Lincoln Journal Star from Lincoln, Nebraska (2024)

a I a so 7 See at a 38.75: few loads high choice and prime fed steers, $37.00 37.75; bulk average good to high choice, $32.50 36.75; few loads utility to low commercial SEaSS slaughters steers. $26.00 27.50; other commercial grassers. $28.00 30.50: few loads commercial to high good caked on. grass steers. $30.50 33.50: prime 1,040 lb.

fed heifers. bulk medium and good stock steers, $31.00 35.50: few loads good and choice yearlings, $36.00 37.00; choice partly fattened 892 lb. feeder short steers. choice 1.006 and 1.042 lb. feds.

$35.25: good and choice stock heifers, $32.00 34.00; load 510 $34.50: choice 404 and 422 lb. stock steer calves. $41.50 and $42.00. Hogs: Compared with Friday a week ago: Uneven, lights and butchers scaling 270 Ibs. 25 to 50 cents lower; heavier weights scarce, steady to 25 cents lower: colisng top $21.15 on choice 220 to 240 choice 190 to 270- $20.75 21.00; few 280 to 300 $20.00 20.50; 170 to 180 $20.00 SOWS steady to 25 cents lower at $16.50 19.00.

Sheep: Compared with Friday a week ago: Killing classes mostly steady; choice prime native spring lambs. $29.00 30.00; good and choice, $27.00 29.00; few choice and prime shorn yearlings with No. 1 skins. $27.00 28.99; good and choice slaughter ewes. cull and utility, $9.00 13.00; good and choice native feeding lambs.

$26.00 29.00. DENVER Cattle: Compared with Friday week ago: fed steers and heifers steady, instances 25c higher; cows steady to 50c lower; bulls $1.00 lower; vealers and slaughter calves steady; stockers and feeders steady to 50c higher: prime 16. fed steers $37.60. several loads $37.40 50; bulk good and choice steers and yearlings $34.00 36.75: prime 962 lb. fed heifers $36.75 choice and low-prime.

heifers $35.90 38.40; choice and prime vealers $34.00 36.00; choice 550-625 stock steers to comparable grade stock lb. feeders $35.00 50: choice steer calves $38.00 42.50; vealer weights $45.00: medium to choice feeding heifers $30.00 35.00. Compared with Friday week ago: Spring slaughter lambs mostly $1.50 higher: sheep unchanged; feeder lambs $1.00 higher: choice and prime 85 to 97 lb. spring slaughter lambs $31.25 75: week's top $33.00 for 10 cars; cull to choice slaughter ewes largely good and choice 62 to 85 lb. Colorado range feeding lambs $32.00 34.25: heavier natives $31.00 32.00: ewe lambs $33.00 34.00; aged breeding ewes.

$15.00 17.00. Hogs: Compared with Friday week ago: week's Butchers top 25 50c $22.00 lower; paid sows Wednesday; 25 075c lower: closing limit week's bulk lbs. 22.00; sows 270-450 lbs. $16.00 19.00. Hogs: Salable 200, total 2,000, Compared with Friday week ago; uneven, bulk butcher hogs 190 to 250 156.

25 35c lower, with some around 270 lbs. and over 50c or more off: most sows, 50 75c lower; closing top this week, $21.15, week ago $21.50: bulk choice 190 to 280 lb. butchers closing, $20.75 21.00; butchers over 260 scarce throughout week: 160 to 190 lbs. closing $19.25 20.75; most sows 400 lbs. and under closed $17.25 400 to 500 $16.25 500 to 600 $15.75 0 16.50.

Cattle: Salable 500. Compared with Friday week ago: Despite the holiday, receipts less than 10 percent smaller last week; fed steers and yearlings predominating with good to prime grades most numerous; prime steers active; steady to 25c higher, other grades slow, weak to mostly 50c lower, prime heifers steady; other strong to. classes 25c of higher. cattle other heifers mostly steady; two loads prime 1.161 and 1,327 -lb. fed steers.

$39.60, bulk primo steers and long yearlings weighing 1,050 fed up $38.50 39.50; most choice to low prime largely grades, $32.50 $35.00 34.75, 38.25; load good to low, choice commercial good 1,050 lb. southwest grassers. $32.50. utility and commercial steers, $27.00 32.00; quite few. loads prime heifers.

$37.25 38.50; bulk good to low prime $32.50 37.00: utility and commercial kinds. $24.00 32.00; commercial cows largely $27.00 30.00. few good native fed cows to $32.00, commercial and good 1,050 lb. young Montana cows. $32.50, bulk canner to utility cows.

$19.00 25.50, utility. to good bulls, $27.00 32.00; commercial to prime vealers. $28.00 37.00: choice 515 15. short yearling stock steers. $39.50, good to choice 550 lb.

Montanas. $38.00 with same brand 650 lb. weights. $37.00, bulk medium and good southwest steer calves and yearling stockers, $32.00 36.50, medium 850 to 975 lb. feeding steers, $29.75 32.00.

common 725 lb. stockers, $27.50, load mostly choice 657 lb. Montana feeding heifers. $35.00. The surest way to financial success through home of your own and you will find some outstanding bargains under Class 82 "Homes for Sale." Found 1 Business Lady's gold Bulova watch.

between Lincoln hotel P. St. Reward. 3-7394. Cabinets.

-15 of carpentry possibly Red vicinity leather 15th billfoid. B. call valuable, 5-7243 Kitchen leum. Reward. 10 red billfold, near 13th O.

Reward. 2-8336 -14 FOR Man's 17-jewel yellow gold Hamilton STOCKINGS wrist watch, with leather band, lost 2-6269. Wednesday at fair grounds, Reward. Notify Dale Nelson. Stockham, Nebr.

8 Man's open faced gold watch. Senti- Building mental value. Liberal reward. 2-7214. 4:3730: Isfactors Small red purse lost, 13 O.

Return work at General with pictures. 2200 Potter. 2-1806. -10 Strayed 550 Reward. 1b.

Emil white-face Melichar. Hereford Denton. Experienced. General steer. Neb.

Ph. 206-336. party who found green purse return papers and keys to Mrs. B. H.

Call us Barrett. Reward. 4-4169. 10 reasonable. Indy who found my 2.

size. Mexican silver rings from wash hasin Industrial Arts call 2-6015. Reward. General Bldg at Fair Grounds on keepsakes, 10 dirt hauling. rings but 132 So.

White female wire haired terrier, black markings. Answers Te 2903- Lady Liost from No. Personals Authorized Parts: and Service A Cit. CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH Dawler Motor: Co 1608 0 2-6939 Old house, EXTERMINATING SANITARY CO ins. 1145 L.

2-6013 Ins. estimates. Choice half cemetery, lot in Very Lincoln reasonable Memorial on Driveways. Park quick 5-8105. :13 foundations.

sale. Desire garage with cement drive near 17th wagon. Euclid Bor Must -641 Journal. accommodate 8 A-1 Service, ments. BIG SAVING general ALL MDSE.

Rutt UNITED ARMY STORE 1028 0 Concrete ure Spirella foundation garments, Special Free Discount. Fig- Driveways, Analysis with Guaranteed 6-6397 Do you know where to locate Chester Concrete Ray Breeden, age 28. height 6 ft. small. hazel eyes, brown hair, lots of on bath arms? On right arm Sidewalks.

tatoes. eral repair. Army serial No. 1151145, and tatoo of a woman. "Doris.

Ruth." Ida. Jackie" on left arm. On the right A-1 near the knee the tatoo "Mother. tanks. Please write his mother his For Mrs.

Stella Carter. Hernshaw. W. Vas or tank wife at- 1003 Breezemont Drive. Charleston.

W. Va.r DON'T THROW IT AWAY Lincoln Plating Plant 2373 0 2-2417 127 ELECTRIC So. Leaving for Los Angeles 1. 1-2 2-8091 passengers. Help share expenses, Basem*nt ins.

Linoma Beach Eves. Best spot. tor. fall outings! Grills and fuel for steak roasts! Aft-weather house: dancing: giant fireplace: sports on television. Leaving for Seattle Call Sept.

