It's time to grow up! by Jeff Stevens (2024)

It's time to grow up!This is a challenging message from the author of Hebrews. Calling out the church for its immaturity. Believers never maturing and only being able to take in milk like a baby instead of solid food like a mature Christian. We should not only be learning the gospel message, but also learning some greater theology in an effort to be a teacher! Able to teach our kids, inform our friends and answer the tough questions! Christian, it is most certainly time to grow up!Jun 09, 202440:14Jesus Our Great High Priest!This is a great study that shows the correlation between Jesus and the Melchizedek and Aaronic priesthoods. Understanding that Jesus is our great high priest and why it is important is a building block to realizing Him as the one who atones for our sin perfectly. As believers we are called to draw near to Him and be confident that He has the power to save us!Jun 02, 202442:29Enter God's Rest.The goal of life, while glorifying God, is to enter into His rest. Jesus is our Sabbath and He is truly our rest. But the author continues to remind us that there are many who will not enter into that rest. This should be a call to urgent action in the church. Find that urgency to reach the last, as the Holy Spirit has empowered us to preach the Gospel message!May 26, 202458:41Encourage One Another!The author of Hebrews cannot accentuate the urgent call to encouragement any more. From the Israelites who died in the desert, to the first century church, all the way to our own pews, we must realize the urgency of this message. Because we do not wish for any to fall away from the living God, we must encourage one another, day after day!May 19, 202434:12Consider Jesus!We have built a foundation of understanding of who Jesus is, what He has done and why He has done it, as we studied Hebrews 1-2. Now the author delivers a fantastic message on why we should keep our eyes on Jesus Christ! May 12, 202453:02Jesus, the Author of Salvation!Jesus Christ is the author and perfecter of or salvation! This study helps us to understand that God say it fitting, that Jesus, the Son, would become the propitiation for our sin. This is an amazing message of perfect hope!Apr 28, 202440:59Do not neglect salvation!When you start your day in the Word, it means the foundation of your day will be built on the cornerstone, which is Jesus Christ. When we are moored to the Word of God, we will surely never drift away.Apr 21, 202450:06The Supremacy of Jesus Christ!The author of Hebrews is intent to show that Jesus is higher than the angels. Why was this so important? While we work to answer this question, we also learn some amazing things about our Lord. One of the things we learn is that we are loved by a Great Great God!Apr 14, 202436:60Jesus, the Radiance of God’s GloryThis introduction to Hebrews just scratches the surface of the nature of Jesus Christ. One point that stands out in this study is that Jesus is the radiance of God's glory. What an amazing truth to contemplate as we consider that such a Majestic Creator would consider us. This perspective should have quantifiable impacts on your worship. Apr 07, 202442:05Easter 2024It may surprise you that many who profess to be Christians in America today, do not actually believe in the literal, physical, bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ. This Sunday, while celebrating the resurrection of our Lord, we will discuss what Paul has to say about this event and how it is tied to our faith. He Has Risen!Mar 31, 202417:01ReconciliationThis week we finish Paul's letter to Philemon. Paul appeals to Philemon's faithfulness to set the stage for the reconciliation of Onesimus. This story is a beautiful picture of how we, as believers, are reconciled to our Loving God!Mar 24, 202452:33Home ChurchThis week we will dive into the letter from Paul to Philemon. A letter that is an amazing and uplifting story of reconciliation. The opening gives us a glimpse into a healthy and loving home church. Our study today should have you wondering if Paul wrote a letter to your church, would it bear the same message of joy and comfort? Mar 17, 202442:36Honoring Your FatherChad White walks us through what it means to honor your father. An important message that helps us to understand what God wants for us as believers and the legacy that we will leave for our own children. Mar 11, 202425:51Lead in good works.This is the final study in the Epistle to Titus. In this lesson we will be stirred to ask the question of ourselves: What can I do more for Jesus? When realize just how amazing the work of salvation is, it should motivate us to lead in good works!Feb 25, 202443:45Who did you used to be?Being