobile Computing Over SMS (c) GPRS Applications

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Model Question Paper


Answer any four from the remaining and All questions carry equal marks

Answer all parts of any Question at one place.

Time: 3 Hrs. Max. Marks: 70

1. Answer the following: (a) What is a digital signature?

(b) What is denial service attack?

(c) What is ECB mode? (d) What is the procedure for key generation using RSA?

(e) What is the purpose and the use of a KDC?

(f) What is non-repudiation?

(g) What is session key?

2. (a) Describe the Diffie-Hellman key exchange algorithm and explain it with an example.

(b)Alice and Bob want to establish a secret key using the Diffie–Hellman key exchange protocol

using n = 11, g = 5, x = 2 and y = 3. Find the values A and B and the secret key.

3. (a) Describe the data encryption algorithm. (b) Describe RSA algorithm in brief.

. (a) What are the key requirements of message digests? (b) Describe the secure hash algorithm.

5. (a) Discuss the message formats of Kerberos V4 in detail.

(b) Discuss the differences between various Kerberos versions.

6. (a) What is password based encryption? What are the problems associated with it?

(b) What is AH? Explain.

7. (a) Discuss SSL in detail? (b) Explain SSH in brief.

8. Write short notes on:

(a) Describe Pretty Good Privacy (b) Describe PEM in brief (c) Kerberos

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Model Question Paper

MCA 5.1 Wireless and Ad-hoc Networks First Question is Compulsory

Answer any four from the remaining and All questions carry equal marks

Answer all parts of any Question at one place.

Time: 3 Hrs. Max. Marks: 70

1. Answer the following:

(a) Generations of Wireless Networks

(b) Zigbee

(c) OFDM

(d) WEP

(e) WLANs

(f) Security in MANETs

(g) WiMAX

2. (a) Explain about the Blue tooth Technology in detail.

(b)Explain about Wifi-WiMax-Radio Propagation mechanism.

3. (a) Compare and contrast 802.11 a,b,g and n Standards.

(b) Explain HIPER LAN and ZigBee 802.15.4 in detail.

4. (a) Differentiate between Infrastructured and Infrastructureless Networks.

(b) What are the various types of Ad Hoc Networks? Write the challenges in Ad-hoc Network and

applications of Wireless AD Hoc Networks.

5. (a) Explain Proactive Routing Protocols and Reactive Routing protocols.

(b) What are the Energy impact issues in Routing.

6. (a) Define MANETs. Write the Applications of MANETs.

(b) Define Routing. Write the various Routing Algorithms.

7. (a) Write a detailed account of IEEE 802.15.4.

(b) Explain the MAC layer of Zigbee, WiMAX and IEEE 802.16.

8. Write short notes on:

(a) Various Security Attacks in Ad Hoc Networks

(a) Intrusion Detection System

(b) Intrusion Prevention system

(c) Intrusion Response system

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Model Question Paper

MCA 5.2 Data Warehousing & Data Mining First Question is Compulsory

Answer any four from the remaining and All questions carry equal marks

Answer all parts of any Question at one place.

Time: 3 Hrs. Max. Marks: 70

1. Briefly discuss.

(a). Discretization

(b)Advantages of ROLAP and MOLAP

(c). Ice-berg query.

(d).Constraint –based rule mining

(e).Cross table reporting

(f).Slicing operations

(g).Components of five-number summary

2. (a) What is data mining? Briefly describe the components of a data mining system.

(b)What are the major issues in Data Mining? Briefly describe important Applications of

Data mining

3. (a) Write the differences between operational database and data warehouse.

(b) Briefly describe 3-tier Data warehouse architecture

4. (a) Discuss in detail about the Data Preprocessing Techniques

(b) Propose an algorithm in pseudo-code for automatic generation of a concept hierarchy for

categorical data based on the number of distinct values of attributes in the given schema.

5. (a) Discuss the essential features of a typical data mining query language like DMQL.

(b Explain

i) FP Growth Algorithm

ii) Apriori Algorithm


6. (a). Discuss about Back propagation algorithm for neural network-based classification of data.

(b). Explain the Concept of SVM and Algorithm for classification of linear and non-linear data

7. (a) Write about different types data in cluster analysis. Explain briefly Density based Clustering


b) Discuss in detail about Evaluation of Clustering solutions

8. Write Short Notes on the Following

(a). GUI based DMQL

(b) Genetic Algorithms

(c) Hierarchical Clustering Methods

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Model Question Paper


Answer any four from the remaining and All questions carry equal marks

Answer all parts of any Question at one place.