Share RYMAN EA Chicken B-Q. ribs. (TV), 3800 Sears Optical Dept Two appointment necessary Just Inside SEARS 10. Mr. Basem*nt -10 steaks Hat So.

14th. Anderson ishing. doctors No. waits Jensen Free St. entrance There substitute for experience in Gutters Home Improvement Know How Our cement architects can help Call or write Showalters.

233 No: 22. 2-2403 Flue WANDA HAYES WELCH 2.2832 Electrologist, 207 Sharp Bide. Have Method for permanent, hair. men. safe removal of superfluous sultation without for rent.

Vicinity garages 43 each per month. 5-7153. Lennox factory estimates 88 Green Stamp books, $3 each. D. -11 1428 9 OUT OF 10.

HANDI AUTO PARTS All trees BEST BEN TOUR 2018 BEN'S 0 ST PHONE 2-7079 Beauty Salons Complete Line No. with 27. Permanent from 2-48845 Wright's 2-1901. 12 Academy Gutters MIDWEST School of Hairdressing Cosmetolozy painted. 134 50.

18th. 202 Fed. See. Bide 2-4939 Business Service ARMORER CAB SERVICE Armored car, patrol watchman, investication. P.O.

Box 1483. 6-2579. BAsem*nT DIGGING I. D. SCHWARCK CO.

Keep Excavating cuble vard in Lincoln Gradine The within miler of city and dirt hauling with Combination where Vehraska 4-2176 You never, BAsem*nT REPAIR Foundation repair and bracing Water proofing inside method. Aquella of RE described in Life and World Herald Material and instructions furnished for self application. 10 experience Free estimates. 1-2719 BLACK DIRT POUNDATIONS. 4-1 black dirt.

Fillings, 2-6123. tamping stound a a Hogs Steady At Lowest Since January CHICAGO. (P). Hogs sold, at around the lowest, prices since last January Saturday. Cattle and sheep also were quoted nominally steady.

OMAHA Cattle: Compared with Friday week ago: Fed sicers and heifers 25 el 75c higher; cows strong tO 50c higher: bulls vealers and calves steady; stocker and feeder classes strong to 50c higher; prime 1291 lb. led steers 39 new high since April: sizable showing high choice and prime $38.00 39.00; mostly prime heifers two Joads 1118 lb. cows of commercial grade good bulls vealers choice 18. 605 lb. stock $36.60: steers $39.00: choice 946.

feeders bulk good and choice fed steers $33.00 37.50: few commercial to low good $29.000 32.50; good and choice heifers $32.00 0 36.256 utility and commercial cows $23.00 28.00; canners and cutters $18.00 22.00; good and choice feeder steers and good stock steers $32.00 36.00. Sheep: Compared with Friday week ago: Spring slaughter lambs 75c higher, other slaughter and replacement classes 50c higher: good to prime spring slaughter lambs $31.00 031.73: choice and prime 94 lb. Wyoming lambs $32.00. good and choice 89-95 1b. fed shorn yearling wethers good and choice shorn siaughter ewes $14.50 15.50; good and choice feeder lambs $31.00 34.00; load 95 lb.

Wyoming shearing lambs $31.00: choice 92 lb. Wyoming ewe lambs $33.50: yearling ewes good and choice short term to solid mouth breeding ewes $17.25 0 20.00. Hogs: Compared with Friday week ago: Barrows and gilts 85c to mostly $1.00 lower. SOM acnerally 75c lower, instances $1.00 off; weeks top $21.50: bulk choice 180-360 1b. barrows and gilts $18.25 20.90 late; choice 270-550 lb.

sows. BIOUX CITY Compared with Friday week ago: 'Slaughter steers and heifers average choice and better mostly steady; some high choice and prime strong others largely weak to 25c lower: cows little changed; stockers and feeders steady; bulk good and choice fed steers $32.50 36.75; few loads choice to prime $37.00 37.50: choice to prime 1.096 to 1,245 lb. weights good and choice heifers mainly $32.00 35.00: choice to prime 850 to 925 lb. weights commercial cows $27.00 29.00; utility. $23.00 bulk medium ad good stocker and feeder steers $31.00 35.00; choice 900 lb.

feeders several sales 650 to 750 lb. stockers $36.00 37.75: choice 581 16. weights $39.00: good and choice stock steer calves $36.00 48.00; choice 300 1b. mixed steers and heifers $45.00 load 295 1b. heifer calves $48.00.

Sheep: Compared with Friday week ago: Spring, slaughter lambs strong to 25c higher; other classes fully stady to strong; replacement classes strong: choice and prime spring slaughter lambs $31.00 31.50: good and choice 91 to -98 lb. fed yearlings and choice killer ewes $14.00 15.50: cull and utility $10.000 14.00; good and choice feeding lambs averaging 60 to 75 $32.25 33.50; deck 51 lb. weights $33.75: load 90 lb. Idaho ewe lambs deck Montana ewe lambs $39.00 per head. Compared with Friday week ago: Butchers generally 75c lower; top 90c off; sows under weishts.

360 75c. lbs. largely off. $1.00 lower: heavier to mostly 75c lower: week's butcher range $17.25 21.25, closing limit $20.85 sparingly; bulk barrows gilts $19.75 20.50: sows 550 lbs. down ranged $15.75 19.25.

KANSAS CITY Caitlet Compared with Friday a week ago: Choice and prime fed steers strong to 25 cents higher: commercial to low choice short feds steady to 25 cents lower; grass slaughter steers 50 cents to $1.00 lower: extreme $1.50 off; heifers and cows in limited supply, strong to 50 cents higher; bulls unchanged: vealers and killing calves steady to strong. spots $1.00 up; stock steers active, steady to strong: feeders steady to 50 cents lower, instances $1.00 lower: medium and low good feedErs showing decline: stock heifers strong to 50 cents higher: stock calves strons to $1.00 up: 19 loads top choice to mostly prime medium weight fed steers bought to arrive at. $38.00 Deaths CECRLE- Charlotte Cecrle, 58, Millisan, died here Friday. Surviving are her husband, Joe S. Cecrle: a daughter DEAN Mrs.

Ida Dean. 78. of 1532 and three, sons Wadlows. So. 19th.

died Thursday, Surviving daughter. Aileen of 1532 So. 19th. and sister. Mrs.

Pearl CarpenVer of Vallejo. Calif. Services at 1:30 p.m. Sunday at Browns. Burial, DourFAWCETT-Mrs.

Ethel ave. Zor Fawcett. 65. of 6424 Havelock, Donald died day. Surviving are son.

Lincoln, and niece. Marsh Long Beach. Calif Funeral at p.m. Monday Alliance at the church. Rev.

Ord Christian MisMorrow officiating. William: Dick sionary will sing, accompanied by. Dorothy Federle. Pallbearers Erwin Pant Andreas. DeBoer, Royce Rexilias.

DonTheodore Mealhow, ald Kelley, Body will be taken to Ervie: Roper Sons Havelock chapel Monday morning. GERLACH- Henry Gerlach. Sur- .60, 907 Claremont, died. Saturday, viving are his wife. Katherine: son.

Arthur Paul of Hastings: daughters. Mr. R. L5 Barribo and Mrs. both of Lincolns and six Rev.

Arthur C. grandchildren. Services p.m. Tuesday Browns. Crien officiating.

Venka, Peter. Heelan 80. of 2310 So. 16th, died two Friday. Survivors are wife.

Elizabeth: sons. and Bernard of Lincoln: of Emerson two dauchters. Mrs. and Mariorie Miss Harmeyer Evelyn of Los Angeles. Heelan of Omaha.

and eight grandchildren, Blessed Funeral at Sacrament. 9:30 Rev. a.m. A. Mon- J.

day Kramer at officiatine. Calvary. Rosary at 8. p.m. Sunday at home.

HodsFuneral of Mrs. Kate 2 2838 Sheridan, at p.m. Sunday at Wadlows. Rabbi Samuel Baron officiatine. Cornelia Cole at the preen.

Wyuka. Ida C. Snyder of MilMrs. ford. Funeral services will be Monday 2 p.m.

at the Milford Methodist church. ZABEL A. of Vollands. Ad. -Herman died here Friday.