released from the bonds of slavery by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, is the most liberating event that can happen in a person's life. When you have surrendered to Christ, it is hard to look back on the slave you once were. As we are encouraged in Galatian 5 “It was for freedomthat Christsetus free. Therefore, standfirmand do not be subjectagainto a yokeof slavery.”Feb 18, 202436:17Put on the doctrine of God!Look back to that moment when you realized initially just how precious God's grace is to your salvation. When you realized that you were saved. Then live in that moment of grace. Adorn yourself with the doctrine of God. Wear it everywhere you go. Speak boldly of the Gospel, work zealously out of that grace and realize that you belong to our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ!Feb 11, 202445:23Being a good examplePaul calls Titus to teach the men and women of the church about the conduct of believers. Men and women should be aware of how they act and what they say. Not just because they are trying to be "good." But because they are setting the example for younger believers. Teaching young believers has as much to do with what we do, as what we say. This is a great lesson on being a good example for our young men and women. Feb 04, 202448:51Do you know God?We should be able to find joy in knowing that we are striving to honor our Father through sound teaching. Clinging to the truth of the Gospel and doing good out of our love for Him. And never being afraid to call out that which is ungodly. Because...we know our God!Jan 28, 202436:25God's StewardIn Paul's Epistle to Titus, there are many parallels in the requirements of an elder that are expressed to Timothy. This helps support the consistency that Paul expects in the leadership of the church. But in this passage we see something very interesting. Paul calls the elders to be "God's Steward." This study helps us understand the important role an elder/pastor has for a local congregation. Jan 21, 202435:37God's perfect timingThe introduction of Paul's Epistle to Titus reveals some really interesting theological truths. The truths about how we are saved are all manifested in God's perfect timing. When things are not always going our way, we must be reminded that all things are happening in God's perfect timing. Jan 14, 202433:43You're a slave to something...The letter that Paul writes to Titus begins with Paul saying that he is a slave of Jesus Christ. This seems like a strange way to introduce yourself. Join us to see what Paul really means. People are all a slave to something; to sin or to God. And the rewards are vastly different!Jan 07, 202431:40A Good Good God!My God is so big that He stretched the expanse of the universe and hung the stars, yet He still loves me. He loves me so much that He shared His name with me. He is the restorer of my soul, made me wise to His ways, He has given me a reason to rejoice, enlightened me and has shown me how much He loves me by making me HIS righteousness. We worship a Good Good God!Dec 31, 202337:51Advent LoveOn Christmas Eve we are meeting to celebrate the Lord's Day. On this Sunday we discuss that God's love for us is not just a feeling, it is an action. Therefore, the love that we have for each other should be active! I am hoping this message finds you well, filled with the peace and joy of Christ Jesus, and having a Very Merry Christmas!Dec 24, 202323:10JOY!The third week of Advent tradition is to pray for Joy! This study examines Romans 15:13 and Paul's prayer for joy in the midst of understanding self-denial. Join us as we examine what joy really is and how we can receive this gift from God.Dec 18, 202322:44Advent and the First GospelMillions across the world will begin celebrating Advent today. The first day of the Christmas season. As we all prepare to celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, we can be reminded that God also prepared for our salvation. We know from Ephesians 1 that Jesus Christ was the plan for being reconciled from before the foundation of the world. But where do we see God's plan for salvation revealed in scripture first? Join us today as we look at the Protoevangelium from Genesis 3:15, and see the Lord's plan come to life in the Scriptures.Dec 03, 202330:37The Trinity Lesson 3In this final lesson on the Trinity, we will discuss how the Trinity plays an essential role in the redemptive process. If you believe in Jesus Christ as your redeemer, if you believe that you are saved, you believe in a Triune God. Each person of the Trinity having a specific role in the salvation of man, for the glory of God!Nov 26, 202332:28The Trinity Lesson 2Last week we examined the Biblical evidence for the