Are transferable machine guns a good investment? (2024)

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Rick Lee

Are transferable machine guns a good investment? (11)
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If the NFA gets repealed in part or in whole, I'll sacrifice my investment for the greater good and just be happy.

Posts: 3563|Location: Cave Creek, AZ|Registered: October 24, 2005


Are transferable machine guns a good investment? (14)
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Originally posted by markand:
As to whether NFA items are a "good investment", here is my admittedly non-expert take on that question.

I doubt that anyone who posts in this section of the forum is less of an expert than I, but I agree with your analysis.

I strongly doubt that the NFA is going away, but if the “no new machine guns” were repealed even without eliminating the registry entirely, that would obviously have an effect on the value of the ones in private hands now. Less affected would be the ones that are true collectables rather than just anything that has full auto capability.

But how likely is that? Not very, in my opinion, at least not by legislation. The “hearing protection act” regarding suppressors didn’t go far, and although it’s been largely ignored in certain circles, even Number 45 reportedly said he “didn’t like” the devices. If we can’t get a break on innocuous devices that are perfectly legal, not to mention encouraged in countries that have very tight restrictions on actual firearms, “Machine guns‽ You must be crazy!!!” Plus, the third or fourth time a school was shot up by someone using an MG, that could actually endanger the Second Amendment itself.

I also have no great hopes that the Supreme Court is going to overturn the NFA or even parts of it for a couple of reasons, not least because I’m pessimistic enough to feel that the current makeup that was responsible for Bruen won’t be with us long enough to affect any challenges to the Act itself. And even if it is, there are already signs that the Court isn’t necessarily going to automatically rule in our favor every time a gun rights issue goes before them.


Posts: 47420|Location: 10,150 Feet Above Sea Level in Colorado|Registered: April 04, 2002

Rick Lee

Are transferable machine guns a good investment? (17)
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Slight detour. My tax stamp was denied, but only due to a typo/clerical error in my paperwork for my trust. I have no idea what I'm doing here, relied on the gun shop and Silencer Shop to handle it all, took their word for it when they assured me it was all good to go. So it looks like the turnaround time was six mos, which isn't bad. But now it's going to start all over, which sucks. I doubt any examiner at ATF is going to notice this (or care) and move me to the front of the line.

Posts: 3563|Location: Cave Creek, AZ|Registered: October 24, 2005


Are transferable machine guns a good investment? (20)
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Originally posted by Rick Lee:
Slight detour.

I would be curious to learn how this turns out.
My application was also denied for some minor error on the form, but it was processed shortly after it was corrected. I was under the impression that such errors didn't put the application at the bottom of the queue. But perhaps it depends on the examiner.


Posts: 47420|Location: 10,150 Feet Above Sea Level in Colorado|Registered: April 04, 2002

Rick Lee

Are transferable machine guns a good investment? (23)
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I finally got it resubmitted today. Of course, ATF's eForms site has been having problems since this started. I spent probably an hour on the phone with the gun store, then an hour there in person today, no joy. Another 45 min. with them on the phone today and it finally went through. ATF is probably in no hurry to fix their site. Everyone I've asked said the wait will start all over again, but I've seen some folks on other sites say they're seeing 60 day turnarounds now.

Posts: 3563|Location: Cave Creek, AZ|Registered: October 24, 2005


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Originally posted by Rick Lee:
If the NFA gets repealed in part or in whole, I'll sacrifice my investment for the greater good and just be happy.

Hear! Hear!

I have two transferables. I also have two stripped AR-15 lowers. If the Hughes Amendment is ever repealed, on that day, that very hour, I will efile two Form 1's to convert them to M-16 configuration.

Posts: 322|Location: Virginia|Registered: April 09, 2004
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