Surviving Western. A. of Fremont. Body at son, 0. Wadlows pending arrangements.

Florists beautiful floral 120 No. 10 2-3285. from -12 At Eiche's, choice All occasions. 21 Funeral eprave. 210 So 13.

2-6384 nabit Ant en necasion Mate, Hiltner Floral Company flower 135 So 12th. 2-2775. offers complete The floral Yule service Floral featuring our distinctive work. 147 No. 83rd.

2-31719 10 funeral Atrican Wedding. Funeral arrangements. begonias. Ivy violets. Fairyland Greenhouse.

6218 0. 6-2872. Monuments Cemeteries Speidell Son Rock of Ages 10TH ST Trump Monument 2-1501 Works 10 2132 0 SC Funeral Directors Ambulance Two, elehty-five forty-three. Umberger's Mortuary, Inc. Cecil Wadlow Phone 2-6535 Mortician Ambulance Mortuary 1335 9-6507 HELMSDOERFER Que FUNERAL.

HOME 9-4028 RobertsMortuary: SINCE 1878 ROPER SONS Mortuaries 2-5501 6-2831 Lest Found Black billfold lost billfold, Thursday, papers. 5-3854. money. return lost: Brown white Walker hound. Name short-tailed.

hair Reward. 5-8003 pup lost Brown co*cker, spaniel Uni Place. red ladies billfold containing driver's license Black and grounds Maxine Wendell: Diamond ring Reward, lost in 3-6050, Hovland-6 rest room. watch lost Fair Lady's Elein wrist Grounds. Reward.

Open Wheat Sept. Dec. Mar. May July Corn Sept. 178 Dec.

Mar May July Oats Sept. Dec. Mar. May Rye Sept. Dec.

NEW RYE Sept. Dec. 175 May July SOYBEANS Sept. 287 Nov. 271 Jan.

Mar. May Sept. Oct. 15.45 Nov. Dec.

14.42 Jan. Mar. May Grain Futures Hish Low Close Pv.C1 Year Aso 243 242 2421 223 2474 246 249 248 2331 241 172 172 177 177 82 1485 89 831 170 167 171 170 171 175 174 83 179 179 176 175 290 286 271 247 249 279 279 278 278 4 LARD 16.70 16.70 16.70 16.70 15.05 15.47 15.45 15.47 15.40 15.10 14.20 14.17 15.00 15.45 14.42 14.45 14.40 15.45 14.40 14.40 15.80 15.35 14.37 15.32 14.42 14.45 Grains Rally To Overcome CHICAGO. (P). Grains a little week end Saturday to come rally toward the close.

tracts went above with September soybeans a couple of cents on a aggressive shortcovering. The market started around the time that news on Andrei Gromyko's conference in San came available to traders. not appear to hold much any near-time settlement tensions existing and west, a basic in grain prices. Wheat closed 1 to September corn higher, September oats to higher, rye (new style) higher, September 1 to higher, September and lard 7 cents a hundred pounds September $16.70. LINCOLN Wheat: No.

1. $2.18. Corn: No. 2 yellow. $1.78.

Oats: No. 2, 30 74c. Barley: 2, $1.05. Milo: $2.15. OMAHA Wheat: No.

2 bard, 3, $2.30 2.33 No. 4, $2.30 Cora: No. 2 yellow, Oats: No. white. 83c: sample, 73 81 sample mixed, Rye: No.

4, $1.54. Mised grain: $1.54. KANSAS CITY Wheatt 139 cars: lower No. 2 hard and dark hard, Service 12 CABINET BUILDERS custom built. Also all kinds 3-9066.

20 cabinets. Formica LOps. So. 33. Lino- 4 Gold Industries.

1375 BELTS TRUSSES BELTS. TRUSSES ELASTIC See of write Panter Belt Shop 28 CARPENTER WORK and remodeling, Prompt de sat service. Free estimates. all around carpentry. Fine reasonable rates.

5-3582. 12 repair work. new, or remodel. work guaranteed. 2-5076 FLOOR RAISING tor your sassing Prices 2-2199.

31 BAsem*nT DIGGING MAX TUBBS C.3 A. excavating, basem*nts, gradins Day 2-7102: night 5-8264. 13. Lincoln, -Neb. LICENSED EMIL PLACHY Farm.

Wirins. Repairs 3-1520. -10 CEMENT WORK foundations corrected, cement work leveling. caulking. water proofchimney, Basem*nt, bonderPatch plasterins, remodeling.

Free 5-3670. 11 basem*nt floors. sidewalks. guaranteed. Free estiTarpler-Sons.

sidewalks. driveways. baseChimney, repair, foundations. repair. Free estimates: 5-7211, Sons.

construction of kinds floors. steps and sidewalks. Free estimates 6-6385. work of all kinds, No lob 100 Reasonable rates. 4-3730.

driveways basem*nts. Call 5-8344. Fred Rutt. 20 CESSPOOLS cleaning of cesspools and septic Free estimates. 6-3641, 10 experienced cesspool and septic cleaning.

call Corning. 6-5686. -28 ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE COLIN MOTOR SERVICE 19th. 2-7505 28 EXCAVATING excavation. gradins, dirt haulTurler Lannins.

3532 No 11. 5-3129. 16 EXCAVATING GRADING DUFF BRUNING 3-4373 20 Schweitzer Excavating Co. dirt hauling erad2-8416 7-12 FLOOR SANDING Floor Sanding Fine cleaning. waxing.

4-4240. floor estimates sanding finishing GUTTERS cleaned. painted, repaired. also work wanted. Insured.

5-3992, 1512 FLUE LINING lining installed. Reinich. 2-5402, your Free Que estimates, lined by Green experienced Plumbing Co. 6-2377 FURNACES heating equipment Installed by trained experienced men Free Green 6-2377 Plumbing HOME SERVICE HOME SERVICE home office cleaning -12 PANDORA home and office GUTTER WORK 2-6402 cleaned. repaired, Reinich, HOME IMPROVEMENTS Lincoln's New Rusco Dealer MICKLIN HOME IMPROVEMENT CO.

Step the Weather With Window Self Permanent Ail- Metal Storing Screen and Storm Rash me unit ventilation lust arrange Phone 2-2046 For, FREE Estimate nitration and EASY PAYMENT PLAN MICKLIN HOME IMPROVEMENT CO. 249 North 11 St Open Class Horse CompetitionTop Honors to Kansas Citian Horses and riders jumped, pa- wood, ridden by Johnnie Helms, and raded and C. same owner. by Leona posed before a Helms. Third.

Lady Snooks. owned stand audience of Friday ridden by George F. Stock. Crescent, Ta.r and night in finalist competition which Lady George F. Snooper, Stock.

owned Fourth. and Lady, ridden by Mrs. and owned closed the 1951 State Fair horse ridden by Marlin Chubbock, Denton. and shows. Judy, owned by Merlin Chubbuck, Denton.

ridden by Ruth Chubbuck. included in the competition Pleasure Class, English Equipment were 160 class performances First. Frenchy's Fancy, owned and ridden open by Jeanne De France, Omaha. Second. Jenand a competitive exhibition by nie Stonewall, owned by Suzanne Multon.

the all golden horse troupe. Per- Clarquin's ridden by Mrs. Robert Plumb. Third. Noble Genius.

owned and ridden formance horses from seven states by Maxine Hunt. Nebraska City. Fourth. competed in the afternoon and Golden Knight. owned by Joann Kroupa, Omaha, and ridden by Mrs.

Emil Kroupa. evening shows. Five-Gaited Class in the horseman- den First, by C. A. Mountain Osier.

Echo, Walnut, owned Ja. and Second, ridOutstanding ship performance was John Egan, Blue Indigo, owned by Almarel stables, of Kansas City, who walked Omaha, House, ridden by owned W. by C. Double Mount Joy. H-K Third.

stables. -or rode- off with prizes in four North Platte. ridden by Martin co*ckriel. out of five classes in jumping and Fourth. I'm A.

