Chia Peanut Butter Protein Balls - Vegan Family Recipes (2024)

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Chia Peanut Butter Protein Balls - Vegan Family Recipes (2)I've been really unmotivated to work out lately. Maybe it's the cold weather or the fact that going without coffee for the past 3 days has turned me into a zombie. So I woke up this morning and thought, "You need to make sure you work out today....and also eat some peanut butter protein balls. HA!"

The only time I have to do that is when both boys go down for a nap after lunch. So what did I do once they were sleeping? Well, again I thought, "You can't work out if you don't have a protein snack afterward".

So obviously I HAD to make these peanut butter protein balls.

Then, I HAD to try them to see if they tasted any good.

I realized that they were amazing so I HAD to take a few pictures of them.

Then, I HAD to upload them and turn them into a quick blog post because that would just be selfish of me not to share them.

Now the boys are up...They're eating the last protein balls I have left and that's that. I guess I'll try again tomorrow ;)

Chia Peanut Butter Protein Balls - Vegan Family Recipes (3)

These Peanut butter protein balls with chia seeds are really amazing. They're really filling thanks to the peanut butter. I used crunchy peanut butter but you can definitely use smooth peanut butter as well. Pop all ingredients in the food processor.

Chia Peanut Butter Protein Balls - Vegan Family Recipes (4)

Pulse. Pulse. Pulse.

Chia Peanut Butter Protein Balls - Vegan Family Recipes (5)

Roll them into little balls (teaspoon or tablespoon sized) and eat!

Chia Peanut Butter Protein Balls - Vegan Family Recipes (6)

Chia Peanut Butter Protein Balls - Vegan Family Recipes (7)

Chia Peanut Butter Protein Balls - Vegan Family Recipes (8)

4.79 from 14 votes


Chia Peanut Butter Protein Balls

Quick n' Easy to make Peanut Butter Protein Balls with added protein from Chia Seeds for the ultimate healthy workout snack!


Cuisinegluten-free, vegan, vegetarian

Prep Time 5 minutes

Total Time 5 minutes

Makes 10

Author Vanessa


  • 6Dates or 4 Medjool Dates
  • 1scoopProtein PowderNatural Raw, Vegan 25g
  • 4tablespoonPeanut ButterCrunchy or Natural
  • 2teaspoonChia Seedsground


  1. Pulse all ingredients together in a food processor.

  2. Roll into 10 tablespoon sized balls.

  3. Store in refrigerator.

Recipe Notes

1) Smooth peanut butter can also be used in place of crunchy.2) Use your favorite protein powder for this recipe. I do recommend using an unflavored protein powder but that's just a taste preference.

Need help locating these ingredients? Here are the ones I like:

Nutiva Organic Chia Seeds

Sunwarrior Raw Vegan Protein Powder

Don't like chia seeds in your protein balls? Try my Puffed Quinoa Protein Balls or Chocolate Peanut Protein Balls!

Looking for other HIgh Protein Vegan Recipes? Browse through these!

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  • Jalapeno Cilantro Hummus
  • Vegan Cottage Cheese

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Chia Peanut Butter Protein Balls - Vegan Family Recipes (17)

Chia Peanut Butter Protein Balls - Vegan Family Recipes (18)

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Reader Interactions


  1. Cara's Healthy Cravings says

    Such a good little snack!
    It sounds as though you are going to have to make some more before tomorrow's workout though ;)


  2. Levan @ says

    These look great! Did the idea for the protein balls just pop in your head or were you planning them for a while?
    Also, and just as important, WHYYYYY are you not drinking coffee? I'm a coffee addict so I can relate to the withdrawal haha! There was a time where I was drinking 8 cups a day, then now I'm down to 3 cause.... well, too much of anything can't be good for you!


    • Vanessa says

      Hi Levan, I love protein balls and I make them all the time. they are such an easy and fast snack to make. As for the coffee..I drink 8-10 cups of coffee a day...yeah it's bad. So I'm cutting out coffee and alcohol for 3 weeks. Hopefully when I start drinking it again, I'll be able to reduce the amount. A girl can only dream... :D


      • Tina G. says

        Just curious, do you have a protein count?


        • Vanessa says

          Hi Tina,

          Each ball has 4.1g of protein. That's when using the Sunwarrior raw vegan protein powder. It has 20g of protein in each scoop. So that will vary depending on the brand and type you use. Hope this helps :)


      • Terje says

        8-10 cups a day!? Damn, how can you even function without wobbling all over the place? I'm a mess after one cup XD


  3. lucie says

    Absolutely love this recipe (and your blog!) these look so good for taking to work or school to snap on, and so easy to make too!