Time: 3 Hrs. Max. Marks: 70

1. Answer the following:

(a) What is meant by crypto system?

(b) What are the characteristics of good data processing system?

(c) What is passive attack on communication network?

(d) What is boundary system for an Information System?

(e) List different input forms used for Input?

(f) Why Information controls are used?

(g) What is meant by spooling?

2. (a) Explain Effects of Computers on Internal Controls.

(b) Define a Control and Explain

3. (a) Explain different types of Audit Procedures

(b) Explain System Development Life Cycle for System Development Process

4. (a) Explain Generalized Audit Software Functions

(b) Explain measures of Asset Safe guarding and Data Integrity

5. (a) Explain the guidelines for source document design with examples

(b) Explain Processing Controls

6. (a) Explain Mandatory and Discretionary Access Control Mechanism used with databases

(b) Explain Application Software Controls

7. (a) Explain Batch Output Control

(b) Explain Evaluation of System Efficiency

8. Write short notes on:

(a) Permanent Identification Numbers

(b) Validation of Data Input

(c) Online Output Controls

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Model Question Paper

MCA 5.4 Ubiquitous Computing (Pervasive Computing) First Question is Compulsory

Answer any four from the remaining and All questions carry equal marks

Answer all parts of any Question at one place.

Time: 3 Hrs. Max. Marks: 70

1. Explain the Following

(a) Ubiquitous Computing

(b) Smart Cards and Smart Appliances

(c) Home Networks.

(d) WAP

(e) Digital Signatures

(f) Wireless Markup Language,

(g) Bluetooth

2. (a) Explain Pervasive Computing Principles - Decentralization, Diversification, Connectivity,


(b) Define Pervasive Information Technology. Explain

3. (a) Explain Pervasive Architecture in detail.

(b) Give Pervasive Web Application Architecture. Explain in detail.

4. (a) Give all the Pervasive Devices Categories. Write their Characteristics.

(b) Explain Software Components in the Pervasive Devices. Define Smart Identification and

Embedded Controls.

5. (a) What are the protocols for Pervasive Connectivity?

(b) What is Mobile Internet? Explain Short Range Wireless Communication mechanisms- DECT,

Bluetooth, IRDA.

6. (a) Give a brief account of Home Automation systems, Energy and Security Services and Remote

Home Health Care Services.

(b) Explain about Interactive Advertisem*nt, Shopping, Payment Services.

7. (a) Define Pervasive Synchronization. Give various Models of Synchronization.

(b) Give a brief account of Industry Data Synchronization Standards- Infrared Mobile

Communications, WAP and Syncml.

8. Write Short notes on the following

(a) Web Services Security

(b) Security in Pervasive computing.

(c) Light Weight Symmetric Algorithms and Applications

(d) Light Weight Asymmetric Cryptographic Algorithms

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Model Question Paper

MCA 5.4 Semantic Web First Question is Compulsory

Answer any four from the remaining and All questions carry equal marks

Answer all parts of any Question at one place.

Time: 3 Hrs. Max. Marks: 70

1. Explain the Following

a) URI

b) RDF

c) Ontologies

d) Inferences


f) Semantic Web Languages

g) Semantic Annotation

2. a) What is Semantic Web Structure?

b) Explain the process of Multi Information Retrieving.

3. a) Explain the process of Syntactic Reasoning with Deduction Rules.

b) What are the Syntactic Limits of RDFs,

4. (a) Explain OWL Formal Semantics and Description Logics.

(b) What is SWRL? Explain Semantic Web Rules and Syntax of SWRL.

5. (a) Definition of a Rule. Explain how one can combine rules With OWDL.

(b) Explain Rule Interchanging Formats RIF. Briefly explain Modular Ontologies.

6. (a) Give a brief explanation of Semantic Web Query Languages-ROPS, SWOPS and SPARQL.

(b) Explain Conjunctive Queries for OWLDL in detail.

7. (a) What is the purpose of agents in Web Data Mining? Explain how Semantic Web can be

used as a Data Base.

(b) Compare and contrast Web Mining and Semantic Web Mining.

8. Write Short notes on the following

a) Semantic WIKI‟s and Semantic Portals.

b) Semantic Web in Life Sciences.

c) RIF Applications

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Model Question Paper

MCA 5.4 CLOUD COMPUTING First Question is Compulsory

Answer any four from the remaining and All questions carry equal marks

Answer all parts of any Question at one place.