Sensation. owned and ridby Leon Hunt. Beatrice. Fifth. Rusthree classes in horse exhibition.

sell Royalty, owned and ridden by Andrew Modified Morrow, The club trophy was won by Ak-Sar-Ben Jumpers, First. Hoodie. owned by Mrs. 0. G.

saddle club. of Omaha. Egan. Bitter, Kansas Second. City.

The ridden by Robert Winners during the afternoon o. G. Bitler. Kansas City, Plainsman, Mo. owned ridden by show were: Robert Egan.

Third, High Line. owned Jumpers. Triple Bars by Leslie Loomis. Lincoln. Ridden by First.

Copan, owned by Mrs. Joan MorClyde Henson. Fourth, Hi Way 40, owned genthau. Blue Springs. Mo.

ridden by Mrs. by Mrs. Georse H. Bunting. Kansas City.

Morganthau. Second, The Plainsman, owned ridden by Robert Egan. -H. Fifth. De by by 0.

G. Bitler, Kansas City. Mo. 40. ridden owned by Mrs.

George Bunting, Robert Third. Hiway owned Kansas City, ridden by Robert Egan. by Mrs. George Brunting. Kansas City, Fine Harness ridden by Robert Egan.

Fourth, WalFirst. Gypsy Dream Girl. owned and nut. owned and ridden by Jack Mead, Scottsdriven by C. F.

Smyth, Wichita, Kas. Sec- bluff. Junior Fine Harness ond, Hawkeye. owned and driven by C. A.

Osier, owned by Walnut, Cecil Ia. Third, Superior driven Teal, by C. Smyth, Wichita, owned Kas. Second. First, Jasper Peavine, and Speck Keith.

Fourth, Prudish, owned by Memory Maker, owned and driven by Seever. Superior, E. E. Colonial Court stables. Lincoln, driven by Houschultz.

Plattsmouth. Third, Marie's Airs. R. H. Hudson.

Fifth, Memory Maker, Marigold, owned and driven by Ray Deibert. owned and driven by E. E. Houschultz. Sac City, Ia.

Fourth, Autumn Glory, owned Plattsmouth. by Martin Double H-K. stables, North Platte, driven Horsemanship, English Equipment by co*ckriell. Horsemanship, Western, Under 18 Horse First, farm, Lively Omaha, Lads. ridden owned.

by. Miss. Hobby Vicki First, Hiawatha's Starlite Lady, owned and by ridden by Sharon Helmes, Omaha. Second. a Weeks.

Second, Alice Pea owned Sobre's Golden Spike, owned by Mrs. Hudby C. L. DeLong. Nebraska City, ridden son Miller, Omaha.

ridden by Susanne Nancy De Lons. Third. American Cadet. Staley, Third. Ginger, owned and ridden owned by Marilyn Clark, Omaha, ridden by Mary Nelson, Ashland, Neb.

Fourth. KawNancy Clumb. Fourth, Golden Knight, owned Kaw-Na. owned by Miller Bros. Utica, ridden Joann Kroupa, Omaha.

ridden by Joan Miller. Foals of 1951, any breed Ladies Three First, co*ck Robin, owned- and exhibited by First, Magnificent. Miss. owned and ridDeibert, Sack City, Second. Look den Lively by Lady, Cynthia owned Murphy, by Hobby Fremont.

Horse Second, farm, Ray owned by Apple Mountain farms, Hamburg, exhibited by Sam Stevens. The Omaha, Arrogant ridden by Rebel, Mrs. owned Roger by Z. Weeks. W.

Credle. Third, Third. McCook, Wavy exhibited River, by owtied Harold by Osman. Jack Fourth. Kidd, Omaha, ridden by Judy Credle.

Fourth, Ramson Q. Morgan, owned and exhibited by Fremont. Sue, by Ann Sweet owned and ridden Peisler, P. M. Duffield, Lincoln.

Pony Class Peavine's Parade, Silver Equipment First. TrinKets, owned by Jack Kidd, MeMiller First, Golden Major, owned by Cook, ridden by Lecia Kidd: Second, Black Pontiac, Omaha, ridden by Art Wonder Girl, owned and ridden Pamela Miller. Larsen, Second, Fremont. Stormy, owned by W. Bass, Malvern.

Third, Tarzan, ridden by Bill Jerry Smith. by Miller Utica, ridden by Dick King Midas, owned by Waybill, ler: Fourth. Popeye, owned Sandra Han- MilNorth Bend, ridden Bob Miles, Fourth, nenkamp, Hickman, by ridden by Karen Kay King Labart, Cason. owned by Audrey and Harriet Hannenkamp. Overton, driven by Aubrey Labart.

Parade Class Three- Gaited First, Brilliance, owned by Almarel. First, Storms, owned by V. W. Larsen. stables, Omaha, ridden by Judy Credie.

Sect. Fremont, ridden by Jerry Smith; Second, King ond, Arletha's Easter Parade, owned and Midas, owned by Bill Waybill, North Bend, by C. F. Smyth, Wichita. Kas.

Third, ridden by Bob Miles; Third. Trixie, owned Fairview Supreme, owned by H-K by Colonial Court Stable, Lincoln, ridden by stables, North Platte, ridden by Martin, co*ck- Georgia Lee Hudson; Fourth, King Cason, Fourth, Magnificent Ciss. owned by owned by Audrey and Harriett Labart, Cynthia Murphy, Fremont, ridden by Ken- ton. ridden by Harriet Laburt. rell, neth Michelson.

Association Trail Horses First. Sobre's Pair Golden Class Spike, owned by Mrs. First, Hudson Sobre's Miller, Golden Omaha, Spike, ridden owned by Hudson Miller, Omaha, ridden by Suzanne Suzanne Staley; Second, Sport, owned and Staley, and Hiawatha's Starlight Lady, owned ridden Hiawatha's by George Starlite Kreeger, Irvington: Third, and ridden. by Sharon Helms, Omalia. Seed.

Lady owned and ridden ond. Laddie, owned by Johnny's Cafe, Glen- by Sharon. Helms, Omaha: Fourth, Golden Knight, owned and ridden by Joann Kroupa, No. 3, 2.38: No. 2 red, Omaha.

2.41 No. 3, 2.39¼ n. Ladies Five Gaited Corn: 55. cars: lower to 1c higher: First, The owned and ridden by No. 2 white, No.

3, Ann Peigler, Fremont: Second, Pennies From No. 2 yellow mixed, $1.730 Heaven. owned and ridden by Z. W. Credle, 1.74%: No.

3, 01.74m. Omaha: Third, Hal's Stonewall, owned Oats: -14 cars: lower to higher; ridden by Joann Kroupa, Omaha; Fourth. No. 2 white, No. 3, Belle Rita, owned by.

Double H-K stables, North Platte, ridden by' Mary Ann Hahler. CHICAGO Senior Stock Horses Corn: No. 2 yellow, No. 3, First, Buck, owned and ridden by John 5, $1.821 No. 4.

$1.79 No. and Cheyney, ridden by Glenwood, Johnnie Second, Stutzman. Susie, owned Beemer: Oats: No. heavy white. No.

2. Third, Flicka, owned and ridden by Gilbert Stork, Herman; Fourth, Oklahoma Red, Barley: Malting, $1.30 nominal: owned by V. W. Larsen, Fremont, ridden feed. 01.30 nominal.

by Jerry Smith. Service Painting, Papering 21 (Trucks, Bodies, Trailers PAWN BROKERS Extra nice 1946 Studebaker on anything We buy Am experienced paperhanser. painter speed transmission suaranteed. sold watches. diamonds.

Reasonable Samples. typewriters. Charlies Runs, musical in- 12 136 International pickup, etc. 430 Call Tuckerman Decorators good. See at 302 D.

16 For your paper needs. Always anxious HOUSE RAISING to please. (Inside or outside painting.) '41 CHEVROLET diskIng basem*nts George C. Tuckerman. 6-4329: 4-Speed transmission, Free estimates.

6-4649 15 Tuckerman. 4-1105. 29 fect. Special: a $425. Call 5-6309 for maranteed painting THE AUTO Free estimates Burke 1641 0 and cheap Sell, trade, new 1950 14th 8-2029 15 First class, papering, Interior painting truck: for station wagon.

dinging Schmidt 1945. guaranteed. So. 16. 3-7298-2-2706: 8 Winkle ow Insured.