  4. Shundara@savynaturalista says

    What a quick and healthy snack to try. I just love dates so much :)


  5. Ceara @ Ceara's Kitchen says

    I know exactly how you feel! I've been feeling that way all week as well!! These protein balls are so simple and look so yummy! I can't wait to try them :) And I love that meme - haha - pie and lattes all the way :D Pinned and tweeted!


  6. Sarah@WholeandHeavenlyOven says

    I am seriously dying over how cute and delish these little bites look! I LOVE making protein bites with Medjool dates! It always just seems so magical how they can transform the texture. Definitely gonna have to try this one! They look dangerously poppable. :D


  7. Manali @ CookWithManali says

    haha what a wonderful excuse Vanessa ;) well no complaints until you keep giving us such fabulous recipes ..these protein balls look great! Perfect post workout snack !


  8. Michele @ Two Raspberries says

    these look AWESOME pinning! I need to try these they sound so good! ;-)


  9. Caralyn @ glutenfreehappytummy says

    you had me at peanut butter :)


  10. Gayle @ Pumpkin 'N Spice says

    I love making energy bites like this! They're so healthy and fun to create different kinds. I've never tried them with dates before, so I'm loving your version. Sounds like the perfect post-workout (or anytime) snack!


  11. Amanda says

    I am allergic to dates.. You think subbing with prunes would be repulsive? Also, what protein powder do you prefer?


    • Vanessa says

      Hi Amanda,

      I was so sure I had responded to your comment and just realized that it didn't happen. Sorry about the long wait :( I've never really liked the taste of prunes so I can't judge how it will taste in this recipe. I think most "sticky" dried fruit should work such as dried apricots or even raisins. I always use Sunwarrior protein powders. For most recipes I use their natural Raw Vegan Warrior Blend protein powder.


  12. Levan @ says

    Woo hoo Vanessa! I pinned this last night and there's been some crazy good response from some of the community boards (I think because it stands out!). Congrats on making something so beautifully pinnable! :)



  13. Dannii @ Hungry Healthy Happy says

    These sound like super energy balls. I can't wait to try them. I am loving chia seeds at the moment.


  14. Nicole @ Waterloo, with Love says

    I absolutely love how you put chia seeds in them! Perfect on-the-go snack! 5 minute prep and cook time.. yes please! :)


  15. Debi says

    How do you store them and for how long?


    • Vanessa says

      Hi Debi, I store my protein balls in the fridge just on a plate. It really doesn't need to be an airtight container or anything like that. Mine are usually gone really quickly :) but they will stay good in the fridge for a week.


      • ki, says

        Do you think they would keep frozen?


        • Vanessa says

          Hi Kim,

          I've actually never frozen them but I really don't see why you shouldn't be able to. I'll try it out next time I make them and let you know.


  16. Susan says

    Do you think other nut butters would work? I"m trying to avoid peanuts. Also, is it 8 tbs total of the nut butter?


    • Vanessa says

      Hi Susan,

      It's only 4 tablespoons. It should have been or not and. Just corrected it. Thanks for noticing :) You can definitely use other nut butters as well. I've made it with almond butter and it was delicious!


  17. Medford says

    You're the gretaest! JMHO


  18. Deryn @ Running on Real Food says

    I've never used ground chia in my recipes but that's so much better for recipes like this! Then you don't get chia seeds stuck in your teeth :) Again, I love the simplicity of this! I have quite a few 3 or 4 ingredient snack ball recipes on my blog but haven't made any in a long time...I'll have to give these a go. Good luck with gettin' those workouts in!


  19. marisha says

    Just made these tonight. I guess mine were a bit large since I only got 6 :) They were so quick and simple though and taste great! I substituted crunchy almond butter and used a peanut butter flavored protein powder, just what I had not because I wanted to change anything. These are wonderful! Making a bigger batch next time!


    • Vanessa says

      Hi Marisha, I'm so glad you made them! I think I might have made mine rather small because they tend to be quite a mouthful :) I love making these with almond butter as well though I haven't used peanut butter flavored protein powder. I'll have to buy some to try that. So glad you like these :)


  20. Mary says

    This look so gooood!!! Want to try them, can you tell me how many carbohydrates are in each serving. Thanks so much.


    • Vanessa says

      Hi Mary,
      Each ball has 5.3 carbs :)


  21. Lureen Cathey says

    Does anyone know what the calorie count is for these? Thanks, they sound yummy!


    • Vanessa says

      Hi Lureen,

      1 Ball has 64 calories.


      • Lureen Cathey says

        Great! Thank you! I think I will make these to have after our workouts! I love PB and this is a great way to get it having two purposes, protein pack and a treat! :)


        • Vanessa says

          Would love to hear how you like them! I love having these after a workout but also...all the time, haha.


