Alocasia 'New Guinea Gold' is Toxic to Cats 🐈 (2024)

  1. Alocasia 'New Guinea Gold' contains cat toxins like calcium oxalate crystals.
  2. Symptoms to watch for: drooling, vomiting, lethargy, and more.
  3. Prevent mishaps by cat-proofing plant spaces and educating household members.

What Makes Alocasia 'New Guinea Gold' a No-Go for Cats

🌿 The Culprits: Toxic Compounds in the Plant

Alocasia 'New Guinea Gold' is laden with insoluble calcium oxalate crystals. These microscopic fiends cause severe irritation upon contact with a cat's mouth and gut. Alkaloids join the fray, complicating the situation with their own brand of gastrointestinal chaos.

🐱 When Cats and Plants Collide: Recognizing Symptoms

Drooling more than a leaky faucet? It's a telltale sign your cat's had a taste. Vomiting, diarrhea, and pawing at the face are the red flags you can't ignore. Lethargy and a sudden disinterest in play are your cues to get movingβ€”your cat's health is on the line.

First Aid for Feline Plant Munchers

🚨 Immediate Steps After Ingestion

If you catch your cat chowing down on Alocasia 'New Guinea Gold', spring into action. Isolate your cat from the plant to prevent a second helping. Gently wash off any plant residue from your cat's fur or skin using water and a mild soap. Symptoms like drooling, pawing at the mouth, or vomiting are red flags. Collect any plant remnants or vomit for the vetβ€”this could be crucial evidence.

πŸ₯ Preparing for a Vet Visit

Before you bolt out the door, arm yourself with information. Jot down the time of the plant feast and the amount you suspect was ingested. If possible, take a photo of the plant or snag a leaf to show the vet. Remember, your vet's number should be as familiar as your ownβ€”keep it handy. In a pinch, the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center (888-426-4435) is your lifeline.

🩺 Long-Term Health Watch

After the vet gives the all-clear, don't let your guard down. Monitor your cat like a hawk for any lingering signs of trouble. Medications or a special diet may be on the menu, courtesy of your vet's advice. Cats are ninjas at hiding discomfort, so stay sharp and be ready to play nurse.

πŸ“… Follow-Up Care

Expect a follow-up visit or two to ensure your furry friend is back to their mischievous self. Keep the vet's instructions close and follow them to the letter. Your cat's nine lives may be a myth, but your vigilance isn'tβ€”stay alert.

Keeping Curious Kitties Safe

🐱 Cat-Proofing Your Plant Space

Elevation is your plant's best friend when living with cats. Hoist your Alocasia 'New Guinea Gold' high on shelves or hang them in baskets to transform them into untouchable living art. Cats are less likely to disturb your plants if they're in a crowded space, so consider clustering your Alocasia with other objects.

Physical barriers can be stylish yet effective. Think plant cages or decorative mesh to add flair to your space while keeping your greenery secure. For those with extra room, why not create a plant sanctuary that's a no-go zone for your feline?

πŸ“š Education and Awareness

Knowledge is the best defense. Make sure everyone in your household, especially kids, knows that plants are not cat snacks. Regular home inspections for toxic plants and replacing them with safe alternatives like spider plants or Boston ferns can prevent mishaps.

Consistent training can deter cats from getting too close to your plants. A firm 'no' might just save a life. For added peace of mind, keep a list of non-toxic plants from the ASPCA handy, and label your plants with their scientific namesβ€”it's crucial in case of an emergency.

Ensure your Alocasia 'New Guinea Gold' flourishes without risking your cat's well-being 🐈 by leveraging Greg's educational resources to create a pet-safe plant environment.


963 posts on Greg
  • Alocasia 'New Guinea Gold' is Toxic to Cats 🐈 (2)

    My baby is growing up 😭😍1st pic is tonight, 2nd pic was in Nov 2023. I decided to dig it up and bring it inside for the winter and 🀯major growth spurt! #HappyPlants #PlantAddict #GiantTaro #

  • Alocasia 'New Guinea Gold' is Toxic to Cats 🐈 (3)

    ID Me πŸͺ΄ So this is the tiny sprout I found just emerging from the soil of my Alocasia Polly, less than 48 hours ago. Now it’s 3” tall and definitely not an Alocasia. What is it??? #mysteryplant #IdMePlease #identifymyplant #NewGrowth #babyplants #GregGang #PropagationStation #PlantID #OutdoorGrowing #EdiblePlants #WeirdPlants #WhatPlantIsThis #OutdoorGrowing #gardening #VeggieGardens #WeedsArePlantsToo

  • Alocasia 'New Guinea Gold' is Toxic to Cats 🐈 (4)

    Will Diatomaceous Earth be enough to kill spider mites? So I’ve been isolating this Dragon scale, and was just about to take it up stairs, since it’s been more then a week. Long enough to unfurl a new leaf. And on that leaf I see weird green lumps, not knowing what that is I grab a napkin to hopefully clean it off. And see legs on the lumps. I quickly dropped the napkin and was said β€œ HELL NO β€œ as I walk to my closet to grab my diatomaceous Earth. And just sprinkled it all over without thinking. And of course I rinsed off the leaves before I sprinkled it. My question is. Is the DE enough or should I do more ? #help #spidermites #DragonScaleAlocasia

  • Alocasia 'New Guinea Gold' is Toxic to Cats 🐈 (5)

    what's wrong with my alocasia reginula? what's wrong with my alocasia reginula?one leaf (i think the youngest) has flopped all the way over while i was out of town. i water once every 9 or so days and only about an inch of water in the saucer so the water wick can suck it up! Greggers told me it might be underwatered due to bottom watering only so I top watered a couple days ago and he’s still drooping and is yellowish!! Help!!! note: i propped the droopy leaf on one that is firm for the sake of the pictures. the lightest leaf pictured is the one that is drooping. #AlocasiaAddicts #Alocasia #HappyPlants #BlackVelvetAlocasia

  • Alocasia 'New Guinea Gold' is Toxic to Cats 🐈 (6)

    did I just murder my alocasia? my black velvet had one droopy leaf after being on vacation for a few days. Greggers suggested top watering it but that didn’t help. Others suggested it was lacking sunlight so i put him AND my alocasia polly out in my patio in direct sunlight for about 1.5 hours and now they look horrible!! Is there any salvaging them? 😒😒😒 #HappyPlants #AlocasiaAddicts #Alocasia #AlocasiaPolly #alocasiablackvelvet

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Learn More About
Alocasia New Guinea Gold Care

  • 🌟 Benefits
  • πŸͺ΄ Soil
  • πŸ‚ Black Spots on Leaves
  • πŸ€” Problems
  • πŸ’¦ How Often to Water
  • βœ‚οΈ Pruning
  • 🌀️ Light Requirements
  • πŸͺ΄ Repotting
  • πŸ€’ Root Rot
  • πŸƒ Leaves Curling
  • πŸƒ Leaves Drooping
  • πŸƒ Leaves Falling Over
  • πŸ‚ Leaves Mushy
  • πŸ‚ Brown Spots on Leaves
  • πŸƒ Leaves Dropping
  • 🌞 Direct Sunlight
  • 🌑️ Temperature
  • πŸ‚ Yellow Leaves
  • 🐞 Bugs
  • πŸ’¨ Humidity
Alocasia 'New Guinea Gold' is Toxic to Cats 🐈 (2024)
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Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.