James. Service. 4-2904. 819 Ralph 16 Free estimates. E.

B. Richardson. A voca, Guaranteed paperbanging and painting USED 4-5800. MASONRY Henry Sinner says, can save you '50 Ford 2-ton, cement work New and money on that. paint, Job.

Lear, 0-8437 6-2942. 24 '49 ude PIANO TUNING tering. Call 3-5047 steaming. plas: '49. Paper, hanging.

painting. Dodge years experience 6-1284. painting neatly, cheaply. 2-ton, Chevrolet Guaranteed 10 promptly patching. cover '47 IHC economy neglect Many cracks.

Open pleasing dates. Free Lincoln estimates. people, '47 Chevrolet 2-ton, years American Nalley, 875 So 33rd Hawthorne, '47 Dodge 2-ton, Society of Piano 13 Reasonable prices. Papering and '47 Dodge LAWN SERVICE 3-3881 painting. after 4 pm.

Workmanship -18 '40 IHC trimmed by the bour. '40 Ford MIL ORGANITE Autos- Highest prices -Trucks paid for Wanted old. burned. plant only food tor early Re fall wrecked cars. 2-2774.

12 12th and seed Auto Service. Parts, Tires DODGE PLY MOUTH now with -top grade pure Blue Grass. Peat Moss of ALWAYS TRY BEN FIRST ton available for. covering new sell. Skelly Service.

14th Early For hard to auto carts 2018-21 IHC T. Good NURSERIES. 4815 INC. Si -grain. 3-2786, 1940 Four new Firestone 670x16 tires.

work kinds. Clean- -5-3162 -0 1916 Chevrolet LWB 5-3382. Seat LINCOLN covers for FINITE prices AWNING to WE FINANCE 1050. SWB 2. WE PLASTERING Large Philco radio for 1950 Plym.

prac- Lincoln Auto plaster patching. Foundations, tically new. 1844 D. 2-5547. -14 1732 0 stucco repair Free esti14 1949: Chevrolet pickup, one Free estimates.

SINGER ROYS shape. 3-6881, Inness Cade. Contractors. New Used Parts for All Cars 2-8595 1950 Studebaker truck Open all day Saturday, 2000 28 tically new, Make me an N. contractor old.

large or '41 Ford tudor. Rood rubber. Otoe 4-6190. Lear 6-3437 $275. -5730 South St.

TRAILER. PLOWING '41 Mercury engine. good condition. 7x14' bor with 42 staked and disking. call Jerry 2043 No.

30, 6-3932 10 can be removed to make 10 Bed of floor lining and mowing. good used 4.75x19 tires. Pinckley. Serv- 2 ton, capacity, ball hitch Que. Call 2-3688.

ice, 830 M. tongue, overload springs. L. E. ber, 2 spares and wheels.

Trailer Homes 24 highway travel. Write 3-7247. -10 Ceresco, or phone Ceresco Cash for Your Used Trailer 6x8 ft. hydraulic 00k. PLUMBING 2-1831 Jack's Crafter Sales.

137 0 speed rear axle for Ford service 1. Martin and Plumbing 3-6501 for Heating 1032 American trailer. modern except Automobiles for Sale appointment 13 toilet. A-1. See.

bik. cast 1029 Adams. 2-4850 Model A tudor sedan. extra rood ROOFING shape. 3001 JACK'S TRAILER SALES Quality trailer homes at bargain 1931 Chevrolet 4-door.

siding: New and repairs. 137 Open Eves. and 2-1391 13 afternoons: Sunday. prices, Tucker Roofing Sun. blvd.

4-1481. 1936 Chev. Master. new tires. Good student RADIO SERVICE WHY TAKE LESS 4915 Starr.

Resuming THAN THE BEST? 135 Plymouth 4-door. Best television business. 6-3619 Worthington. 13 TREE SERVICE ELCAR TANDEM 5-0410 topped or removed. Fully THE COMPLETELY REVOLUTIONARY TRAILER tires.

Ford Plenty coupe. fast. Good 2-4907 GRASK TRAILER SALES '36 Dodge, 3-6171. good 2820 Sumner. removing.

Insured. Power 240 St. Phone 2-3769 Gillespie 2-1875. Snyder OPEN 9. TO 9 AND SUNDAY 10 '30 Ford Tudor, front 26 Good motor, tires.

LAWN SERVICE Will A EN RISEN your 245 trailer fuel pump. Arvin heater. YOU 0 $125. 6-3218. service all kinds Free TRAVELO Experienced.

4-2821 36 ft. TV. livingroom 41 Ford tudor. Service- Trimming Severson Trailer Sales $275. 5780 South St.

stimatese 3-8387. 1240 WEST 0 2-3685 Jeepster. 140 service. Topping Trimming windows. Excellent removal.

3-7830. offer. 6-5 TRENCH DIGGING IN vou buy through a dealer or an Owner: Kaiser, 1544 4-door. 22. dividual, we can finance your trailerwide wide 5 8 deep deep Also reduce vour present trailer: 47 Ford station wagon 2-7656.

ments. lion Radio, phone Wahoo 462 after 2-2940 GEO GREEN CO 8-2044 140. Ford Tudor, 1444 No. Bench. Wahoo 1325 R.

Apt. 9. 12 WE HAVE ON DISPLAY back boe. 20" A 40 PONTIAC 1039 Chev. 2-door sedan Sewers footings.

28 2 bedrooms. Also COLONIAL, body, motor. 3004 WINDOW SERVICE bedrooms. 1941 Super Buick, RAH. A.

C. Nelson Co. 245 tion, clean, Call 6-2171 SERVICE 441 Buick Spec, WINDOW wall cleaning 40 Hudson full price $145, Janitor 950 modern Walco, drapes, livingroom. Motor Sales State compensation Insure picture window with new. Free estimates 6-3589 $2.895.

Terms. it al 12 6 Cornhosker 2-6498. 3-1356. '42 Pontine. 4-door.

TRIMMING good runnina condition. of frees trimmed Trailer Space, Repairs 24-A 5-6274 '47 Pontiac Sedanette, See 544 17 Apt. 1. in Hauling Modern trailer spaces, call York 47 Champion Stude. 4 and Trash hauling.

5-3868, Trailer Park, 3720 Adams, motor recently re-conditioned. Trucks, Bodies, Trailers 25 4727 Baldwin cement gravel, rond For sale, good strong 2-wheel trailer, 48 Chevrolet Suburban. 4-1501. 4x7. ft.

See it. New 6-ply tires, Low sauline. Black dirt Add craft. 3615 No. 48th.

trimmed. 6-8022. FORD 48. Hudson Commodore 1900 870 hauline, black dirt. Odd TRUCK 149 Ford Fordor custom trimmed.

6-3022. Reasonable. 5-8176 gravel for driveways. pm. HEADQUARTERS sand.

2-8165. 12. '50 Ford 6, L.W.B.. $1,500 1949 Studebaker Champion heaters overdrive, of all kinds. WeE '48 IHC pickup 865 2038 No.

69. 5-7206: all kinda '47 Ford Pickup 695 1949 Plymouth 4-door. 4-6476 panel 835 trade. Easy financed. '47 Dodge.

hauling barnyard Ford Convertibles dirt. 6-2180 Carter: '46-Chev. dump white sidewall tires. 895. 42 Chev dump 495 dition.

Can be seen Monday odd jobs. 5-6371. 11 485 2443 Bo. 9 St. 41 Ford pickup L.W.B 215 heater.

perfect. '37 Ford 1330 South St. and sewing meneral, -BUY -TRADE 1937 Pontine "6" 4-door SELL average, Excellent tires. 37 after 4 pm. custom made.

reasonably WITH Workmanship maranteed. 15 1938 Ford Tudor. $150, 6-1785. See between 6-8 p.m. alterations, all kinds.

Chile 1939 Ford tudor. Good O'Shea-Rogers 2 Experienced 14th 2-6856 2295. Dudley, mendine. Lincoln Evening Journal and Nebraska State Journal Saturday, September 8, Feeds and Hay OMAHA Alfalta mealt Bun cured. 13 percent protein.