Time: 3 Hrs. Max. Marks: 70

1. Answer the following:

(a) Intranets Vs. Cloud

(b) Taxonomy Of Parallel Computing

(c) System Access Models

(d) Cluster Planning

(e) QsNet

(f) Hubs and Switches

(g) NIC Architecture.

2. (a) Give a Business Case explaining why one should go to the Cloud.

(b) Write Cloud Computing Services and its Business Applications.

3. (a) Write all the security concerns of cloud computing and the concerned Regulatory Issues.

(b) Explain how Cloud Computing is used by Google, Microsoft, Amazon,

4. (a) Write Web Applications relevant to Cloud Computing. Write a brief account of Web APIs.

(b) What is the meaning of Cloud Storage Providers. Explain the relevant Infrastructure and Service

needed for Cloud Storage Providers.

5. (a) Explain Software as a Service in detail.

(b) How Mobile Device Integration is done. How Microsoft Online provides this?

6. (a) Explain how the Cloud Computing Applications by Google and Microsoft are developed.

(b) Explain how the Cloud Computing Applications by Intuit QuickBase, Cast Iron Cloud and

Bungee Connect are developed.

7. (a) Define Local Clouds. Explain how Thin Clients are useful in Local Clouds.

(b) How Virtualization is useful in an Organization. Give a case study of McNeilus Steel.

8. Write short notes on:

(a) Cloud Storage Providers

(b) Cloud Services Aimed at the Mid-Market.

(c) Business applications of Cloud Computing.

Mca Syllabus - [PDF Document] (38)


Model Question Paper

MCA 5.4 SOFT COMPUTING First Question is Compulsory

Answer any four from the remaining and All questions carry equal marks

Answer all parts of any Question at one place.

Time: 3 Hrs. Max. Marks: 70

1. Explain the following

(a) Genetic Programming

(b) Fuzzy Sets Vs. Crisp Sets

(c) Fuzzy Pattern Recognition

(d) Fuzzy Image Processing

(e) Fuzzy Database

(f) Hebb's Learning

(g) Boltzmann Machine.

2. (a) What is Adaptive Resonance Theory? Explain.

(b) What are the various Tools and Techniques useful for Soft computing. Write the Applications of

Soft computing.

3. (a) Give a detailed description of Operations on Fuzzy Sets.

(b) Explain Fuzzy Logic in detail. Give its Applications.

4. (a) How interference in fuzzy logic can be achieved?

(b) Give a brief account of all the Fuzzy algorithms. Explain Fuzzifications and Defuzzificataions


5. (a) Gibe a detailed description of various Artificial Neural network architectures.

(b) Give a detailed description of various learning techniques.

6. (a) Write the Back Propagation Algorithms. Discuss the Convergence issues in the back propagation


(b) Explain Adaptive Resonance Theory in detail. Write their Applications.

7. (a) Define Genetic Algorithms. Explain the various Operators of GA.

(b) Give the Hypothesis of Building Blocks. Define Simulated Annealing and Stochastic Models.


8. Write Short notes on the following

(a) Rough Sets.

(b) Decision Tables and their Applications.

(c) Neural-Network-Based Fuzzy Systems.

(d) Genetic Algorithms for Neural Network.

Mca Syllabus - [PDF Document] (39)


Model Question Paper

MCA 5.4 GRID COMPUTING First Question is Compulsory

Answer any four from the remaining and All questions carry equal marks

Answer all parts of any Question at one place.

Time: 3 Hrs. Max. Marks: 70

1. Answer the following:

(a) Parallel Computing

(b) Distributed Computing

(c) Cluster Computing

(d) Grid Computing

(e) Meta data

(f) Ontology

(g) Semantic Web

2. (a) Write characterization of Grids. Explain.

(b) Explain Grid Computing Road Maps.

3. (a) Explain Architecture of Grid and Grid Computing.

(b) Elaborate on the Web Services OGSA andWSRF.

4. (a) What is Grid Monitoring Architecture (GMA)? Give a brief account of GridICE.

(b) What is Network Weather Service? Briefly explain Ganglia and GridM.

5. (a) What is a Grid Middleware? Give an overview.

(b) Draw the architecture and show the components of Globus Toolkit and gLite. Write their

features too.