Trinity. We worship one God in three distinct persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. This lesson explores Trinitarian analogies, Trinitarian heresies, and why it is important to be Trinitarian. Join us as we dive into the essential doctrine of the Trinity!Nov 20, 202338:27The Trinity Lesson 1The Trinity is one of Christianity's great mysteries. The word does not exist in the text, yet the text is clear that God is one, yet exists as three distinct persons. This lesson gives some history of the trinity and the Biblical support to help us all understand where we get this essential of the faith. Nov 12, 202345:16Biblical FriendshipWe wrap up the last study from 2 Timothy today. This letter has helped us to understand many things about the church. Especially the importance of maintaining sound doctrine. But Paul puts a bit of a personal touch on the end of his letter, as he calls Timothy to visit him and recounts friends and coworkers in the Gospel that he has encountered along the way. Nov 05, 202344:41Its Preaching Season!Friends, our Lord has given us so much. So much grace, so much faith, so much mercy. He has put hope in our hearts. It is preaching season my friends. Share your hope with people. Do not sit back and let your ears be tickled. Read the Word of God, listen to sound doctrine, love people hard, reach the lost. Share the Gospel!Its preaching season...Oct 29, 202351:54Equipped for Good Work!Paul is equipping Timothy for his role as an elder in Ephesus. This study reveals that through the adversity that life throws at us, stress, pain or persecution, we too can be equipped. Not just equipped to deal with life's struggles, but to actually do good works for the glory of God!Oct 23, 202349:56Weak Men + Ungodly Men = Hard Times for WomenWomen will become prey to false teachers, preachers and church leaders. This has been Satan's plan to lead us away from the Father since the fall. Men need to ensure we are loving and honoring God in a way that protects the hearts of our wives and daughters. Apologies for the bad audio...Oct 15, 202323:56Reaching the OppositionIn this study, we learn that the tools that we use to reach the lost are the same as the fruits of the Spirit. By knowing the Word of God and reaching people through love, peace, patience and kindness, we pray that God is merciful and gives them repentance. This is a great study in how and why we should not just reach the lost but reach those who truly oppose our Lord. Oct 08, 202346:29Rightly Divide the WordAs a church, we must be diligent in this. We must be good workmen, never ashamed of the Gospel. And always doing our best to rightly divide the Word of Truth!Oct 01, 202335:11Assurance of SalvationPaul's encouragement to his young friend Timothy comes with the comparison of being a good soldier, an athlete and a hard-working farmer. In our study today we celebrate Jesus Christ risen from the dead. It is His saving grace that gives us assurance of salvation!Sep 24, 202326:38Biblical FriendshipAs we finish 2 Timothy 1, we get to see an amazing example of Biblical Friendship. A man who goes to Paul to refresh him while Paul is in chains. We learn 3 particular things about Biblical friendship from this lesson. It takes time, effort and possibly danger. As believers, we should all desire to be as loyal as Onesiphorus was to Paul. Sep 17, 202335:58Maintaining a StandardWe are called to maintain a standard. We are called to have sound doctrine. Jesus loves us and desires for us to abide in Him. But many will turn away from you as you share your hope with them, just like they did Paul. People may call you religious, judgmental, or legalistic. But, we are still called to maintain a standard. Sep 10, 202347:46Are you ashamed of the Gospel?This is an introspective question that we should all ask ourselves as we walk in Christ. While we examine Paul's message to Timothy we learn that through the power of God, there is no room to be ashamed of the Gospel. There are people in your circle that need Jesus, right now. And there is no better time to share the hope that resides within you. Sep 03, 202336:47Power. Love, and Self-DisciplineAs believers, we are called to boldly proclaim the truth of the saving grace of Christ Jesus. No matter the climate, in times of persecution and times of peace, we are called. Paul expresses to us in this passage that we have not been given a spirit of timidity. To the contrary, we have been given a spirit of, "Power and love and self-discipline!"Aug 27, 202338:42Godliness...How is Godliness a great gain when accompanied by contentment? We can learn from the end of Paul's first letter to Timothy, that our pursuit of righteousness, godliness, faith, love, perseverance, and gentleness all grow out of contentment in God's saving grace. Fight the good fight!Aug 20, 202350:32Orders for EldersWhat should be done with a pastor who has been accused of sin? Paul gives explicit orders to Timothy about dealing with elders. In an effort to honor God, the church must hold fast to Paul's orders. When we say that we love God's church, we ensure the pulpit remains God honoring, loving, Biblical and doctrinally sound. 