$53.00: dehydrated 17 percent protein, carlots. $70.00. Linseed meal: 32434 percent protein. $78, pellets, $2.25 more. Cottonseed meal: 41 percent protein.

pellets $2.25 more. Wheat feeds: Bran, $57.00: shorts. $62.00. Feeding tankage: 60 percent protein. meat scraps 50 percent protein.

special bonemeal. $95.00. Hominy feeds: Cariots. lots. $61.00 Soybean meal: 41-44 percent protein.

$2.25 more. Buttermilk: $11.75 condensed. $4.75. Oats feed: Steam rolled oats. unhulled: pats.

$76.00.1 Upland prairies No. 1, $21.00 0 22.00: No. 2, $20.00 21.00; No. 3. $16.00 0 19.00: sample grade.

$12.50 0 15.00, Alfalfa: No. 1, $25.00 26.00: standard grades, 123.00 24.00; No. 2. $22.00 23.00; No. 3.

$19.00 20.00€ sample grade. $14.00 018.00. Notice of Road Vacation To Whom It May Concern The county surveyor, authorized to vacate, a portion of County road No. 1056, consisting of a strip of land 66 feet in width lying adjacent to, parallel with, and on the easterly side of the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad right-of-way as the same is constructed and operated over and across the of Section the of the of Section 30, all in T. 11N, 6E, of the 6th P.

Lancaster County, Nebraska, commencing 33 feet west of where said road crosses the east line of said of Section 31 and running thence in a northwesterly direction and terminating at its intersection with the westerly, right-of-way line of the Nebraska State and Federal Highway located in the of the of said section 30, has reported in favor of vacation thereof, and all objections thereto or claims for damages must be filed in the county clerk's office on or before noon of the 2nd day of October, or such road will be vacated without reference thereto, J. B. MORGAN County Clerk Notice to Bidders Sealed at the office trol, State braska, on until 10:30 that time read for period of December, pertaining by Nebraska of procedure order of a part of Specifications, and at the Control, Nebraska. MRS. pickup 6-4953.

new tires. Runs -10 PICKUP beater, runs perMART 2-3565 Lw.b. F-6 V-8 pickup, TRUCKS L.W.B. L.W.B. S.W.B L.W.B.

pickup, S.W.B; L.W.B. panel. 4-speed, S.W.B. Motors 2-1231 DEALERS truck. Priced to South.

-10 condition 10 truck. ton, TRADE truck. 10 Truck Co. 2-2651 owner: A-1 ton, pracoffer. 3631 12 FOR SALE racks which a flat bed.

fir flooring. and steel 800d rubrigged for P.O, Box 44. 22. like new. truck.

-15 26 2 heaters, 1-10 3-5128 Saturday Heater. car. 3-0572. -12 offer. 2040 -10 motor body, 11 condition.

860, end damaged. radiator. electric Philco radio, 12 Good rubber. -10 Overdrive. condition.

Best Best offer, 13 Good nondt12 3 new tires, Rill Good -10 Good condi-10 a month 36 Ford $49. pay'L. red. 8 defroster, 530 So. 45.

-11 to appreciate rear, brand tires. 6-3413. Original owner, 0-5810. RAH. Bret RAH.

between 10 am- 2-door radio, exceptionally clean, 1850. Sell or 2610 Vine. radio. heater, Excellent conSept. 10th 10 Rood Better than 2440 So.

-12 clean. Harwood. 11 condition. See -10 Notice to Bond Buyers bids will be of the City Clerk of the braska, up to 10:00 October 5, 1951, for 500.00 of special following named special said city to pay for the therein; Kind of District Water received at the office City of Lincoln, Ne o'clock A.M. Fridas, the purchase of $420 assessment bonds of the assessment districts in special Improvements No.

Amount 218 1.010.00 4.380.00 2.017.00 231 880.00 233 8.010.001 234 3.035.00 235 2.395.00 238 2.465.00 239 830.00 242 6,216.00 $42.500.00 Said honds to be denorainations, to be of designated October 1. by 1851. the with interest to, bear date rate not exceedine three per cent per annum, payable annually: one-fifth of said bonds to become due in one rear or on 00- tober 1. 1052. and one-fifth annually thereafter.

Principal and interest payable at the office of the County Treasurer of Lancaster County. Nebraska. Lincoln. who the fiscal ascot. All bids be definite term and must be accompanied by certified check of not less than of the amount of bonds bid for.

made payable to Frank City will Treasurer. guarantee that the purchaser enter into contract 10 take pas for the bonds awarded him. The elty reserves the right to refect an all bids or to walve defect In bide. THEO. H.

BERG. City Notice to Bond Buyers bids will received of the City Clerk of the City o'clock of A.M. Lin Nebraska. up to 10:00 October 5. 1951.

for the purchase $77.800.00 special assessment bonds of following mentioned special assessment in said city 10 for the wecial therein: District No. Amount 725 5,540.00 919 2.150.00 1043 3.295.00 1058 7.140:00 1063 2.145.00 -1071 2.630.00 1080 2.715.00 1093 6.480.00 1094 14.185.00 1098 4.595.00 1100 1.150.00 1103 2.080.00 1104 2.790.00 1105 5.030.00 1106 1.700.00 1110 180.00 1111 5.630.00 1114 1.805.00 Paving 202 465.00 Paving 815.00 Paving 232 940.00 Paving 233 140.00 Paving 234 680.00 415.00 645.00 660.00 555.00 1.045.00 bonds to be issued in to designated by the purchaser. to bear date 1. 1951. with Interest at rate exceeding three per cent annum.

annually: one-tenth of the said 10 become due in one rear or 00 1, 1952. and one-tenth annually The city reserves the right of to call all or any of said bonds after five vears from their date. and interest payable the office County Treasurer of Lancaster Countr. Lincoln, who is the fiscal asent. bids must be definite in term and be accompanted by certified check less than of the amount of bonds Treasurer, made payable 10 Frank that Miller, the pur will enter Into contract to take pay for the bonds awarded him.

city reserves the right to relect any bids or to waive any in bids." THEO. B. BERG. CIt Clerk. Automobiles for Sale 1950 Pontiac.

Six, 4-door, low mileage. Priced to sell. 4-4198. DODGE 1947 Convertible, extra nice, low are, low price, HOWARD BURNETT CO. SALES PACKARD SERVICE 1700 P.

and 1621 OPEN EVENINGS Chev. 4-door, motor Tires new. 1950 Pontiac Deluxe Chieftain sedan. Hydra-Matic. radio, heater.

tone green. Other extras Can't told from new! See at Malone's eco Service. 14th de South. 1950 Studebaker Club, whitewalls. Price right.

Phillips 11 8. 2-2633. 5-9089. 1950 88 Club Coupe deluxe, Apartment 2. 3943 So.

46. 1949 Oldsmobile 2-door White sidewalls. 33,000 miles. 1949 Pontiac Fully 8, Hydra-matic. deluxe.

equipped. See. 3761 1950 Plymouth super deluxe 4-door sedan. RaH, 870 1950 Chevrolet 2-door. like new.

7.000 mi. 1026 So. 33rd eveninas: 1951 KAISER Overdrive, heater, 5.000 miles. $1,995. Must 4-2143.

Buy Sell, Trade Up or Down SHELLEDY, 212 SO 19 2-3736 -F Dealer TRADE-INS 46 Ford Tudor. Good shape. Chev. 2-door, Heater. 48 Chev.

2-door. Fleetline, Sharp, 49 Chev 2-door. Nice. 49 Plymouth 4-door. Low milease.

Clean. CATS DOGS MAKE US AN OFFER Plymouth 2-door. Dodse 2-door. Hudson 4-door. Studebnker Champion 2-door.

Chevrolet 2-door. Sharp, WARRANTEES Frazer Manhatan. Nice. Frazer. Heater, Clean, Kaiser.

Good buy. Henry 2-door Air conditioned heater. Undercoating. 51 Kaiser Hydra-Matie 4-door. Satin blue.