6. (a) What are Collective Data Management Services and Federation Services?

(b) Define Grid Portal. Briefly explain Second Generation Grid Portals.

7. (a) What is a Semantic Web service? Explain layered structure of the Semantic Grid.

(b) What is Autonomic Computing? Write all the Semantic Grid activities.

8. Write short notes on:

(a) Scheduling and Resource Management useful for Grid Security

(b) Working principles of Scheduling.

(c) SGE system

(d) LSF system

Mca Syllabus - [PDF Document] (40)


Model Question Paper

MCA 5.4 CLUSTER COMPUTING First Question is Compulsory

Answer any four from the remaining and All questions carry equal marks

Answer all parts of any Question at one place.

Time: 3 Hrs. Max. Marks: 70

1. Explain the Following

(a) Infiniband

(b) Taxonomy of Parallel Computing

(c) System Access Models

(d) Cluster Planning

(e) QsNet

(f) Hubs and Switches

(g) NIC Architecture.

2. a) Define Cluster Computing and Parallel Computing. Give the Hardware System Structure

useful for Cluster Computing.

(b) Explain how Resource Management is done in Cloud Computing. What is Distributed

Programming? Write its Limitations.

3. (a) What is Cluster Planning? Draw the Architecture of Cloud computing.

(b) Define and elaborate on Node Hardware and Node Software.

4. (a) Explain cLAN and QsNet in detail.

(b) Give a detailed description of NIC Architecture. Write the functionalities of hubs and


5. (a) Give a detailed account of Distributed File systems.

(b) What is Remote Command Execution? What is the mechanism for Remote Command Execution?

6. (a) What are the System Access Models available? How assigning names is done in Cluster


(b) How Node Software is installed? Explain basic cluster administration.

7. (a) What are the Cluster Workload Management Activities? Explain.

(b) Explain Resource Management and Accounting in detail.

8. Write Short notes on the following

(a) Virtualization.

(b) Programming with parallel File systems.

(c) Scheduling in Cluster management

Mca Syllabus - [PDF Document] (41)


Model Question Paper

MCA 5.5 Big Data Analysis First Question is Compulsory

Answer any four from the remaining and All questions carry equal marks

Answer all parts of any Question at one place.

Time: 3 Hrs. Max. Marks: 70

1. Explain the Following

(a) Big Data

(b) Ontology

(c) Data Privacy Protection

(d) Decision Engines

(e) Discovery Using Data at Rest

(f) Data Streams

(g) Page Ranking in web search engines

2. (a) Define the drivers for Big Data-Velocity, Variety, and Veraity.

(b) Write at least four Big Data Analytics Applications in detail.

3. (a) Explain Massively Parallel Processing (MPP) Platforms architecture in detail.

(b) Define Unstructured Data Analytics. Elaborate on Context-Sensitive and Domain-Specific


4. (a) Explain Real-Time Architecture for Conversations in detail.

(b) Elaborate on Orchestration and Synthesis used in Analytics Engines.

5. (a) How Big Data Analytics is Implemented? Expalin.

(b) Explain about Big Data Governance. How Big Data can be integrated with MDM.

6. (a) Explain Map-reduce framework in detail. Draw the architectural diagram for Physical

Organization of Compute Nodes.

(b) Define HDFS. Explain HDFS in detail.

7. (a) What is Complexity Theory for Map-Reduce? What is Reducer Size and Replication Rate?

(b) Elaborate on Graph Model and Mapping Schemas. What do you mean by Lower Bounds on

Replication Rate?

8. Write Short notes on the following

a) Stream Data Model & Stream Queries

b) Graph Model and Mapping Schemas

c) Knowledge Hubs and Authorities

Mca Syllabus - [PDF Document] (42)


Model Question Paper

MCA 5.5 E-COMMERCE First Question is Compulsory

Answer any four from the remaining and All questions carry equal marks

Answer all parts of any Question at one place.

Time: 3 Hrs. Max. Marks: 70

1. Answer the following:

(a) Market Research

(b) E-commerce

(c) Security in E-commerce

(d) Security Certificates

(e) RFID tags

(f) Digital Video and Electronic Commerce

(g) Value Added Networks

2. (a)Give Electronic Commerce-Frame Work required. Write all the applications of E-Commerce.

(b) Write all the Mercantile Process Models. Explain.

3. (a) Write the importance of Electronic Payment Systems. What are the various types of Electronic

Payment Systems?