  22. Greggy says

    I would roll these in roasted sesame seeds. I don't like touching greasy stuff...


    • Vanessa says

      Hi Greggy, I haven't rolled them in roasted sesame seeds before but that sounds like a really good idea. Sometimes I roll them in peanut powder or coconut flakes.


      • Greggy says

        I like the idea of toasted coconut. Is peanut powder like crushed peanuts?


  23. Carrie A Groff says

    Are these really sweet? I can't handle things that are too sweet and I've never used dates before, but just bought some at the store. I'm excited to try this recipe!


    • Vanessa says

      Hi Carrie, Dates are sweet but not overly so. I used unsweetened natural flavored protein powder and natural peanut butter (no added sugar) in this recipe so that the sweetness from the dates is balanced out :)


      • Carrie A Groff says

        Thanks Vanessa!


  24. Laura Barone says

    I just made these and they are delicious! I used prunes in place of the dates. I did have a hard time rolling them into balls though. Should I have used more protein powder?


    • Vanessa says

      Hi Laura, I've never made these with prunes so it might be that it was difficult to roll them because of the prunes. If they are too sticky then add more protein powder or chia seeds. Hope that helps :)


  25. RiAnna says

    Hello! I just made these with Vega chocolate protein powder and they are more delicious than all of the Easter candy I have lying around! Mine are a little extra sweet from the chocolate and the peanut butter I used, but what a great recipe though! I immediately made it a second time and will be doubling it from here on out! Thank you for giving me another use for my protein powder. Sometimes shaking it in my blender bottle just gets old!


  26. Carla says

    Can I use figs in place of the dates? That is what I currently have.


    • Vanessa says

      Hi Carla, I haven't made these using figs. You can definitely give it a try though. You'll probably need a few more than if you were using dates. I'm sure it's doable though :)


  27. Sharon says

    Just an FYI, I tried making these with regular, dried dates, was very hard to get them moist enough I could roll them into a ball. Had to keep adding some water. i will go back to using medjool dates. Love these.


  28. Katharine in Brussels says

    Hi, this is my first visit here and I just made this recipe: it's great! I used raisins since I had no dates around. Thank you!


    • Vanessa says

      Hi Katharine, I'm so glad you liked these peanut butter protein balls :) I've never tried making them with raisins before but it's great knowing that it works with them as well! Thanks for letting me know :)


  29. Joy Leong says

    Hi I just saw this post and i thought "i seriously have to try this" it looks really good :) I was wondering if I could substitute the protein powder with something else? (I'm trying out this "only natural foods" diet) or maybe could i leave it out entirely? Im wondering if PB2 or something else powder-based would work in this recipe...

    thanks for the recipe :)


    • Vanessa Croessmann says

      Hi Joy, I've never used pb2 before but I think it might work. Otherwise you might get away with leaving it out and maybe just adding a bit more chia seeds. I would make the protein balls without the protein first and then see if you need to add another dry ingredient to it to help it hold. It might just end up being a bit sticky without the protein powder but should still taste good :) Would love to hear how it goes without it.


  30. Sam (the Quantum Vegan) says

    Wow, these are so easy and look tasty! I should make some to snack on in the afternoon. >.> I bet they'd be especially good with a chocolate protein powder.


    • Vanessa Croessmann says

      Thanks Sam! I've made them with a chocolate protein powder before and it really does tastes incredibly good :)


  31. Kelli W says

    I was on a clean eating quest a few months bag and absolutely LOVED these protein balls when it came to snack time. So delicious I had to blog about them! Thanks for sharing!


  32. Natalie | Feasting on Fruit says

    I'm so glad you decided to share these little snack spheres, YUM! The best recipes are the quick easy ones that just turn themselves into a blog post without your planning. And kid-approval makes them even better!


  33. Mistie says

    Just made these. They're great.


    • Vanessa Croessmann says

      Thanks Mistie! I'm so happy you liked them ;)


  34. QTLayla says

    I used Garden of Life Sport Plant Based Vanilla. Because that is what I had on hand. It worked well, but needed to add in 2 tsp water to get dough consistency for shaping. Very good, I will definitely make this again. Has anyone tried different nut butters and place of peanut butter?


  35. Bri says

    Painfully easy! Within 2 minutes of finding the recipe, they were made and chillin in my fridge. I used cinnamon almond butter and tossed in a tablespoon of unsweetened coconut and they are drool-worthy. Will double the recipe next time!


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Chia Peanut Butter Protein Balls - Vegan Family Recipes (2024)
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Author: Melvina Ondricka

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Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

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