1 Timothy 5 contains the charge from Paul to honor God through sound leadership.Aug 13, 202343:03Honoring EldersPastors play a very important role in the health and growth of the church. Does the Bible say that they should be paid? How do we respect and honor the office of elder? Paul's message to Timothy helps us to gain a clear understanding of what a pastor should be doing to lead a local congregation and how that congregation should honor him through love and finances. Aug 06, 202341:56Caring for Church MembersPaul delivers some very important lessons for how the local church cares for its members in need. Ensuring that God's money is stewarded well, that families are taking responsibility for their own, that men are providing for their families, are all parts of understanding church benevolence. And when a member of our church can no longer care for themselves, it is up to us, the church, to care for them. Jul 23, 202346:40A Disciplined MinisterIt is a great responsibility and a great honor for a pastor to see a church that is growing and love and in faith. Faithful expositing of the Word of God, loving, exhorting and teaching the flock are all essentials that go along with maintaining sound doctrine. Jul 16, 202341:26ApostacyIt is important to be able to recognize and discern apostasy in the church. Paul is very clear that ravenous wolves will come to tear the disciples away from the faith. It is essential that we write the Word of God on our hearts so that we are able to see clearly and protect our churches from those who wish to harm her.Jul 09, 202344:49DeaconsUnderstanding the requirements for the family life and character of deacons helps the church to maintain order. Serving people is not easy business and should not be taken lightly. Although the role of deacons is truly an office in the church, all should strive for that good character and a heart to serve. Jul 02, 202342:22Pastor Qualifications...We should never be hypercritical of our overseers in the church. After all, they are sinful men, just like everyone else. However, We should be careful to place our hearts, the theological education in the scriptures and the safety of our families in the hands of a man who is unqualified to be an overseer. This study will help believers understand the qualifications of their overseers/elders/pastors/shepherds. While it also serves as a set of goals for those who aspire for the position, it is also a reminder to those in these roles of their standard. Jun 26, 202351:55Women in the churchThis controversial issue is not really so controversial. What seems to be a problem in the contemporary church was also a problem in the church at Ephesus. As a church, we should strive to understand the scriptures and Honor God's establishment of the church for His glory. Women and men play different roles in the church, in an orderly way that glorifies our Creator. In this study, we look at Paul's letter to Timothy, as it pertains to women in the church. Jun 18, 202346:53Lift Up Holy Hands!Praying for everyone seems foreign to all believers. But Paul knows that the church cannot stand to simply pray for the people in the church who are already saved. The church is called to pray for everyone in the world. It is essential that we are offering our prayers, petitions and thanksgiving for all people, in a way that recognizes the truth of the Gospel message, while lifting up holy hands!Jun 12, 202342:58Fight the Good Fight!Paul is going to command Timothy to fight the good fight, keep the faith and good conscience. The church needs good, solid, Biblical leadership that is willing to fight for the Bride of Christ. We do not waiver on our doctrine and we do not give way to sinfulness. Sometimes fighting means leaning in to love and serve, while other times it means putting people out of the church. We fight the good fight through the strength given to us by Christ Jesus. Holding fast to the truth, sharing the hope of the gospel, so that others may know His saving grace. Jun 04, 202342:07
It's time to grow up! by Jeff Stevens (2024)
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Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

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Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.