(b) Explain the use of Smart Cards and Credit Cards in E-commerce. Give a detailed design of

Electronic Payment System.

4. (a) How Electronic Data Inter-Change takes place?

(b) Define and elaborate on EDI Implementation. What is the meaning of Value Added Networks?

5. (a) What is Intra Organizational Commerce? Briefly explain Work Flow Automation and


(b) What is the importance of Supply Chain Management in E-commerce?

6. (a) What is a Document Library? What are the various Digital Document Types available?

(b) Write the importance of Corporate Data Ware-Houses. Elaborate on Corporate Data


7. (a) How advertising is done on Internet? Explain Online Marketing Process.

(b) Explain various mechanisms for Information Search and Retrieval.

8. Write short notes on:

(a) Present scenario of Digital Video and Electronic Commerce market

(b) Importance of Video Conferencing

(c) Value Added Networks

Mca Syllabus - [PDF Document] (43)


Model Question Paper

MCA 5.5 NEURAL NETWORKS & FUZZY SYSTEMS First Question is Compulsory

Answer any four from the remaining and All questions carry equal marks

Answer all parts of any Question at one place.

Time: 3 Hrs. Max. Marks: 70

1. Answer the following:

(a) Neural Networks

(b) Fuzzy Systems

(c) Pulse-Coded Signal Functions

(d) Additive Neuronal Feedback

(e) Additive Bivalent Models

(f) Noise-Saturation Dilemma

(g) The Entropy-Subset hood Theorem.

2. (a) What is Neural and Fuzzy Machine Intelligence?

(b) Elaborate on the Dynamical-Systems Approach to Machine Intelligence.

3. (a) Explain how Neurons act as Functions?

(b) What is a Neuron Field? Elaborate on Neuronal Dynamical Systems.

4. (a) Elaborate on Additive Neuronal Dynamics.

(b) What is the importance of BAM Connection Matrices? Explain Cohen-Grossberg and

Multiplicative Models in detail.

5. (a) Give the four Unsupervised Learning Laws. What is Stochastic Unsupervised Learning and

Stochastic Equilibrium?

(b) What is Signal Hebbian Learning? Differentiate between Competitive Learning, Differential

Hebbian Learning and Differential Competitive Leering.

6. (a) How Supervised Learning can be considered as Stochastic Pattern Learning with known Class


(b) Explain the Back propagation Algorithm in detail.

7. (a) Compare and contrast Fuzziness and Probability. Explain Fuzziness in a Probabilistic World.

(b) Explain the Fuzzy Entropy Theorem and the Subset hood theorem in detail.

8. Write short notes on:

(a) Fuzzy and Neural Function Estimators.

(b) Fuzzy Hebb FAMs

(c) Product-Space Clustering in FAM Cells.

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Model Question Paper


First Question is Compulsory

Answer any four from the remaining and All questions carry equal marks

Answer all parts of any Question at one place.

Time: 3 Hrs. Max. Marks: 70

1. Answer the following:

(a) Sequencing

(b) Biological Sequence/Structure

(c) Genome Projects

(d) The Dotplot

(e) Sequence Search Protocol

(f) DNA Sequence Analysis

(g) Pair Wise Alignment.

2. (a) Explain how Pattern Recognition can be viewed as a Prediction problem.

(b) Define Sequence Analysis, hom*ology and Analogy.

3. (a) Define Biological Protein Information Databases. What is a Primary Sequence Database?

(b) What is a Protein Pattern Database? Elaborate on Structure Classification Databases.

4. (a) Explain the functioning of DNA Sequence Databases.

(b) Write all the Specialized Genomic Information Resources existing.

5. (a) Write the importance of DNA Sequence Analysis. Give a brief account of Gene Structure and

DNA Sequences.

(b) What are the features of DNA Sequence Analysis? What are the effects of EST Data on DNA


6. (a) What are the algorithms for Pair Wise Alignment Techniques for comparing Two Sequences.

(b) What are the different Alignment Techniques? What is importance of Dynamic Programming

in Pair Wise Alignment Technique?

7. (a) What are the Progressive Methods for Multiple Sequence Alignment.

(b) Elaborate on Databases of Multiple Alignments and Searching.

8. Write short notes:

(a) Importance and need of Secondary Database Searches.

(b) Structure of Analysis Packages

(c) Packages specializing in DNA Analysis?