Everything. AND MANY OTHERS Corwin Hulbert Motors Henry Dealer 1120 2-6819 WILL BUY CARS FOR WRECKING WE HANDLE PARTS. AND TIRES CALL 5-3313 Notice of Application for Beer License Outside The Corporate. Limits Of Villages in Lancaster County Notice is hereby given that Leo J. Kelly, has applied for an on and off beer license at 620 West Street and that Eugene H.

Barnett and Herman Walenta have applied for an off sale beer license at 4300 South 14th Street. The Lancaster County Board of County Commissioners will have a hearing upon these two applications in their office at the court house on Tuesday, Sept. 18, 1951 at 10 o'clock a.m., at which time arguments for granting these licenses and remonstrances against granting these licenses will be held. J. B.

County Clerk. Notice to Contractors survived profit-taking back, with Most conFriday's finish ahead renewal of upward the first press Francisco beIt did hope for of the between east support factor higher, to September to soybeans unchanged to higher, No. 2 white. No. 2.32 No.

21 87 70c. to higher: $2.37 2.39 Business Cash advanced sell old tools. 9.92-4007 House raising. out of town. Jeep trench deep Fast 4100 So.

Jeep-A-Trench. Trench-Repair Jeep diggina. Neb. Phone Block: Gene stone. old Emerson tunnins.

$5 3-3774 service R. Member of Technicians nicely 205. The perfect feeding 100 your lawns Kentucky Oat Straw seed: Order. Phone 2-5454 NEBRASKA Lawn work. up jobs.

All kinds cement work. mates. 6-3641 Patch plastering. erences 2-9127 Plastering small. Gene For plowing -6-2565 Plowing plus.

3435 Garden plowing. Prompt. repait Gibbs South Call Roofing and Free estimates. Pioneers Kari. R.

Prell, radio and Trees trimmed, insured Trimming. equipped TRER A tree estimates AA-1 Tree: moving Free A-1 tree or complete Custom trench Jeep-a-trench Robinson, Trench Diggina. deep. Baller 8-6135. FOREMAN Window washing, maintenance.

ance. Bonded TREE All kinds moved Insured. Trucking A-1 Brush A-1 crushed gravel, sand, AIL of Jobs All kinds of job. Trees Crushed rock Mason, plaster Dirt Hauling trash. too.

Hauling of Ted Leons Local trucking. black Trash hauling Dressmaking Alterations Draperies priced. -perienced. Dressmaking, dren's dresses dressmakers. "Sealed office coin, Friday.

of the districts improvements Kind of Paving Paving Paving Paving Paving Paving Paving Paving Paving Paving Paving Paving Paving Paving Paving Paving Paving Paving Alley Alley Alley Alley Alley Grading Gradins Gradins Gradins Grading Said be of October not payable bonds October thereafter. option any time Principal of the Nebraska, All must of not bid for, City chaser up and The or all rough, -15 fair con3728 M. 10 motor, -15 owner, 10 800d 12 Call after $895, 19 model 61. -10 13 Reason14 convertible. beater.

Private 4-4215. 14 New con- 1400 $950, -11 870 Convertible. Make 12 New Best of13 side wall miles by Garfield, 10 coupe, South. 1032 B. seat From 2-6729 and cars.

Dy14.000 2-tone, DEALER OF 1525 2-6279 51 Nash Rambler Star Wagon. Chevrolet Sedan Low Miles. Chevrolet Del Coach. 11.000 ml, 149 Mercury Sedan. Plymouth Sedan.

Plymouth Convertible. Chevrolet Sedan, AS IS' SPECIALS Nash Coupe Chevrolet Coupe Chrysler Sedan Ford Coach Very clean Marquette Sedan. Clean. Parrish Motors CAREFULLY OFFER We Trade Guarantee Finance Open Evenings 120 No. 191 2-5380 A PUBLIC SALE Monday September 10 on the farm Bids will be received of the Board of ConCapitol, Lincoln 9, NeSeptember 27, 1951 o'clock A.M..

and at publicly opened and furnishing Coffee for the October, November, 1951. All requirements to purchase as set forth LAW and all rulings as established by the Board of Control, are this Notice to Bidders. -Proposal Blanks information may be secured office of the Board of State Capitol, Lincoln 9, BOARD OF CONTROL HAROLD PRINCE, CHAIRMAN Automobiles for Sale 1937 Ford, good motor. body $55. 4-1486, 1938 Chev.

2-door. dition. New battery. 5-8181 1939 Mercury convertible, rebuilt 8150. 2400 1942 Studebaker Champion, one good tires.

$300. 4-6513, 6-3890. 1942 Pontiac club coupe. condition. 1120 So, 24.9 Ford.

or 1949 Hudson. pm. 4731 Meredith, 1947 Buick 4-door sedan. 870 No. 27, 1942 Cadillac 4-door sedan, 870 No.

1947 CHEVROLET Sedan Delivery In Good Condition 1948 Kaiser, "nice." able 870 No 27 1948 Studebaker Champion first class condition. radio. overdrive. white sidewall tires. owner.

To see call 2-2033 or 1949 Olds 88 club coupe. tires with life guard tubes. dition: 3772 Everett. WE PAY TOP PRICE SELL YOUR CAR TO NEBRASKA MOTOR CO. FOR BETTER USED SIDLES MOTORS 1700 0 1948 Ford Tudor.

19.000 miles. 3243 No. 53. 1939 LaSalle. RAH.

No. 1949 Mercury Forder, overdrive equipped. 870 No. 27th. 49.

Studebaker Champion New white walls. Must sell, offer. 645 No. 24, 5-8563. 549 Jeepster.

Overdrive, windows. Excellent condition. fer. 0-5632. 1940.

Rocket. Oldsmobile 88. dan. fully equipped de 5 white tires. driven less than 19.000 owner Good new 3500 4-2063 1949 Chevrolet deluxe club slightly damaged.

reduced, 1224 1950 Plymouth 4-door Blue. 2-5820. 1941 FORD Tudor with black finish. heater, covers, chrome wheels. $295, 30 Others to Choose COPPLE BROS.

23rd and 1950 Plymouths. Sedans. A 4-door 2-door. Both low milease 1949 Buick Super 4-Door Sedan, naflow. Fully equipped.

actual miles. 1047 Sedanette, Radio. heater and low AUTHORIZED ALL MAKES MODELS USED CARS MIKE EDWARDS miles. North of Malcolm Nebr. the Herbert D.

Rowson Estate Sale. One 1948 Model. Custom door DeSoto Sedan Low mileage. White sidewall tires. Heater and radio.

This car in very good NIEMANN YOUNGBERG AUCTIONEERS 311 Line. Lib. Life Bide. Lincoln. Neb.

2-5575 '49 LINCOLN CONVERT beautifal maroon with white walls. Fully equipped. A one owner car chased -new by a former Nebraska ROVernor. A Guaranteed by P. L.

SINTON 1730 OPEN EVES TILL NINE Packard 4-door sedan. Perfect con1949 dition. By owner. 4-8512. -13 Choice Cars Tilman Gale, Tilman Paul Tilman 1610 0 2-6284 1960 Hudson, like Overdrive, whitewall tires.

Sealed proposals will be ceived by the Board of County Commissioner's of Lancaster County, Nebraska, at the office County Clerk, up to o'clock A.M., on Tuesday, September 18th, 1951, for the placing Maintenance gravel on Lancaster County Gravel Surfacing Projects Nos. 51-11a, and as ordered by the County Engineer, any additional maintenance gravel surfacing at any location in Lancaster County, during the year 1951, in accordance with the plans and specifications of County Engineer. The County Engineers estimate the cost of the said work is follows: Project No. 51-11a 500 Cu. Yds.

Gravel Surfacing, $2.57 per cu. yd. Project No. 51-11b Cu. Yds.

Gravel Surfacing, ($2.58 per cu. yd. Project No. 51-11c 600 Cu. Yds.

Gravel Surfacing, $2.60 per cu. yd. 500 Cu. Yds. Gravel Surfacing, Project No.

51-11d $2.65 per cu. yd. Project No. 51-11e 1,000 Cu. Yds.

Gravel Surfacing, $2.65 per cu. yd. Project No. 51-11t 600 Cu. Yd.