Mca Syllabus - [PDF Document] (2024)


What is the syllabus for MCA? ›

MCA Subjects
  • Discrete Mathematical Structure.
  • Computer Programming with C.
  • Database Management System.
  • Advanced Computer Architecture.
  • Software Engineering & TQM.
  • Unix and Shell Programming.
  • Operation Research & Optimization Techniques.
  • Operational Research.

Which MCA course is best? ›

4 Best Online MCA Specializations to Choose From in 2024
  • Online MCA in AI & ML. Without question, artificial intelligence has taken over the world, and mastering machine learning is a very valuable talent. ...
  • Online MCA in Cloud Computing. ...
  • Online MCA in Data Analytics. ...
  • Online MCA in Full Stack Development.
Feb 12, 2024

What is the content of MCA? ›

In an MCA program, students learn about computer applications related subjects such as C, C++, Java, Object Oriented Programming, Machine Learning, Software Engineering, Database Management Systems, and Data Structures and Algorithms. Q.

What subject is MCA? ›

MCA stands for Master of Computer Applications. It is a two-year postgraduate program that focuses on computer applications. The course is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills that are required to develop and implement computer applications.

What are the basics of MCA? ›

MCA education focuses on learning programming constructs and application modeling. It's an IT industry-oriented preparatory course for students with little to no knowledge of computer science. The Master of Computer Applications (MCA) program is a two-year professional post-graduate program.

What is the salary of MCA in India? ›

According to Payscale, the annual income of an MCA graduate in India is roughly 8.96 lakh. Entry-level candidates typically earn between Rs 2-3.5 LPA. Experienced experts should expect their bundle to be between 20 and 25 LPA.

Which MCA job has highest salary? ›

Software developers not only design and develop new software but also tests the existing software and even make corrections to the present software for better performance. This is one of the highest-paying jobs after MCA and also requires a thorough knowledge of the subject.

Is MCA better than BCA? ›

Master in Computer Application is a more advanced and in-depth learning of computer technology and concepts. Although it is a continuation of the techniques that the student has learned in BCA, students outside the field of computers can also enrol in the course after satisfying the eligibility criteria.

Which is the No 1 college for MCA in India? ›

Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, Anna University, Chennai, Guru Nanak College, Chennai are some of the Top MCA Colleges in India through TANCET.

What are the 4 principles of MCA? ›

Principle 1 – A presumption of capacity. Principle 2 – The right to be supported when making decisions. Principle 3 – An unwise decision cannot be seen as a wrong decision. Principle 4 – Best interests must be at the heart of all decision making.

What is the MCA checklist? ›

Best interests checklist

This outlines what someone needs to consider before taking an action or making a decision for you while you lack capacity. They should: Consider your wishes and feelings. This means your current wishes and those you expressed before losing capacity to make the decision.

What is the MCA syllabus? ›

The MCA syllabus is divided into six semesters which span 3 years. It not only incorporates the fundamentals of a computer system but also includes topics like Computer Languages, Application Development, Advanced Mathematics, Operating Systems, Computer Architecture, Software, etc.

What programming language is used in MCA? ›

Programming languages:

Any MCA professional must be proficient in programming languages such as Java, C++, and Python. These languages are widely used in industry and are required to develop software applications.

What is the fees of MCA in India? ›

MCA fees are INR 60,000–3 lakhs. MCA colleges include Christ University, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi University, Presidency College, and the University of Hyderabad, among others. There are various entrance exams for MCA such as CUET PG, IPU CET, NIMCET, TANCET, TSICET, OJEE etc.

What is the pattern of MCA? ›

Paper Pattern:

A single paper of 120 multiple choice questions with four answer choices. Duration – 120 min. Questions on Mathematical Aptitude – about 80. Analytical and Logical Reasoning – about 40.

Does MCA include coding? ›

The online MCA program offers advanced knowledge of programming concepts, data structures, object-oriented programming, and database management systems. Students are also exposed to web and mobile application development, including Android app development.

What are MCA exams? ›

The Science MCA is an online fixed form test, which means the content of the test is pre-determined. There are several forms, or versions, of the test that use different scenarios and questions, but all are of equal difficulty.

Which university is best for MCA distance education? ›

  • Suresh Gyan Vihar University.
  • Jain University.
  • Lovely Professional University.
  • Indira Gandhi National Open University.
  • Jaipur National University.
  • Teerthanker Mahaveer University.
  • University of Mumbai.

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Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

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Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.