Gravel Surfacing, $2.65 per cu. yd. Plans and specifications may seen and blank proposals tained at the office of the County Engineer, Each bid shall be accompanied by a certified check for not than five per cent of amount of the bid, made payable to the County Treasurer of caster County, Nebraska. The Board of County Commissioner's reserve the right to ject any and all bids or to any defects in bids. J.

B. MORGAN, County Clerk. Automobiles for Sale 26 A GOOD- ONE 1949 Olds 4-door heater. visor. seat covers.

Hydra-Matic. electric windows and very low mileage. clean car. Mowbray Motors 12 Que 2-1231 Gone to service. Must sell 800 Super Buick convertible.

Excellent condition. Make offer. -13 paid. for. link.

8-5686. FOR YOUR USED CAR LINCOLN. DEALER MORROW MOTORS 1311 M. St 2-7309 To Buy or Self that New or Used Car See Frank First 1633 0 2-3565 1631 0 51 Dodge Coronet sedan. equipped (new) Plymouth Club coupe (new) Ford Stude Pontiac custom Champion.

sedan. 2-door. overdrive, overdrive, RAH '50 Plymouth sedan. sedan. Chevrolet town Chevrolet coupe Dodee sedan, 4-door.

Dodse, coach. 2 BAH Chrysler Windsor sedan, RAH Ford super conch. Chrysler, coach. MANY OTHER CARS We trade, finance and guarantee OPEN EVENINGS Saville Auto Co. 1520 BUICK BARGAINS! Super sedan.

fully equippdi 47 Roadmaster. fully. equipped, both cars guaranteed. SALES PACKARD SERVICE HOWARD BURNETT CO. 1700 and 1621 2-6667 OPEN EVENINGS Model A roadster, tip-top condition, 2041 D.

MOWBRAY MO. 50c PLUS SALE Chev. 5-pass. Plymouth 2-door Chevrolet 4-door Ford Fordor Plymouth 2-door 2-door Plymouth Pontiac Plymouth, Coupe Bus. Mowbray Motors 12th Que 2-1231 MOWBRAY MOTORS A FINE SELECTION OF GOOD DEPENDABLE ONE-OWNER TRADE-INS ON NEW DODGES PLYMOUTHS Chev.

Del. 4-door. Power Glide. Clean. 1950 1950 Dodge Meadowbrook 4-door, A clean one 1950 Plymouth Deluxe Club Coupe.

It's OK. 1949 Chevrolet Bus. Cpe. Very few mi. 1949 Olds "98" 4-door.

Hydra, elec. windows. 1949 Plmouth Spea. DeLuxe 4-door. Covers 1949 Plymouth Suburban Low mileage.

Spotless! 1948 Ford V8 5-pass. epe. Columbia o'd. 1948 Plymouth Special Deluxe 4-door. A nice one.

1947 Dodge Club Coupe. Visor, Covers. 1946 Dodge Custom 4-door. A good dependable car. 1941 Chev.

Mas. Del. 2-door. Good rubber. New paint, 1941 Nash Ambassador 4-door.

1940 Plymouth 2-door, Heater, cover, Priced to sell. 1939 Dodge 2-door. A pretty good car. Every One Priced at Ceiling or Below. All Can Be Purchased on a Budget Plan.

Written Mowbray Motors Guarantee. Your Dodge Plymouth Dealer MOWBRAY MOTORS 12th de Lincoln, Nebr. 2-1231 re- of 10 and the as be ob- less the Lan- rewaive.

Lincoln Journal Star from Lincoln, Nebraska (2024)


How much does it cost to put an obituary in the Lincoln Journal Star? ›

Placing an obituary in the Lincoln Journal Star starts at $186.00.

What is Lincoln in Nebraska known for? ›

Perhaps Lincoln's biggest claim to fame is the city's status as the capital of the state of Nebraska. Although Lincoln isn't the largest city in the state, it is Nebraska's most politically important city.

Where is the Lincoln Journal Star? ›

Lincoln Journal Star
TypeDaily newspaper
Headquarters926 P Street Lincoln, Nebraska 68508
CountryUnited States
Circulation24,985 Daily 36,977 Sunday (as of 2023)
9 more rows

How do I cancel my Lincoln Journal Star subscription online? ›


Why do newspapers charge so much for obituaries? ›

Why does it cost so much to post an obituary? Publishing an obituary in the newspaper is expensive because of the limited space papers have. Newspapers value every inch of each page, so they must charge to use that limited space for an obituary.

How much does it cost to put an obituary in the local newspaper? ›

Costs vary by publication. Newspapers charge by the line and can average $450 for a complete obituary. The average obituary cost begins at $200.00 and increases due to the amount of content, including a photograph and the length of the obituary.

What are people from Lincoln, Nebraska called? ›

Lincoln, Nebraska
Time zoneUTC−6 (CST)
• Summer (DST)UTC−5 (CDT)
ZIP code(s)68501-68510, 68512, 68514, 68516-68517, 68520-68524, 68526-68529, 68531, 68542, 68544, 68583, 68588
42 more rows

Who is the biggest employer in Lincoln, Nebraska? ›

biggest companies in Lincoln, NE
  1. University of Nebraska System. Zippia Score 4.2. ...
  2. Nelnet. Zippia Score 4.4. ...
  3. Crete Carrier. Zippia Score 4.8. ...
  4. Concord Hospitality. Zippia Score 4.3. ...
  5. Lincoln Public Schools. Zippia Score 4.6. ...
  6. Nebraska Department Of Health And Human Services. Zippia Score 3.6. ...
  7. Zippia Score 4.2. ...
  8. Valentino.

What is the nickname for Lincoln Nebraska? ›

Lincoln is sometimes called “Star City” — and the reason for this nickname is up for debate.

Who owns Lincoln Journal Star? ›

Lee Enterprises, owner of the Lincoln Journal Star, announced Wednesday that it will purchase BH Media Group, which owns the Omaha World-Herald.

Who are the Lincoln Stars alumni? ›

Notable Stars alumni includes Paul Cotter (Vegas Golden Knights - NHL Stanley Cup Champions), Brandon Bochenski (Tampa Bay Lightning), Andy Schneider (Pittsburgh Penguins), David Backes (Boston Bruins), Josh Langfeld (San Jose Sharks), Jared Boll (Columbus Blue Jackets), Evan Rankin (Syracuse Crunch), Erik Condra ( ...

What is the history of the Lincoln Star? ›

The Lincoln four-point star emblem is derived from a badge introduced on the 1956 Continental Mark II; the current version was introduced in 1980. The current product range of Lincoln consists of luxury crossovers and sport-utility vehicles.

Can you cancel the star subscription? ›

One of the most straightforward ways to cancel your Toronto Star subscription is by contacting their customer service via telephone. You can reach them at 1-800-268-9213.

How do I cancel a subscription I don't remember? ›

Identify all your subscriptions. Check your credit card statements for recurring payments. One easy way to do this is use a subscription tracking tool, such as Rocket Money or OneMain Trim, which finds and then helps you cancel subscriptions you no longer want.

How do I cancel my star membership? ›

Visit and click on the “log in” option located at the top of the page. Click on the user icon located in the upper-right corner and then select “Settings.” Within the “Billing Plan & Information” section, click on “Cancel Subscription” (located on the right side).

How much does it cost to put an obituary in the Pittsburgh Post Gazette? ›

Placing an obituary in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette starts at $100.00.

How much does it cost to put an obituary in the AJC? ›

FAQ. How much does an obituary in the Atlanta Journal Constitution cost? Placing an obituary in the Atlanta Journal Constitution starts at $60.00.

How much does it cost to put an obituary in the Wisconsin State Journal? ›

Placing an obituary in the Wisconsin State Journal starts at $142.50.

How do I submit an obituary to the Columbus Dispatch? ›

Need help publishing an obituary in Columbus Dispatch? Obituaries can also be telephoned to our support team at +1 (800) 917-9207 or sent by email to gannettobits@​

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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

Address: 64841 Delmar Isle, North Wiley, OR 74073

Phone: +17844167847676

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: LARPing, Kitesurfing, Sewing, Digital arts, Sand art, Gardening, Dance

Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.